The Rapid Rise of Generative AI Threatens To Upend US Patent System (ft.com) 60
Intellectual property laws cannot handle possibility artificial intelligence could invent things on its own. From a report: When members of the US supreme court refused this week to hear a groundbreaking case that sought to have an artificial intelligence system named as the inventor on a patent, it appeared to lay to rest a controversial idea that could have transformed the intellectual property field. The justices' decision, in the case of Thaler vs Vidal, leaves in place two lower court rulings that only "natural persons" can be awarded patents. The decision dealt a blow to claims that intelligent machines are already matching human creativity in important areas of the economy and deserve similar protections for their ideas. But while the court's decision blocked a potentially radical extension of patent rights, it has done nothing to calm growing worries that AI is threatening to upend other aspects of intellectual property law.
The US Patent and Trademark Office opened hearings on the issue this week, drawing warnings that AI-fuelled inventions might stretch existing understandings of how the patent system works and lead to a barrage of litigation. The flurry of concern has been prompted by the rapid rise of generative AI. Though known mainly from OpenAI's ChatGPT, the same technology is already being used to design semiconductors and suggest ideas for new molecules that might form the basis of useful drugs. For now, such uses of AI do not appear to pose a serious challenge to the patent system since the technology is being used as a tool to help humans shape ideas rather than operating independently, said Chris Morgan, an IP partner at law firm Reed Smith. However, referring to the possibility that AI systems might one day come up with inventions on their own, she added: "Our laws are not equipped, the way they're written right now, to handle that scenario."
The US Patent and Trademark Office opened hearings on the issue this week, drawing warnings that AI-fuelled inventions might stretch existing understandings of how the patent system works and lead to a barrage of litigation. The flurry of concern has been prompted by the rapid rise of generative AI. Though known mainly from OpenAI's ChatGPT, the same technology is already being used to design semiconductors and suggest ideas for new molecules that might form the basis of useful drugs. For now, such uses of AI do not appear to pose a serious challenge to the patent system since the technology is being used as a tool to help humans shape ideas rather than operating independently, said Chris Morgan, an IP partner at law firm Reed Smith. However, referring to the possibility that AI systems might one day come up with inventions on their own, she added: "Our laws are not equipped, the way they're written right now, to handle that scenario."
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There's no evidence that the qualia of consciousness (truly aware/feeling/experiencing that you are there and the sensations that brings. Aware of your shifts of attention and the passage of time, etc.) are necessary for any of complex general learning, thinking, planning, acting, testing behavior.
Humans most often just do pattern-matching, generalization, re-specialization with small variations etc.
"Insight" from nowhere is probably ju
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You miss the point of the patent system. The patent system serves to ensure that a _person_ that had a good idea can live off that idea. It is not intended to make access to ideas difficult. It is not intended to allow companies to establish monopolies. And it is not intended in any way to supply a "patenty generator" with ressources.
Hence the decision "patents only for things invented by natural persons" makes perfect sense.
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As far as I'm concerned, if valid, pertinent, non-obvious, innovative prior art exists, then it shouldn't matter who or what created it. It blocks you from validly claiming to have invented the whatever.
Sounds like a (Score:5, Interesting)
Our patent laws can deal with the rise of AI by, literally, not changing a single letter.
In the US, the first human to document an invention gets dibs on the patent. The rules regarding the documentation are quite clearly spelled out. For the rest of the planet, the first person to file gets dibs.
No need to adjust anything unless true machine consciousness comes into play. In other words, we’ve got a few centuries to think about it.
Fixed that issue for you. Check’s in the mail.
Tools are not people (Score:2)
Agreed. Generative tools/algorithms have been around for centuries; they simply got fancier over time. It's a tool used by humans, and tools never received patents/copyrights ownership themselves before, and I see no need to change that.
Also, trained carnival animals have been painting art for centuries, and nobody ever claimed the animal itself should get patent/copyright ownership. (Okay, maybe some nut did somewhere. There's always one.)
Somebody's tossing buzzwords at judges to confuse them. It makes me
Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)
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Maybe USPTO can use ChatGPT to analyze the patent submissions to see if they really are BS.
On second thought, they can just write an algorithm that always returns 'true.'
Maybe (Score:4, Insightful)
it's time to revisit the whole idea of 'intellectual property'. The US Constitution created copyright to 'promote the useful arts and sciences' but AI does not have a profit motivation for creation. This may be one of those 'resource abundance' situations that philosophers have discussed.
This (Score:3)
If not patentable, just make them all open-source / public domain.
Humans can benefit by the existence of these new creations, and humans with companies will still hav
If "you" want Generative AI to be awarded patents (Score:2)
then get Congress + President to change the law.
(That's why the courts said "no" to the lawsuit.)
Standing? (Score:2)
If an AI wants a patent, pay your taxes, file your own claim. Why this Thaler guy choose to file a lawsuit at an AI's bidding I have no idea, should have been rejected on standing.
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He foresaw the future shape of (even more capable, indisputably independently inventing) AIs and knew there was a valid legal issue.
He wanted to help innovate the law toward the directions it will probably have to go (or render patents kind of irrelevant, eventually).
He wasn't doing it at the bidding of an AI. He was making a point. One of the possible points is maybe law is going to have to adapt to person-action-capable entities, and is going to hav
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If an AI wants a patent, pay your taxes, file your own claim. Why this Thaler guy choose to file a lawsuit at an AI's bidding I have no idea, should have been rejected on standing.
If a corporation can be a legal person, why not an AI?
He does have a point.
A juridical person has some of the rights and obligations of a natural person, like pay taxes, etc.
When speaking of AIs, It doesn't really translate. Why should a Rumba have judicial rights and obligations, even very subtle ones?
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:) that's a Roomba of course.
More sophisticated AIs like LLMs or Tesla's AutoPilot would follow the same logic.
We usually give rights and obligations to owners and operators but I'm not seeing why we would give them to AIs.
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> A real issue as far as I'm concerned is that AIs from here on in are going to be capable of emergent behaviour.
I see emergence as a concept that is very wide spread in nature, and in technology, from the most primitive to the most recent tech.
> They are eventually going to be capable of further training themselves, to extend their knowledge of the world on their own initiative. They are going to reason in directions that their creators had no idea they would reason in.
A lot of those are already happ
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> I think it's a particular model (a particular AI mind instance) which can go wrong.
Not sure what you mean. Any particular model can go wrong. I need a clearer example of what you're referring to if I'm going to talk about it ...
> a particular AI mind instance
I'm not sure how to refer to reasoning that can lead to an idea like an AI mind. Reasoning by analogy, by metaphor, by both? We don't have machines that are alive, or that have parts that are alive, or even a minute start of pathway there.
An exa
Don't need patents (Score:3)
Patents are for humans.
Trade secrets are for firms.
For example, a patent can protect your invention for 17 years. But a trade secret could protect it until its obsolete. If you have AI generate your product design, it may generate a superior design, but without the supervising engineers knowing why. That is, AI can create the perfect trade secrets, because the details of how and why to create better designs are effectively obscured from anyone who might be able to disclose that information to a competitor.
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Patents were supposed to be for human inventors, but they are actually for human investors.
Trade secrets are cool and all, but in these days where the scanning electron microscope and various fancy chromatographs exist, you're better off getting a patent and squatting on it.
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I would say it depends on the industry. In consumer electronics, the typical development cycle is just three months, and the typical sales cycle is only a year. If you reverse engineer your competitor's product, by the time you get it to market, your competitor has already moved on to the "new shiny thing".
Can't dodge it by ignoring (Score:2)
So the AI cannot get a patent, but what if the AI just spews out every idea under the sun on a website. Prior art!
The patent crazies have expended huge effort lowering the bar so they could patent the moon, the stars, and the sun. They lowered it so far that a machine can crank out 'patentable' 'ideas' and do it far faster than they can. Now suddenly they want limits.
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Because random spew is not prior art.
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Half the patents out there are random spew, only somehow mogrified by having a human signature on them.
That's how we got patents for the wheel, swinging side to side on a swingset, and teasing a cat with a laser pointer.
Oh so that's why (Score:2)
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Actually no they aren't. I've done a lot of work in the patent field and worked with patent lawyers and inventors on their work. 99% of patents are serious. And yes there will always be some trash in a large enough dataset but trash parents are not the norm.
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I have no doubt that many believe their random spew is truly a secret of the universe. I long ago lost count of how many deep company 'secrets' I've 'uncovered' through easy guesses or just stating the obvious.
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Well the RSA patent was garbage there was prior art which while secret means by definition it was obvious to someone skilled in the art of encryption. That should have been known because it was the mathematical solution to a prior paper published by someone without the mathematical skill to make it usable.
Then we have the LZW patent which was a simple refinement of an existing compression scheme and was patented twice by different entities (Unisys and IBM).
So when it comes to software patents yeah they are
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Yes they have made bad calls. I absolutely agree. There are other big name individual examples but as a percentage of how many go through the system the number of errors is remarkably low.
I absolutely am *NOT* saying the system is flawless. It certainly has issues. But let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. It's fixable.
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I like that idea. Kill the patent-assholes that are holding back all of humanity for good.
To understand the Intellectual Property laws (Score:1)
One only needs to understand the spirit and intent of the laws.
Its Business law 101, first day.
Man made laws are imperfect, so to address any exceptions it is the spirit and intent of the law which is considered.
The spirit and intent of Intellectual Property laws are to protect human creator's work that they may profit from their work.
There is no grey area here, There are no shortcuts.
Know that ChatGPT response to this topic is an hallucination.
To violate the spirit and intent of Intellectual Property laws
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Only outputs... of nicely organized patent application after patent application...
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That is not going to happen. Or at the very least not in the next few centuries.
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Lets just dump patents (Score:2)
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Because that's not true.
Without a patent system anything I invent will flat out be stolen and I gave zero recourse. None. Nada. This is a big corporate's dream situation.
With patents, there is the possibility I can win in court. If my case if good there are many lawyers who will work on a contingency basis.
The filing fees to get a patent are not so high that a determined individual can't pay them.
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With patents, there is the possibility I can win in court.
Unless an AI can file blocking patents to prevent yours from being implemented. And do so at a rate such that you will have no ability to challenge them in court one by one.
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Uh, that's not how it works.
Patents are by filing date. If your patents are filed after mine then they will be instantly tossed out as prior wrt because by definition they could not and did not pre date my patent.
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That's cute.
If I spent 20 years and my life savings to invent something and some corporation sees it and starts mass producing it without any compensation to me then I've been robbed.
Lemme guess, you're a big corporate IP lawyer.
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You clearly didn't read what I said and if you did you ignored my point.
I'll try again: my time and money and skills and experience have value. If I spend them inventing a thing that has never existed before on this planet and it has value to others and a mega corporation sees it and without so much as a thank you, copies my work and profits from it then I have certainly lost something,
I have lost my time, my money and the ROI of my skills and experience as applied to that project.
It's really cute that you
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I'd be totally ok with a much lower fee for individuals and small companies and a much higher fee for mega corps.
The devil is in the details as always but I'm 100% good with supporting small inventors.
You can't make it free or trivially cheap ($5) or you'll see the PTO flooded with complete trash but $1000 feels ok to me. That'll keep the AI spam and most of the crazy people out.
Intellectual property (Score:3)
Patents are a form of property. Can anyone other then a person (human or corporate) own property? Please let me know if the answer is "Yes". Because I have some taxes I need to shelter and this would be a great way.
Should have bribed the Supreme Court (Score:1)
Corporations are people with inalienable rights, according to the Supreme Court of the United States. Pay justices enough in unreported gifts and insider investments, a computer program can be granted personhood too.
Does it changes anything? (Score:2)
My chat bot created something on its own, kind of. (Score:3)
Re: My chat bot created something on its own, kind (Score:2)
Patent spam will be the real problem (Score:2)
Currently lodging a patent costs thousands of dollars because patent attorneys aren't cheap. But imagine using a generative AI to generate dozens of them - the USPTO isn't equipped for a hundred-fold increase in low-quality patent applications.
So anything new created by AI is open source? (Score:2)
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