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Judge Orders 'Intentionally Deceptive' DOJ Lawyers To Take Remedial Ethics Class ( 185

According to the Daily Caller, "The judge overseeing the challenge by 26 states to President Obama's executive action in immigration has ordered all lawyers 'employed at the Justice Department in Washington, D.C. who appears, or seeks to appear, in a court (state or federal) in any of the 26 Plaintiff States annually attend a legal ethics course.'"

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Zero Hedge: In writing the ruling, Hanen quoted from the scene in "Miracle on 34th Street" when the boy is called to testify to Santa's existence and saying that everyone knows not to tell a lie to the court. Hanen went on to say that that the Justice Department lawyers have an even stricter duty: Tell the truth, don't mislead the court, and don't allow it to be mislead by others. "The Government's lawyers failed on all three fronts. The actions of the DHS should have been brought as early as December 19, 2014. The failure of counsel to do that constituted more than mere inadvertent omissions -- it was intentionally deceptive." Judge Hanen wrote in his ruling. Hanen ordered that the classes must be "taught by at least one recognized ethics expert who is unaffiliated with the Justice Department." I wonder if the judge could order the lawyers to jail for contempt of court?
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Judge Orders 'Intentionally Deceptive' DOJ Lawyers To Take Remedial Ethics Class

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  • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

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    • by Anonymous Coward

      Do you prefer this []?

    • Re:Reliable sources (Score:5, Informative)

      by BeauHD ( 4450103 ) Works for Slashdot on Friday May 20, 2016 @03:48PM (#52151567) Homepage
      NYT wrote about it, but it's a paywalled source. []
    • Whine much? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 20, 2016 @03:59PM (#52151623)

      Both articles quote the judge's order and then... y'know... LINK the order.

      And you scream "I'll believe it when a source I approve of says it?" (HINT: And not the judge's actual order...)

      Bet you would've said the same if Slashdot had posted a Daily Kos article about a judge slamming Bush' DoJ...

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 )

        Bet you would've said the same if Slashdot had posted a Daily Kos article about a judge slamming Bush' DoJ...

        Yes, they would have. The Carly Fiorina defense. When backed into a corner, caught in one of her blatent lies, she'd just accuse the person of working from the Trump or Clinton playbook.

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • If you won't read the order how do you know the article is biased? It's pretty difficult to write an untruthful article with the original source placed front and center. What is much easier is not covering the story at all. You can go to CNN or any of the other traditional orgs for that.

    • Re:Reliable sources (Score:5, Informative)

      by dcooper_db9 ( 1044858 ) on Friday May 20, 2016 @04:00PM (#52151629)
      As requested: This is the order []
      And this is an editorial by the Washington Post []
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • What I provided was a link to a widely known publisher that confirmed the basic assertions presented in the summary. My link made it clear that it pointed to an editorial, and the article itself was clearly marked. Anybody interested in thinking critically about an issue will recognize the need to explore alternative views.

          In my opinion, a summary should include a link to a non-paywalled article hosted by a reputable publisher. By reputable I do not mean that the publisher is free of bias. I mean that the

    • by Anonymous Coward

      It's a case of technically true, but still completely irrelevant.

      The states shopped and found a sympathetic judge who put forward a ruling so silly that it can only be taken as a political statement.

      This will make for a round of furious masturbation on the conservative circle-jerk media circuit, but it will be overturned with an little more than an eye-roll from a higher court judge.

    • There's a link to the actual court ruling, so what difference does the source make?

      What's the matter, your delicate leftist sensibilities were bruised by having to wade through "offensive" material to find the link?
    • I'm sure the NYTimes and Washington Post have reporters working in shifts on the story. Look, the actual judge's order is linked in the article. Just go read that and stop attacking the source.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 20, 2016 @03:54PM (#52151597)

    When a judge rules that a member of the Peasant Class has been intentionally deceptive; they do hard time for the crime of perjury. Has anyone written an app to cross reference: wealth, political affiliation, political connections, legal immigration status, and whether you are a member ofthe Bar, etc. to decide what laws apply to you and in what way. It gets complicated.
    Nixon can't wipe 18.5 minutes of magnetic audio tape but Hillary can wipe all the platters on a magnetic hard drive. See, it gets tricky.

  • by Crashmarik ( 635988 ) on Friday May 20, 2016 @04:03PM (#52151643)

    Whose attorney general Eric Holder waited until after the statute of limitation expired to decide whether or not to prosecute banks, then went to work for the same banks at a 10 million+/ year salary ?

    The same DOJ whose attorney general Loretta Lynch has been doing such a wonderful job on defending constitutional rights like proclaiming she would prosecute anti muslim hate speech in the wake of the San Bernadino attacks, would not prosecute Lois Lerner for abuse of office at the IRS, and will likely let Hillary skate on her violations of national security law ?

    Well I am shocked that attorneys from that DOJ would have ethics violations.

    • by Grishnakh ( 216268 ) on Friday May 20, 2016 @04:19PM (#52151719)

      And the Democratic Party wonders why Bernie supporters are refusing to do as they're told and get behind Hillary, and why some are threatening to vote for Trump.

      • by DaHat ( 247651 )

        You give too much credit to the Bernard fans who as the Trotskyite wing of the party, still don't understand the risks of going up against the Stalinist wing.

      • The only people claiming Sanders voters are going to vote for Trump is Trump supporters.

        Sanders voters are more likely to stay home and not vote at all than vote for Trump. I support Sanders, I'd rather cut my testicles off than vote for Trump. Trump'll start WWIII because some foreign leader insulted him. And if he doesn't do that he'll gut the constitution and free speech to make it so people can't insult him. He'd fit right in with the average Arab Dictator.

        • by DaHat ( 247651 )

          Sanders voters are more likely to stay home and not vote at all than vote for Trump.

          Which still is an implicit vote for Trump as it helps to split the Democrat vote.

          While not a Trump fan myself, I will say "thank you!!!" on behalf of a friend who is one.

          • I don't think anyone on the democratic side needs to worry. The evangelicals in the republican party are going to stay home and that's 15% of the republican vote, and that's with the electoral math already against him and Hillary only needing to win Florida to take the white house. That is even if his past history doesn't destroy him during the real campaign which is highly likely. The media's been sitting on hundreds of prior interviews he's done over the years just waiting for the real campaign to start.

            • Trump doesn't have a chance, no republican did.

              I completely disagree, and honestly I think this is typical head-in-the-sand thinking from non-Republicans. The Republicans are winning all the lower-level elections: they control both houses of Congress, and they've been sweeping more and more state legislatures and governorships. Just 2 years ago, Democrats famously didn't bother turning out to vote and Republicans made huge gains nationwide.

              With Hillary as the Democratic standard-bearer, and lots of youn

        • by HiThere ( 15173 )

          I really doubt that Trump would intentionally start WWIII. But he might insult someone else enough that it got started because of him.

          FWIW, Hillary has apparently come out against TPP, so I'll probably grit my teeth and vote for her is Sanders loses. Otherwise I'll vote Green. It doesn't really matter, the state I live in is going to go Democrat no matter how I vote.

          • Are you really naive enough to believe Hillary when she flip-flops like that?

            Trump really *is* against the TPP, unlike Hillary, so if that's the most important issue to you, Trump is the rational choice. Trump's flip-flopped on a bunch of things, but not the trade issue.

            • No one and I mean not a single person knows what Donald Trump is for or against other than himself. He's a liar that will say or do ANYTHING to get elected. The funny thing is half his supporters acknowledge this with winks and nods that claim he'll not do the stuff he's said that they don't like as if they can actually predict what he's lying about. Trump will do and say whatever it takes to win.

              You don't have any fucking idea what he believes or what he'll do if he won. The only thing you can be certain o

              • He's a liar that will say or do ANYTHING to get elected. ... Trump will do and say whatever it takes to win.

                Yes, but you can say the exact same thing about Hillary.

                The only thing you can be certain of is that Donald Trump will do whatever is in Donald Trumps best interest without regard for anyone else.

                Again, Hillary is the same, and quite likely much worse because she's in it for the money and the power, and is sold out to various interests, which is how she and Bill have become nearly billionaires. At l

        • Not necessarily. Some Bernie supporters (probably a small minority) *have* threatened to vote for Trump.

          However, I can see a lot of them turning out to vote, but for Stein or some other 3rd party candidate, instead. Or they might just write-in Bernie's name.

        • by sjames ( 1099 )

          I am considering voting for sanders as a write-in.

    • by DaHat ( 247651 )

      Interestingly enough, thus far the judge has not blamed Loretta Lynch for this false statements... only former AG Eric Holder... who I agree, was more than a little unethical in his professional dealings.

    • Justice Department politicized. News at 11.

      Were you as up in arms when the Nixon administration DOJ refused to prosecute Nixon?

      • The difference: Congressional Republicans demanded that Nixon resign. They voted, along with Congressional Democrats, in favor of articles of impeachment. Had Nixon not resigned, he would have been impeached and convicted with support from Democrats and Republicans.

        There wasn't any of the wagon-circling you saw with Clinton or Obama's DOJ, IRS, or EPA chiefs.

        Because Republicans hate us and want us to die... or something.

        • by AK Marc ( 707885 )
          Plenty of wagon-circling with Reagan's treasonous deals with Iran. Or is it only bad when the Democrats do it?
    • The Obama DoJ has a long history of questionable ethics and former AG Eric Holder was held in contempt by Congress for stonewalling and withholding documents. A judge can refer any counsel to the bar for disbarment proceedings over ethics violations, as what has happened to one of the Prenda lawyers. [] Seeing firsthand evidence of the DoJ ethics in the case before him, this was his shot over the bow that he was not leaving out that option.
    • Wikipedia says Holder's net worth is $10m, so I doubt he makes that per year. Any source for that, or the allegation that he waited until after the statute of limitations had run to prosecute the banks?
    • by Toad-san ( 64810 )

      To be fair, Holder isn't going to work for the same banks .. not directly anyway. He's returning to the same law firm he left to take the Attorney General job: []

      The fact that the law firm has those same banks as clients might perhaps explain how and why he got the Attorney General job in the first place, ne?

      His replacement, Loretta Lynch, is no better: []

  • No surprise here. The 26 states don't have a case, found a sympathetic Republican-appointed judge who made a ruling favorable to the states, and judge retaliated against DOJ because the Obama Administration is moving ahead while repealing the decision. Republicans are always screaming about judicial activism — except their own, of course.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      If not for that pesky 5TH circuit upholding his injunction.

      You are nothing but a fucking zealot.

    • by DaHat ( 247651 )


      because the Obama Administration is moving ahead while repealing the decision

      Are you sure they are 'repealing' the decision? Though I guess that is the sort of thing an administration which doesn't respect the rule of law unless it says what they want it to say would attempt.

      Assuming you mean 'appealing':

      and judge retaliated against DOJ because the Obama Administration is moving ahead while appealing the decision

      Nice fictitious narrative you've got there. Wants some facts?

      The DoJ lawyers confirmed t

    • Neither Obama nor his administration has a lawful ability to repeal a judge's decision. Only a higher court or a change in law or the U.S. constitution can do so.

  • Disgusting (Score:5, Interesting)

    by DarkOx ( 621550 ) on Friday May 20, 2016 @04:35PM (#52151797) Journal

    Lynch and Holder have run the most overtly corrupt (and therefore like most corrupt) DOJ in history.

    I don't care much for Trump but I sure as hell hope he wins at this point because we need someone with the stones to actually look into and prosecute members of the former administration for their misdeeds. I can understand why that isn't a precedent most politicians want to see set, but its the only way we are going to get things cleaned up.

  • That can't be compatible with the 8th.

    • by PPH ( 736903 )

      Lawyers file a hostile working conditions class action suit in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ....

  • by Hylandr ( 813770 ) on Friday May 20, 2016 @04:51PM (#52151905)

    This post is spinning so fast it's hard to read.

    What was *really* said and which side is in trouble?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    The same judge who took (and is still taking!) Orly Taitz' birther case seriously. Really.

    So the deal is that a judge who is so unethical and biased that his decisions are guaranteed to be reversed on appeal still has some power -- before he makes a decision. So he keeps the cases going on and on, throwing around the full power of a federal judge, even though he's a nationally recognized disgrace. Basically if WorldNetDaily had the power to appoint judges, they'd have a hard time topping this clown.

    Why n

    • by hey! ( 33014 )

      You can't impeach someone for being a paranoid and incompetent.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    This is a legal and political story.
    If the Judge is not just spouting, he can report them to the Bar.
    Or hold them in contempt.

  • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Friday May 20, 2016 @05:21PM (#52152097)

    ... just have a buddy take the class and sign my name for attendance?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    You know, if an ordinary human being lies to a judge, in a court, under oath, it's called perjury. You go to jail for that.

    Oh, these are lawyers, they get special treatment? Right, so there's a higher legal standard for officers of the court. They are never, never to bring the administration of justice into disrepute. They've done that too.

    A remedial ethics class is the merest slap on the wrist. What is called for is prosecution and disbarment. But you know, these are DOJ lawyers, so apparently they h

  • ... then taking a class is not going to change anything. If anything, it is going to teach them how to be *more* deceptive so that they won't get caught.

  • Really, this is a questionable action which will be most likely overturned. The court can not arbitrarily order some lawyers to be required to perform actions that other lawyers do not need to do in order to appear before the court. They are placing an arbitrary barrier in front of a section of people, which can be likened to poll tests to prevent them from appearing in court.

    This case is also about immigration and enforcement of immigration laws. Laws that are FEDERAL laws, not STATE laws. District Attorn
  • WTF is this??

We are not a clone.
