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Casio Confirms Customer Data Stolen In Ransomware Attack ( 2

Casio confirmed it suffered a ransomware attack earlier this month, resulting in the theft of personal and confidential data from employees, job candidates, business partners, and some customers. Although customer payment data was not compromised, Casio warns the impact may broaden as the investigation continues. BleepingComputer reports: The attack was disclosed Monday when Casio warned that it was facing system disruption and service outages due to unauthorized access to its networks during the weekend. Yesterday, the Underground ransomware group claimed responsibility for the attack, leaking various documents allegedly stolen from the Japanese tech giant's systems. Today, after the data was leaked, Casio published a new statement that admits that sensitive data was stolen during the attack on its network.

As to the current results of its ongoing investigation, Casio says the following information has been confirmed as likely compromised:

- Personal data of both permanent and temporary/contract employees of Casio and its affiliated companies.
- Personal details related to business partners of Casio and certain affiliates.
- Personal information of individuals who have interviewed for employment with Casio in the past.
- Personal information related to customers using services provided by Casio and its affiliated companies.
- Details related to contracts with current and past business partners.
- Financial data regarding invoices and sales transactions.
- Documents that include legal, financial, human resources planning, audit, sales, and technical information from within Casio and its affiliates.

Casio Confirms Customer Data Stolen In Ransomware Attack

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