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Plex Users Fear New Feature Will Leak Porn Habits To Their Friends and Family ( 120

Many Plex users were alarmed when they got a "week in review" email last week that showed them what they and their friends had watched on the popular media server software. From a report: Some users are saying that their friends' softcore porn habits are being revealed to them with the feature, while others are horrified by the potentially invasive nature feature more broadly. Plex is a hybrid streaming service/self-hosted media server. In addition to offering content that Plex itself has licensed, the service allows users to essentially roll their own streaming service by making locally downloaded files available to stream over the internet to devices the server admin owns. You can also "friend" people on Plex and give them access to your own server.

A new feature, called "Discover Together," expands social aspects of Plex and introduces an "Activity" tab: "See what your friends have watched, rated, added to their Watchlist, or shared with you," Plex notes. It also shares this activity in a "week in review" email that it sent to Plex users and people who have access to their servers.

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Plex Users Fear New Feature Will Leak Porn Habits To Their Friends and Family

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  • First off, who does that? That's just a wee bit in very poor taste/poor judgement to be hosting porn on a shared service. Secondly, all you need to do is turn off that feature.
    • Plex is just a video server / transcoder that is bloating into a hub of sorts for all sorts of nonsense.

      • Because they want money.

        It's easy to switch to Jellyfin though.

        • The last time I looked at Jellyfin, it had very different media file naming requirements. Unless that's changed, it is not easy to switch.
          • Hmm... I don't think I needed to change naming at all IIRC. I'm pretty sure this is what I used with Plex, and it definitely works with Jellyfin.

            <Series name> - S<season #>E<episode #> - <optional episode title>.mp4

            • Re:Porn habits? (Score:5, Insightful)

              by NobleNobbler ( 9626406 ) on Monday November 27, 2023 @05:24PM (#64036449)

              Once plex forced me to log in I knew the shittification was beginning..

              • That's precisely why I never used plex. I've zero interest in logging in with them. Been using Jellyfin locally for quite a while now. Never shared it with anyone (what do I look like, a streaming provider?) but it doesn't really seem like it would be that hard to setup a router rule and give out my IP address for people to connect to.

              • right? the idea of plex looked nice, but I don't want to have to authenticate on someone else's computer to run software i'm hosting on my own machine, if i can avoid it. i never finished installing it after i worked that out.
              • Once plex forced me to log in I knew the shittification was beginning..

                Yes and no. I love the idea that Plex is turning into a one-stop shop service for all my streaming needs. It's a right royal pain in the arse to look through multiple streaming systems to find what I want to watch.

                It's impossible to do that without logging in.

                Now once Plex added social aspects such as "friends" then I knew the enshittification was beginning.

          • I mainly use Jellyfin but also use Plex a bit. I don't name my files in any particular way and it works. But I don't share write access between the two because that would cause a lot of problems. With Jellyfin, I will admit that it takes a little while to get the metadata setup correctly. Usually pasting the id from one of the supported databases (like imdb) help greatly with importing. But you can do a whole series and as long as the tags (like in MKV) have the episode numbers set up correctly it mostly ju

          • by ncc74656 ( 45571 ) *

            The last time I looked at Jellyfin, it had very different media file naming requirements.

            I made the switch earlier this year (though I still have Plex running for my parents until the next time I visit, at which time I can switch them over to Jellyfin). IIRC, Jellyfin didn't care much about how I named my files.

            Around the same time, I migrated from Medusa to Sonarr and added Radarr to the mix. I don't recall having to do much to bring up Sonarr, but my movies had to be sorted into directories and the re

      • by G00F ( 241765 )

        I've been using either a windows on a nuc like box attached to a TV or kodi on a pi for decades. And yea, linux server with storage, smb/nfs and http shares.

        People kept asking me about using plex, I never even bothered to look at it, as what I had worked so simply why would I look to complicated it more.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        I never understood the point of Plex, at least not after the very early years when playback devices were extremely under-powered.

        Nowadays a cheap Android box with Kodi can play back 4k HDR content without issue, so what is the point of having a special server with transcoding? Just store your content as files and let Kodi handle indexing them, if you even want an index. Personally I just browse the files and play them.

        • So content can be transcoded and consumed over a low bandwidth link, such as using a mobile device to watch over a cellular connection or over a typical slow upload link on cable internet.
          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            Huh, I never really considered that. Thanks. Not something I'd be interested in, but it makes sense.

    • Re:Porn habits? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by MDMurphy ( 208495 ) on Monday November 27, 2023 @04:35PM (#64036283)
      I don't use Plex, so pure speculation: Do the friends you have shared access with have the ability to see what videos are on the server and watch history? If so, then these emails might be a blessing. People may not have known how much was already being shared.
      • You can control some of what you share with friends, friends of friends, and public. It's fun because you can have friends' recently watched videos show up as suggestions. Which can be a good starting place if you have common interests or a conversation starter.

        Unfortunately Plex has become increasingly more opaque about what it does and does not share and how its suggestion algorithms work. It doesn't offer fine enough control for users to share only some things and not other things. And sharing nothing is

  • Not EVERYTHING.... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by cayenne8 ( 626475 ) on Monday November 27, 2023 @03:30PM (#64036023) Homepage Journal

    A new feature, called "Discover Together," expands social aspects of Plex


    Not EVERYTHING has to fucking be turned into a "social" aspect or event!!!

    Am I the only one that just doesn't need to share fucking everything they do or are interested in?

    I'll talk and share in person when I'm with my friends having some beers or doing something....but I don't need to have fucking emails, texts or social media sending them a fucking log of what I do or watch.

    Am I the only one that just doesn't use it if it is a social thing online....or actually avoids things online if it is advertised as "social"?

    • What you are seeing are some people that are overeager to "add value" to the cyber real estate that they were lucky enough to land on.

      Their fortunes are ascendant at the moment, so they proceed to convince themselves that everyone just everyone will love their ideas. And they will make more money because of that.

    • by nightflameauto ( 6607976 ) on Monday November 27, 2023 @04:17PM (#64036223)

      A new feature, called "Discover Together," expands social aspects of Plex


      Not EVERYTHING has to fucking be turned into a "social" aspect or event!!!

      Am I the only one that just doesn't need to share fucking everything they do or are interested in?

      I'll talk and share in person when I'm with my friends having some beers or doing something....but I don't need to have fucking emails, texts or social media sending them a fucking log of what I do or watch.

      Am I the only one that just doesn't use it if it is a social thing online....or actually avoids things online if it is advertised as "social"?

      There are three types of people that exist when it comes to socialization. Those that absolutely NEED it. Those that tolerate it. And those that couldn't give two shits about it. Those of us who have always existed in the latter category see the socialization of media / network activity as patently absurd. Those of us in one of the other two categories are the prime targets for such "sharing" features because we've become SO enamored with our electronic life that we've allowed it to completely replace real socialization and interaction with other living, breathing beings. Therefore, those of us that need socialization on some level to maintain ourselves think "sharing" all our electronic activity is somehow making up for the complete lack of conversations, bro-fists, hugs, back-pats, and beer spilling.

      It's easy to see why it started happening. What's harder to wrap my head around is why, at this point, with all the proof we've seen of the mental toll it takes, it continues to sprawl ever wider. It's like some folks just won't be happy until they literally have a camera on them streaming their every waking moment to everyone that wants to watch. And others of us are climbing further into our hidey-holes of drop-outness due to the apparent lack of give-a-fuck about privacy everyone around us seems to represent.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward
        There is a 4th type, i.e. those that actively hate it, I go out of my way to not receive such updates about others and to prevent anything I am using send those same updates to others. I couldn't give two shits about the seeing what others are doing, but I actively hate the tools that share it without my express permission.
    • Not EVERYTHING has to fucking be turned into a "social" aspect or event!!!

      And not everything has to have cheese on it. But here we are. We've gone down the stupidest of timelines. People love this social shit like they like a disgusting blob of oil and milk solids on every conceivable kind of sandwich.

      I'll talk and share in person when I'm with my friends having some beers or doing something...

      For most people, the old we get the less time we spend with old friends or in making new friends. People are desperate for human interaction and are willing to take an artificial substitute like social media.

      Am I the only one that just doesn't use it if it is a social thing online....or actually avoids things online if it is advertised as "social"?

      I approach them cautiously. Generally if social media interactions are a ce

      • by nightflameauto ( 6607976 ) on Monday November 27, 2023 @05:42PM (#64036537)

        Not EVERYTHING has to fucking be turned into a "social" aspect or event!!!

        And not everything has to have cheese on it. But here we are. We've gone down the stupidest of timelines. People love this social shit like they like a disgusting blob of oil and milk solids on every conceivable kind of sandwich.

        I'm going to say this as calmly as I can. Talk all the shit you want about social media, but you start shit-talking cheese and we are going to have a serious problem. Do I make myself clear?

        • You put cheese on a hamburger all you can taste is the cheese, except now it's greasy. I have a cool life hack for you then. Go to Subway or Togo's, order the cheese sandwich, but ask for ALL the cheeses. That makes a damn fine meal with the cheese as the star of the show instead of an oil stain on a ruined burger.

          • by skam240 ( 789197 )

            I'd rather not go to terrible chain delis and keep the cheese on my burger instead. I can taste the burger just fine with it on there.

          • You put cheese on a hamburger all you can taste is the cheese, except now it's greasy. I have a cool life hack for you then. Go to Subway or Togo's, order the cheese sandwich, but ask for ALL the cheeses. That makes a damn fine meal with the cheese as the star of the show instead of an oil stain on a ruined burger.

            Holy hells. You don't want cheese on a burger? That's fail enough. Then you recommend going to Subway? WTF? Never heard of Togo's, so can't comment on the quality, but if it's on-par with Subway, no thanks.

            Burgers fail with American cheese-like byproduct, sure. McDonald's thrives on such failure. But a slice of provolone topped with a slice of smoked gouda? A slice of ultra-sharp cheddar with a slice of swiss? Yes please. If you are somehow covering the entire burger's flavor with cheese, something has gone

            • Or I like the subtle taste of a medium rare burger that doesn't have to compete with strong flavors like cheese or ketchup. (yeah, don't put ketchup on burgers either, that's super nasty)

              • Than you eschew every flavored topping then? No tomatoes, lettuce, onions? How about bread?
                • tamatoes and mayo are great, the juicy tomato and mayo mix together to make a nice sauce. But really that combo is better on a B.L.T.

                  Where I grew up chopped green olives is an iconic burger topping...

                  And sadly, no *real* bread. I'm not allowed. :-(

                  • Is your dislike of cheese a phobia? And if so, apt username perhaps!
                  • Where I grew up chopped green olives is an iconic burger topping...

                    Ahh...ok, this explains can NOT possibly be from America.

                    Not that I'd say olives on a burger aren't good, but it isn't something generally even offered as a topping in the US.


                    I like most any versatile.

                    I like them best grilled at home, over my grill with lump charcoal.

                    But I like a chili burger, with onions, cheddar cheese (or pepper jack) and maybe a bit of mustard.

                    My latest I enjoy at a bar here in New Orleans

                • Than you eschew every flavored topping then? No tomatoes, lettuce, onions? How about bread?

                  One of my coworkers loudly proclaims that he lives a condiment free lifestyle. No condiments EVER. On anything. I call that a boring bland lifestyle, but to each their own I suppose.

                  Another coworker hates cake because he thinks frosting is disgusting. I work with freaks.

              • Or I like the subtle taste of a medium rare burger that doesn't have to compete with strong flavors like cheese or ketchup. (yeah, don't put ketchup on burgers either, that's super nasty)

                I'll agree with you on ketchup for the most part. Sometimes it's acceptable, but mostly no.

    • The nice thing about social is that it allows you to ignore privacy considerations because social means public.

    • Am I the only one that just doesn't use it if it is a social thing online....or actually avoids things online if it is advertised as "social"?

      Given how you're only part of a large target market you will with this approach actively be avoiding perfectly normal software that fits your use case perfectly. Plex advertises "social" aspects. And yet... THEY ARE ENTIRELY OPTIONAL.

      You can choose to not participate. No one is forcing you to have "friends" so actively avoiding something you could ignore in the first place is just silly. Especially when talking about something like Plex for which there's no real suitable feature comparable alternative (igno

    • This is becoming a cancer. Each and every website, be it for books, magazines, movies, shopping or games, thinks I want to share everything I've read, watched or bought with the whole world!
  • Emby or Jellyfin (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Misanthrope ( 49269 ) on Monday November 27, 2023 @03:34PM (#64036033)

    The writing was on the wall when they started doing analytics on your content years ago. Combined with the inability to stream locally if their servers are down, switch to something that respects your privacy.

    • >Combined with the inability to stream locally if their servers are down
      oh my god i hated plex for this shit so much. when we first built our house we had incredibly shoddy internet access. Prior to the move I had been using plex, but because comcast in town was pretty reliable, I didn't realize just how much this POS phoned home.

      So trying to log into a LOCAL fucking server and being met with auth issues because "hey, i can't get out on the internet" was infuriating. It needs a "LOCAL ONLY, fuck off" mod

      • ...just local/lan only, please.

        I have an NFS media server. No frills. Just a file server. It works great.

        • right, and that's what i'm using for storage. But for a front-end, plex + roku + tv was a nice an easy way for the less tech savvy in the house to watch.

    • Been using and supporting Emby for years - it is a great product. I have tried Jellyfin and switched back to emby as it was more reliable and had better support for newer transcoding hardware, however I am sure it's improved and just as good today.
      • I've had Plex locally on my QNAP for years.
        Seems to me this allows Local and Remote content.
        Haven't tried Emby but I did try to check it out after your mention.
        They don't appear on the QNAP app store, not a good sign.
        I tried creating an ID on their site but they never send the email confirmation, yes I check for the spam folder etc.
        Perused the Emby github repo but searching for QNAP there returns nothing so I can't even review versions.
        Only blind links such as what you provided work, cannot trust that.

    • I can stream locally when plex servers are down. Maybe you're talking about their SSO setup, but use a local login and no problem.

      • How do you locally log into plex?

        • by aitikin ( 909209 )

          Last I tried it was as simple as logging into the ip address and port. My current plex server is at Admittedly I have not tried that in quite some time.

          • that works for streaming to a PC, but any kind of app for tablet, Roku, smart TV, etc. goes through internet plex servers and won't work local-only, even if you've already logged in previously

          • That only works if you're on a computer. For many people the power of Plex is integrated Plex apps in their devices. If my internet is down I'm not going to go find and lug a computer down to my TV to watch something. And the Plex app on the TV definitely does not start locally without an internet connection.

        • How do you locally log into plex?

          directly at the server's address with a local username and password...

    • by eriks ( 31863 )

      I'd love to use Jellyfin, but it's persnickety about folder structure, and I don't feel like renaming and moving stuff around, since plex doesn't care about folder and file names at all, it (almost always) just works with whatever I throw at it. I might switch someday, but for now plex still works, and *does* work when my internet connection goes down for streaming local content from my local server. I keep seeing people saying that it doesn't, but that's not the case for me. The plex client pauses for a

    • switch to something that respects your privacy.

      Please let me know what I should switch to. My needs are simple: I want a service that:
      - Can get movie and music from my local NAS.
      - Can combine the libraries of my Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney Plus, and HBO Max accounts in one easy single app.
      - Has a native app available in the Samsung app store for my TV.

      A topic as nebulous as "privacy" takes a complete back seat compared to functionality that people care about. If you can't tell me an app that first those three simple points (which is fundamentall

  • Still wondering how Plex can be offered for free?
    • Not all of it is.

      Basic PC client/server programs will let you set up a local LAN server for free. They start charging when it comes to some popular clients, like ones for Android, iPhone and Roku cost $$. There is also a DVR service that gets guide data if you have an OTA tuner for local TV channels like I do, and that is not free either.

      They do have a one-time "Plex Pass" (used to be $99.00 when I got mine) which gives you all access to all of the Plex services for a one-time flat fee. What I don't unde

  • Sounds like Plex is turning into Boxee?

    Please used to be a great fork of XMBC (now Kodi), but the amount of cloud dependency just killed it for me. I don't care for social elements or sharing my videos outside of my home. I just want it to watch my local videos. I've considered installing Kodi on my AppleTV, but given the need for a developer setup, I've kinda put it off.

    Maybe if could have considered a nominal monthly for Plex, but again the cloud dependency is a big no. You can't even watch your local con

    • I dropped AppleTV and switched to an nVidia Shield with Kodi. The experience is just as good (unless you really want Apple's streaming service I guess). And the Shield works well with a USB IR receiver in combination with a universal remote.
    • but given the need for a developer setup, I've kinda put it off.

      Pretty much why I have never even been tempted in the slightest to buy an apple TV. Also the fact that there are so many devices that will allow you to install kodi as well as do the same things for about 1/3 the price.

      • but given the need for a developer setup, I've kinda put it off.

        Pretty much why I have never even been tempted in the slightest to buy an apple TV. Also the fact that there are so many devices that will allow you to install kodi as well as do the same things for about 1/3 the price.

        When I got the AppleTV the alternatives weren’t that good and for the most part things just work. I am not even sure what good alternatives there are these days, partly since I haven’t been in the market.

        • So having to enter developer mode to use the video player you like is your definition of "things just work"? I know kodi is almost the only player I use.
          • So having to enter developer mode to use the video player you like is your definition of "things just work"? I know kodi is almost the only player I use.

            That is why I sad for the most part. Maybe I’ll get a Pi set up with it?

    • Get a Raspberry Pi 4 with 2GB (or more, but not necessary) and install the Libre Elec image. It's KODI with a just-enough-OS base. You can point to your video shares and it will literally play any file format you throw at it. The Pi 4 supports h.264 and h.265 hardware decoding at 4K too. You can install the Kore remote control app on your phone which will find any KODI instance as long as they're on the same network. No remote or IR receiver necessary.

      It's rock solid. I have three of them set up at
      • Get a Raspberry Pi 4 with 2GB (or more, but not necessary) and install the Libre Elec image. It's KODI with a just-enough-OS base. You can point to your video shares and it will literally play any file format you throw at it. The Pi 4 supports h.264 and h.265 hardware decoding at 4K too. You can install the Kore remote control app on your phone which will find any KODI instance as long as they're on the same network. No remote or IR receiver necessary.

        It's rock solid. I have three of them set up at my house.

        I’ll explore it, but I’d rather have a proper remote. Kinda a fed up with the phone being the UI to everything.

        • I bought a Rii remote for my first install, but I ended up just using my phone. I use it for both the Pi and the Roku now.
  • This feature has been out for almost a month, and you have to opt-in to the sharing.

    In fact, I just reviewed the settings for keeping that stuff private and it says this at the bottom:

    If you are a resident of the United States, your above Watch History setting will apply for two years and then revert to private unless you choose to renew your consent. All other choices will remain in effect until you change them.

    • The article says you have to opt out.

      I don't use it so whatever but that's in the article.

      • by SeaFox ( 739806 )

        Yes, and no. Article is playing the "Plex is out to get you!111!" angle so you can't really trust it.

        When the feature was introduced, there was a announcement slideshow that greeted users on their apps. It was four slides, and each slide had two choices:
        - Continue (to the next slide)
        - Skip to Profile Settings (which is the last slide, and had the options to change the privacy settings).

        The last slide was just the settings themselves, where they are clearly set to "Friends Only" for Watchlist

    • So, a single default setting change and everyone is sharing everything.... not very smart.

      I don't use Plex any more, but then I share my porn habits with anyone who asks. I use MChambers, LLovelace and JHolmes as vpn, domain, and database test accounts.
      Would you rather I used MJackson, HWeinstein, JFogle, or RKelly? What about SSirhan, HClinton, or JGacy?

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      What, this is user misconfiguration and the users are doing it to themselves? That cannot be. Somehow Plex must the the evil mastermind behind this that cleverly turned all those affected into _victims_! Also, who reads documentation and warnings anyways?

  • "Friending" in Plex means sharing your media library with someone. If you share your porn, they already know. I don't see how this is a problem. I don't put porn on my plex and I also don't "friend" anyone, which was the traditional way of using Plex. You know, viewing your movies and tv series on all the screens in your home...

    • I'm assuming you haven't actually used Plex, or at least aren't very familiar with it. Plex allows for multiple libraries of content, even multiples of the same 'type'. For example, I have an audio library for Music and another for Audiobooks - so that I can have Audiobooks not even try to match using the scanner and instead just use ID3 tags.

      Point being, you can also control your sharing at a library level. Put porn into it's own library and don't grant access to it. Ez. And I do agree with OP's overall po

    • by vux984 ( 928602 )

      ""Friending" in Plex means sharing your media library with someone."

      You can have multiple media libraries setup, and the sharing settings are separate for each of them. You can absolutely share your marvel movie collection without sharing your porn collection.

      I don't put porn on plex in any capacity, but I have used the library sharing to make curated collections available to specific people. A common use case is to stick G-rated movies and shows into a separate libary, and setup an ipad for the kids that h

    • by jjhall ( 555562 )

      You can choose which libraries to share, so if you have your spicy content in a different library and do not share it, your "friends" would have no idea you have it. I do not know if the recap emails would include that content. I would assume it does.

  • by drainbramage ( 588291 ) on Monday November 27, 2023 @04:58PM (#64036351) Homepage

    It turns out 'The Loin King' and 'Shaving Ryan's Privates' are not typos.

    • Or worse, your viewing habits are not adult content but people will judge you for your choices: I see you have watched the Nickelback documentary 200 times in a month . . . interesting.
  • This is entirely opt-in and you have to make a change for it to be anything different. If you never set these settings, nothing is shared.

    Moreover, for any content watched on Plex Media Servers to be included, that requires a separate opt-in to enable sync of watch state.

    • by pavon ( 30274 )

      No, adding friends is opt-in, but they changed what information is shared with friends, and that change was opt-out and done without notice.

    • by SeaFox ( 739806 )

      This is entirely opt-in and you have to make a change for it to be anything different.

      As much as I'd like to agree with you, other people don't see it that way.

      When the feature was announced the slideshow comes up on your client and the last page was the privacy settings
      (I'm sure you know what slideshow I'm talking about, as I remember a Plex employee named "gbooker")

      The privacy settings were pre-set on the last page to "Friends Only". So if you just clicked the "Finish" button on that last page this is how they were saved. Technically, yes, you clicking Finish can be considered you "opting-

  • "Week in Review"? Personally I'd have gone with "What the fuck did I even watch this week!?"

  • Don't they have internet that delivers them the real stuff for free?

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Well, they already seem to have turned on "sharing" without even beginning to understand that means, you know, "sharing". The people affected cannot be very smart or capable.

  • your stepdad has watched "2 girls 1 cup" 50 times in the last month
  • I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old. We as a family drove 2000 miles round trip last week for Thanksgiving (driving up Sunday and Monday, driving back Friday and Saturday). If any of my friends or family who are connected to me in Plex saw any of “my” viewing habits for the week, I can only assume that it indicated I watched roughly 5000 episodes of Bluey, 500 episodes of Curious George, and 50 Tinkerbell/Pixie Hollow films, and maybe Hari-Kiri (1962) since I watched that right before we left.


  • Why only softcore? And who watches softcore porn anyway since we got easily accessible hardcore porn with the emerge of greater bandwidths in the 90ies? (I still can remember sharing images on a floppy disk or having to time your jerking off to glacial download speeds)
  • Remember when Chrome started auto opening everything that was open when you shut down without closing all the chrome instances?

    Good grief. The family lawyers couldn't get a better gift.

I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere.
