New Radar Sees Through Walls 397
artemis67 writes "A small Israeli company has developed a radar system that uses ultra-wideband technology to produce three-dimensional pictures of the space behind a wall from a distance of up to 20 meters. The pictures, which reportedly resemble those produced by ultrasound, are relatively high-resolution and are produced in real time. Wow, it sounds like the potential benefits of this device are huge, saving lives of soldiers, firemen, or police; the potential for privacy invasion, however, is similarly large."
Our gratitude (Score:5, Interesting)
If it's not already Slashdotted, you can download the sample video [radarvision.com] off of the RadarVision website. The display doesn't give you Superman see-everything-in-detail-through-walls kind of powers (Lois Lane: "what kind of underwear am I wearing?"), but it's still pretty cool that this kind of thing can be done without using heat signatures and whatnot.
Re:Our gratitude (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Our gratitude (Score:5, Interesting)
A low-resolution system is liable to lead to much more subjective interperetation in court. So you see the shape of the blob change slightly while he's at his computer. Is he drinking coffee or is he getting off looking at child porn?
Re:Our gratitude (Score:5, Insightful)
If they have a low-res recording of you building a bomb, your defense attorney can reasonably argue that the blob the jury sees could be doing anything. I doubt such images would ever even be considered admissible by the courts if they were of such low quality.
Re:Our gratitude (Score:5, Insightful)
Fortunately, the authors of the US Constitution believed, as I do, that it's "good enough" to let some people who commit crimes get acquitted if the government can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they're guilty, to ensure that not a single innocent person is convicted.
The real problem is that our law schools produce people who can, as Socrates was accused of doing, make the weaker argument appear to be the stronger, and convince juries to convict people who not only aren't guilty beyond any reasonable doubt, but who are later proven beyond any doubt whatsoever to be not guilty when new evidence or new techniques of analyzing evidence are used. Just having one person on death row exonerated by DNA evidence shows that the system is horribly broken.
Of course, the sort of "strict constructionists" who believe that the government should never, ever, even think of overstepping the authority granted to it in the Constitution are, ironically, the exact same people who think it's a "technicality" when an alleged criminal is set free because the Constitution includes specific provisions to protect the People from abuse by the government.
Re:Our gratitude (Score:3, Interesting)
Oh, bull. You seem to b
Re:Our gratitude (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Our gratitude (Score:4, Informative)
This should already be covered under the ruling that using infrared to look into a house requires a search warrent.
Re:Our gratitude (Score:5, Funny)
That all depends... is he drinking the coffee in quick little sips over and over again, drinking faster and faster until he appears to spill some coffee and reach for some napkins to clean it up?
Then he's just drinking coffee.
Re:Our gratitude (Score:4, Insightful)
"John" was suspected of growing Marijuana in his attic with intent to sell. The police tried to get a warrant to search John's house, but they hadn't established enough probable cause to get a judge to sign the warrant, even with John's house under surveilance(sp?).
The police then used an Infrared camera to look "inside" John's house (without a warrant) to see what he was up to. They saw the heat coming of the growing lights illuminating what appeared to be a small forest of Home Grown. The police return to the Judge with this evidence. The judge signs the warrant, John's house is searched, the weed is found, and John is arrested.
In a pre-trial hearing, John's lawyer challenged the legality of the search, on the grounds that the police effectively "searched behind closed doors" by using the infrared camera without a search warrant.
Unfortunately, I can't remember for the life of me what the judge ruled on this motion, but it is very similar to what we're dealing with here. Essentially, it deals with what is considered 'plain sight' for an officer. It is accepted that an officer can use what he sees in his depth of vision as evidence. If you allow a policeman into your house, and he sees drugs lying in open on the table, you sure as hell will be arrested. But that same officer has no right to start opening drawers in your house looking for drugs. IR and Sonic technology "blur the line" on what is plain sight, and what is an intrusive search.
Re:Our gratitude (Score:5, Informative)
Unfortunately, I can't remember for the life of me what the judge ruled on this motion, but it is very similar to what we're dealing with here.
Your post would've been that much more worth reading if you could have remembered. The supreme court ruled [go.com] that infared cameras and similiar uses of technology required the use of a warrant.
Re:Invasion of privacy needn't involved your liken (Score:4, Insightful)
If not, someone send me the frequency specs, i'll be able to whip one up pretty quick.
As would any serious criminal equipment supplier, after they are illegalized...yet one more way to make sure everyone is a criminal, or can easily be proven to be one.
Blobs (Score:5, Funny)
This device can tell someone how many people are in your house and give them some big hints about what they are doing (on blob on top of another, etc).
This could mean the beginning of a whole new type of porn. I can see the popups: "Blobs doing things you never thought blobs could do!!! Subscribe to the BEST blob porn in the Internet!!!"
Ok, I'll go take a cold shower now.
Black Horn-rims? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Our gratitude (Score:4, Informative)
Isreali press [haaretzdaily.com] and an investor announcement [formahost.biz].
Many applications! (Score:5, Funny)
Then have like a "whisper" mode on the helicopter so you could hover in relative silence while surveilling the structure that you happen to be..um...surveilling.
Have a JAFO onboard to be in charge of the taping (to half inch videotape) and working the cameras.
We could call this Helicopter something catchy...like "Red Lightening" or "Thunder Blue" or something like that...we'll think of something...
That's something to remember... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:That's something to remember... (Score:3, Funny)
No, but I'd keep all your microwave popcorn in tinfoil to avoid sudden 'pantry malfunctions'.
Oh good (Score:5, Funny)
No fears... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:No fears... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:No fears... (Score:2)
It is called, "Foiled Again" and it is made by Hannah-Barbera.
I already tried this (Score:2, Funny)
terrahertz imaging (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:terahertz imaging (Score:3, Insightful)
AFAIK, if the israeli method uses wide-band (that is a wide interval of frequencies), it should be easier to detect if you are being scanned. Even without resorting to special purpose detectors, such radar scans may interfere with cellphone, sat tv, or wireless transmissions, so the target may know a scan is underway and react.
Re:terrahertz imaging (Score:3)
Re:terrahertz imaging (Score:3)
Very cool (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Very cool (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Very cool (Score:3, Informative)
the article says 20 meters.
Re:Very cool (Score:3, Interesting)
The handheld unit does 20 feet away. A heli powered unit might be more powerful. Besides, the advantage to a helicopter is that you CAN get within 20 feet to check. It slows down the sweep, but at least you can make sure that your President or foreign national is safe.
Re:Very cool (Score:2)
Re: (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Very cool (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Very cool (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Very cool (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Very cool (Score:4, Insightful)
Even without range issues, I don't think that would really work that well. For example, suppose they had done that in 1963 along the Kennedy motorcade route. They would have found out someone was in the book depository. The problem is that someone being in the book depository is not suspicious. Without a lot more resolution than it sounds like this technology provides, you wouldn't be able to tell a sniper from anyone else.
Sure, there might be some cases where it would work, such as when the sniper is someplace that no one should be, but thinking about most assasinations by sniper, the sniper is usually someplace where you'd expect to find people.
Nobody cares about civil rights or liberty anymore (Score:5, Funny)
Seriously, this sort of thing might be great for our soldiers in the field, and in my little optimistic heart I'd really like to think that something like this could exist in our country without being abused by the "Total Law Enforcement" crowd. I mean, the US *should* be able to operate that way, what with having Constitutional protections and all that.
Given what's been going on recently, however, it seems like only a matter of time before somebody justifies [epic.org] using it on Americans on the grounds of terrorism prevention (after which, of course, everything will become terrorism of one kind or another). I mean, the USA is suddenly in the business of above-the-law prison camps [cbsnews.com], war without end and other awful little things like abusing the prisoner (in a non-masterbatory context), and all it took to get us to this point was the deaths of 3000 Americans.
Does anyone really doubt that looking through the walls of people's homes will be next?
police busting parties (Score:5, Funny)
Re:police busting parties (Score:3, Informative)
I believe they used the "Reasonable Expectation of Privacy" argument.
Re:police busting parties (Score:4, Informative)
Held: Where, as here, the Government uses a device that is not in general public use, to explore details of a private home that would previously have been unknowable without physical intrusion, the surveillance is a Fourth Amendment "search," and is presumptively unreasonable without a warrant.
linky [mindcontrolforums.com]
You forgot a link (Score:2)
Re:Nobody cares about civil rights or liberty anym (Score:2)
"GODDAMNIT! Wallh4x0r1ng c4mp1ng p1gz!"
- Last words of your neighborhood crack/meth dealer after stakeout and resulting pwn4ge.
(Liberals: Feel free to substitute "militia/gun nut" for "crack/meth dealer".)
Re:Nobody cares about civil rights or liberty anym (Score:3, Insightful)
Also, let's forbid P2P file sharing because it might allow people to download music and movies and games without paying for them.
*rolls eyes*
Re:Nobody cares about civil rights or liberty anym (Score:4, Insightful)
So we have this ping-pong match of people who hold the government in dreamy-eyed awe and people who see only the ill uses of governmental power. Somewhere in between lies the truth. Sometimes Big Brother gets it right, sometimes Big Brother gets it for himself. The only real way to eliminate the problem is to turn Big Brother into little Brother or even microscopic Brother. That's a fine and dandy solution but Big Brother writes too many paychecks, makes too many people feel warm fuzzy and comfortable, and keeps too many bankers and politicians living a very easy luxurious life.
As for prisoner abuse that's a touchy subject. I've heard that some of the fellows who were stacked up on each other were being disciplined for attempting to start an exercise yard riot. Some of the people who were blindfolded and threatened with dogs were guilty of assaulting prison guards or officials. Certainly there are some legitimate cases of abuse but, all in all, every society has it. The Taliban had it, it happens in Paris and Amsterdam, the British _definitely_ have some neat B&D equipment, and American civilian police are caught abusing and bullying citizens all the time.
There is the hypocrisy to address. Well, crap, that's just part of life. I don't like it anymore than anyone else. The US likes to strut around the world and point fingers and meddle in affairs and tell everyone else how to run their nations when, in all reality, the US gov't isn't doing such a hot, fair, honest, or kind job within its own borders. Once again it's the Big Brother syndrome. The only way to fix it is to turn Big Brother into little Brother or even microscopic Brother. And, again, there are too many paychecks, too many leeches, too many bleeding hearts (who don't have what it takes to do something on their own but like to bleed with someone else's money), and too many comfortable and wealthy politicians, bankers, brokers, and attorneys.
So what of this "see through walls" technology? What if it is used by the local police someday to scan each and every house as they drive slowly down the block? Unless we can fix the Big Brother problem there's absolutely no sense in working yourself into a froth over the obligatory abuses that come from Big Brother.
Personally I'd like to get rid of Big Brother. I'm an advocate of small efficient government just like I'm an advocate of small efficient software. But just like Microsoft, Big Brother has a monopoly on the field and plenty of loyal (or at least contractually trapped) followers.
Don't blame the tools (Score:5, Insightful)
Peering through neighbours walls (with this technology or drilling peepholes) is the offence. Would you argue that drills should be regulated because they could be used this way ?
If anything the main reason to regulate it is likely to be because long exposures to low levels of radio frequency radiation seems to do bad things to human beings so operating one might require training, care and exposure limits.
I'd also disagree its just a military tool. It has clear civilian usages including earthquake searches (because it can visualise spaces not just people so gives more info) and even boring stuff like inspecting buildings. Having had a large hole hacked in my house to see if a crack was structural I can certainly appreciate the civilian value of having tools to inspect it effectively without the mess, and the dust, and the redecorating.
saw it (Score:4, Interesting)
Radarvision Camero (Score:5, Informative)
The Israeli company is called Camero and the product they are developing is superior to the Radarvision product as you don't need to hold it up to a wall. It can be used up to 20 meters away from a wall, and will give more detail on the items/activity behind the wall...
Camero does not appear to have a web site, as far as I could find in my brief googling.
Dreams!!! (Score:2)
Although, if a P4 is a weapon, this thing is the bomb!
Behind walls eh? (Score:5, Insightful)
The material the wall is made out of has a marked impact on the permeability of EM waves. And the frequency you select to get through the wall may pass straight through your intended target of viewing as well.
Re:Behind walls eh? (Score:2)
Re:Behind walls eh? (Score:3, Funny)
Captain, of the 65 houses we scanned yesterday with the nondescript van, these two had some sort of shielding.
"Obviously they have somehting to hide. Send your best team and put cameras in every room."
"What about a warrant, Sir?"
"We'll get it. There's reason to believe these people are terrorists trying to build a dirty bomb..."
"Yes Sir!"
(snaps his heels sharply and salutes)
Brick walls (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Behind walls eh? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Behind walls eh? (Score:3, Interesting)
Also, most older buildings have steel mesh with plaster on them as a wall surface. It's frustrated quite a few hospital WiFi projects.
Hmmm... (Score:2)
New product opportunities. (Score:2)
"Do the Right Thing. It will gratify some people and astound the rest." - Mark Twain
Wow (Score:2)
Aluminium Foil (Score:4, Insightful)
My guess is that within 10 years we will see new homes / apartments boasting of how they form Faraday cages, to prevent all kinds of remote monitoring.
In related news... (Score:5, Funny)
Alright (Score:2)
WorldNetDaily?!?! (Score:5, Informative)
right (was WorldNetDaily?!?! ) (Score:3, Funny)
Take this story with a huge grain of salt. WND is not a very reliable news source. It's right up there with NewsMax and Washington Times as lunatic fringe pseudojournalism.
Right; be sure to check with FrontLine, The Nation and Xinhua first ...
Re:WorldNetDaily?!?! (Score:5, Interesting)
Filth, fraud, fascism: Exposing 'The Party of Treason' - How Democrats corrupt morals, steal elections, aid enemies
Moore's film gets rave - from Communists -Stalinist Reds love 'Fahrenheit 9/11,' Maoists love it, too
Divine intervention sought in presidential race - Get FREE copy of 'We Will Pray for Election Day' blockbuster
The role of Iraq, Israel, USA in Bible prophecy - Limited time, get Michael Evans' stunning bestseller 'Beyond Iraq' FREE!
Somehow I think I'll wait for independent confirmation of this "breakthrough." Especially since I routinely see articles proclaiming that Israeli scientists have invented everything from cold fusion to FTL drives and yet they somehow always fail to materialize in commercial form.
Walls... (Score:5, Insightful)
Or looky here, we've got termites in this wall.
So when does the hand-held consumer version of this come out?
No. (Score:3, Informative)
Interesting (Score:3, Interesting)
I can see it being used when the military is doing raids on houses, bunkers, etc. They can see how many people are in the room and where they are, so they can come in gunning and not take so many casualties.
Another use might be that when they are searching houses for weapons and stuff, they can see into the rooms before hand.
But, like other technology of this nature, it opens limitless possiblities for abuse, so the government will have to keep a cloe eye on how it is used
Re:Interesting (Score:2)
Obligatory (Score:2)
That's impossible, that's inside the damn room!
Re:Obligatory (Score:2)
I wonder... (Score:2, Interesting)
I hate these pseudo-tech articles. (Score:5, Interesting)
Its been a while since I've done any RF, but theres some things in that article that are a little bit, odd, to say the least.
Camero developed a certain kind of ultra radio wave that can be emitted to generate a high-definition image and also invented the technology that allows the enhanced wave to pass through virtually any wall.
How exactly does one develop a "certain kind of ultra wadio wave", and how does one "allow it to pass through any wall". Perhaps they have a valid technology, but the person who translated this to layman's terms should be shot for creating a document that makes it sound like the company is selling smoke and mirrors.
Actually, the part of the article that I found most interesting was
Seeing inside a room is one thing, but realistically, the potential for invasion of privacy is much larger with the wiretap field.
Like the video card driver cheats? (Score:2)
But seriously, I can see this as being useful for hostage situations, terrorist takedowns, etc. Scan the room through the wall, ID the bad guys, and use depleted uranium rounds to penetrate the walls, and them out without hitting any hostages.
But.. (Score:2)
Wall-hacks (Score:5, Funny)
fscking counterstrike newbs... (Score:2, Funny)
Modern, urban warfare (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Modern, urban warfare (Score:3, Insightful)
Actually, urban warfare has haunted armies since the days Sun Tzu. Hence his famous quote:
"The worst policy is to attack cities. Attack cities only when there is no alternative." --Sun Tzu, The Art of War
It's also interesting to see how military doctrine has fundamentally changed since world war 2. During WW2, civilians were legitimate military targets. The best way to take an enemy city was to bomb it to heck, a
Fortunately.... (Score:5, Informative)
Did I hear someone in the audience mutter "Patriot Act"?
Two words: (Score:2, Informative)
Faraday Cage [wikipedia.org]
Now, what is the wavelength of these ultra-wideband thingy ?
Can this be used for medicine? (Score:2)
I can think of a few dictatorships.... (Score:4, Insightful)
The Diary of Anne Frank would have been a lot shorter, though.
Radar Units (Score:5, Insightful)
1) high clay content can wash out any signal,
2) metallic objects (aluminum foil has been mentioned) can render the device useless, and
3) too many objects can interfere.
There have been numerous examples posted here where you just spring a few moving decoys around the building and now the operator on the outside has just as much valuable information as they had without the $20KUSD device attached to their arm.
This thing is a boat anchor.
rejected (Score:3, Insightful)
UWB has been around for a while. (Score:3, Interesting)
As often happens, it's just now making its slow way onto the civilian market.
Could they be using Terahertz Imaging? (Score:4, Interesting)
This article certainly lacks any technical details, but it sounds like the device may use a form of Terahertz imaging. This is the region of electromagnetic spectrum between microwave and infrared (0.1 GHz to >2 THz).
There has been a lot of recent activity involving Terahertz Imaging for medical and surveillance applications. TeraHertz Imaging [google.com]
So finally . . . (Score:3, Funny)
Now, will they be able to sell it for $3.98 through the back of comic books?
Yes, it may be an invasion of privacy (Score:3, Interesting)
There was a case in which police used infrared scanners to see how hot/bright it was inside a house that they suspected having marijuana plants growing inside. When it came to trial, the attorney argued that because the police had no warrant to search the house, it was an illegal search. IIRC, the judge ruled that it was a violation of search and seizure laws. It's a good precedent, and because it sends out waves to spy (as opposed to passive scanning like the infrared did), it's even more invasive.
So, just get a good lawyer [aclu.org], and you should be set. That is, in theory.
Another project (Score:5, Interesting)
Forget saving lives... (Score:3, Interesting)
saving lives of soldiers? (Score:3, Insightful)
Eraser (Score:5, Funny)
Re:didn't read the article, but what about timeDom (Score:2, Informative)
Last I heard they were in litigation with one of the national labs over IP. I'm not sure what the outcome is, but from the look of their website [time-domain.com] it looks like they've been pushing ahead in their research for more than just radar, but also for comms systems.
Re:didn't read the article, but what about timeDom (Score:2)
didn't read the article
Obviously. If you had, you would have known this.
Who modded this informative?!?
Seinfeld :) (Score:2)
Kramer: Ya-hey! Let me borrow it.
Jerry: You? What do you need to look through walls for?
Kramer: Elaine's neighbor invited me to dinner tonight.
Jerry: No way. I'm not going to let you spy on Elaine. Besides, why should you get to try it before I do?
George: Isn't the whole idea a little unethical? I mean, most people can't look through walls. Its almost like you're cheating somehow.
Jerry: Lighten up, George. It creates
Re:Used for "saving lives"? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Used for "saving lives"? (Score:3, Informative)
Let's go with some statistics [ict.org.il] regarding the current intifada:
That count is based on the IDF's own estimates, completely disregarding the even
Re:Used for "saving lives"? (Score:3, Insightful)
Killing known-combatants using their own families as shields for their bomb making operations, while happening to miss a few times, causing unfortunate deaths.
Real moral equivalency there.
From elsewhere in the article you linked, coming to the exact opposite conclusion you did:
The statistics show that Israeli noncombatants over the last 23 months have been killed es
Re:Used for "saving lives"? (Score:3, Insightful)
The sad part is that's where things were back
Re:saving lives? (Score:3, Insightful)