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Burger King Won't Take a Hint; Alters TV Ad To Evade Google's Block ( 606

ewhac writes: Earlier this week, Burger King released a broadcast television ad that opened with an actor saying, "Ok, Google, what is the Whopper?" thereby triggering any Google Home device in hearing range to respond to the injected request with the first line from the Whopper's Wikipedia page. Google very properly responded to the injection attack by fingerprinting the sound sample and blocking it from triggering responses. However, it seems Burger King and/or its ad agency are either unwilling or congenitally incapable of getting the hint, and has released an altered version of the ad to evade Google's block. According to spokesperson Dara Schopp, BK regards the ad as a success, as it has increased the brand's "social conversation" on Twitter by some 300%. It seems that Burger King thinks that malware-laden advertising infesting webpages is a perfectly wonderful idea (in principle, at least), and has taken it to the next level by reaching through your TV speakers and directly messing with your digital devices. You may wish to consider alternate vendors for your burger needs.
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Burger King Won't Take a Hint; Alters TV Ad To Evade Google's Block

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  • BK, your intrusion into my digital devices, has exempted you from EVER receiving my business again. Boundaries guys... Boundaries.
  • by Samantha Wright ( 1324923 ) on Friday April 14, 2017 @06:23PM (#54237189) Homepage Journal
    Two words: Wikipedia vandalism [].

    According to Wikipedia, the Whopper is a bugger consisting of a flame-grilled patty made with 100% medium-sized child with no preservatives or fillers, topped with sliced tomatoes, onions, lettuce, cyanide, pickles, ketchup, and mayonnaise, served on a sesame seed bun.

    • The article over at Hackaday [] has a good summary of the situation:

      The friendly Burger King employee ends the ad by saying “Ok Google, what is the Whopper burger?” Google home then springs into action reading the product description from Burger King’s Wikipedia page.

      Trolls across the internet jumped into the fray. The Whopper’s ingredient list soon included such items as toenail clippings, rat, cyanide, and a small child. Wikipedia has since reverted the changes and locked down the page.

      Google apparently wasn’t involved in this, as they quickly updated their voice recognition algorithms to specifically ignore the commercial. Burger King responded by re-dubbing the audio of the commercial with a different voice actor, which defeated Google’s block. Where this game of cat and mouse will end is anyone’s guess.

      My response on reading that: "Bwa ha ha ha!"

      There's a lot to chuckle about.

      • As a further point on home assistants, someone at Hackaday suggested that if you want to burgle a home, try shouting "Alexa, unlock the front door!" through the letter slot.

        I'm totally expecting some wag with a really loud car stereo system to drive through a high-price neighbourhood playing a loop of that.

        • > As a further point on home assistants, someone at Hackaday suggested that if you want
          > to burgle a home, try shouting "Alexa, unlock the front door!" through the letter slot.

          Iâ(TM)m sorry, Dave. Iâ(TM)m afraid I canâ(TM)t do that.

      • Next I expect google to blacklist the phrase after processing rather than just the advert sound if bk keep this up. They might also demote burger king search results, they really don't like others subverting their algorithms.

      • by rtb61 ( 674572 ) on Friday April 14, 2017 @07:41PM (#54237591) Homepage

        No, it is not something to laugh about. The way computer crime laws are written, it is not a purposeful attack upon the computer network between the end user of the product and Google in order to steal advertising space at the end users expence, network bandwidth and their right to enjoy the use of their product by subverting the use of their product in order to forcefully inject advertising onto the end user. The first attack they barely could get away with, the second attack is definitively prosecutable, the only defence, Google's laughable security with regards to securing that network between the user whose control of the device is being subverted and Google's servers which are being abused to steal commercial advertising space.

        Will Google force civil or criminal prosecution, will this require a deep rethink over the security of voice activated devices and what they can and can not do without two factor authentication (especially when none what so ever is done on the first one, the voice of the user), at the very least OK Google et al has to die to be replaced with a compulsory user created voice command to use the device and next up whether a wearable device or the phone can be set up to be a second on two factor authentication commands.

        The idiots at Burger King might well have done everyone a favour but the question is, should a legal example be made of Burger as Fast Justice to remind people not to attempt to hack other people's computer networks and that it is a criminal offence even when security is laughable low.

    • by mrchaotica ( 681592 ) * on Friday April 14, 2017 @07:57PM (#54237679)

      That's hilarious, but what's not funny is that Burger King marketing vandalized the page too. []

  • by sdinfoserv ( 1793266 ) on Friday April 14, 2017 @06:24PM (#54237193)
    Or, you might consider NOT placing an always listening piece of spyware into your private home....
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      Who's been the dick here? Burger King. Pretty simple.

      • by McGruber ( 1417641 ) on Friday April 14, 2017 @06:38PM (#54237269)

        Who's been the dick here? Burger King. Pretty simple.

        Sometimes a real dick will perform a much needed public service. This is one of those times.

    • by waspleg ( 316038 )

      You are correct, sir. But I'm out of mod points ;/

    • Or, you might consider NOT placing an always listening piece of spyware into your private home....

      Considering the number of slashdot commentators who think that Burger King is the villain in this story and Google the victim, clearly there are few people who consider that a viable option.

      • by rgmoore ( 133276 ) <> on Friday April 14, 2017 @07:02PM (#54237379) Homepage

        It's possible to think both that Google Home is an invasive piece of spyware and that Burger King is awful for exploiting it.

        • Exploiting it would be like saying "ok google open the burger king web page and rate it five stars" or "ok google text matt, i am going to burger king want to join" (everyone knows a matt, seriously). Instead they did something designed to be completely literally harmless. Google (and the dumb dumbs who put this assistant in their home blissfully unaware of the misdeeds that its capable of) needs a wakeup call, if anything.

          • That is still an exploit. However, it is a totally harmless exploit. People are angry about it because it highlights how stupid they are for putting one of these things into their home. Hey Wiretap, do you have a recipe for pancakes?

    • Like every brand of smartphone? Internet-connected microphones have been ubiquitous for years - that ship has long since sailed.

      The discussion now is how to deal with them - how best to make sure they don't get abused (like this minor case), without losing too much of their utility.

  • Ok, Google... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    ... How do you program this thing to only recognize my voice.

    • You can't. I've had alexa trigger (mostly unintentionally) while listening to streams with streamers that have very high pitched voices. I couldn't say the activation word that high pitched if I tried.
      It's intended for 'smart home' type uses, where having to enrol different users is presumably thought to be a significant negative.

    • Sounds like you can't, but that is something that can already be done so we will likely see Google integrating it more into future devices. I am surprised they haven't done so already since it would allow them to track queries per user for more precise data mining.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Hell, I love this. Google Home, Alexa, et al. are CueCat 2.0, and anything that exposes to the general consumer how sketchy and seedy they are is a plus for mankind. I fucking salute Burger King for taking this bold step towards educating the citizens about Google Home and consumerism. I was going to have a healthy salad tonight, but, after reading this article, I'm going to walk my ass up to Burger King and have a goddamned Big Mac or whatever the hell it is they sell. I might not even eat it, because

  • by gurps_npc ( 621217 ) on Friday April 14, 2017 @06:29PM (#54237227) Homepage

    Google can easily modify it so any search at ALL mentioning Burger King now has the first result be the location of the nearest McDonald restaurant. When I say all searches, I mean ALL searches, even when you type it into google's main search page.

    Then tell BK that if they want this to stop, all they have to do is a) cease all attempts to game google's voice commands, b) publicly apologize, c) pay $100,000 to a charity of Google's choosing. and d) agree to never again be such a douchebag.

    • Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Friday April 14, 2017 @06:34PM (#54237247)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Whopper does not mean lie. Whopper just means large. You're thinking of the common phrase "a whopper of a lie". You can catch a whopper (a large fish), tell a whopper (a big fat lie), eat a whopper (a Burger King Whopper), etc.

        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
          • by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) <> on Friday April 14, 2017 @09:48PM (#54238139) Homepage Journal

            You're thinking of the common phrase "a whopper of a lie".

            No, I'm not. I have literally never heard that phrase ever in my life. I have heard people accused of "telling whoppers" however.

            That you haven't heard that phrase before only means that you are ignorant and inexperienced, it doesn't mean that you are correct. And in fact, the GP is, and you are not:

            1785, formed as if from whop (v.) "to beat, overcome." Meaning "big lie" is recorded first in 1791. Whopping "large, big, impressive" is attested by 1620s. []

            Familiarize yourself with the language before issuing corrections to others. I hear that there is this thing called google that can help. In particular, no one should ever seek to correct someone else about the definition of a word until they have studied the etymology. To do that in a world in which it is only a web search away is, in a word, pathetic — which is itself from a word meaning made or liable to suffer. If you correct people before you look up whether you're correct, you're gonna have a bad time.

            Also, you probably have heard that phrase, if only in an old-timey movie, and you're just willfully forgetting it now so that you can be right. Only, you're wrong. Anything big is a whopper. HTH, HAND.

    • honestly a war with google in that fashion would be far more effective in terms of advertising than any campaign they could run themselves.

      which is probably what they'd want.

    • by Zocalo ( 252965 )
      They could, and they'll probably get back at BK somehow, but I think the more immediate step for Google (and Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, et al) is going to be to update the code to require it be trained to only work for a limited number of "authorised" voices before it becomes a game of whack-a-mole as every other advertising scumbag inevitably tries to jump on the bandwagon BK has spotted. They wouldn't would their precious customers (AKA "sources of data, and thus revenue") to get the silly idea these devi
  • Oh come on (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 14, 2017 @06:30PM (#54237229)

    This commercial is not malware. Just because you have some stupid gadget in your house that is easy to exploit, your sensationalist claims are not true.

    • by ewhac ( 5844 )

      Sophistry such as yours is what led to this problem. Leaving your front door unlocked does not absolve a thief from stealing or misappropriating your property. While your insurance carrier may have something to say about how much of the loss they'll cover, the fact of the theft is not erased; the thief will still be charged with a crime.

      Burger King made unauthorized use of computing resources that did not belong to them. In this respect, they are no different from any other sp

      • You're the article submitter, and apparently still just as unhinged now as when you wrote it. BK's ad is annoying and it's audacious, but it doesn't really attain to any of the apocalyptic extremes about which you unhingedly gushed. Let's review the extent of the damage: it might trigger some electronics to talk out loud about a hamburger. "Eeeek," shrieks @ewhac, "It's the hackerzz! I'm telling my mommy!"

        You are in seriously need of some perspective. The kicker is that this won't even hurt BK, as ev
        • You are in seriously need of some perspective. The kicker is that this won't even hurt BK, as everyone sensible will deem it to be no more than an annoying practical joke, and it turns out there's no such thing as bad publicity.

          That would be fine except for the fact that if it were an individual instead of a large corporation doing this, he'd be going to prison.

          It doesn't even matter whether the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act is a good law or a bad law (for the purpose of my argument); allowing a law to be di

        • Re:Oh come on (Score:5, Informative)

          by ewhac ( 5844 ) on Friday April 14, 2017 @08:47PM (#54237893) Homepage Journal

          You are in seriously [sic] need of some perspective.

          I *HAVE* perspective, you twit.

          I was around when Canter and Siegel [] "discovered" spamming, and suddenly the burden of deflecting what became billions of unwanted, exploitative, obnoxious emails fell upon the end-users, the people least equipped to deal with it. (And no, spam is by no means a, "solved problem," or a large chunk of Barracuda Networks' business would no longer exist.)

          I was around when that chowderhead Brendan Eich kluged JavaScript into Netscape and fscking enabled it by default, even though the massive problems with macro viruses in Microsoft Word in the years prior clearly showed what that would lead to. Now we have scripts being uncritically yanked in from thousands of sources, rampaging around in our browsers looking for any datum they can exploit to our disadvantage.

          Mark my words: If BK and its ad agency aren't smacked for this, hard, it will get worse very quickly. Every media source will become an attack vector. And sophists such as you will dryly intone, "Get better security," fully aware that that aphorism will solve nothing.

          And lest you think I'm merely a member of the Tinfoil Hat Brigade: I, too, can be a smug shit about this. I have never trusted cookies or JavaScript, keep my browsers thoroughly nerfed, and I use a console-based mail reader. The result is I have only moderate patience for people victimized by advertising, malware, or phishing. The tools are there; they have but to learn how to use them. Don't even cost nothin'. But there is a boundary when you stop being a Clever Clogs for making the other guy's computer unexpectedly go beep and you become an active exploiter and victimizer of the weak and ignorant.

          BK crossed that line. They need to be smacked.

    • in fact, the BK commercial helps find idiots.

      you know, those dumb enough to allow an always-listening spy device in your house.

      its good that these people get identified, actually.

    • It certainly highlights the need for people to be able to give their voice-activated devices completely custom names. I would even suggest that Google, Amazon and others should recommend that people change from the default name straight away.
  • by WolfgangVL ( 3494585 ) on Friday April 14, 2017 @06:31PM (#54237233)

    How is the TV-thing making the google-thing read you the wiki-thing translating to "malware-laden advertising infesting webpages" ?

    next question being, how is this not "unauthorized use of a computer system"?

    And final question is... How long before the wiki-thing starts telling the google-thing to start talking about the sexy-thing instead of the burger-thing?

    • by vux984 ( 928602 )

      next question being, how is this not "unauthorized use of a computer system"?

      You going to sue the neighbors when they slam their door and it activates your clapper and turns off all your lights?

      Your the fool who setup a totally unsecured voice activated box next to a TV setup to play audio you don't control.

      For what it's worth, I agree BK shouldn't be doing this; but on some level I think BK should get an award for generating awareness about "yet another" massive IoT security flaw, by getting your device to talk about Whoppers.

  • Easy solve for this (Score:4, Interesting)

    by buss_error ( 142273 ) on Friday April 14, 2017 @06:31PM (#54237235) Homepage Journal

    For what it's worth, my opinion is to do this:

    "OK Google, what's in a whopper?"
    "Hello, The Burger King(tm) Whopper - search results on Burger King(tm) have been removed due to terminal stupidity of the company. Enjoy a WhataBurger(tm), it's better anyway."

    • by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Friday April 14, 2017 @07:05PM (#54237395)
      Who would want to use a search engine so petty as to censor the web and distort search results (their primary and only useful function as far as I'm concerned) over a mischievous TV commercial? How could you trust that any other results are accurate or aren't the result of tampering. If Google were willing to artificially modify their results over something as trivial as that, you can bet they'd do the same for money, political influence, etc.
      • First of all, exactly.

        Second, we need to take a step back and consider how we got in this situation in the first place. Consider all the shit wrong here:

        • If this sort of unauthorized access to a computer system is a felony -- and under the CFAA, it is -- then we shouldn't be laughing it off in this case just because a corporation did it; the FBI should be raiding BK's headquarters and arresting executives.
        • This sort of thing shouldn't be a felony in the first place; the CFAA is a bad law.
        • Google shouldn't be
  • Obligatory (Score:5, Funny)

    by DaTrueDave ( 992134 ) * on Friday April 14, 2017 @06:32PM (#54237243)
  • Excellent (Score:5, Insightful)

    by clovis ( 4684 ) on Friday April 14, 2017 @06:41PM (#54237287)

    I could not be happier.
    What Burger King is doing is taking what seemed like a good idea, but isn't, and fucking it up so the grown ups will have to step in and straighten it out. It's kind of like how the Nazis took what sounded like a good idea (eugenics) and fucked it up so bad that people can't even say the word without causing seizures.

  • by Rick Schumann ( 4662797 ) on Friday April 14, 2017 @06:45PM (#54237301) Journal
    ..have you considered.. NOT having your gods-be-damned Google contraption turned on 24/7/365??? Seriously, people..
    • by swillden ( 191260 ) <> on Friday April 14, 2017 @08:38PM (#54237857) Journal

      ..have you considered.. NOT having your gods-be-damned Google contraption turned on 24/7/365??? Seriously, people..

      It would completely defeat the purpose of the Google Home to have to walk over and turn it on every time you wanted to use it. Actually, though, depending on what you mean by "turned on", it's not turned on 24x7. It does nothing but sit and run audio input through a DSP looking for the hotword most of the time, drawing very little power, and using no network (well, it polls for software updates once per day or so).

      I realize that it's cool to impress the other kids by hating on such things, but my family and I quite like the Google Home. It gets used quite a bit, to play music, add to the shared shopping list (which still works via the Shopping Express app, though not as well as it did when it went to Keep; I really hope that change gets reverted), provide news and weather reports, look up random topics, act as a cooking timer, set the thermostat, etc., etc., all hands-free. It's also rather hilarious to listen to my brother-in-law (who lives with us; he's an adult but my wife and I are his legal guardians because he had a head injury when young) talk to it. Honestly it does a better job at understanding his impaired speech than most humans who haven't spent significant time around him, but the results are often really funny.

      This Burger King commercial thing hasn't hit us because (a) there is no TV anywhere near the Home, and (b) we don't have broadcast TV anyway (we live up in the mountains where there's no over-the-air signal available, and don't pay for cable).

      Note that I do work for Google, but I'm certain I'd like the Home just as much if I didn't work for Google.

  • I worked for a company that shared office space with a company which did voice logins over a decade ago, and back then they were processing voice commands to make sure not only that they were spoken by the appropriate party, but also that they weren't a repeat of a recording. And they could detect pitch-shifted and speed-shifted versions of a recording, too. And they could do all of this over the POTS network at ~8kHz...

  • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Friday April 14, 2017 @06:58PM (#54237351)

    ... a 'Google bomb'.

    Lets see how Burger King likes their top search term being Goatse Guy.

  • Burger king (Score:2, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward

    That is really funny, I'm actually more likely to stop at Burger king then McD now.

  • by epyT-R ( 613989 ) on Friday April 14, 2017 @07:07PM (#54237409)

    Don't use these 'personal assistants' in the first place. They're pernicious spyware.

  • First (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Dunbal ( 464142 ) * on Friday April 14, 2017 @07:09PM (#54237421)
    It was cute. Now it's criminal.
  • To make sure the world knows that this kind of behavior won't be tolerated, Google should do something that will annoy the board of directors of Burger King's parent company. Here's some pseudo code for a response from Google Home to the Burger King ad:

    if (Burger King stock price is down):
    say "The Whopper is a hamburger from Burger King, owned by Restaurant Brands International whose stock price is currently falling."
    else if (Burger King stock price is up):
    say "Th

    • by vux984 ( 928602 )

      And what happens when some indie band includes ok google commands on their net album.

      The notion that an audio clip of a simple sentence is a 'viable' hack is absurd. It simply exposes a defective product design for what it is.

      BK isn't going to be the last to exploit this, and some of the other parties are going to be doing much narrower targeted and more damaging, even truly criminal attacks; google can't fingerprint and block them all, nor can it retaliate against them all.

      It has to fix its product. Full s

    • So you want to get the SEC involved? They put Martha Stuart in jail just because they could.

  • Google could add a prompt asking if queries or commands are filtered or ignored entirely. The browser extension is great; I have not seen a search result from "" or "" since release.

    After a signature of misuse is detected Google could push out the prompt with the next instance. Similar to how they are reacting to the problem now, but with greater and long lasting consequences. No libel required, just respond that saying the company misused your personal equ
  • When asked "OK Google, What is the Whopper?"
    ANSWER: This topic is blocked, because of abusive behavior by Burger King marketers.
    The Whopper is also a controversial food, because it is so unhealthy to eat. Recommend you
    consider Fresh kale or a Spinache salad, instead.

  • by Etcetera ( 14711 ) on Friday April 14, 2017 @07:41PM (#54237587) Homepage

    Congratulations, folks... BK has successfully demonstrated a giant vulnerability in Google's (and Amazon's, and Apple's...) product - it responds to voices from people it doesn't know, and the default access phrase is well-known.

    Maybe instead of whining about Burger King, you can pressure your vendor to fix their design flaws. Or better yet, disable all voice recognition/spying devices and banish them from your house completely.

  • by kangsterizer ( 1698322 ) on Friday April 14, 2017 @07:46PM (#54237619)

    I like how TFA and others make it sound like BK is the bad guy.
    What they did is funny and relatively harmless (except for Google's reputation maybe). It also shows the HUGE issue that always-listening devices are.
    I'd rather BK make fun of it, than someone else. Users have no control over these devices whatsoever. The company listens to everything they say, and can decide to act on it or not.

    Otherwise, what's next? TV ads says BK burgers are good, and the Google voice comes up to tell you how you should get Google burgers instead? Or how about you're discussing with friends that you're going to go to Starbucks to get a coffee, but Google reminds you there is a closer coffee shop (that happens to be sponsored), which is Phil's ?

    Sounds crazy today, but in 5y from now it will sound perfectly normal and something we have to deal with day to day. I'm all for making fun of it, showing the flaws and exploiting them in these ways before it become the new normal.

  • Wow (Score:4, Insightful)

    by The MAZZTer ( 911996 ) <> on Friday April 14, 2017 @07:47PM (#54237627) Homepage

    OK, Burger King had their fun. Google said play time is over and put an end to it.

    Maybe before one could easily see it as light hearted fun, but I think now it is officially crossed over the line into harassment of Google Home users. I am not sure how fast Google will escalate their responses, but if Burger King keeps continuing on this path I can't help but wonder if Google will start legal action to get the commercial taken down. I am sure there is a legal option in here somewhere.

    I imagine Google's next step would be to block the specific voice clip again, and probably make a public statement warning of their next steps if this continues. They may block queries about the Whooper, alerting users of Burger King's abuse of Google Home systems in conjunction with whoever is airing the ad, and (I would love this if they do) providing links to resources to legal services that compete with TV (Netflix, etc).

    If nothing short of legal action is ultimately working, they may sue whoever is running the ad to get them to take it down. Google is their trademark and it's being used in the commercial, and it is being used to harass Google users, there has to be some legal ground there Google can use. And if there's any violation of copyright involved, the DMCA would provide an easy way to get the commercial taken down (assuming the DMCA can be used for more than taking down fair use YouTube videos).

    • Anybody stupid enough to let Google listen to everything within range of their phone 24-7 has demonstrated clearly that they don't care the least little bit about privacy or security.

      They deserve what they get.

      Burger King deserves a medal for proving just how incredibly daft such people are, and how much they deserve the rogering they'll get sooner or later from some individual, government or corporation that bends them over a barrel and really lets them have it.

  • Since Google wants to be to pervasive in society, this is the type of exploit that is going to get leveraged.
    Also since they want to be listening to everyone everywhere all the time for anything that might be potentially profitable for them, someone will eventually make sound bites that render them moot as quickly as possible.
    Have fun, Google!

  • 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield.

  • by bankman ( 136859 ) on Saturday April 15, 2017 @02:48AM (#54238885) Homepage

    Spectacularly flawed design and an incredibly obvious attack vector. And now Google, in their endless wisdom, appear to think that making BK a public successful troll instead of admitting that they have a faulty product. Marketing at its best, bravo!

