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The Internet Censorship China Technology

China Cyber Watchdog Rejects Censorship Critics, Says Internet Must Be 'Orderly' (reuters.com) 78

China's top cyber authority on Thursday rejected a recent report ranking it last out of 65 countries for press freedom, saying the internet must be "orderly" and the international community should join it in addressing fake news and other cyber issues. From a report: Ren Xianliang, vice minister of the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), said the rapid development of the country's internet over two decades is proof of its success and that it advocates for the free flow of information. "We should not just make the internet fully free, it also needs to be orderly... The United States and Europe also need to deal with these fake news and rumors," Ren told journalists without elaborating.
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China Cyber Watchdog Rejects Censorship Critics, Says Internet Must Be 'Orderly'

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  • Translation (Score:4, Insightful)

    by DaMattster ( 977781 ) on Thursday November 16, 2017 @11:27AM (#55562493)
    We must control content that would undermine our authority. I can't believe the Chinese Communist Party actually thinks people are dumb enough to believe the shit that they spew.
    • Re:Translation (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Chris Mattern ( 191822 ) on Thursday November 16, 2017 @11:34AM (#55562571)

      Say what you like, the Chinese Communists took what had been arguably the pre-eminent power in the world (certainly the pre-eminent power in east Asia) but had become a joke in danger of dissolving entirely, and turned it into a world power again. That's bought them a lot of forgiveness from the populace on their methods.

      • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

        China's success was not the Chinese governments success, it was out and out US corporate greed, their failure, they myopic lusts and egos, their fuck everyone else, I want more, More, MORE, attitude. Not much at all to do with China and everything to do with US psychopathic capitalism, greed driving it's own self destruction.

    • Re:Translation (Score:5, Informative)

      by AlanObject ( 3603453 ) on Thursday November 16, 2017 @11:42AM (#55562627)

      I can't believe the Chinese Communist Party actually thinks people are dumb enough to believe the shit that they spew.

      I'm not sure why you would think this. There are plenty of people right here in the U.S. (and a more than a few spotted right here on /.) that would be perfectly OK with the government regulating the internet in this way. Check in with the anti-porn crusaders if you want an example but there are many more.

      If you have ever been to China, particularly in the well-developed industrial/financial centers, many if not most of them view the Communist party as ideological bureaucrats currently in charge, frequently annoying and sometimes dangerous, but an entity to be worked with and around. Bribed as necessary. They then get on with the work of being successful capitalists which they consider themselves.

      • I know only one kind of people who are against internet porn. Those that sell porn and want to eliminate their worst rival. Because you can't really compete with free.

        • You obviously don't live in the south. The religious fundies really hate the fact that you can see boobies on your phone any time you want. It turns you into a pervert who is going to hell for having impure thoughts. Only republican senatorial candidates can get away with that, as long as they marry that high school tail they were chasing.
          • Say, why is it always the Republicans that are caught cheating on their wife with that 14 year old friend of their daughter? Or her boyfriend for that matter...

        • by gnick ( 1211984 )

          I know only one kind of people who are against internet porn. Those that sell porn and want to eliminate their worst rival.

          My sister divorced the father of her children because he wouldn't give up Internet porn. She doesn't sell porn. She just has a special kind of relationship with Jesus. They're not alone; he was in classes to help him "recover".

          • Recover from being married to a Jesus freak? Yeah, I can see the need for a self help group there. That's mental torture.

      • referring to the internet as the "Wild West" seems to be enough to end all debate or thought on the matter in the US
      • There are plenty of people right here in the U.S. (and a more than a few spotted right here on /.) that would be perfectly OK with the government regulating the internet in this way.

        Sure, and I'll bet you cash money it's the same people that see nothing wrong with being monitored 24/7 from cradle to grave, having 'backdoors' into encryption methods, and that profiling people based on race or ethnicity is perfectly acceptable, and that many of those people should not only not be allowed to enter the country for any reason, but be forcibly removed from the country if they're already here, and sent back to wherever they came from -- even if that means going back there means they'll be kil

    • Re:Translation (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Thursday November 16, 2017 @11:45AM (#55562679)

      Neither the Chinese Communist Party nor our parties actually believe people are dumb enough to buy this shit.

      But they also know that people can't do jack shit against it.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Why not? The American people are. Interesting that he is quoting Americans (fake news) to justify censorship. All our rulers have to do is keep us arguing about partisan issues and they can do anything they want.
      Does anyone remember before the election that everyone was dissatisfied with both parties because they both want to rob us of everything and give it to big corporations?

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      They control the information their citizens receive, and they don't care what other nations think. They're insular and authoritarian. They don't need people to be dumb to believe what they say. They just need to keep control and repeat what they want people to believe.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Yes, yes, I know - I've met "social justice" hypocritices before. But this article is about China.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Oh please! If the Americans can fall for the republican/democrat bullshit, you shouldn't have any difficulty believing the same about the Chinese. If you want to see "dumb", look at who lives in the white house (part time) right now.

    • I'm sure that from their perspective, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not, because they'll just make you, your family, and everyone you care about disappear into some labor camp, where they'll be tortured, worked to death, and die, if you make too much trouble for them. Think of crap like this that they say as just an extreme form of sarcasm, if you like, it's functionally not much different.
    • We must control content that would undermine our authority. I can't believe the Chinese Communist Party actually thinks people are dumb enough to believe the shit that they spew.

      I don't know, I think we should appoint China the regulator of the entire Internet. It might be amusing to watch them try to play whack-a-mole with the toxic garbage that makes up a good 1/3 of the Internet. It will keep most of their population well occupied for the next few decades until they realize the utter futility of it al
    • Meanwhile you're turning a blind eye to the SAME THING but probably much worse here.
      You are blind. China simply does openly and honestly what the people here are too 'dumb' to realize our government, which is simply an limb of the Bank (as are nearly all businesses), does openly and lies about.
      "But the politcal theatre/sandbox! The conflicts seem so real! They are so mean to each other!"
      The rule is simple: you can only disparage that which is replaceable.
      Go home and think some more.

      And even of those men
      themselves that in councils of the Commonwealth love to show their
      reading of politics and history, very few do it in their domestic affairs
      where their particular interest is concerned, having prudence enough for
      their private affairs; but in public they study more the reputation of their
      own wit than the success of anotherâ(TM)s business.

    • Why shouldn't they believe it works? It does! The people don't know what they don't know.

      I talked with a Chinese grad student quite awhile back, and eventually the topic of censorship came up. When I suggested that the Great Firewall was a problem, he contended that it wasn't and that the US did the exact same sorts of things. As you'd expect, he couldn't name a single example of the US actually doing so, he'd just been told that we did it too. And when I listed off a half dozen different terms, sites, and

  • They don't sound so superior when their 'stability' relies on censors and jackboots.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      They don't sound so superior when their 'stability' relies on censors and jackboots.

      without net neutrality, verizon and comcast will be deciding what content is "suitable" for their subscribers

      it's the exact same thing

  • by PhrostyMcByte ( 589271 ) <phrosty@gmail.com> on Thursday November 16, 2017 @11:56AM (#55562773) Homepage

    The Chinese have no expectation of "real news" -- *all* of their mainstream news is filtered through the lens of their government, and they know it.

    In a small way this might put them at a better position than USA right now, where many people have a disconnect believing their news couldn't possibly be "fake news".

  • by Jerry ( 6400 ) on Thursday November 16, 2017 @11:56AM (#55562775)

    I don't think it will be long before Twitter, Google and Facebook use that same excuse to justify censorship on their platforms.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      To an extent they already do.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    you don't get to "reject" criticism.
    People are telling you are a totalitarian, unfree government which controls the internet in a draconian way.
    You have been evaluated based on clear criteria and ended up last. Because you are a terrible disaster of a totalutarian government.
    You don't get to say "no" to it, it is not up to you!

  • "You are free...to view what we permit!
    You are free...to view what we permit!
    You are free...to view what we permit!"

  • A totalitarian communist regime like China doesn't have the moral standing to criticize any country or even the internet itself. Just STFU and keep making cheap shoes and smartphones while your citizenry slowly wakes up and kicks you to the curb like all other despotic rulers Learn your place..
  • They act like a bunch of commies! ... oh, wait

    Because they allow some capitalism, people forget they are a totalitarian regime. Early in my visit to the country, I was at a city park. I turned a corner to get a look at a new-looking relief mural. Suddenly looming before me was a 20 foot carved hammer and sickle. The hair on the back of my neck popped up. It was a definitive "we're not in Kansas anymore" moment.

    • I fear you're missing an important point. Communism is the good part. We don't have that in America. Authoritarianism is the bad part. We *do* have that in America.

      Bummer, right?

      • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

        "Communism" is an overloaded term. My observation is that it's generally intended to mean a totalitarian gov't run by a central committee and possibly with a weak equivalent of a President. If the single leader becomes too strong, then it's a dictatorship.

  • I disagree about the "orderly", as I feel that's a recipe for stagnation, but there needs to be some way to handle "fake news". Unfortunately, trusting someone in authority to decide what is fake has always been a bad idea.

  • And we are supposed to want this instead? If you are clueless about this post, please ignore.
  • I have no doubt the suggestion has landed on receptive ears here in the US. Europe is already working on it, the US will not be far behind.

"I think trash is the most important manifestation of culture we have in my lifetime." - Johnny Legend
