Dirty Domains 82
EraseMe writes "Sucks. A quick whois shows that a whole slew of offensive domain names are owned by the Central District of California US District Court. Is this an attempt at using our tax dollars towards lucrative purchases, or simply a censorship of our global freedom?" The second, but not in the way that you think. The court holds the domains because there's an ongoing suit which is challenging Network Solutions' refusal to register domains based on the Pacifica "seven dirty words" case. It was covered a few months ago in various news outlets.
Even more interesting is NSI's practice of refusing registrations to some registrants but granting them to others. Various registrants tried to register "nigger.com", and were refused, before NSI permitted the NAACP to register it (although why the NAACP wants to be associated with nigger.com is hard for me to grasp). Why do some organizations get special treatment for registering domain names?
NAACP and 'nigger.com' (Score:2)
I read about this recently, I thought on
NSI is a joke (Score:2)
Fuck.com (Score:2)
Offensive Domains (Score:3)
First Amendment (Score:1)
The "George Carlin" case was 26 years ago. I think it's time to reexamine how important it is to censor these words. When you can see sex and murder on TV, how important is it to ban the word "piss"?
The fact that the Central District of California US District Court owns some of these domains is also interesting. How did the court get to register fuck.com? Did they threaten network solutions? I don't understand it. Are they taking away our right of free speech? I'm not sure, but doesn't this suggest that the court has its own political agenda? I thought courts were only for applying law...
Sometimes I wonder if certain people/organizations shouldn't be able to register certain domains, but that amounts to censorship as well, exactly what I'd like to avoid.
0h phuck dis (Score:2)
Solution: 1) Create new nic handles for certain "businesses." eg:
*.sex for Adult Oriented pr0n sites. *.h4c for all the geocities hax0r groups. *.sec for true blue Security sites. *.own for sites that lack security. *.cus for those who want domains like. fuck.* or bitch.*...
2) Just let someone register the domain and get over all this political correctness.
3) Line up the people over at NSI and this District Court of Whereever, audit their PC and say "AHA... Dirty words huh? WHATS THIS pr0n ON YOUR PC."
I'm sure after the embarassment they'll definitely get over their childishness on dirty words.
Heh (Score:1)
Yeah, I stole your idea and posted it heh
NSI employee tries to blame the NSF... (Score:2)
I tried to register fuckyou.com, and was rejected. I put up a quick and dirty web page calling NSI a bunch of hypocrites.
A couple of days ago, and AOLuser writes me claiming that it is the NSF that has the seven dirty words policy, not NSI. He claims to be an employee [of NSI?], and that he therefore is so much better clued than the rest of the world.
If it is the NSF with the policy, why is NSI in court over it?
http://www.best.com/~cknight [best.com]Re:Fuck.com (Score:1)
But wait! Links.net [links.net] is still around and kicking just fine... and Justin occasionally throws new stuff in.
Everything is Censorship! The sky is falling! (Score:3)
Not everything is about curtailing your personal freedom.
We do live in a civilized (so I'm told) society with rules and values and norms. Not everyone is supposed to be allowed to run around and say whatever they want about anyone. Just becasue I can say "Eat shit and die" does not mean I'm supposed to. Just because there can be hard core porn on the net doesn't mean there should be. Just because the net can be used for just about anything does not mean that it should. We are giving access to our kids and third world countries here. Not everyone has the right to be anonymous.
I'm not saying to start stomping all over the 1st ammendment, just to think about what you people are talking about. Not being able to register donkeysack.com or whatever is NOT the same as being shot because you say you hate the government. That's real censorship. There's real people in this world being opressed for real beliefs and people on
Re:NAACP and 'nigger.com' (Score:1)
All domains should be allowed (Score:2)
The semantics of those symbols is irrevalent.
Unlike the radio where you are a captive audience
on the internet you have to dileberately choose
to go somewhere. True there are exceptions such
as automatic redirects but generally speaking no one is forcing you to go anywhere.
If you find it offensive, simply dont go there.
Obscene domain names (Score:2)
*forehead slap* (Score:2)
Hello, whats the problem again? (Score:2)
There seems to be a notion that domain names can be divided into two subsets, offensive and acceptable. Across all languages and cultures. Perhaps they should submit the complete list for public approval first. Will they allow sexforkids.com? This smells like a bureaucracy where each new domain name has to pass thru a dozen cultural "experts" who measure it's offensiveness. No wonder it takes months.
You don't want to see offensive domain names? Then don't type them into your browser. If you're on a page with a link to one, chances are you're already offended. If your kid is typing in www.handjob.com, they could undoubtedly manage www.yahoo.com, and search from there for the same material. The domain name registrars should concentrate on proper syntax and leave the semantic checking to others.
Re:Offensive Domains (Score:1)
shitfuckcunt.com (Score:1)
NSI Doesn't allow "Dirty Words"... go elsewhere... (Score:3)
COREnic will happily register whatever domain-name you put in front of them.
For example:
~ > whois fuckme.com@whois.corenic.net
berkens michael (template COCO-395) CORE-78
po box 4756
seminole, fl 33775 US
Domain Name: fuckme.com
Status: production
The domains are in the root-servers just like any other .com/.net/.org/etc. There was an article on this several months ago, mocking how the whole NSI case was useless because the competitive registries will allowing exactly what NSI was forbidding.
availiable names... (Score:2)
I am bored at work... How can you not be able to register fuck.com and be able register these atrocious domains?
I am not saying that I want to register these domains myself. I don't want children to have sex. I am not racist. I am jewish myself. I am just trying to make my point that these are allowed by network solutions.
Re:Everything is Censorship! The sky is falling! (Score:1)
Re:0h phuck dis (Score:2)
What if I have a site that impliments all of these methods of speech to describe a product I'm selling? You know how sex sells, offensive words in source code comments ("Who the fuck wrote this line:") and you know it takes hacking to perfect the art of security. So, how can we seperate the diverse personalities among those of us who are well rounded?
Re:Everything is Censorship! The sky is falling! (Score:1)
It's one thing that you're not "supposed to" say "Eat shit and die" (because our society disapproves of it), it's another for the government to enforce that. The problem with censorship is that you are giving the government the right to choose what is appropriate, which is a very dangerous move. I absolutely agree that certain things "shouldn't be said", but I think it is a disaster to set up a group which has legal power to make people adhere to that.
To me, that is what the First Ammendment is all about -- all speech is protected, not just what someone considers "important" or "decent".
Re:Fuck.com (Score:1)
i seem to recall that at some point he had succesfully registered fuck.com; i have vague memories of visiting it...
although whois says if it was justin hall's, it ain't now...
Re:All domains should be allowed (Score:1)
Why? Are you unable to turn your radio off? Do you have to go to the store where the DJ on the piped in station is swearing?
You have choice, to be offended, or not. It's all up to you.
Re:All domains should be allowed (Score:1)
Why? Are you unable to turn your radio off? Do you have to go to the store where the DJ on the piped in station is swearing?
You have choice, to be offended, or not. It's all up to you.
Re:Everything is Censorship! The sky is falling! (Score:1)
It's just a difference in magnitude.
Any censorship, no matter how minor, harms a free society. In addition to freedom of speach, freedom to *listen* is just as important. If I want to view a website about any subject, I have the right to do that. It doesn't matter if the site's about planting flowers or screwing pigs, it's not up to someone other than me to decide what I can/should/am allowed to see.
Go to non-US domain registrars (Score:2)
Re:First Amendment (Score:1)
Because you mentioned George Carlin in your post, I want to mention something else he said.
"I would rather have my child watching two people making love than two people trying to kill one another." or something like that.
Susan Struthers (I think) said it a little more bluntly "I don't understand why it's worse to show a breast being kissed on TV or the movies, than for it to be hacked off."
I dunno. Turn off the TV, in any case.
I don't have 2 cents, just 3 bucks.
Great idea (Score:1)
Heck, let's just remove all domain names and switch to random letters and numbers to prevent anybody from being offended! If we all can't understand what we're typing, then we can't be offended, right?{/SATIRE}
What I'm trying to get at is that *somebody* will be offended by something. And if you try to please everybody, you will only end up pleasing nobody.
Free speech is not the issue (Score:1)
What about fucker.com?!?!?! (Score:1)
And what about Fucker.com [fucker.com], which is owned by the "font guru" Chank Diesel. Chank will sell you an email alias at Fucker.com [fucker.com] for $25.
NSI has really fucked things up IMHO. Had they had some spine to begin with, we wouldn't have all these lawyers running around thinking domain names = trademarks or that DNS = web phonebook.
"Cyberspace scared me so bad I downloaded in my pants." --- Buddy Jellison
Re:availiable names... (Score:2)
I am bored at work... How can you not be able to register fuck.com and be able register these atrocious domains?
Availability does not equal the ability to register. Any damn thing that isnt already taken will appear to be available. It isn't until you attempt to actually register it that you'll be declined.
"Cyberspace scared me so bad I downloaded in my pants." --- Buddy Jellison
I got mine (Score:1)
It's too bad stupidity isn't painful"
Informative? Clueless, you mean! (Score:1)
"Cyberspace scared me so bad I downloaded in my pants." --- Buddy Jellison
NSI is a private company... (Score:1)
Re:Free speech is not the issue (Score:2)
Ah... No. Reread the story up top: NSI refused it to others before allowing the NAACP to register it.
Re:Free speech is not the issue (Score:2)
If this was, in fact, the case, then how do you propose that he/she would have had more success registering it than anyone else?
Just wonderin'...
Re:First Amendment (Score:1)
Okay... Useless correction here, but I heard this statement this very morning.. It wasn't Susan Strothers, but rather Jack Nicholson who said:
"If you suck on a tit the movie gets an R rating. If you hack the tit off with an axe it will be PG."
I confirmed this at famous-quotes.com...
"A mind is a horrible thing to waste. But a mime...
It feels wonderful wasting those fsckers."
Obscene domain names don't always have dirty words (Score:1)
Re:NAACP and 'nigger.com' (Score:1)
while we're on the topic of 7 word domains.. (Score:1)
and a whole slew more..
I think its $15/year for a forwarding and $25 for a POP3.. and no, I'm not in any way affiliated with this guy, I just think it would be hilarious if everyone started using more.. um.. interesting email addresses around here.
Re:NSI is a private company... who had a monopoly (Score:1)
Re:Everything is Censorship! The sky is falling! (Score:2)
Problem is, how does one define "community standards" for a community that is so mind-bogglingly diverse? I suppose that you could try the FCC's enforcement model - it's only a problem if someone complains - but odds are someone would complain about almost anything, if for no reason other than spite.
So we're (or, as others have pointed out we WERE) left with NSI as the final arbiter of Good Taste. Unfortunately, NSI's guidelines don't (didn't) make sense to most Americans, let alone any one from anywhere else on the net.
What I'm getting at is that while decency and politeness on the net is a lovely idea, it just won't happen in this type of community. Not because internet users are particularly anti-social, but just because there are too many different ideas about where the boundries of politeness lie.
Do you think this whole global-village sensitivity thing is a load of P.C. crap? Could be. But consider the first rule of politeness: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." You want community standards? Then you start by upholding my right to make an ass of myself by registering a domain name like http://www.watchmefuckmydog.com ... You don't have to look at it if you don't want to, and I promise I won't get my left-wing liberal panties in a knot when you register www.rushlimbaughisgod.com.
-b. Internet domain names are no exception. If you find the notion of http://www.fuckmydog.com to be offensive, you'll just have to get better filtering software. It's the only just solution. Anything else just leads to the slippery slope of 'no one left to speak for me'.
Re:Fuck.com (Score:1)
Since I did attempt to register it early, perhaps I could fight to lay claim to it these days. It certainly would be fun to have! Right now I'm trying to pay my bills, play computer games, and make sweet love to my woman, so if I get all that done, maybe I'll call up a lawyer.
I wrote up the quest here:
http://www.links.net/webpub/fuck.com.html [links.net]
Re:Everything is Censorship! The sky is falling! (Score:1)
My question is what do Nazi's have to do with domain names? Really. I'd love to know. If you want to talk about the big bad man taking control of our lives through censorship lets talk about TV or Radio. These are both censored mediums, yet somehow we still manage to have a free society. You want hard core porno or KKK marches? Go somewhere else. Hell, movies have some pretty nasty shit in them too, they're rated, which a lot of
Personally I dont think the government will ever directly censor anything, because people like the ACLU and EFF and assorted other organizations will fight for our free speech. What the Government will do is encourage ratings, that way the industries can take responsibility. It's not the best solution, but it's a decent compromise.
What's more offensive: FUCK or NIGGER? (Score:1)
Re:Everything is Censorship! The sky is falling! (Score:3)
We (USAmericans) do not in fact live in a free society. Censorship is alive and well, as you point out; certain types of political speech are branded "conspiracy" and criminalized; many states have laws against consensual sex acts; there are even laws that laws that tell you what chemicals you can put into your own body. And it's a sad commentary on the human condition that all this still leaves us freer than most other nations.
Re:Everything is Censorship! The sky is falling! (Score:1)
Here's another quote for you: "Give him an inch, and he'll take a mile."
It is a lot easier to continue to take freedoms from a population if the population has already had many freedoms removed. Each little tiny step taken seems "not so bad" at the time. Generally the process is slow enough that not enough people get angry about it at any given time. Today it's "somebody else's" toes getting stepped on and you don't care. Next year, your toes may be the target, but what if "somebody" doesn't care enough to complain about it when it doesn't affect them?
A good example of progressive-growth rights removal is the federal income tax. It started out extremely small when the idea was first introduced (it hasn't been around forever, you know). Now, an exorbitant amount of money is removed from my paycheck. It wasn't an overnight change. It was never enough of a singular increase to piss enough people off.
Which is worse? (Score:2)
What happens next? Will fuck.com be offered to the first bozo who tried to register it? Or is the government bound to sell it to the highest bidder? My guess is the latter. Either way, somebody stands to make a windfall that they don;t deserve.
As I pointed out in another post this week, there is censorship in the US, there always has been censorship, and there will always be censorship. There's not very much of it, and as a nation we're pretty vigilant about letting it extend itself (e.g. this discussion). So, you know, I'd rather not see those domains registered than to see them auctioned off and promoted commercially. Seven words. Period. And you know, the list will not grow; any other words that may become "obscene" in the future are probably already registered. Nigger.com belongs to the NAACP. That's a perfect private solution to the problem. I'd rather let the other seven words go than to see the government get involved in seizng domain names.
And you never know, maybe NSI will need the 35 bucks someday, and the whole censorship thing will become moot.
This is NSI's way of avoiding liability (Score:1)
Here is an excerpt (with a relevant section bolded by me) from NSI's Dispute Policy [networksolutions.com]:
10. Litigation. Independent of the provisions of Section 9 of the Policy, in the
event that:
(a) The registrant files a civil action related to the registration and use of
the domain name against the complainant in a court of competent
jurisdiction, and provides Network Solutions with a copy of the
file-stamped complaint, Network Solutions will maintain the status quo
ante of the domain name record pending a temporary or final decision
of the court. For example, if the domain name is not on "Hold," it will
not be placed on "Hold;" if the domain name is already on "Hold," it will
remain on "Hold." In such cases, Network Solutions will deposit
control of the domain name into the registry of the court by supplying
the registrant with the registry certificate for deposit. While the domain
name is in the registry of the court, Network Solutions will not make
any changes to the domain name record unless ordered by the court.
The registrant also shall promptly provide copies of any and all
pleadings filed in the action to Network Solutions upon Network
Solutions' request.
Re:NSI employee tries to blame the NSF... (Score:1)
Re:Everything is Censorship! The sky is falling! (Score:1)
Sure, we've got the ACLU and the EFF, but their resources only last so far, they can't handle every case in every jurisdiction. Our rights are our responsibility. Hoping somebody else will fight for them is not the answer.
As for ratings, many movie theatres in this country have agreements with the cities they are in stating that they will not show NC-17 rated movies. I'm not sure whether these involve tax breaks or bending the zoning ordinances, but in the name of community standards, these things do happen. When you factor in the faceless and unaccountable MPAA, we see ourselves ending up with a mess...The first few submissions of Clerks, NC-17 due to language, the first few submissions of South Park, NC-17 for just about every reason under the sun. Are you advocating a similar system for websites? Will you be upset when server-based filtering software becomes the norm with ISPs instead of the exception?
You want to know what the Nazi's have to do with domain names? Let me give you another quote "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
What about... (Score:1)
Those are dirty words in a language other than English, yet I bet they are not taken...kind of makes you stop and think.
Scott Jones
Newscast Director / WKPT-TV 19
Game Show Fan / C64 Coder
Re:Everything is Censorship! The sky is falling! (Score:1)
I just mean "wow." You just don't get it at all do you? I mean really guys... these are domain names that are international, have to conform to international rules and international standards.
When I went to apply for my vanity license plates for my automobile, I had to choose one "in good taste and decency."
Go try to register something offensive in another country's TLD. I bet that you can't.. Are you going to go to the Country of Niue and complain to them? I doubt it. Are you yelling "censorship" to them? No? Why not?
Face it, you're blaming the US government because it's convenient. I'm taking odds you live here. You're under 25, no kids, not married and are pretty pissed off that you can't do whatever you please. Well cry me a river. I've had enough of you people picketing on the streets when I'm trying to get to my job for some lame-ass cause that doesn't exist. Go to work for a change.
Just because you can't register "fuckthegovernment.com" doesn't mean you can't put it on your front page of your website of "ilovegovernment.com" Now that's the way to get your message out.
Instead of fuck.com, register love.com. Instead of watchmesuckmyowncock.net, register fuzzyfurrybunny.com.
Please people, use YOUR intelligence and ingenuity to get your supposed "important" message out.
Now get crackin'! I wanna see results.
Re:NSI employee tries to blame the NSF... (Score:2)
The NSF shut down the NSFNET backbone in April of 1995. At that time the various functions were distributed among several organizations and commercial entities, effectively ending the government-funded internet.
From then until this year, Network Solutions was the sole entity responsible for domain name policies, creation, management, and so on.
It was only belatedly, as the commercial promise of the web crystallized, that the government created the ICANN to oversee the domain name system, formalize the process for creating new TLDs, and decentralize the registration process.
Your "friend" is spouting half-truths he read long ago. Don't trust him. (Besides, there is no "seven dirty words" list, there never was; there are only broad FCC guidelines for indecency.)
Lake Effect [wwa.com], a weblog
Re:NSI is a private company... who had a monopoly (Score:1)
Well... (Score:1)
I have a neighbor who has the following license plate: 666*DVL (where the "*" is the cactus between the numbers).
This is a state issued license - and it could offend a very moral/religious right person, if they happened to see it (of course, I found it so funny I nearly pulled the poor woman over to offer $100 for the plate!)...
Here we have a case of something that could be offensive to one person, and not to another (me).
I have to agree with your statements about basically "attracting flys with honey" - however, this could get into the area of site misrepresentation and other things that have been bandied about here on
Re:First Amendment (Score:1)
Not that I'm not wrong, I'm only going by memory.
Later . . .
Re:NAACP and 'nigger.com' (Score:1)
The Godfather Saga on USA Network (Score:2)
Excellent point.
A couple of days ago, the USA Network here in the States was running "The Godfather Saga", which is a combined version of Francis Ford Copolla's first two Godfather films, re-edited so that all of the material is in chronological order. There's a classic scene where Al Pacino goes to have dinner with an enemy of the family, ostensibly to make peace with him. In reality, the family plants a pistol in the bathroom of the Italian place that they're eating at; the plan is that Pacino is to excuse himself to go to the bathroom, retrieve the gun, and blow the guy away.
In the setup scene, James Caan urges his associate (Clemenza) to take extra care when planting the gun. "I don't want my brother coming out of that bathroom with just his dick in his hands," he comments. Now, for the USA Network showing, that line of dialogue was edited. In its place, the line "I don't want my brother coming out of that bathroom with just his *stick* in his hands." The replacement was unbelievably cheesy; the sound was all wrong, and it was a strange mixture of funny and insulting all at the same time.
However, when it comes time for Pacino to pull the trigger, the USA Network showing was virtually unedited. In graphic detail, Pacino's unsuspecting victims get a bullet hole through their forehead, with streams of blood flowing out. They drop to the floor, Pacino drops the gun, and runs out.
Moral of the story? It's all right to show a couple of guys take bullets between the eyebrows, but the word "dick" is unacceptable, and must be replaced with the word "stick." Such hypocrisy is staggering.
(For the record, I'm not at all opposed to violence in films. I for one think that the graphic violence in The Godfather was mandatory; without it, the portrayal of the brutality, inhumanity, and lack of respect for human life in the Mob would not have been believable. I am, however, opposed to hypocrisy.)
Re:Offensive Domains (Score:1)
It's all about bigotry (Score:1)
All this starts way down deeper than domain names. Look at our kids. Before they leave school they see zillions of killings in TV (including scenes where proud army #1 whacks down villages in country #2, thereby 'introducing our new TX 7000 with twice the firepower of a WW2 Liberator, whoa!'). Otoh, when someone I knew there (KY) played a Hansel and Gretel guignol scene for kids, she was sued for 'violence' (ya know, the witch and the oven). Understand that?
But hell breaks loose if a bare b*tt (I sure hope that's none of the words on the index) is shown on TV or in a newspaper, or if a radio person used f-words in a show.
What's the result? The opinion that (clean)violence is good and that (dirty) love is bad. Mom and dad think nothing when they see thir kids running around with toy weapons, pulverizing each other, but cancel TV comedies for a week if they catch their 12-year-old with a P*-Magazine.
Don't get me wrong: I think it is fundamentally wrong to use racial, sexist and whatever slurs against other people. But banning them from 'public' places doesn't make them vanish nor will it change people's minds. Else this would mean to start browsing thru the whole world literature (and music), including The Holy Book, and clean out all the filthy stuff (who determines what's dirty and what not?). One step further, and we'd burn all the whose contents we'd not agree upon. We had that sixty years ago, so don't repeat/copy it.
My advice? People using domain names like these will disqualify themselves. Banning would mean more and undeserved publicity for them. If I had a domain like 'dirty-ni***r.com', what would you think of me? I probably wouldn't visit a site called 'switzerland-sucks.com' unless I'd be curious enough to find out what the h*ck that m*ron has to say there.
In a nutshell: political correctness is bulls*** and bare hypocrisy as long as it only happens in the heads and not the hearts.
CoolNewShit and GeekIPO (Score:1)
Cool New Shit... I sincerely hope that was sarcasm their.
Anyways back to the ranch:
Just what is the purpose with all these domain name rants? Slashdot used to be so cool once upon a time, but now it seems like www.geekIPO.com. What happened to the stuph that matter(s(ed)) && $news?
echo "sh4m3 0n r0bm4ld4 for selling out\n";
Re:Everything is Censorship! The sky is falling! (Score:1)
"'Fuck'? Was ist 'fuck'?"
international standards, my butt. There is no universal code of being offensive. Try pointing with one finger in some cultures.
fwiw, I wasn't disagreeing with the guy because I really, really wanted to go register something like ifuckgoats.org, I just don't believe that the answer is burying our heads in the sand.
euphemisms or complete misinformation aren't the answer either...there's more to it than just trying to defend the offensive names.
(and yes, I plan on jumping out in front of your car while you're on your way to work and have to see me and my lame-ass cause.)
Re:Everything is Censorship! The sky is falling! (Score:1)
Re:All domains should be allowed (Score:1)
My point was that on the internet YOU are the primary factor in what you choose to see.
Yeah yeah, the thread is long dead. I still felt compelled to respond.
Re:All domains should be allowed (Score:1)
I understand, but what I said still stands. You have a choice, to be offended or not to be. You can choose to hear selectively, which is something I do when I, say, listen to Howard Stern or some rap . . .
"Yeah yeah, the thread is long dead. I still felt compelled to respond.
That's cool. I wonder how long these things stay active . . .
Re:NSI employee tries to blame the NSF... (Score:1)