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Crime The Courts

Julian Assange Reaches Plea Deal With US, Allowing Him To Go Free ( 248

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has agreed to a plea deal with the U.S. Justice Department over his alleged role in one of the largest U.S. government breaches of classified material. As a result, he will avoid imprisonment in the United States. CNN reports: Under the terms of the new agreement (PDF), Justice Department prosecutors will seek a 62-month sentence -- which is equal to the amount of time Assange has served in a high-security prison in London while he fought extradition to the US. The plea deal would credit that time served, allowing Assange to immediately return to Australia, his native country. The plea deal must still be approved by a federal judge.

Assange had faced 18 counts from a 2019 indictment for his alleged role in the breach that carried a max of up to 175 years in prison, though he was unlikely to be sentenced to that time in full. Assange was being pursued by US authorities for publishing confidential military records supplied by former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning in 2010 and 2011. US officials alleged that Assange goaded Manning into obtaining thousands of pages of unfiltered US diplomatic cables that potentially endangered confidential sources, Iraq war-related significant activity reports and information related to Guantanamo Bay detainees.

Julian Assange Reaches Plea Deal With US, Allowing Him To Go Free

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  • A disgrace (Score:2, Interesting)

    ... if anything shows just how much we are lied to, it was the wikileaks releases, and the liars did everything they could to stitch him up.

    The excellent book 'The Trial of Julian Assange" details the lies we were told about Assange and Wikileaks. If you haven't read it it's very unlikely you know the true story.

    But nevermind. It's slashdot. We'll get downmodded by slashdot's social credit score system and people who repeat the lies will get upmodded.

    • Oh please. We were there. Wikileaks was a Russian psyop from the word go. Assange happily played along with people who wished us harm and were actively doing it, and made no attempt to distinguish between material that served a public-interest necessity from mere tabloid embarrassment of Americans.
  • by hdyoung ( 5182939 ) on Monday June 24, 2024 @09:10PM (#64575093)
    Literally over a decade. Given that it’s Assange, I’ll give him a >50% chance that he blows it somehow. That guy lives and breathes bad decision-making. He will probably have to keep his mouth shut, avoid participating in any espionage against the US, show up in a US court and plead guilty. He could easily screw it up in any of those categories.

    I sincerely hope he gets to go home. The guy is now harmless, and we’ve more than made our point. Freedom is probably within his grasp, if he makes the choice to take it.
  • Saving Face (Score:4, Interesting)

    by StormReaver ( 59959 ) on Monday June 24, 2024 @09:15PM (#64575101)

    The U.S. has been under increasing pressure to stop going after Assange. This is how the U.S. acquiesces without overtly looking like it's doing so.

    • Pressure from who? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by rsilvergun ( 571051 )
      There's a handful of lefties who wanted him protected. I'm kind of 50/50 because in his rush to publish leaks critical of Hillary Clinton he didn't bother scrubbing his sources and leaked several names... But on the other hand protections for journalism is probably more important than that.

      But besides Republican and Russian trolls that show up on left-wing forums to drop his name and try (successfully) to cause trouble in left-wing spaces I can't imagine anyone caring. I think that he was a bit of a boo
      • Australia's House of Representatives and Australia’s Prime Minister have made requests to bring the case to a close.
      • by Tom ( 822 )

        Who modded you up?

        Hillary was what, 1% of the leaks that Wikileaks published? There's truckloads of other, more damning, stuff that Julian published, including documented US war crimes.

        If Hillary were the main problem, you'd think Trump would've stopped the whole thing and given him a medal.

        Journalism kind of died when we let Reagan eliminate all antitrust log and a handful of billionaires by up every single newsroom and radio station and local TV news room in the country. There is still good journalism being done but it doesn't have the broad reach that it did back when they took Nixon down

        Agree on that.

      • To me it wasn't even about journalistic protection... though that should also be of paramount and inviolable importance... but jurisdiction. Assange is not a US citizen. And so fart as I've ever been able to discern he was not within US borders when he supposedly committed his so-called "crimes." So every other nation involved in that entire bout of disgraceful shenanigans... UK, Sweden, Ecuador, his own Australia, EVERYONE... should have told Washington DC to go pound sand. Assange should no more be ob

    • by Kokuyo ( 549451 )

      I think this is quite a fair deal here.

      After all, while the information was important to publish, we do have to remember that, as far as I am aware, he conspired with Manning to get this data. Assange told the guy to do it and how to do it. And that is a no-no for a reporter.

      Had Manning been self-motivated and handed the information over ideally after trying to go through official channels first, that would be a different matter.

      Now I am not saying that Assange shouldn't have done it. That is up to him. But

  • by madbrain ( 11432 ) on Monday June 24, 2024 @09:41PM (#64575147) Homepage Journal

    I guess that's going to take a little longer, though.

    • He's a Russian citizen now, so very unlikely to get a visa to return.
      • by madbrain ( 11432 )

        You can have dual citizenship in some cases. I do, but not with Russia.
        The US state department says Snowden is still a citizen.

        That's may not be relevant, though. Citizenship didn't stop the US from asserting a case against Assange, who was never a US citizen to begin with.

      • Snowden doesn't need a "visa" (visum;), his passport was revoked by the US while in transit from Hong-Kong to Latin America so the US effectively got him stuck in Russia. Their narrative seem to have gone down well with the general populace.

        A passport is permission from your own country to go abroad. A visum is permission from a foreign country to enter. So, a country never gives visa to its own citizens.
        Been abroad much?

        But yea. Snowden's been stuck there for way too long.

        • I have to imagine Snowden being a US citizen and a government contractor whereas Assange was neither means they are going to be more steadfast on him coming back and facing charges.

  • by johanneswilm ( 549816 ) on Monday June 24, 2024 @10:10PM (#64575201) Homepage
    I find it quite surprising that so many comments seem to think it is entirely OK for the US to spy on the entire planet and that Julian Assange has been locked away for this long to expose the war crimes of the US and its allies - without there being any reasonable grounds for it. That the US should have any grounds for getting Assange for having shown what they have done to civilians around the world is quite absurd. We all know what this means for any future whistle blower: You will be locked away for more than a decade, losing some of the most important years of your life. What Sweden, the UK, and the US have done here will continue to hurt freedom of the press and freedom of speech for decades to come.
    • "...continue to hurt freedom of the press and freedom of speech for decades to come."

      Some might say 'working as intended, then.'

    • That the US should have any grounds for getting Assange for having shown what they have done to civilians around the world is quite absurd.

      Normally, the person in question is removed from life entirely, like the Boeing whistleblowers.

      Look, it doesn't matter what you or I think is right or even correct. What matters is that those in power want full control. They are slaves to human nature because they never receive any reality checks. It will only get worse until the USA itself collapses as an entity. There is zero chance that a person who is not a slave to their desire for power will ever have power in the current system.

    • Assange isn't being tried for Whistleblowing or for a free speech violation. He was being charged with crimes that he committed in the process of obtaining that information. Most notably, no one else at Wikileaks, no one else publishing that information, or anyone other than the guy who mishandled secure information and the guy who helped him gain unauthorised access to a computer have been in any way punished.

      You can't justify a crime by exposing another crime. Literally no country on earth have Whistleblo

  • by franzrogar ( 3986783 ) on Tuesday June 25, 2024 @02:53AM (#64575599)

    ...when he returns to Australia, "new proof" will apear, reopen the case, be extradited from Australia without a hassle and silenced.

  • by mrthoughtful ( 466814 ) on Tuesday June 25, 2024 @05:41AM (#64575801) Journal
    Not being American, I don't know why I bother reading comments on anything remotely political on slashdot. Even the so called 'lefties' are far right of parties like Reform UK, which is just scary. I guess a lot of the people here sit in their bunkers terrified of the 'commie threat' that pervades the rest of the world.
    • The problem is that a bunch of these people are well-paid, and therefore in a position to be dumb and happy. By the time the systemic collapse reaches them in an inconvenient way, it will be way too late to do anything about it.

  • Anyone remember the Sweden cases, and he was arrested for rape and everyone fell for it?
  • Assange committed the worst crime possible: Making the USA look foolish. In hindsight, he should have stayed in Sweden, plead guilty to sexual harassment, stay in a jail in Sweden for six or 12 months, which isnâ(TM)t the worst place to be, and then straight back home to Australia.
  • by xanthos ( 73578 ) <xanthos AT toke DOT com> on Tuesday June 25, 2024 @11:33AM (#64576677)
    Just another example of punishment without due process. Like Mitnick before him, Assange has served his time without ever being sentenced. And he can now go free. To all the whack jobs looking for the deep state, found it!

In space, no one can hear you fart.
