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JD.com's Billionaire CEO Was Arrested On Allegation of Rape (bloomberg.com) 116

JD.com's billionaire founder, Liu Qiangdong, is under investigation for a suspected rape in a weekend incident that led to his arrest in Minnesota. He was reportedly in Minneapolis for his studies since he is a doctoral student at the University of Minnesota. According to the Financial Times and Star-Tribune, the case involves a Chinese student at the college. Bloomberg reports: Liu was brought in at 11:32 p.m. Aug. 31 on an accusation of "criminal sexual conduct" and released just more than 16 hours later, according to arrest records. Minneapolis Police Department spokesman John Elder said the case is being investigated as a rape, but authorities decided not to keep Liu in custody and haven't imposed any travel restrictions while conducting their investigation. Police responded to a location Friday night, found Liu and another individual, took photos and arrested the CEO, Elder said. Liu, 45, returned to China after his release and was at work Tuesday at JD.com, the country's largest e-commerce company after Alibaba.
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JD.com's Billionaire CEO Was Arrested On Allegation of Rape

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  • Police haven’t charged Liu, who’s now back at work in China

    • He has a hot wife [google.com], 19 years his junior, and two young children.

      His wife, Zhang Zetian, was well known in China before their marriage, and is a successful businesswoman in her own right.

      He may have some 'splaining to do back in Beijing.

      • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

        "Dear wife, google title nine, sexual misconduct and be horrified at this backwards puritan insanity they have going in the States".

        Explanation done. Wife horrified, advices husband not to hire any women from US, and avoid being in the same room with them without keeping the door open.

    • by Cederic ( 9623 )

      Demonstrating once more why rape accusation victims should have anonymity.

      At least he doesn't have a boss that'll ask him awkward questions, and is in a country where his female employees wont sue the company for forcing them to work with an accused rapist.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Of course they haven't. Note how it was a Chinese student accusing a Chinese businessman who was visiting from China.

      So, either the Chinese government did this as a way of warning Richard/Liu that he cannot escape their control even in the US...

      Of the US government did it as a warning to China that not even their richest and most powerful are safe...

      or, 3rd option, the guy is human garbage and really was about to get jiggy with or without it (consent).

      captcha: smuggles
      Are... are you trying to tell us someth

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Look at what happened to Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Meanwhile I heard that Harvey Weinstein is still out on bail.
    • by ShanghaiBill ( 739463 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2018 @08:41PM (#57254058)

      Look at what happened to Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

      His career was destroyed and then the charges were dropped. So he was punished despite being convicted of nothing. So much for "presumption of innocence".

      Meanwhile I heard that Harvey Weinstein is still out on bail.

      As he should be. He hasn't been convicted of anything (yet).

      We should not complain when rich people are treated fairly. We should complain when people, rich or poor, are treated unfairly.

      • His career was destroyed

        That's a flat out fabrication. The guy is currently on the board of a bank, and adviser to two governments. After losing his job at the IMF he also went on the lecture circuit and then joined a (now bankrupt) hedge fund which became " Leyne, Strauss-Kahn and Partners".

        That is not by any stretch of the imagination a "destroyed career".

        • Right... so if you are an exec of Burger King, getting fired then finding work as a restaurant team leader at McDonald is not "destroying a career", and thinking otherwise is a fabrication. The scope of his downfall is similar.

          Mere few decades ago. false accusation of an affair were the modus operandi of the Right; false accusations of rape and "harassment" are favoured weapon of the Left today.

          • Right... so if you are an exec of Burger King, getting fired then finding work as a restaurant team leader at McDonald is not "destroying a career", and thinking otherwise is a fabrication. The scope of his downfall is similar.

            Um... err... wut

          • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • America just gave Louis CK his career back. Americans support James Gunn who said things like "I like when little boys touch me in my silly place. Shh!". Dan Harmon, creator of Rick and Morty, made an animated short about cutting children and having sex with them. Apparently there's nothing wrong with anything they did, so I don't see this CEO getting in trouble. Or maybe you have to be a popular entertainer to get a pass on sex crimes? Either way his chances are good of getting off scot free.
    • "significant material inconsistencies" between the woman's claims and those of other witnesses, although he did not detail those discrepancies. He said there was no proof she had been penetrated, an element required under New York law to bring a rape charge.

  • Not the first time (Score:2, Informative)

    by Tablizer ( 95088 )

    He got into a similar snafu in Australia a couple of years ago. That suggests he at least keeps playing too close to the line in terms of risking accusations. That's not necessarily saying he's guilty, just that he is doing something that invites accusations.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Being a billionaire?

    • by Anonymous Coward

      No he didn't. He was never accused of anything in that case. He just didn't want his name associated in a court case about sexual assault, and was denied by an Australian court.

      • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

        Well, okay, a rape (allegedly) happened at one of his parties. He was not accused of rape himself then. I stand corrected. Thanks.

    • Counterfeit (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Reminds me of a joke. A prostitute walks into a bar and hands over a 100 dollar note to the bartender and asks for a drink. Bartender says the note is counterfeit. She shouts " I have been raped!!"

      Its obvious that he is hosting parties with Escorts and then there are some disputes on what was paid for and what was not.

    • by Luckyo ( 1726890 ) on Wednesday September 05, 2018 @12:08AM (#57254784)

      Straight from the story:

      >Earlier this year, a guest at a party Liu hosted in downtown Sydney was convicted of sexually assaulting a fellow guest after the event. There was no accusation of any misconduct by Liu. The billionaire lost a legal attempt to keep his name out of the records. Over the weekend, JD said it will take legal action against the publishing of untrue reports or rumors.

      Good to see that spreading false rumours that are clearly debunked in the linked story still gets happily modded up on slashdot as "insightful".

    • or he has enough money to pay people to look the other way
  • Why does the title need to describe him as a billionaire? Is that to make the class envy types despise him? Or to make an inference to really rich people being bad people?

    Besides that, why is this even on Slashdot? If he's convicted, it might be a story (as a CEO of a tech company no one outside of China has heard of). Until then, we are innocent until proven guilty in the US (not China) and this really is a non-story for the average nerd. Seems way to sensationalist, especially with the billionaire

    • The ultra rich being bad people doesn't need an inference, it's a truism.
  • We have an epidemic of rape going on. Males are constantly raping helpless girls. They are raping them with their actions and thoughts. It is pretty much impossible to not rape a girl. If I say hi to a girl, I have raped her with my mouth. If i look at a girl, I rape her with my eyes. If i ignore her, I rape her by ignoring her.

    It is kind of like being a racist. It is not possible to not be a racist if you are white, and not possible to not rape girls if you have a penis. Nothing you can do about it

  • He was arrested, arraigned, but then allowed to leave the country while the investigation is ongoing? Whatever happened to, "don't leave town"?

As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality. -- Albert Einstein
