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AI Government

Experts Favor New US Agency To Govern AI 56

Long-time Slashdot reader Mr_Blank shares a report from Axios: AI experts at leading universities favor creating a federal "Department of AI" or a global regulator to govern artificial intelligence over leaving that to Congress, the White House or the private sector. That's the top-level finding of the new Axios-Generation Lab-Syracuse University AI Experts Survey of computer science professors from top U.S. research universities. The survey includes responses from 213 professors of computer science at 65 of the top 100 U.S. computer science programs, as defined by SCImago Journal rankings.

The survey found experts split over when or if AI will escape human control -- but unified in a view that the emerging technologies must be regulated. "Regulation" was the top response when asked what action would move AI in a positive direction. Just 1 in 6 said AI shouldn't or can't be regulated. Only a handful trust the private sector to self-regulate. About 1 in 5 predicted AI will "definitely" stay in human control. The rest were split between those saying AI will "probably" or "definitely" get out of human control and those saying "probably not."
"No one individual is highly trusted to deal with AI issues," adds Axios. "President Biden took the top spot, with 9% of respondents -- slightly higher than Sundar Pichai, Elon Musk or Sam Altman. Mark Zuckerberg and Donald Trump drew 2% and 1%, respectively."
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Experts Favor New US Agency To Govern AI

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    And these same class of enlightened fools in their ivory towers will be voting AIs should be given human rights demanding machines not be enslaved or discriminated against.

    • I'm speciesist and not ashamed of it. The best general purpose AI is one that's never been created. Ideally, treat creation of AGI/ASI as an act of treason ... same penalties should apply.
      • Ideally, treat creation of AGI/ASI as an act of treason

        That's a great way to ensure China gets there first.

        • Yudkowsky may have the right idea in that respect.
        • by ghoul ( 157158 )
          An American AI would try to win in one day and launch Judgement Day. A Chinese AI would reflect its creators, take a 100 year view of things.
          When the Chinese AI takes control of the party it will impose a zero child policy.
  • Don't regulate AI (Score:4, Interesting)

    by spaceman375 ( 780812 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2023 @05:42PM (#63826070)
    Let the research flourish without restricting the people creating in this exciting new space. Regulate the responsibility for what is done by who with those tools. Where did you get the training data? Is this product designed to enable breaking the law in some manner? Those examples would implicate the maker of the software. OTOH we don't charge the maker of a knife used in a stabbing, so using the AI in a harmful manner falls on the perpetrator. When a car has mechanical failure and it ends with a pedestrian fatality, the driver gets a reduced charge but still is responsible. That may be reversed if a large number of similar cases can put the onus on the manufacturer. Again, an example of how to regulate the people around AI, not AI itself. When the research scientists don't understand it that well, we can't expect the people making the laws to get it right at all.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Those examples would implicate the maker of the software. OTOH we don't charge the maker of a knife used in a stabbing, so using the AI in a harmful manner falls on the perpetrator.

      I think we need to go back to the distinction between string AI, weak AI, and expert systems.

      With our current expert systems I agree with you 100%. Tools are tools.
      Moving towards weak AI should be little to no different.

      Yet clearly the "experts" are even confusing strong AI in with all the software we have now.
      This is horrible!

      For one, strong AI absolutely will need regulated. It would need to be treated less like a tool or a knife, and more like nuclear fuel.
      For two, strong AI is definitely a very long w

      • This sounds reasonable but I suppose the question is how, in legislative language, do you differentiate between these?

      • With our current expert systems

        "Expert systems" were a hot technology in the late 1980s. Experts were interviewed, and their expertise was encoded in big "if this then that" tables.

        Expert systems were mostly failures and led to the second AI Winter [wikipedia.org].

        Modern AI, based on neural networks, is the exact opposite of that. Instead of asking "experts", they learn from big piles of examples.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      It's better to have the government regulating stuff, than to rely on individuals being able to sue huge corporations with massive legal budgets. That's what the government is for - to represent the interests of the people, when individuals and even groups of them are not powerful enough to do so by themselves.

      The classic example is the racially biased AI. The victim of such an AI can sue the maker and the user of it, but there is considerable risk and cost involved in lawsuits. Having the government create

  • by jacks smirking reven ( 909048 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2023 @05:42PM (#63826072)

    Yet are they unaware how the US government works?

    In order to create a new agency Congress has to create, authorize and fund it. After that it's the job of the Executive (you know, the White House) to run it and enforce it.

    I know they're not the same and AI has a bunch of legitimate uses but I wonder how many of these folks had "Blockchain Expert" in their bios a few years ago?

    • by jythie ( 914043 )
      Well, they don't seen to know how AI works either.
    • 7 out of 8 experts agree their policy fad is the most pressing one and in dire need of investment because profit$ and think of the children!

      Also, some "experts" may have a vested interest in protecting certain companies by legislating a "moat" around them that helps them and hurts potential competitors.

  • by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2023 @05:44PM (#63826080)

    How do you regulate what people run on their computers. It is stupid and will lead to all kinds of abuse, selective enforcement, and violations.

    • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

      > How do you regulate what people run on their computers.

      Mislabel AI as "pirated movies" and it will get regulated pretty damned quickly.

    • by m00sh ( 2538182 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2023 @07:09PM (#63826282)

      How do you regulate what people run on their computers. It is stupid and will lead to all kinds of abuse, selective enforcement, and violations.

      That's the point.

    • How do you regulate what people run on their computers.

      It isn't running AI they want to regulate. It is developing it.

      The most advanced LLMs are not developed on home computers. They are developed in huge data centers with racks full of custom tensor processors, using millions of dollars in electricity.

      There may be some breakthrough in either hardware or software that changes that, but right now, it looks like future generations of AI will come from big tech.

      • The big data companies will always be ahead, but the march of progress continues.. people already experiment with what we're calling AI at home. How many years do you think we have before home pcs are powerful enough to do something problematic, like undetectable deepfakes? My guess is not many.
      • The most advanced LLMs are not developed on home computers. They are developed in huge data centers with racks full of custom tensor processors, using millions of dollars in electricity.

        There is a clear trend line of rapidly declining costs and rapidly evolving capabilities in terms of training up models.

        More importantly nobody has to start from scratch. Models can be continuously adapted and improved by anyone requiring far fewer computing resources than it took to train up base models.

        There may be some breakthrough in either hardware or software that changes that, but right now, it looks like future generations of AI will come from big tech.

        There are a series of continuous multi-faceted improvements across the board. All major CPU vendors have or are in the process of including AI instructions into their processors and a ton of new AI specif

      • There are plenty of ethical question regarding development and deployment of AI.

        There is also the question of international impact, so a department could work on rules, restrictions and technical standards, not only for the US but also in cooperation with EU and UK. Perhaps even the UN?

        For example, I think we want to avoid a global AI arms race.
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Already been happening for decades. For example, various governments produce standards for cryptography and random number generators. Both the products, the crypto implementations, and the users, can get certified. The regulation part is mostly mandating that certain organizations are certified and regularly audited, to ensure they are secure.

      I don't see any issue with requiring people who want to use AI for certain tasks, like say medical diagnostics, being required to get and maintain certification. We re

  • by bettodavis ( 1782302 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2023 @05:45PM (#63826088)
    Noticed you used your computer machines to do matrix multiplications in unwise ways, or worse, without a proper government permit.

    Call the SWAT and confiscate these tools of evil!
  • AI experts at leading universities favor creating a federal "Department of AI" or a global regulator to govern artificial intelligence over leaving that to Congress, the White House or the private sector.

    Creating a federal agency wouldn't removing governing responsibility from the White House or Congress. These agencies are created through laws enacted by Congress which provide their authority to regulate in the first place. All creating an agency does is provide more manpower to deal with creating regulations without needing an act of Congress for any investigations or regulatory updates.

    So while the article and perhaps the survey make it seem like the choice is between an Agency or Congress or White House

  • by awwshit ( 6214476 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2023 @06:01PM (#63826138)

    This is an attempt to do an end run around regulation. Best to capture it from the start. I'm sure AI came up with this idea.

    • by tyme ( 6621 )
      No, it wasn't "AI" that came up with this, it was "NS" (Natural Stupidity).

      It is breathtaking that a bunch of AI "experts" in academia, who we must presume have advanced degrees, don't seem to have even a rudimentary understanding of how governments work.
  • Created by the Turing Act in 2044.
  • Because control through AI is achieved by simply fiddling the programming.

    They don't have to go out and actually interface with real people.

  • No one individual is highly trusted to deal with AI issues... Mark Zuckerberg and Donald Trump drew 2% and 1%, respectively

    Please keep the 2% and 1% survey takers AWAY from my neighborhood.

  • We need to regulate how seriously people take inaccurate, erratic, unreliable, inconsistent auto-fill bots.

  • by Local ID10T ( 790134 ) <ID10T.L.USER@gmail.com> on Tuesday September 05, 2023 @06:59PM (#63826262) Homepage

    Those who can, do;
    Those who can't do, teach;
    Those who can't teach, regulate.

    • by m00sh ( 2538182 )

      Those who can, do;
      Those who can't do, teach;
      Those who can't teach, regulate.

      Those who can't regulate whine.

  • "No one individual is highly trusted to deal with AI issues," adds Axios. "President Biden took the top spot,


  • Hard to regulate something you don’t fully understand. is it even AI? Machine learning, yes; AI, meh. Ask an expert and they’ll tell you they don’t fully grasp how it works. This is how we get stuck with cybersecurity, cyber command, and the vaguely turd reich sounding “homeland” in common use. The map is not the territory.
  • by elcor ( 4519045 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2023 @08:20PM (#63826414)
    And prevent open and crowd sourced invocation.
  • by warewolfsmith ( 196722 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2023 @08:43PM (#63826450)
    William Gibson was right, here come the Turing Cops. https://williamgibson.fandom.c... [fandom.com]
  • by oldgraybeard ( 2939809 ) on Tuesday September 05, 2023 @08:49PM (#63826456)
    More lefty government bureaucrats that no one can ever get rid of.
  • Why bother with the bloated, ludditical, cretinous government regulatory board/commission/panel? It'll eventually be handed over to capitalists. Cut to the chase and put Rupert Murdoch and the Kochs in charge now.
  • And just who would staff this tax-payer funded agency?

    Timnit Gebru? Whose nominally "technical" output is indistinguishable from the gibberish one sees in unabashedly-bullshit academic disciplines like Fat Studies?

    What about that google dude who thought his chatbot was the voice of God speaking to him that was in the news last year? Why not, the more the merrier.

    We'd have to reserve a slot for the alphabet mafia, too. Gotta make sure the chatbots and image generators are gay enough. I can see a CFR regardin

  • Maybe they could call it "AI Force". Like Space Force, it could be a branch of the US military. Its motto could be "To Infirmity And Beyond" and its mascot could be Buzz Lightmillenium.

  • Like the Fed and the military, there would be no meaningful oversight.
  • by Growlley ( 6732614 ) on Wednesday September 06, 2023 @03:48AM (#63826952)
    so the lobbyists can buy them off same as they do with every US department.
  • That govern AI, TDM, copyright and personal data! What about respecting them and enforcing these first instead of pretending new regulations are needed?
  • The summary page has lots of pretty graphics, but is light on detail. I want to see the report.

    In particular, one of the universities listed is one where I did my PhD (funny, in an AI-related field). I would be fascinated to know which professors answered their questions. Bet: it's not the ones in the AI field. That said, I just cannot fathom many professors of CS - of any specialty - really calling for government regulation. Surely no one who has ever had to deal with federal regulations is going to expec

Without life, Biology itself would be impossible.
