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Twitter The Courts

X Circumvents Court-Ordered Block In Brazil ( 56

Late last month, Brazilian Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered X to suspend operations in Brazil after a months-long dispute with X owner Elon Musk. The conflict centered on Musk's refusal to appoint a legal representative in the country and his refusal to take down disinformation and far-right accounts. However, on Wednesday, X bypassed the court-ordered block by utilizing third-party cloud services, allowing many Brazilian users to access the platform without the need for a virtual private network (VPN). From a report: The number of Brazilians accessing X is unknown, according to [Abrint, the Brazilian Association of Internet and Telecommunications Providers]. "I believe the change was probably intentional. Why would X use a third-party service that ends up being slower than its own?" said Basilio Perez, a board member at Abrint.

Any revised order from Brazil's national telecommunications agency Anatel, which is responsible for implementing the court ruling, will need to be more specific, because blocking cloud access is complex and may jeopardize government agencies and financial services providers, Perez said.

Anatel has identified the problem and is working to first notify content delivery network providers, followed by telecom companies to block access again to X in Brazil, according to a person familiar with the situation. The same person said it is not clear how long it will take for the providers to comply with the order.

X Circumvents Court-Ordered Block In Brazil

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  • By confronting them that way, you'll only teach them the witchcraft of network traffic mgmt to censor more of everything...
  • Misleading framing (Score:2, Insightful)

    by sinij ( 911942 )
    Musk refused to take down accounts of elected officials based on opposite party's demands for censorship. Disinformation and far-right is framing of one party that won elections against another party that lost elections. However, because there are some parallels between Brazil and US/Trump, media coverage is very friendly to blatant free speech violations.
    • It's notable the way these countries operate: They demand local representatives for one reason and one reason only: Somebody whose neck is close enough to wring, or head close enough to remove, even if it's one of their own citizens, so they have a way to enforce censorship "or the little bunny gets it". China, Russia, and France have made similar demands.

      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by DarkOx ( 621550 )


        Whatever else you believe about Musk, he does actually stand up for free speech. Is he a perfect saint on that front especially when it comes to personal criticism not always; but you have to consider the totality of actions. 8B people on this planet and I bet you can count on one hand the number adults that have never engage in hypocrisy. Even if you restrict that to this week you might get there before running out of appendages to count on.

        He is also fighting the terrifying trend to a global order

        • > he does actually stand up for free speech.

          Freedom of speech is an American thing and it only relates to the government preventing you from speaking.

          It is not freedom of consequence and it not freedom to post whatever you like online.

          You still have to follow the laws of the country you do business in. Elon was not following the laws in Brazil, and when he was told to he doubled down.

          Twitter is for the most part dead. Over 80% of it is value gone, nearly all advertisers gone. The only freedom of speech i

          • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

            >Freedom of speech is an American thing

            Blatant authoritarian lie. Almost every liberal democracy has their variant of it written in their basic law/constitution/comparable legislative system. It's in fact one of the defining features of being a LIBERAL democracy. As opposed to illiberal democracies, such as for example DPRK.

            >It is not freedom of consequence

            It is in fact freedom of consequence from government. The entire point of freedom of speech is that government cannot prosecute you for your speech

            • by sinij ( 911942 )

              >Freedom of speech is an American thing

              Blatant authoritarian lie. It's in fact one of the defining features of being a LIBERAL democracy.

              Exactly. There is absolutely no way to make representation work if only one side gets to speak. It immediately turns into tyranny of the majority. The downside of having bad people say wrong things is BY FAR lesser evil.

              • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

                There is. It's called illiberal democracy. Everyone who has correct opinions gets represented, and everyone who has wrong opinions gets persecuted.

                It often isn't a tyranny of majority either, but a tyranny of minority. Because it only takes about 10% or population that are well organized and trained to work together toward a common goal to take over any large and otherwise non-political organization.

        • Whatever else you believe about Musk, he does actually stand up for free speech.

          Oh bullshit. Stop with the gaslighting. On several different occasions he has blocked journalists [] on Twitter. He ordered the NPR story about the Arlington Cemetery fiasco be blocked []. He ordered the removal of 5,000 posts [] about a transgender support rally in Washington, D.C. He initially blocked, then rescinded [], his edict to block any post about any other social media platform as Twitter plummets into the gutter.

          I co
      • They demand local representatives for one reason and one reason only: Somebody whose neck is close enough to wring, or head close enough to remove, even if it's one of their own citizens, so they have a way to enforce censorship "or the little bunny gets it".

        You got it in one. You can't operate a company anywhere in the world without someone who is responsible and stops the company from breaking the local laws.

        The "enforcing censorship" is of course nonsense. All that Twitter has to do is stop criminals who want to overthrow the government (like Donald Trump, only worse) from organising through Twitter. So it's not "enforcing censorship", it is "enforcing their democratic laws".

        Good thing is that even though Twitter has no representative, and no money, th

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      He complied with requests to ban opposition accounts on behalf of the Turkish government. It really depends how far right the person asking it. His issue with Brazil is that it's not a dictator demanding it.

      • by sinij ( 911942 )

        He complied with requests to ban opposition accounts on behalf of the Turkish government. It really depends how far right the person asking it. His issue with Brazil is that it's not a dictator demanding it.

        It is one possible and very uncharitable interpretation.

    • Musk refused to take down accounts of elected officials based on opposite party's demands for censorship.

      Yes he did []. And he had no problem doing it. He even gave excuses for why he did it.

      The "free speech" guy is a liar through and through. He very blatantly violates free speech [] on a whim. You won't, but others might, watch the show next month [] where Twitter insiders describe his erratic behavior and final capitulation to endorsing hate speech and right-wing ideology while suppressing free speech.

  • This is about censoring political opponents. []

  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Wednesday September 18, 2024 @10:53PM (#64798383)
    Go look up Elon musk's response when Turkey asked him to censor political opponents of the Turkish regime. Elmo is happy to censor for dictators all day long and if that's all Brazil wanted he blissfully comply.

    The only possible conclusion is this is about actual misinformation, as in stuff like anti-vax bullshit that gets people killed and stuff like the Russian bullshit that gets posted by their botnets like what we found out about with Tim Pool. In less less stable countries and countries with rougher race relations that can trigger riots and get people killed.

    But it was never about censorship with Elon. If it was he wouldn't have censored when Turkey asked him to.
    • without changing his values. Someone else is claiming that that's legitimate, isn't she?

    • by theCoder ( 23772 )

      This is a tired argument. Because X / Twitter under Musk didn't resist censorship demands in Turkey, it shouldn't also in Brazil? I don't really know all the details in either case, but I imagine there are different circumstances between them that might cause different reactions. Shouldn't we be happy that someone is standing against government censorship at all?

      Oh, then you go on to refer to bad things that "can trigger riots and get people killed." Which leads me to think that you are actually PRO cen

      • In Turkey a brutal dictator wanted musk to help him cheat in an election. In Brazil the government wants to stop the spread of harmful misinformation and lies, many of which are coming from hostile foreign powers.

        Elon has shown that he's open for business for dictators no matter what. That's the one thing he's consistent about. If you're an authoritarian dictator Elon is your friend.
  • ... blocking cloud access is complex ...

    Just do what the USA does: Kindly 'insist' the victim's ^H^H^H^H suspect's digital life be removed from the server.

  • The problem for anyone who really thinks they can't live without twitter: There are still massive fines for accessing it. Since you could only access Twitter by using a VPN, people were told that there are massive fines for accessing it through VPN. But the fine isn't actually for "using VPN" but for "accessing Twitter". High four digit dollars if I remember right.

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