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Government News Technology

Network State Conference Announced in Amsterdam for October 30 4

Balaji Srinivasan, former CTO of Coinbase and author of the Network State, has announced his first Network State Conference. This is a conference for people interested in founding, funding, and finding new communities.
Topics include startup societies, network states, digital nomadism, competitive government, legalizing innovation, and building alternatives. Speakers include Glenn Greenwald, Vitalik Buterin, Anatoly Yakovenko, Garry Tan, the Winklevosses, and Tyler Cowen. See presentations by startup society founders around the world, invest in them, and search for the community that fits you.

With this and Joseon, the first legally recognized cyber state, the network state movement is beginning to get interesting.

Another anonymous reader quotes from the Joseon Official X Account's reply to Balaji's announcement:

Joseon, the first legally recognized cyber nation state, will be there.
Interestingly, Joseon dons the same grey checkmark that is for governments on its X account.
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Network State Conference Announced in Amsterdam for October 30

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  • I smell a scam coming!

    "Invest now and get in on the ground floor. This is gonna be big!"

  • by jenningsthecat ( 1525947 ) on Wednesday October 25, 2023 @09:56PM (#63954733)

    When I hear about ideas like this, I can't help thinking about how Science Fiction has sometimes shaped science and technology through the process of self-fulfilling prophecies. This scheme in particular seems impractical and doomed to fail; but it might plant seeds that will grow into new kinds of social organization, in the way that SF stories resulted in new tech and science.

    OTOH, Balaji Srinivasan is clearly a tech bro and a point-one-percenter. Also, I found this in his Wikipedia entry:

    In 2017, the Trump Administration considered appointing Srinivasan as FDA Commissioner.[31][32][33][34][35][36] While being considered for the appointment, Srinivasan deleted all of his tweets, including tweets critical of the FDA.[37] In one such deleted tweet, Srinivasan wrote, "For every thalidomide, many dead from slowed approvals.”

    This suggests to me that he might be a rank opportunist quite capable of mounting a scam, and it makes me question whether he himself has drunk the Kool-Aid he seems so eager to serve to others.

    So I think I'll pass, TYVM. Cool as the concept might be, this version of it sounds too much like some rich fuck looking to get over on people, gain more power, and become a bigger legend in his own mind.

    • The $99 on-site tickets are sold out. The venue seems very nice. The online presentations are free.

  • I don't think the organizers understand what a network state is.

It's hard to think of you as the end result of millions of years of evolution.
