Among the Costs of War: $20B In Air Conditioning 409
TechkNighT_1337 submitted one of the most well spun little news nuggets I've read in awhile: "The amount the U.S. military spends annually on air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan: $20.2 billion. That's more than NASA's budget. It's more than BP has paid so far for damage during the Gulf oil spill. It's what the G-8 has pledged to help foster new democracies in Egypt and Tunisia."
Interesting. (Score:5, Insightful)
Funny how being green and efficient is considered a weakness instead of a strength.
A gallon of fuel you dont need to use, is one you dont need to carry or convoy in.
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"if it aint broke don't fix it"
you wouldn't believe how many times i have heard this when i was in the army. unlike civilian life where everything has a return on investment and everyone is trying justify projects because they save money overall, it's not done in the military. ask for more money and complain if you don't get it
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That is one of the worst sayings. If we followed it, all progress would stop.
bullshit (Score:2)
You have obviously never worked on a vehicle or done home improvement projects. Its one of the best rules to live by.
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Hah I've done plenty of both, that saying only applies if you have no idea what you're doing.
US motor industry nearly tanked (Score:3, Insightful)
Nowadays Germany turns out passenger cars in volume with both supercharging and turbocharging for light weight and high efficiency, and Japan tur
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So, no progress is bad. Spending every penny you have on progress is bad...If only there were some gray area, in between, where we could have some progress, without starving to death because we spent every penny of our country's GDP on research...If only someone would invent moderation...
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So, no progress is bad. Spending every penny you have on progress is bad...If only there were some gray area, in between, where we could have some progress, without starving to death because we spent every penny of our country's GDP on research...If only someone would invent moderation...
I would, but I don't have any mod points.
Re:Interesting. (Score:5, Informative)
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looking at the single-walled canvas tents they are cooling with A/C run from diesel generators in a 110 F desert.
If only there was something they could put on the outside of the tent to keep sun/heat out...
Re:Interesting. (Score:5, Funny)
With the low humidity there, it would seem that evaporative cooling would work well. Of course, you still need water, but Evian is cheaper if you buy the big 24-packs...
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We could use choppers to ferry stuff around, but it is much more expensive than sending out some guys in a jeep or hummer. Plus it looks like we are afraid of the Talibhan.
There was an interview with an army officer on the radio a month or two back where they asked why they try to defuse roadside bombs instead of just blowing them up from a safe distance. This was in the context of yet another bomb disposal expert being killed, on his last day of service no less.
The answer given was that by defusing the bom
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Wasn't it the brilliant republican mind Dick C. that stated back in 2001:
Energy conservation is just "a sign of personal virtue" and relying on renewableswould threaten "our way of life."
Got to wonder what could have been achieved had there been a bit more focus on renewable energy 10 years ago.
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I recall a story on /. even about spraying foam on the tents to save energy, particularly in hot areas like Afghanistan and Iraq (and cold in the Afghan winter when you have to heat the place).
The rest of the world may have it easier, as individuals can do it individually. When I save on energy, I see it in the next bill, clear incentive. When a soldier saves energy, well it may mean extra effort. And this problem can be seen for most companies as well: individuals don't have a (financial) incentive, no re
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You misspelled "stolen"
(from the future generations who'll be footing the bill)
An interesting coincidence... (Score:3)
Yeah, but don't forget a large part of that money is borrowed.
There was a Chinese economist on NPR recently who pointed out an interesting factoid -- our total expenditures in Iraq and Afghanistan are approximately equal to our total government debt to China.
Independence Day had it right... (Score:4, Insightful)
You don't actually think they spend $20,000.00 on a hammer, $30,000.00 on a toilet seat do you?
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Maybe they should be called the Air Conditioning Force.
Death by Powerpoint (Score:2)
Well, they need some hardware to run Powerpoint on.
"A PowerPoint Ranger is a military member who relies heavily on presentation software to the point of excess. Some junior officers spend the majority of their time preparing PowerPoint slides.[10] Because of its usefulness for presenting mission briefings, it has become part of the culture of the military,[9][11] but is regarded as a poor decision-making tool.[12] As a result some generals, such as Brigadier-General Herbert McMaster, have banned the use of
Re:Independence Day had it right... (Score:5, Insightful)
Tinfoil and/or drywall burns?
If they had any brains they'd do what the people who live in hot countries do - dig holes and live underground. They'd be safer from mortars, too.
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You don't actually think they spend $20,000.00 on a hammer, $30,000.00 on a toilet seat do you?
Throw enough CMMI at the hammer or toilet seat, and yes I do think it cost that much.
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If those are space-hammers and space-toilets, then yes... I do think they do.
Re:Independence Day had it right... (Score:4, Insightful)
As a former member of the military I can tell you that they do spend that much money (well maybe not that much but close) on these things. The reason why is that the military has EXTREMELY high standards and has very detailed specifications that must be met for each and every piece of equipment that goes into active duty.
For example, I was flight crew on the E3 AWACS and had to go thru several rounds of maintenance and rebuilds of the airframe and avionics (don't forget the powerplants) and to be able to maintain an air frame over a 30-40 year lifespan, with all of it's components, sub-systems and redundancies requires that the manufacturer's design, testing and implementation process be incredibly exhaustive. On top of all of this, these machines are run by children. Remember the vast majority of operators of this type of equipment are under the age of 21. You haven't seen documentation and training unless you've been in the military. It is thorough, exhaustive and focused.
Now I don't excuse the cost overruns and I realize that many military programs have a lot of waste in them, but just imagine if you had to build a software/hardware system that could not fail, had well defined interfaces and had the ultimate pluggable component system, runs in any environment (hot, cold, freezing, boiling, extreme altitude, etc.), was upgradeable and repairable while running, was fully redundant times 3, could withstand an EMP pulse, internally generated enough power to run an airborne radar system that, while on the ground, could generate enough power to detonate fuel in a vehicle within a 30-40 yard radius or literally burn you alive, could refuel while in the air, house 25-30 people safely, fly at subsonic speeds and be maintained by children just out of high-school.
It is non-trivial to say the least. The complexity, attention to detail and completeness dwarfs anything I have ever seen in the civilian world. That's why it costs so much damn money for military equipment.
It's not so outlandish (Score:3)
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I know folks bitch about the costs, but where are those funds going would be the question to ask. I have no problem with the Govt spending on equipment and services that support U.S. businesses and create jobs. It's a bit of a vicious circle though. Shift that money to social services, and you'll have the same scenario, but just a different industry.
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And then a big chunk of that money goes to the executives of those companies, who then spend a big chunk of it on Italian yachts and supercars, Panamanian hookers and Colombian cocaine. And then all the lower-paid workers spend a big chunk of their share on Chinese junk from Wal-Mart (or the Apple store) and American cars built in Mexico and partly paid for with bailout money, and the cycle continues...
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The hate is strong with this one.
Re:Independence Day had it right... (Score:5, Insightful)
Money spent in a war is mostly wasted as the bulk of the money is invested into something with zero return. A small percentage trickles back in to the private sector via private sector purchases and services, but the bulk of the money is paying men/women to stand around shooting at people or blowing things up.
If you instead dumped that money into social services, even if largely abused, it would at least be invested directly back into the economy and we would retain nearly all of that money in some form.
When in college a few years back, the current estimated cost of 3 year of war would have paid for 10 years of nation wide free college AND health care. It's insane. Could you imagine a more educated and healthy populace? GDP would skyrocket after a few generations. Instead we're off fighting religious wars.
Nothing against our proud men and women serving abroad, just something against our government.
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Being a soldier for health care seems deliciously ironic.
Détente? (Score:5, Funny)
I heard that the Cold War was over!
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It is. Unfortunately, the Cold lost.
Cooling canvas tents? (Score:3)
How are these tents built up? Is this just a canvas tent, no insulation whatever?
That would be rather ... stupid. It should be quite simple to construct something portable with at least a modicum of insulation.
Re:Cooling canvas tents? (Score:4, Informative)
Yes, thats the point. Thats why they now spray foam on them. Going from none to foam reduces energy use by 92%.
Re:Cooling canvas tents? (Score:5, Informative)
They are better than that. Tents typically are covered with the "space blankets" and then covered with another tent. to cover the space blanket. it makes a MAJOR difference as the reflective mylar will reflect 90% of the heat back out.
Now expecting our military to have the brains to do that..... nope... the guys on the ground doing it themselves? yes, many of the grunts are far smarter than the officers.
Re:Cooling canvas tents? (Score:5, Insightful)
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It should be quite simple to construct something portable with at least a modicum of insulation.
No, it isn't quite simple. It is very easy to construct permanent structures that are well insulated. Portable? No.
Let me know if you ever find a highly insulated car, RV, tank, train passenger car...
Most insulation either does not tolerate vibration, water, impact, is toxic when on fire, is toxic or semi-toxic to transport and apply by untrained personnel, or the lifetime under combat conditions is so short that disposal becomes an environmental problem (so... we poured out a slab of canned instant foam
Solar Power? (Score:4, Interesting)
From every photo I've seen of Afghanistan, it looks to me like they have a surplus of sunlight. I understand solar power can't replace fuel for everything, but couldn't it dramatically reduce the cost of cooling troops? What are the roadblocks and/or definciencies of alternative sources of power?
Re:Solar Power? (Score:4, Insightful)
Probably bureaucracy and lack of familiarity and/or comfort with the technology in question.
It take that military a long, long time to change things. They go through conceptual processes, design processes, review processes, redesign processes, certification processes, and that's for things that get developed quickly and that officers want. When officers don't want something or don't understand the nature of the technology, or when they don't think their enlistees can manage the tech, things go a lot slower.
This is partially why the military tends to look for variants on an existing theme. M4 versus M16. All of the versions of the M72. It's much easier to go with the same or with similar. Throwing in a whole new technology, at least as far as their usage, is not nearly as easy for training or simplicity.
Specifically for solar panels, keep in mind that they're fragile, and it wouldn't take much (oh, like a single bullet) to destroy a fairly sizable panel. It would be easy for an enemy, with a few well-placed shots from an iron-sights sniper rifle, to destroy all of the solar panels and thus to destroy all of the cooling. If they're trucking in fuel for things that can't solar-power anyway, it makes sense, to them, to continue to truck that much more fuel in for everything else that uses power.
I don't necessarily agree, and I think that with effort a certain degree of ruggedization of solar panels should be achievable, but right now they're not interested, and that'll be that.
Re:Solar Power? (Score:4, Interesting)
That's all true, but for as inefficient as it may seem, there are reasons for all of those. IAAAMO (I am an American military officer), and I can attest to the nature of the American military; we are an incredibly capable organization and almost unstoppable at the tasks we are equipped and trained for, but we were never designed to be agile or efficient. I'm a naval officer, so ships are what I know, and ships are damn expensive. Not just building, but designing, testing the designing, reworking requirements, testing requirements, adjusting for how much training would be required for the equipment vs how much we can do, ammunition and fuel consumption rates vs. supply capabilities, etc. The ships on the water now were on the drawing board twenty years ago (some of the tech in them is newer and could be installed on them because of the long dev time). We (the Navy) have fewer than 300 ships. Imagine an army of 300,000, each one with a set of gear. You want to change one piece, it's not one piece, it's 300,000 pieces. You want a new tent? It's not a new tent, it's 50,000 new tents. You can call it waste in government if you like (I know you didn't), but it's really just the nature of operating an enormous organization. You think lean, corporate giants where profit is king are different? They are not. Ask anyone who works at Raytheon, Microsoft, Apple, Maersk, etc.
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Probably bureaucracy and lack of familiarity and/or comfort with the technology in question.
Also political. Its hard to build a stable reliable solar plant that is not permanent. Installing solar plants is an admission we will never leave. Which seems to pretty much be the truth, making it a good idea. But its hard to get people to admit that.
Specifically for solar panels, keep in mind that they're fragile, and it wouldn't take much (oh, like a single bullet) to destroy a fairly sizable panel. It would be easy for an enemy, with a few well-placed shots from an iron-sights sniper rifle, to destroy all of the solar panels and thus to destroy all of the cooling.
I can tell by your other commentary you are either in / involved with / or really close to someone in the US military, and this shows it too, in a different way, the high tech elaborate American style solution. The preferred anti-solar weapon is not an e
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Why couldn't we let the Afghans use it after we're gone?
I don't necessarily think solar is the best idea for forward operating bases, but building solar power plants for military and subsequent civilian use in places like Kabul could generate goodwill (just like other infrastructure improvements).
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Lack of incentive. Do you really get the impression that the military here is strapped for cash?
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Doesn't suprise me (Score:2)
Just the buildings (Score:2)
Have they considered only air conditioning the building and vehicles rather than the whole countries? I assume that would be cheaper.
Does anybody really believe this? (Score:5, Informative)
...Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security account for far more spending than the $107 billion the Pentagon says it will spend in Afghanistan next year.
So of the $107 billion we will spend in Afghanistan, $20.2 billion of it is for air conditioning? Seriously, almost 20% of our war cost?
But the devil is in the details. The calculation takes into consideration all sorts of services that are not solely used for air conditioning. Escort, command and control, medevac support...all are resources that support multiple purposes and not just creature comforts for soldiers. That would be like me saying the annual cost of maintaining my vehicle includes the band-aids I keep in the medicine chest because I occasionally scrape my knuckles loosening the drain plug.
In other words, we do not spend $20 billion on air conditioning. Instead, the cost of every resource that has any tangential effect on air conditioning has a combined cost of $20 billion. Wake me up when NPR posts some information that is actually useful.
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Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security account for far more spending than the $107/yr to be pissed away into Afghanistan with no benefit for Americans not turning a profit from this war already.
Let's not forget the costs not factored into $107Billion/yr: life-long care for the thousands of crippled soldiers returning from this waste of time and effort.
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Well, then look at the direct costs. How many gallons per hour do the generators and AC use? How many generators are in use. And how much does the average gallon of fuel cost to deliver.
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I suspect the direct costs are not more than we spend on NASA, and thus not anti-war news worthy (thrown out there based on the big bold quote from Sen. Manchin).
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Really? Do the math, the numbers grow quite rapidly. Assuming very conservatively that a gallon of diesel costs $25 to deliver to an FOB (closer to $400/gal at times). Using an example number of 1000 gallons used per hour across all Afghanistan. That's $600,000 per day right there. $219 million a year.
Plug in actual consumption numbers and watch the costs soar.
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That $219 million is still two orders of magnitude less than what NASA gets in funding per year; so yes, I really doubt we spend more on air conditioning our tents in Afghanistan than we do on NASA.
Re:Does anybody really believe this? (Score:5, Insightful)
Well, air-con isn't very energy efficient. So you're getting a shed-load of energy from somewhere. If you're talking entire camps hooked up, that's dozens KW's of capacity all day long, every day. A/C is actually quite a substantial chunk of any business's electrical cost that has it installed.
Now if you are indeed running mobile sites via fuel-based generators, that's a shed-load of inefficiency and cost again there. Ever run a petrol- or diesel-generator? Works out about 5-10 times more expensive than grid electric. Not to mention that if you're without it even for an hour, the A/C has to "warm-start" and pull a ton more energy than normal.
Now you're in a "hostile" country, you can't plug into the grid, and your fuel has to be DRIVEN in, using more fuel, in batches that will last you, say, a week at a time - it will form quite a significant chunk of your transport to move that much fuel around. Loading, movement, weight, unloading, fuelling, etc. That's a lot of work to cause, just for a liquid only intended to cool tents (and I imagine actual fuel costs for transport are a fraction of what would be used in A/C).
Add in losses, thefts, inefficiencies, the fact that fuel in those countries probably hasn't been bought at the local petrol station (but, ironically, comes from oil shipped from the Middle East to the US only to be refined and then shipped back again at great expense under military escort), that you're cooling a tent (the stupidest thing I ever heard), that the equipment use is probably unmonitored (so nobody is really aware if one unit is on all day, every day for no reason), etc. etc. and I can quite believe it.
Soon, this will become another one of those "and the Russians used a pencil" sayings - I bet every other military just has their soldiers adapt to the same conditions as the people they are fighting - cheaper, more sensible, more efficient and a lot greater sense.
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"Works out about 5-10 times more expensive than grid electric."
Not to mention that using explosions to turn a generator to create electricity to generate the energy for again turning a pump in the AC unit wastes 3/4 of the energy.
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I am not seeing where NPR posted the breakdown of this cost. The only explanation was General Anderson's statement of including "escorting, command and control, medevac support".
In fact, if you read the transcript [npr.org] of the interview the article is based on, General Anderson does not say if the $20 billion figure is per year, or over the whole ten years we have been at war.
Finally, just because General Anderson is an expert and "knows what he's talking about", does not mean he is being honest. Argument from au
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Finally, just because General Anderson is an expert and "knows what he's talking about", does not mean he is being honest. Argument from authority and all that.
Here is what you were looking for: "[Anderson]'s in the private sector now, pitching green solutions to the Pentagon - things like foam insulation, which the military has tried, spraying this stuff on to tents to make those air-conditioning bills go down."
He has a clear motivation to try to make the cost of Aircon (and energy in general) sound as large as possible. Now that doesn't mean it's not true, only that it is subject to bias. But then again, we have no problem letting the beef industry tell us wha
Re:Does anybody really believe this? (Score:5, Informative)
Reading, it's fundamental! NPR pointed out that the $20B per year is for Iraq AND Afghanistan. Please add the cost of the Iraq war to the $107B before dividing the $20B figure by it to come to a percentage of total cost. Then, you will arrive at the actual percentage of the war cost spent on air conditioning (*based on the criteria for this report.) It's also worth noting that this figure came from none other than Gen. David Patreaus' chief logistician in Iraq, Steven Anderson. So no, this isn't a "liberally biased anti-war puff piece" like the NPR detractors would have you believe; this is a figure from someone very high up *inside the Defense Department*.
Or, you can turn off NPR and go back to being told what to think by some other news outlet. Your choice.
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Re:Does anybody really believe this? (Score:4, Insightful)
Well; also, factor in the cost of the salaries of the accountants and filing clerks that track the logistical operations to make sure all of that fuel is supplied, especially to critical ops locations like field hospitals, and command centers where shelters MUST remain cool 24x7. This is why hammers cost $200. And this is why wars like this one, in particular, are particularly futile, as far as economic ventures go. It is an extremely cost-inefficient way to jack up someone's ego.
We could have saved ourselves hundreds of billions by hiring the best doctors in the world to surgically attach a giant horse penis to George Bush, thus resolving his psychological inadequacy issues, without all the waste and bloodshed.
Calculation - could be possible (Score:2)
Let's assume that a barrel of oil (equivalent) energy costs 1000 dollar - instead of the normal 100. The US army brings it to its destination in expensive convoys.
Let's also assume that the infrastructure costs as much as the energy: 2000 dollar/barrel of oil equivalent energy. (The result of both is probably more).
Then they would consume 10 million barrels of oil equivalent per year, or about 1.2 billion kg of oil, or about 5*10^16 J/yr, or about 1.6 GW in energy...
Which seems an awful lot.
Then again, we m
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Let's assume neither of us are asses.
Interesting (Score:5, Insightful)
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Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Solar panels, really? (Score:5, Interesting)
"The tents are air conditioned with diesel-powered ECUs because people get heat related illnesses when they are not."
Harden up sweet heart. Somehow British, Australian, Canadian, and other Commonwealth troops ran riot across Northern Africa and the Middle East in two world wars without their armies collapsing from heat stroke. Air conditioned tents are just a creature comfort like having fast food vendors on the bases is. It has nothing to do with military effectiveness (it probably detracts from it as the troops won't be properly acclimatised for when they are off base).
Alexander the Great CONQUERED Afghanistan and his troops were probably lucky to have woollen blankets and had walked all the way from Macedonia conquering what is now Iraq and Persia along the way.
P.S. The Soviet army response to their soldiers complaining about having to sleep in the snow with just a great-jacket was to make them spend more time training in the snow so they got used to it.
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Also, were their armies all-volunteer? Our is. It takes some degree of respect and accomodation from the higher-ups to keep the incoming stream of volunteers at a reasonable level.
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If the higher-ups really respected their soldiers they wouldn't put them in ridiculous situations at the behest of politicians (ie trying to do both Iraq and Afghanistan with not enough troops for either one). Also paying a living wage so that junior enlisted with families didn't need to rely on food stamps would probably help.
Soviet army in WW2 (Score:3)
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like all warlords, alexander used a lot of troops from conquered states. it's not like the same group of greeks marched through asia
Re:Solar panels, really? (Score:5, Insightful)
Impractical from a logistical standpoint and could not be secured efficiently against attack...
For a moment there I thought you were talking about about taking 18 days to truck fuel over 800 miles on roads that are described as sometimes being not much more than "improved goat tracks"! But then I realized you are just imagining how impossible everything that is NOT being done is, rather than comparing it realistically to what IS being done.
Remember, the current program has cost something like 1000 American lives due to fuel convoy attacks, and is a logistical nightmare. Pretending that greener alternatives are impossible because they are ALSO logistical nightmares that will cost American lives is an unimpressive and unconvincing form of argument.
Although it's still more impressive than this completely incoherent quote from some clown who thinks that war is a good solution to the worlds's problems: '"Remember, we're talking about 30,000 troops," he says "I don't think that hundred-billion-dollar price tag should be the determining one."' What does that even mean?
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Quote out a system that will deliver ~ 200kw of power in the middle of a desert that doesn't involve generators...
If you'd RTFM you'll see a claim that energy use could be reduced to 8% of current usage via relatively simple insulation methods, so your 200 kW should be 16 kW, or which may still be too much for solar (I make it about 3m x 100m of panels with realistic efficiency etc) but which reduce that 1000 American lives to 100.
Why you are suggesting that power usage must remain high is perplexing in the extreme, when everyone knows that efficiency increases are always the best way to deal with problems of high fuel
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Solar panels are heavy.
I just re-read my comment and can't see anything in it about solar panels. Why are people responding to it as if I did?
Insulation, passive cooling, and a host of other approaches are the obvious ones to take to this problem. It is likely some fuel will still be required, but less fuel is better--according to TFA, up to 92% better.
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And I guess someone might get shot for suggesting spraying millions of gallons of water per day into the air for evaporative cooling - in the desert.
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Things are done like they are for a reason.
Right. The energy-efficient alternative is big, fixed base camps. The American military (especially the Marines) tries to avoid being tied to fixed base camps, because a base camp doesn't project power - it just sits there and has to be defended. To accomplish anything useful, troops have to go where the enemy is and put bullets in them.
Hence the need to air-condition tents in the middle of nowhere.
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Costs less than Soc. Security, so it's all right? (Score:3)
"And anyway, it's not the war that's broken Washington's piggy bank," he adds, noting that Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security account for far more spending than the $107 billion the Pentagon says it will spend in Afghanistan next year.
It's like saying "all these fancy dinners we going to aren't breaking the piggy bank. Our mortgage payment is twice as much as we spent going to four-star restaurants last month!"
Re:Necessary (Score:4, Insightful)
Acknowledged that it is the cost of doing business.
It is too much $$, the United States is not here to spread democracy among those assholes.
Here is my pullout plan:
1. Pack everyone and everything up
2. Leave.
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Here is my pullout plan:
1. Pack everyone and everything up
2. Leave.
I think it's quite clear that we are in too deep to just pack up and go. Im sure if we pull out the current standing regime will raise hell on the civilians "just because." In addition, it might give those leaders the balls to try something on our home soil again.
20 Billion sounds like a bunch of money, but if it makes the lives of those fighting men and women any easier i say let em have it. I dont agree with this war, but I sure as hell respect the men and women who are doing their best to serve this c
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Im sure if we pull out the current standing regime will raise hell on the civilians "just because."
Some democracy you guys installed there.
In addition, it might give those leaders the balls to try something on our home soil again.
Again? What "again"? Afghanistan was only invaded because they were sheltering bin Laden and al Qaeda, not because they caused 9/11. What actions did Iraq instigate on American soil?
it's called being self-sufficient (Score:2)
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Sorry - your military-grade communication and data equipment can't handle a temperature range inside a tent and has to be specially protected? Then it should have its own built-in ruggedisation and cooling.
Seriously, you think that soldiers should have air-conditioned rooms except possibly in a hospital? Unless the locals all have A/C and unless you're NOT siting your camps properly, I find that tricky to believe.
As a comparison - I'd be interested to know how much, say, a foreign military that's helping
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Exactly, the guy does not know anything at all about data or comms gear. Even corporate Cisco switches and routers will operate at 160 degrees for a very very long time. I have a set that MELTED the rj45 jacks and it was still running, the temperatures sensors in the closet during the fire were off the scale (Above 255 degrees) for 6 hours during the fire until they cut the power. Military grade stuff can do this in the direct sun while being shot at and peed on.
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Re:Irrelevant (Score:4, Interesting)
And honestly causes problems.
The enemy is not lounging in AC comfort, they are used to the heat and can operate in it at peak efficiency.. Our troops are not acclimated to the environment and therefore are operating at less than 100% It's a small drawback but in wars even 1% can make a huge difference.
Ac does not make them better at killing the enemy. AC actually makes them less effective at killing the enemy. Anyone that claims they can exit a 80 degree low humidity environment and enter a 110 degree environment and are AS EFFECTIVE as they were in the 80 degree environment is a flat out liar.
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Ac does not make them better at killing the enemy. AC actually makes them less effective at killing the enemy. Anyone that claims they can exit a 80 degree low humidity environment and enter a 110 degree environment and are AS EFFECTIVE as they were in the 80 degree environment is a flat out liar.
Or a Masai Warrior
Re:Irrelevant (Score:5, Funny)
You can live without AC FOREVER..
Sir, I would like to receive your pamphlet. Is there some sort of ritual I will need to perform?
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First, gather your materials. You will need one gallon of emperor penguin blood, and two pounds of dried arctic tundra flowers. And scorpion venom for the base, raw power (almost everything needs scorpion venom these days so I assume you already have a bulk supply.) Reusable materials include a hooded cloak made from a leopard seal pelt and a totem made from a polar bear skull.
Re:It's mostly officers... (Score:4, Interesting)
This is not true. I was deployed to Iraq in 2005 - we had 4 ac units for a 10 man tent. All of our battalion had the same. We happened to be grunts and ground pounders. Our tent with E-3 to E-5's had zero additional insulation, and happened to have a series of shrapnel holes from a rocket that detonated 6 feet outside the front door.
The AC units struggled to run as they were constantly filled with fine silt. We power washed them every few weeks to keep them operational. The generators powering the tents ran constantly of course, but I would hope they ran on cheap local fuel.
Without knowing what all research went into creating this $20 B figure, it's hard to know how accurate it might be.
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Why all those aircon units which are running on fuel? A cheaper solution was invented in the outback:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coolgardie_safe [wikipedia.org]
The problem is transporting 10 gallons of water to evaporate is more expensive than transporting 1 gallon of diesel.
I suppose you could "recycle bodily fluids" if your drinkable water demands were more than 10 times higher than your AC diesel fuel demands, but no one wants to go there.
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"To think we could have 2 NASA's going right now! "
Very funny.
The annual NASA budget is less than the AC cooling fuel cost for_1_ year.
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Re:And you are complaining, why? (Score:5, Insightful)
Our soldiers are over there dick-waving because some guys who live in a desert were able to make us scared of them. I'm yet to be convinced that it's doing anything for our freedoms, other than making more Arabs mad and breeding the next generation of terrorists.