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The Courts The Internet Government United States

Entire Broadband Industry Will Help FCC Defend Net Neutrality Repeal ( 88

The biggest lobby groups representing broadband providers will help the FCC defend the repeal of net neutrality rules in court. Ars Technica reports: Yesterday, three trade groups that collectively represent every major home Internet and mobile broadband provider in the U.S. filed motions to intervene in the case on behalf of the FCC. The motions for leave to intervene were filed by NCTA--The Internet & Television Association, CTIA--The Wireless Association, and USTelecom--The Broadband Association. NCTA represents cable companies such as Comcast, Charter, Cox, and Altice. CTIA represents the biggest mobile carriers, such as AT&T, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile, and Sprint. USTelecom represents wireline telcos with copper and fiber networks, such as AT&T and Verizon. All three groups also represent a range of smaller ISPs.

As intervenors in the case, the groups will file briefs in support of the net neutrality repeal order and may play a role in oral arguments. NCTA's motion noted that its members would once again be subject to "common-carriage regulation under Title II of the Communications Act" if the FCC were to lose the case. CTIA said that its members "would be adversely affected if the [net neutrality] Order were set aside and the prior Title II Order classification and rules were reinstated."

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Entire Broadband Industry Will Help FCC Defend Net Neutrality Repeal

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    You mean Big Telecom will suck the government's D as always.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    More proof that MegaCorpInternetInc owns the FCC. Does this seem to bother any of our elected representatives? I think not.
  • I am shocked... []
    • I'm just shocked the EFF hasn't joined them. After all, the telecoms keep telling me its good for me as a consumer and for the Internet as a whole.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Why would you think that EFF would support an agenda of fighting ideas of 'net neutrality'?

        This post of yours sounds like bullshit. There appear to be no point to your post other than being vague and suggestive.

  • Baksheesh (Score:2, Insightful)

    by PopeRatzo ( 965947 )

    This is the best argument for why we need Net Neutrality rules and campaign finance laws:

    "As intervenors in the case, the groups will file briefs in support of the net neutrality repeal order and may play a role in oral arguments. NCTA's motion noted that its members would once again be subject to "common-carriage regulation under Title II of the Communications Act" if the FCC were to lose the case. CTIA said that its members "would be adversely affected if the [net neutrality] Order were set aside and the

  • because the worst that comes out of this for 99% of people is a $200 cable bill. The folks that voted Trump in office already couldn't afford to pay half that. Kinda like if you double the price of a BMW for me. I don't care because I couldn't afford it at half that price. Meanwhile Trump & his party promised them good paying jobs. The other side promised them marginally lower interest rates on student loans for colleges they either didn't attend or dropped out of in their early 20s.

    Seriously. If yo
    • " The folks that voted Trump in office already couldn't afford to pay half that. "

      Just gotta get that little jab in there don't we ? :| Never mind the fact that US broadband / data plan costs
      have always been off the damn chart since the inception of such things regardless of which team is in charge.

      Oh. . . pssst. . . . by the way: Not everyone is quite as stupid and poor as you like to believe they are.

      But, if it makes you feel better about yourself, carry on !

    • by Ecuador ( 740021 )

      Meanwhile Trump & his party promised them good paying jobs.

      Eh, not exactly. What I remember is that he was promising them coal mining jobs and not being particular about the pay grade. So all they knew was they were promised jobs that were considered unhealthy/undesirable 100 years ago, and yet they were applauding. Perhaps everybody was thinking "surely the other guys will be going down the mines, I'll be managing from above", or something like that, I don't know, I didn't try to make any sense out of it...

    • Wow $200/month seams steap, menwhile here in norway you jan get 100Mbps/100Mbs and basic tv pacage for $132/month if you are in an area with ftth, less if you dump tv
  • wants to hold the USA back on its NN paper insulated wireline monopoly networks.
    Time to consider what a town city, state could build without federal NN rules keeping monopoly networks safe from innovative new networks.
  • My ISP (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 16, 2018 @08:55PM (#56273325)

    This is what my ISP has to say about net neutrality:

    "DSLExtreme supports a free and open internet through Net Neutrality. Although a repeal of Net Neutrality is heavily in the favor of ISP’s like us, we will not alter, filter, throttle or otherwise mess with our customer’s internet access. This has always been and continues to be our policy. We do not anticipate any change in service to our customers. We do believe that freedom of choice is a foundation of our country, and we encourage all customers to make their voices heard on this topic by writing to their state representatives."

    And that is just one of the reasons that I fucking love them and will never use another ISP.

    • Sorry dude, you're already using other ISPs..... Your ISP, DSLExtreme is just the conduit from your house the back bone of the intenet. When you watch Netflix at home, the IP path is not NETFFLIX --> DLSExtreme ---> your house, but rather ....
      NETFLIX --> Amazon --> Verizon --> AT&T --> COX ---> Comcast --> DSLExtreme --> Your house...
      So throttling is already happening upstream of your provider if ANY upstream oligarchy want's Netflix payola to let the traffic through unmole
  • It is obvious how to proceed, get an actual law passed by Congress. Stop screwing around with unelected bodies. Yes, the same entities will lobby congress heavily, but right now the matter will always be subject to the whims of the FCC.

  • by GerryGilmore ( 663905 ) on Friday March 16, 2018 @09:39PM (#56273481) this: "would be adversely affected if the [net neutrality] Order were set aside and the prior Title II Order classification and rules were reinstated." i.e. "We can't fuck our customers with as large and sandy a dildo as we would really like to in order to maximize our ROI so that my paycheck is even more Bigly!!(TM) Waaahhhh! Waaaaahhhhh!!!!"
  • by psergiu ( 67614 ) on Friday March 16, 2018 @10:09PM (#56273555)

    If ISPs win and will no longer have a Title II Order classification - will this mean they are no longer a public utility so their easement for the cables crossing my property is no longer "en gross" so i can charge them a rent fee for private land use - right ?

    • by careysub ( 976506 ) on Friday March 16, 2018 @10:55PM (#56273693)

      Should be modded up "funny". We all know that costs are socialized and only corporate profits are privatized.

    • by tgeek ( 941867 )

      If ISPs win and will no longer have a Title II Order classification - will this mean they are no longer a public utility so their easement for the cables crossing my property is no longer "en gross" so i can charge them a rent fee for private land use - right ?

      Tread lightly there. With SCOTUS ruling that eminent domain can be applied for private endeavors, some weird shit could happen if you dared exercise your legal rights.

    • Is that how it worked before they were classified under Title II a couple of years ago? No?

      Then no, it's not how it will work now that we're back to that.

    • Too bad that from Big Business' perspective, it's always 'heads I win, tails you lose'.
  • Post something to slashdot instead of writing to a politician.

    • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

      The whole idea of sharing the idea on slashdot is so that others can consider it, value it worth and apply it in what ever way they want. So instead of one action the potential for tens of thousands and in viral terms ten of millions of actions based around the theme presented by the idea. Things seem to have a way of spreading from slashdot, sort of like 4Chan with a silencer, far more subtle ;).

  • Seriously, stop it. Instead focus on removing the monopolies, along with allowing muni broadband a. Competition solves this.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Competiiton is dead. Welcome to the new era where all companies are united to get the most of the money from you with the minimum effort. Monopoly is not needed when you can have a deal with your adversaries to milk all the money they can extract from users like you.

      And nobody can stop this anymore. Since they have bought all required politicians to do whatever they want.

  • Stop telling people what to do with their networks.
    Stop telling people that they can't build competing networks.

    Oh, but which crapitalists will get paid undeserved rents if the government permits a free market?

    • by PPH ( 736903 )

      Stop telling people what to do with their networks.

      No problem. Now get your network off of our public right-of-way.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion

In specifications, Murphy's Law supersedes Ohm's.
