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New X Court Filing Says It's Complying with Brazil's Orders to Block Accounts (techcrunch.com) 47

X's struggles in Brazil got this update from the Guardian Wednesday: In a statement tweeted from X's global government affairs account, the company said the restoration of service was an "inadvertent and temporary" side-effect of switching network providers.
But Friday "After defying court orders in Brazil for three weeks, Mr. Musk's social network, X, has capitulated," writes the New York Times. "In a court filing on Friday night, the company's lawyers said that X had complied with orders from Brazil's Supreme Court in the hopes that the court would lift a block on its site."

"The company's lawyers said X had complied with the court's orders — blocking designated accounts, paying fines, and naming a new formal representative in the country," writes TechCrunch (citing reporting by the New York Times): In a filing of its own, the Supreme Court reportedly responded by telling X it had not provided the proper paperwork and giving it five days to do so....

X came back online in Brazil earlier this week, although Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince told TechCrunch that the timing of the company's recent switch to Cloudflare infrastructure is just a "coincidence." During the ban, Brazilian users sought out social media alternatives, leading to dramatic growth at Bluesky and Tumblr.

The New York Times believes "The moment showed how, in the yearslong power struggle between tech giants and nation-states, governments have been able to keep the upper hand."

Although I'm curious about that missing paperwork...

New X Court Filing Says It's Complying with Brazil's Orders to Block Accounts

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  • For anyone interested... Brazil is currently going through some dark times:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]

    Elon Musk is trying to enable freedom of speech and help shine a light on corruption. It's much like he's doing in the US, and also when he talks about the horrible corruption in South Africa. He's a GOOD GUY, demonized by the legacy media.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Talon0ne ( 10115958 )

      Marked Troll - Thanks Slashdot... No rebuttals, no denials, just marked troll. Go watch that video and look through the comment section! Then go actually see Elon musk speak on the topic. Listen to HIM, not the BBC or NBC news coverage.

      • by sinij ( 911942 )
        It isn't Slashdot, it is -1 Disagree abusers. Everyone reads at -1 anyways, so it doesn't really matter.
      • by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Saturday September 21, 2024 @05:45PM (#64806249)

        Marked Troll - Thanks Slashdot... No rebuttals, no denials, just marked troll. Go watch that video and look through the comment section! Then go actually see Elon musk speak on the topic. Listen to HIM, not the BBC or NBC news coverage.

        Because you are are troll. He is not for free speech and he's shown that time and again. If he was for free speech he wouldn't have sucked Erdogan's dick when told to censor posts of political opponents, AND give an excuse why he did it [imgur.com]. You will note Twitter Global Government Affairs stated, and I quote: In response to legal process and to ensure Twitter remains available to the people of Turkey, we have taken action to restrict access to some content in Turkey today.

        Kindly tell us how abiding by one legal order and not another is not suppression of free speech.

        Further, he has censored accounts who made an innocuous statement he should pay more in taxes [imgur.com]. He's blocked accounts of news media [cnn.com], censored the account of NPR when it reported on the Arlington cemetery shitshow [techcrunch.com], censored or blocked accounts of Palestinian journalists [aljazeera.com], and he's complied with over 80% of all government requests to censor posts [forbes.com], the majority of which have come from foreign governments. He also cenored or blocked an account which supports Kamala Harris [nbcnews.com]

        I could go on, but I'm certain you'll come up some excuse how that pedo guy isn't really censoring people but is instead all for "free speech". So yes, you are rightly marked Troll.

        • The reason he replied to his own comment is he was trying to use his plus two moderation in order to keep the original comment visible so he could bait you into a reply which would then get up voted. That's why I didn't reply to him.

          What he's trying to do is get his ideas out. People are going to read your comment and then they're going to click the parent link and read his comment and therefore his ideas still go out the door.

          This is a common trick online trolls use to control a conversation.

          • Or - I could be complaining that I got marked troll instantly by a bunch of ideologically captured turds... You give me too much credit.

      • by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) on Saturday September 21, 2024 @05:55PM (#64806263)

        Elon is the biggest hypocrite there is. Use the word "cisgender" and your account gets flagged and with limited visibility. https://fortune.com/2023/06/21... [fortune.com]

        Elon suspending the White Dudes For Harris account https://variety.com/2024/digit... [variety.com]

        Elon suspending journalists who write about him. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/n... [pbs.org]

        Elon complying with government censorship. https://www.forbes.com/sites/k... [forbes.com]

        Remember when Elon wanted freedom of speech? Pepperidge Farms remembers. https://www.reuters.com/techno... [reuters.com]

        • Elon is the biggest hypocrite there is.

          Yes, Elon is a hypocrite and an all-around scumbag. I bought a Tesla nine years ago and will never buy another. I don't want to support him even indirectly.

          Nonetheless, Elon's hypocrisy does not justify what is happening in Brazil.

          Brazil should protect civil liberties and strengthen institutions. Instead, the government is censoring its critics and perverting the courts.

          The laws are not just directed at X. Brazil didn't just ban X from posting criticism but also made it illegal for millions of citizens to

          • All around scum bag? Why? Because the legacy media says he is? He sounds
            a. extremely intelligent
            b. pretty funny

            He is a smart ass with a sense of humor to match his IQ. That's it. I've never heard him speak and though he was a scumbag. Please point me to his scummy stuff. I'm genuinely interested.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by test321 ( 8891681 )

        You're also not elaborating. You're just posting link to some propaganda video. Then you say "Listen to HIM". You're inviting into a cult or what?

        Selection from this month from the journalist's website you're quoting (change the language on top right icon)
        * "There is now little doubt that Covid originated from a lab leak" Sept 19 https://paulofigueiredoshow.co... [paulofigueiredoshow.com]
        * "Article – Kamala Harris, Tim Walz and Barack Obama Support Brazil-Style Censorship" Sept 3 https://paulofigueiredoshow.co... [paulofigueiredoshow.com]
        * "Wake up to

        • The BBC is as bad a NBC and NPR. They are captured ideologically just as much as the universities and big companies. Go listen to Charlie Kirk, Jordan Peterson, JD Vance, Konstantin Kisin. Sometimes an alternate view is actually right. I remember watching all the Chinese ports shut down in early 2020 and telling my friends something 'big' is coming... Nobody believed me then either.

      • Then go actually see Elon musk speak on the topic. Listen to HIM

        This is why you were marked troll. You get your ideas of how the world of censorship works from someone whose actions says Free speech = any speech that I agree with. A man who sides with literal nazis and terrorists, but will block you from posting gender affirming words on his free speech haven. A man who will say anything that benefits him to the point of falling afoul of laws the world over, even in free speech loving America.

        No, I will not be listening to Musk. I value my braincells too much to abuse t

      • I would have marked your post as troll if I could, but didn't have any mod points.

        Your video engages only in partisan us-vs-them arguments, "everybody is against us" kind of thinking. This sort of tribalism is a big problem in the US right now too, on both sides of the political spectrum.

        How about let's talk about specific issues, instead of whining about people being "against" you because they disagree with you.

        • That's a bummer Tony. But specific issues like...
          Using the law to stimy political opponents? (Come on, Trump's court cases he's been winning back to back to back to back - never reported though. And even the content when you read it is beyond stupid and petty.)
          Using the power of the media to declare someone a Nazi and a DIRECT THREAT TO DEMOCRACY over and over and over until that someone is shot once and almost shot a second time?

          And where am I even saying 'Everyone is against me!"? Or even in tribalism

    • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

      by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 )

      For anyone interested... Brazil is currently going through some dark times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]

      Elon Musk is trying to enable freedom of speech and help shine a light on corruption. It's much like he's doing in the US, and also when he talks about the horrible corruption in South Africa. He's a GOOD GUY, demonized by the legacy media.

      Perhaps Elon does not understand that outside of the USA he's just a rich dude other than that, his shit stinks like us mere mortals.

      Perhaps many of us have a credibility gap with what he says.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      I'll take signs you're in a cult for $100, Alex

  • I had my bets on "nominal compliance" i.e. paying the fine and complying with the court orders, followed shortly by "voluntarily" shutting down X in Brazil.

    In other words, I was expecting him to throw the businessman's equivalent of a temper tantrum and say "Okay, fine, have it your way, no X for you!" and stomp off fuming.

  • > Although I'm curious about that missing paperwork...

    Who exactly is curious? What is this, SlashdotWeekend? Stop the lazy and attribute this stupid quote.

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