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Government Space United States

Arizona's Governor Signs Bill Making Pluto the Official State Planet ( 118

"Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona..." reads the official text of House Bill #2,477. "PLUTO IS THE OFFICIAL STATE PLANET."

An anonymous reader shared this report from Capital Media Services: The governor signed legislation Friday designating Pluto as Arizona's "official state planet." It joins a list of other items the state has declared to be "official,'' ranging from turquoise as the state gemstone and copper as the state metal to the Sonorasaurus as the state dinosaur. "I am proud of Arizona's pioneering work in space discovery," governor Hobbs said.

What makes Pluto unique and ripe for claim by Arizona is that it is the only planet actually discovered in the United States, and the discovery was made in Flagstaff. Rep. Justin Wilmeth, a Phoenix Republican and self-described "history nerd,'' said that needed to be commemorated, starting with the legacy of astronomer Clyde Tombaugh. In 1930, Tombaugh was working at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff. "The whole story of Clyde is just amazing, just sitting there under the telescope'' looking for planets by taking photos over a period of time, said Wilmeth. "It was two different glass planes that had one little spec of light moving in a different direction,'' showing it wasn't just another star — and all by observation and not computers. "To me, that's something that's just mind boggling."

"The International Astronomical Union voted years ago to strip Pluto of its official status as a planet," the article points out, noting that its official definition specifies that planets "clear the neighboring region of other objects." (While Pluto "has such a small gravitational pull, it has not attracted and absorbed other space rocks in its orbit".)

So in 2006 Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet, according to a NASA web page. "Pluto is about 1/6 the width of Earth," and has a radius of 715 miles or 1,151 kilometers. "If Earth was the size of a nickel, Pluto would be about as big as a popcorn kernel."

Long-time Slashdot reader Baron_Yam called Arizona's new legislation "How to advertise you are ignorant. Scientists said something we don't like, so we'll make a law!" They can call it their "State Planet" all they want, but people who actually know about the skies will be mocking them for it. While there is nostalgia for the old classification, and the new one isn't perfect... it's certainly more meaningful when trying to divide up the objects of a planetary system for study.
Reached for a comment by Capital Media Services, Representative Wilmeth said "It might matter to some that are going to get picky or persnickety about stuff... There's several generations of Americans ... who believe that Pluto's a planet — or at least that's what we were taught. I'm never going to think differently. That's just my personal opinion." (The news site adds that "What is important, Wilmeth said, is remembering the history and promoting it.")

Five senators in Arizona's state legislatur did vote against the measure — though not all of them did so for scientific reasons, Senator Anthony Kern explained to Capital Media Services. "I did not want to discriminate against those who wanted Mars, Venus, Jupiter, or everyone's favorite, Uranus."
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Arizona's Governor Signs Bill Making Pluto the Official State Planet

Comments Filter:
  • Had me (Score:1, Troll)

    by christoban ( 3028573 )

    For like 5 seconds...

    • One that is totally plausible. An issue, of course, is that it's partisan; it's a shame when you use an April Fool to make your opponents look ridiculous; it's far more interesting to do one that demonstrates your own side's fallibility.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        One that is totally plausible. An issue, of course, is that it's partisan; it's a shame when you use an April Fool to make your opponents look ridiculous; it's far more interesting to do one that demonstrates your own side's fallibility.

        The governor of Arizona is a Democrat. However, this is absolutely something a Republican would do to suck-up to Trump and the MAGA electorate. So what are you complaining about? That the slashdot editors are victimising a democrat by making her out to be doing something MAGA in their April 1st joke? ... or are you upset that Slashdot's April 1st joke is an attack on the deeply held beliefs of the MAGA crowd? Mind you, that last one would be a fine April 1st joke all by itself because I'm pretty sure most A

        • Frankly, I am from Arizona and pretty much fell for it, because our legislature is dominated by republicans, and the republican governor was just replaced by a democrat in the last election

          There was a lingering trace of doubt that Gov Hobbs would go along with any republican shenanigans, fortunately I read the current posts before declaring

          ARIZONA IS RULED BY JERRYS (Rick & Morty reference)

      • I think the world would be a significantly, quantitatively better place. Because Pluto is a planet.
        • FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT....

        • Yes, one of hundreds of them.
          You have my support. I think we should also consider renaming it to "10"- or do we arbitrarily move the line a bit higher to exclude Ceres?
        • I think the world would be a significantly, quantitatively better place. Because Pluto is a planet.


          The definition of planet should be: "By longstanding tradition, the following nine objects are planets: Mercury, Venus, ..., Pluto. There is no such thing as a dwarf planet.". Current definition is stupid as hell. How many dwarf planets do we have? Oh, dunno because the conditions for being a dwarf planet are vague enough that that the astronomers are still arguing about a lot of them. And how many *planets*? You think 8? Try "between 6 and 9", more like.

          Orbiting Sun? OK, so is Pluto a dwarf planet?

      • by cfalcon ( 779563 )

        Frankly, if the Republicans make reestablishing Pluto as a planet (instead of a "dwarf planet" which is also a planet in the same way a dwarf human is a human and a dwarf elephant is an elephant), then sure, I'll go along with that. That's got great pedigree, adequate reasoning, and as traditionalisms go, it's all upside and now downside.

      • Is Pluto's status as a planet partisan? Fucking fascinating.
        • Partisan because it was alleging that this is a Republican's proposal, playing on the idea that Republicans are science deniers. Sadly many an anti-vaxxer will be found to be a Democrat.

    • by teg ( 97890 )

      For like 5 seconds...

      The article is dated March 30th.

      • by Zocalo ( 252965 )
        And the link to, mentioning the idea of the potential law, is dated Jan 15th 2024...

        Still, dates can be faked, although I suspect this is just someone using a most likely dead-in-the-water idea to add a bit more credence to the gag. Look at the bill though; Title 41, Chapter 4.1, Section 41-860.0. That's either a huge clue, a huge coincidence, or someone in the Arizona State Legislate is wearing a huge grin today.
    • Nevermind the April fule joke - Of course Pluto is a planet! :)
    • Fuck April Fools

    • It's legit. Do some looking.
      Here's the link to the Arizona legislature. Search for HB2477 []

      You can read the whole history on it.

    • I gotta know, what kind douchebag would mark my OP as Troll??

    • by npoc ( 1055014 )
      Now if this was Florida, totally plausible.
  • ...Woody Allen quote [].
  • And so it begins...

  • They think they are Indiana or something, but they've got a long way to go before they try to legislate pi = 3.

    • It has been an ambition of mine, a new value for pi to assign. I'd fix it at three, 'cos it's easier you see than three point one four one five nine Shamelessly stolen from a limerick book from some time in my past.
    • LOL @ Troll moderation. Found Turns out we have Indianians with modpoints who are upset at something that was very literally proposed by their state.

  • Pluto. []
  • Reminds me of the time they declared pi to be 3 [].
  • Yes. Well. Other than the obvious date this is posted I suspect Republican politicians would actually be so challenged to actually do that...

  • by jenningsthecat ( 1525947 ) on Monday April 01, 2024 @06:55AM (#64360768)

    "or everyone's favorite, Uranus."

    It's not Uranus, it's mine!

  • We need to redirect Kuiper belt objects so they don't fall on us ( I am paraphrasing here, not an astrophysicist), so why not practice by clearing Pluto's orbit for it?
    Then Pluto can be a planet again Everybody wins.

  • Slashdot continues its April 1st tradition, I see...

  • by Baloo Uriza ( 1582831 ) <> on Monday April 01, 2024 @08:31AM (#64360964) Homepage Journal
    That Jerry Smith is governor of Arizona.
  • Hail Eris!

    It's bigger than Pluto and Mike Brown found it at Palomar, not in some desert state where gila monsters and politicians compete for who can bite worse.

  • They did a bit of legwork in advance.
    From January: []

    "...or at least that's what we were taught. I'm never going to think differently. That's just my personal opinion."

    That tracks! Far enough south for me to hold on to my prejudices.

  • Put it on the "things to ignore later" pile, please.

  • I've got nothing against Pluto, planet or dwarf planet, but if I'm going to pick one planet to be my official state planet then it's going to be the Earth. And, frankly, so should it be for Arizona as well. This seems disloyal.
  • Putting the "anus" back in "Uranus".

  • by bruce_the_moose ( 621423 ) on Monday April 01, 2024 @01:45PM (#64361922)

    I visited Lowell Observatory Friday night. No mention was made of the legislation. But I did get to see the telescope Tombaugh made from discarded farm equipment, complete with a coke can for an aperture cover (not the one he used to make the Pluto observations), and Lowellâ(TM)s old telescope, still in use today. Rather than âlegislating ignoranceâ(TM) as the Slashdot reader so dismissively asserts, I find this to be a fun acknowledgment of Lowellâ(TM)s (who did the math to suggest it was out there) and Tombaughâ(TM)s achievement.

  • They'll still separate the children of extraterrestrials from their parents, and keep prisoners outdoors in 130 F / 55 C heat.
  • I'm assuming Arizona selected Pluto because some other state -- Florida or Texas, perhaps -- had already selected Goofy as their state planet?
  • A professional astronomer here, with some things to keep in mind:
    * While opinions are divided on whether or not Pluto, and other 'dwarf' planets are full-blown planets, the astrophysics community, by and large, doesn't like - or adhere to - the IAU planet definition. It restricts the use of 'planet' to the 8 bodies in the solar system, ignoring the 5,000+ confirmed exoplanets []. It goes to great pains to attempt a definition of the low mass range (which it fails at), and doesn't define the high end of the

I'd rather just believe that it's done by little elves running around.
