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Hackers Break Into HBO's Networks, May Have Leaked 'Game of Thrones' Script ( 82

An anonymous reader shares a report: Hackers have broken into the networks of HBO and reportedly leaked unreleased episodes of a number of shows, as well as the script for next week's "Game of Thrones" episode. Altogether, they have reportedly obtained a total of 1.5 terabyte of data. HBO confirmed the intrusion in a statement sent to Variety: "HBO recently experienced a cyber incident, which resulted in the compromise of proprietary information. We immediately began investigating the incident and are working with law enforcement and outside cybersecurity firms. Data protection is a top priority at HBO, and we take seriously our responsibility to protect the data we hold."
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Hackers Break Into HBO's Networks, May Have Leaked 'Game of Thrones' Script

Comments Filter:
    $12.95/MONTH ?
    NO WAY !

    • Each episode is already available to torrent hours (minutes?) after airing, so I do not see this having a huge impact. If the cost does not convince some people to pirate, why would the timing?
    • ...this is meant to be part of what is promised as a long and whining "protest" over GoT's showrunners' next series, "Confederate," which imagines a modern world in which the southern states won the American Civil War.
  • If they took it seriously it wouldn't have been stolen, nor would they have poked the 300lb hacker.

    On the one hand it's their crappy IT department, on the other hand they might wise up to the fact their buddy's son or an Indian outsourcing (slave camp (or even worse: h1b's...shudder) don't know about IT and switch to a release-the-whole-season-at-once model to avoid leaks.

    • They are likely contractually prohibited due to the nature of their deals with ancient media companies (cable) who don't do streaming. Or they are a pack of retards.
      • They are likely contractually prohibited due to the nature of their deals with ancient media companies (cable) who don't do streaming. Or they are a pack of retards.

        It's both.

    • by Comen ( 321331 )

      Seems like if they really cared they would just release 50 versions of the script online via fake hackers and flood everyone with BS versions.

    • leak is just the new term for 'official release to build hype'
  • TBH (Score:1, Troll)

    They probably were just trying to get their HBO Now subscription to work.

  • by Nick ( 109 ) on Monday July 31, 2017 @11:54AM (#54914017) Journal
    whats the point of spoiling it for yourself? Id much rather wait each week for a complete post-production episode intended for release myself
    • by bano ( 410 )

      Perhaps the motive is to spoil it for others.

    • There are all kinds of people out there. I remember when the final Harry Potter book came out (disclaimer: I am not a HP fan), there were people inserting spoilers randomly all over the web (Snape dies) just to ruin it for HP fans who hadn't yet read the book but were continuing with their regular non-HP activities online.

      Anyway, the current and previous GoT seasons are following a common story plot-line trope (break down the hero/heroine until all hope seems to be lost, before they manage to pull out
    • Agreed - at least for me, reading the script would be pointless. It's the actors' performances, the stunning visual settings, and the dragons that make it compelling for me. I already avoid all the articles written about the show anyway.

      Considering it's season 7... they've done a very good job overall keeping up the quality of the show and the scripts. There were a few points last season where I worried they were running out of ideas and falling back on formulaic scenes... but so far season 7 has been all I

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Snape kills Dumbledore.

  • by Thud457 ( 234763 ) on Monday July 31, 2017 @12:00PM (#54914053) Homepage Journal
    Everybody dies. Some pretty horribly.
    The End.
    • by Nidi62 ( 1525137 )
      Unless the White Walkers win, in which case some people un-die. Depending on how soon in the story and where they die, it's possible that some people will die, un-die, and then re-die as they fight the White Walkers and die, get reanimated as a White Walker, then get killed again fighting humans.
      • Good point.
        Leave it to GRRM to figure out way to kill off characters twice. Or more.

        He should set up gofundmes so his fans can bribe him to unkill their favorite characters.
        • by Nidi62 ( 1525137 )

          Good point. Leave it to GRRM to figure out way to kill off characters twice. Or more. He should set up gofundmes so his fans can bribe him to unkill their favorite characters.

          Well, I am assuming the show will at some point (re)kill The Mountain since he is Cersei's personal bodyguard (and it's quite possible that Jamie leaves Cersei or might even be the one to kill The Mountain himself). In which case the show would have killed someone, revived him, and the killed him again. And how many times has Berric Dondarrion died now?

          • In an interesting example of Poe's Law [], as someone who has never read Game of Thrones, but has a wife who watches the show (ie - I have a vague idea of the types of things that might be in that universe), the GP and parent's posts are indistinguishable as either a joke or an earnest indication of what could happen.

      • The White Walkers are actually going to be "punched a nazi"'d to pieces by an angry #DothrakiLivesMatter mob out for revenge against this "racist hate group".
  • Is anyone really going to read it who cares? I imagine the biggest use of this will be trying to spoil this for others online.

  • Let's just say this. After watching 4 episodes of GOT I can pretty much tell you what the plot is anyway.

  • HBO: You hacked my system. You downloaded terabytes. You stole my script.
    HBO: Say it!!
    HBO: You hacked my system. You downloaded terabytes. You stole my script.
    HBO: Say it!!
    HBO: You haven't confessed yet!
    HBO: You hacked my system. You downloaded terabytes. You stole my script.
    HBO: Say it!!

    • HBO: You hacked my system. You downloaded terabytes. You stole my script.
      HBO: Say it!!
      HBO: You hacked my system. You downloaded terabytes. You stole my script.
      HBO: Say it!!
      HBO: You haven't confessed yet!
      HBO: You hacked my system. You downloaded terabytes. You stole my script.
      HBO: Say it!!

      That scene doesn't end well for HBO...

  • HBO: You hacked my system. You downloaded terabytes. You stole my script.
    HBO: Say it!!
    HBO: You hacked my system. You downloaded terabytes. You stole my script.
    HBO: Say it!!
    HBO: You haven't confessed yet!
    HBO: You hacked my system. You downloaded terabytes. You stole my script.
    HBO: Say it!!
    Theif: I hacked your system. I downloaded terabytes. I stole your script.
    Theif: Then I doxxed it like this!

  • They were looking for the pro-racist Confederate images that HBO was planning to sell for their new series, so they could manufacture them more cheaply in China and make money off of them.

    Easiest way to stop this is cancel the "new" series.

  • by roc97007 ( 608802 ) on Monday July 31, 2017 @12:48PM (#54914427) Journal

    If the IP is that valuable, why are the servers connected to the internet?

    If people outside the LAN absolutely need access, provide it with two factor authentication with a hardware token. It's not rocket science.

    But if they were really serious about protecting their IP, air gap it, and insist that the principles who need access do so via private LAN.

    It almost seems like they need something to complain about.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      From my experience as a security-consultant: Some bean-counter concluded that because they ere not hacked in the past, they would not be hacked in the future and hence spending money on IT security was a irrational idea.

  • The script is really not that interesting. Has it great landscapes and battles? Has it sex? No, just words. Boring.

  • This attitude is probably the root of HBO's problems.

    It's so common among big companies these days.

    But it could also be inability to get quality talent at the salaries they offer.

    In any case, the leaks don't matter to me. I don't even watch trailers for the next episode. I like to hit the episodes completely tabula rasa.

  • Everyone you like dies. Horribly. Evil rules Westeros forever. Roll credits.

Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced. - John Keats
