The Big Biz of Spying On Little Kids 111
theodp writes: "'The NSA,' writes POLITICO's Stephanie Simon in her eye-opening Data Mining Your Children, 'has nothing on the ed tech startup known as Knewton. The data analytics firm has peered into the brains of more than 4 million students across the country. By monitoring every mouse click, every keystroke, every split-second hesitation as children work through digital textbooks, Knewton is able to find out not just what individual kids know, but how they think. It can tell who has trouble focusing on science before lunch — and who will struggle with fractions next Thursday.' Simon adds, 'Even as Congress moves to rein in the National Security Agency, private-sector data mining has galloped forward — perhaps nowhere faster than in education. Both Republicans and Democrats have embraced the practice. And the Obama administration has encouraged it, even relaxing federal privacy law to allow school districts to share student data more widely.'"
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It should be.
Because one of the main messages kids learn in school is this: everything we taught you about the Constitution is surrendered at the door once you enter the school building. We call it in loco parentes and with this magical phrase we place ourselves above the highest law of the land and you WILL submit to our authority.
How else will they grow up to embrace Big Brother?
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Add to that that kids are still treated as the property of their parents until they are an adult.
Unless they do something wrong, then everything is their fault.
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Because helicopter parents thinks it's horrible if government spy on them but it's good parenting if they do it on their kids.
Because Children != Adults (Score:2)
Sure, we have to draw the line somewhere, but it's a complex topic of where to draw the line. And a knee jerk reaction of "Because Freedom!" isn't the way to make that decision. See here [youtube.com] fo
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While you are right, treating children as either adults or slaves is not the answer. But does "Won't somebody think of the children?" trump "Because Freedom"?
I am glad you can just throw your hands up and say "the problem is too hard, I give up." That means you probably don't have children. As a society we need to some up with some solutions to the question of.. "What rights should children have?"
big data,,, (Score:4, Funny)
...is the new 42.
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A more cynical person might suggest that dismantling the trust is the reward some people seek. Divide and conquer is an old, venerable tactic used by both current and would-be tyrants everywhere.
Re:big data,,, (Score:5, Insightful)
A more cynical person might suggest that dismantling the trust is the reward some people seek. Divide and conquer is an old, venerable tactic used by both current and would-be tyrants everywhere.
And yet strangely, the technique and how to recognize it is not taught as a regular part of every school's history or civics class.
In a less dysfunctional society where at least a few important things are not run by sociopaths, "Divide and Conquer" (perhaps taught by reading some Julius Caesar), "Propaganda Techniques", and "Logical Fallacies" would be mandatory courses for every human being.
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Some more than a hundred billion dollars beg to disagree with your statement there, sir. As for your final question, I propose as an answer "Who cares?". Nobody cares about intrinsic built-in trust of a civilised society. All they want is profit to have as many bitches sucking on their dicks and their kids dicks. Human lifespan is short and the rich are accutely aware of this. This is why they take what they can when they can.
You seem to believe someone out there in industryland cares even a little bit abou
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I'd say it's a step up from the dumb humans they got now.
Home schooling (Score:1)
That's why I home school.
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That's like using "Do not track", and about as effective.
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Actually, when it comes to being able to avoid nonsense like this, keeping your kids out of such an environment is quite effective.
And they won't have to suffer through the horrible 'education' system.
Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)
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I wonder if this kind of datamining is on MR Smiths radar??
this message was brought to you by the letters H S L D the number 7 and the color Blue
Is this a big deal? Don't we want it? (Score:3, Insightful)
This is fine if the parents agree to it. (Do they?) And as long as it is anonymized and not sold to Coke.
Finally, applying science to learning at a more detailed level. What works, what is crap, what is overkill.
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Re:Is this a big deal? Don't we want it? (Score:4, Interesting)
The bigger bonus to this is that it teaches children that constant surveillance is OK and expected.
To be honest I think doing this to children is a lot better than doing it to adults. I mean, adults are doing nothing about it, but children will quickly learn that they are under surveillance at all times and will take extreme measures to counter it. I don't know of any child who isn't an expert on defeating their parents control techniques, whatever they are.
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Odd that we learn from the losers.
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I see your point, but I doubt that the children are as aware of the surveillance, if they've even been told about it at all, as their adult parents; I don't think that they have the presence of mind about these issues to have their view of "privacy rights" impacted, any more than having every aspect of their lives controlled by an unelected ruler makes them all warm and snugly about autocracies.
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My hope is that it teaches kids that they're being spied on, that kids don't like that and that they develop strategies to subvert and nullify it. Just like they did with their parents' attempts to keep them from sneaking out to go to that concert for decades.
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Some people say if you were at Woodstock, you never really returned from it... dude...
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Some people say if you were at Woodstock, you never really returned from it... dude...
On the other hand if you remember being at Woodstock you probably weren't there.
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I doubt that. Kids learn to escape their parents to go to a concert is that the concert is right there. Escaping their parents has an immediate, obviously visible, effect.
The type of surveillance described above is a lot more insidious, with respect to children. They're being surveilled for data mining. The kids aren't going to notice any obvious effects of the surveillance--it's not as if being surveilled means that the teacher will catch them saying naughty words and punish them. Any effect on them t
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No, even if it is anonymized, this is a big "do not want". You must assume that this data will make its way into the hands of Coke, Apple, the banks, and government entities.
These guys are quickly figuring out how the human brain works through methods like this, and they aren't using it for your benefit. It's being used to figure out how to sell you more crap, how to convince you to get others to buy more crap, and how to adjust your thinking patterns.
I find it amazing how well people are programmed through
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and not sold to Coke.
Wouldn't education be even better if Coke subsidized it and passed the savings on to me?
Wow! (Score:5, Insightful)
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It's progress, but with very different metrics.
Re:Wow! (Score:5, Insightful)
That's interesting. Especially given that the right have been driving the entire political landscape in the US for the last 30+ years. We're at the point now where we have three parties, "Batshit crazy extremist right-wing nuts" (The Tea Party), far right extremists (Republicans) and right-wing (Democrats).
The reality is that Obama is solidly to the right of Reagan on nearly everything. Reagan, if he were alive to run today, would be denounced as a RINO and destroyed in the primaries. Hell, even if he converted to a Democrat he'd get denounced as being too liberal for the mainstream.
America doesn't know what left or progressive is, given they've rarely ever seen a progressive candidate in much of the last century.
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You've been had. That was a great marketing back story, but it was always a work of pure fiction.
The Tea Party was created from whole cloth by the Citizens for a Sound Economy, itself a creation from whole cloth (and cash) by the Koch Brothers. It has never been "regular people", other than the regular people TTP has been able to con into declaring allegiance.
Although it's true The Tea Party and the Republican Party "joined forces", a
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Ya know, it's kinda funny.
When you ask the American people, "Do you want more government or less", they answer less on the whole.
When you ask them about specifics however, ask them about actual issues. On healthcare, safety standards, environmental protection, education, labor rights, military, taxes, etc, etc, etc, etc... They come out overwhelmingly progressive.
The right can't win on the issues, and they know it. Their playbook has remained unchanged for decades if not centuries: Obscure, reframe, redir
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That's interesting. Especially given that the right have been driving the entire political landscape in the US for the last 30+ years.
Spoken by a person who truly believes in the idiotic one-dimensional political metaphor, and who likely identifies with one of the two groups that keeps that metaphor afloat (probably the one opposite the one being discussed).
The reality is that Obama is solidly to the right of Reagan on nearly everything. Reagan, if he were alive to run today, would be denounced as a RINO and destroyed in the primaries.
Let me say this clearly: THERE IS NO "RIGHT." THERE IS NO "LEFT." There are numerous different orientations on different issues -- leftists want more "freedom" on certain issues that righties; righties want more "freedom" on other issues that lefties. On some issues, the left wants
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Thank you for bringing up issues like healthcare: Today's "socialist" ObamaCare plan was yesterday's fringe extremist right-wing health plan when it was proposed as an alternative to (center-left) HillaryCare. It's a fantastic example of just how far the "center line" of politics in the US has been pushed far, FAR to the right.
On the whole your essay either oversimplifies the (lack of) distinctions to the point of being invalid, or just gets the points wrong on all counts.
With a few notable social issue e
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So in the US being liberal means being on the left?!?
In Australia the Liberal Party is a relatively right wing party.
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It's...not easy to follow.
"Liberal" is a pejorative in the US, typically thrown at folks who are anywhere slightly left of the far right-wing that drives much of US politics. In reality what is "left" or "liberal" in the US would be center-right or even hard-right anywhere else on the globe. In the US the "center line" between left and right isn't anywhere near where you'd expect it to logically be.
That said... "Libertarian" in the US is the polar opposite of "Liberal" and generally means the far right fr
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That's certainly an interesting opinion.
I'm not sure how it squares with the observation that the Socialist Party platform (of 1928, I believe) has been pretty much enacted by the Democrats and Republicans in the decades since.
It might be fun to watch someone try. http://duckduckgo.com/?q=socia... [duckduckgo.com]
Re:Wow! (Score:4, Informative)
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They all suck because they are humans. :(
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Folks, please don't tell him about "due process" and what happened to it, it might break his heart.
when they grow up (Score:2)
When these kids grow up, most of them will be totally used to it and many more will accept government paternalism without complaint "for their own good". Many will likely even feel lost without "father" or "big brother" watching them and telling them what they are doing wrong.
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Well, my hope is that more will be very fed up with it and resist any and all attempts to monitor them. Both is very possible, actually an extreme level of surveillance is likely to breed either extreme, total acceptance or total resistance.
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Well, having seen a couple of generations grow up, unfortunately it's not a guess. Current generations are much less independent and much more supervised than past generations, and they consider it "normal".
Overreacting, maybe? (Score:4, Insightful)
This is obviously an exaggeration, but the point is the same. If a student is working on an assignment, she is always observed to make sure for on task behavior, or to make sure the process is correct. The computer is no different. One problem with computer as a educator is that many students don't really know how to use it as tool. They only know how to use it as game. It is the difference between a pencil as a tool to complete a worksheet, or a pencil as toy to throw or use to play sword fighting. Both are legitimate uses of a pencil, in the proper circumstances, and kids need to be taught to use it as the former for typical educational purposes.
So depending on how the data is used the age of the student, it is perfectly reasonable, even beneficial, for software to be monitoring the students behavior. The act of monitoring, just like in the classroom, can positively effect the students behavior. Likewise, constantly monitoring the use and effectiveness of the material is called formative assessment, which is not only beneficial but also required if you are going to give a student the unique educational experience that everyone seems to be clamoring for.
So this is not necessarily like Disney tracking every move of the six year old children. If this is a legitimate educational service, and they violate the privacy of students, even if the students are over 13 years old(and Disney is free to do whatever they want with 13 year old children), they are in violation of federal laws protecting the privacy of students. This does not mean they cannot collect data, it just means they are limited in how they can use it, and who can see it.
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little problem with your observation, traditionally the low amount of privacy was limited to a few people in the school; computers and networks can spread a child's personal information far and wide outside the realm of the local school and a few teachers with a principal.
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The problem with your position is that it relies on foolish trust of authority figures. History has shown that that's a bad idea. They'll promise a number of things (such as that the data will be anonymous), but later break those promises either in secret, or at a time when most people just won't care (much like with the NSA surveillance).
I wouldn't subject any child to this sort of abuse.
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life-force sucking (Score:2)
This is a disgusting application of this technology, a continuance of the "big data" fallacy.
More data is only helpful if you know how to analyze & factor it into a theory that allows for prediction.
This data only serves to give beuarcrats & incompetent middle managers some "number" abstraction to "hit" so they can justify their existence.
Gates is doing this too...these people should not be allows anywhere **near children**
How high do you want your taxes? (Score:2)
You complain about the failing of schools, yet you give them less than 1/2 the dollars per pupil compared to private schools (which still aren't perfect) to accomplish the same task. The reason for all the tracking and testing is to try and optimize the educational system. You want personalized lesson plans so each student can learn at his or her own pace and in a manner which is best suited to him or her, while putting in $1/hour/pupil in human oversight and guidance? Good fucking luck! Put in $20/hr and y
computers can never do this (Score:2)
hey some interesting info
you said this:
I have to respectfully beg to differ on this...no, we *dont* have the ability to do this...not even close
computers will never be able to do as you say, it's too complex of behavior
this is but one example (Score:2)
Disconnect (Score:2)
Problem solved.
Unplug; or be controlled as a human algorithm... (Score:1)
The indoctrination of a new generation (Score:2)
Humans, for all their faults and flaws, have an amazing degree of adaptability, especially when they don't have a baseline for comparison of their circumstances. If you raise a child in a bad situation, and that's all they really know, then they adapt to that situation; it becomes 'normal' to them, and they'll actually become uncomfortable if you try to 'improve' their situation, actually seeking the conditions they're adapted to. That's what these corporations and the government
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If you raise a child in a bad situation, and that's all they really know, then they adapt to that situation; it becomes 'normal' to them, and they'll actually become uncomfortable if you try to 'improve' their situation, actually seeking the conditions they're adapted to.
Ah, the social blank slate theory. It's rubbish you know. Just imagine: A kid hit in the head twice every day. Oh, they'll think that's normal, and they'll miss getting the pain to the noggin if you stop! The genetic program that designed their prime cognitive pathways has no effect on the pain reception and aggression circuits? You don't think once that kid's big enough they'll wallop whomever's trying to bash them in the skull? What kind of idiot are you? Tell me: Why don't we have to teach babies
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Heaven forbid the parents get involved. (Score:3)
Actually at least one has tried. A guy down in Nevada tried to find out what kind of info they're collecting on his kid.
The silly bastards want to charge him $10,000 for the info. Supposedly it'll take 3 weeks of programming time to get the data out.
http://www.thenewamerican.com/... [thenewamerican.com]
Utilitarian, functional drones versus citizens (Score:1)
The trend in education seems to be to create utilitarian, functional drones who are technically able to perform tasks (even complex ones like software development) but are devoid of any ability to think or create. The fact that society sees this as a good thing is frightening. The idea of a liberal education which causes growth and ability to think seems to be something of the past. It's like we're in a new industrial revolution. Schools used to turn out clock-disciplined people for factories, who had basic