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Censorship AI Books

Iowa School District Is Using AI To Ban Books 394

According to the Globe Gazette, the school board of Mason City, Iowa has begun leveraging AI technology to cultivate lists of potentially bannable books from the district's libraries ahead of the 2023/24 school year. Engadget reports: In May, the Republican-controlled state legislature passed, and Governor Kim Reynolds subsequently signed, Senate File 496 (SF 496), which enacted sweeping changes to the state's education curriculum. Specifically it limits what books can be made available in school libraries and classrooms, requiring titles to be "age appropriateâ and without "descriptions or visual depictions of a sex act," per Iowa Code 702.17. But ensuring that every book in the district's archives adhere to these new rules is quickly turning into a mammoth undertaking. "Our classroom and school libraries have vast collections, consisting of texts purchased, donated, and found," Bridgette Exman, assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction at Mason City Community School District, said in a statement. "It is simply not feasible to read every book and filter for these new requirements."

As such, the Mason City School District is bringing in AI to parse suspect texts for banned ideas and descriptions since there are simply too many titles for human reviewers to cover on their own. Per the district, a "master list" is first cobbled together from "several sources" based on whether there were previous complaints of sexual content. Books from that list are then scanned by "AI software" -- the district doesn't specify which systems will be employed -- which tells the state censors whether or not there actually is a depiction of sex in the book. So far, the AI has flagged 19 books for removal. [The full list is available here.]
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Iowa School District Is Using AI To Ban Books

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  • Thanks! (Score:5, Funny)

    by slazzy ( 864185 ) on Monday August 14, 2023 @09:05PM (#63767856) Homepage Journal
    They just created a reading list for me.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend.

    • They just created a reading list for me.

      You're going to read the bible?

      • Re:Thanks! (Score:4, Funny)

        by LazarusQLong ( 5486838 ) on Tuesday August 15, 2023 @07:28AM (#63768682)
        already did, too violent for me. I don't recommend it, honestly.
      • Re:Thanks! (Score:4, Informative)

        by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 ) on Tuesday August 15, 2023 @08:53AM (#63768938)

        They just created a reading list for me.

        You're going to read the bible?

        It is an interesting read, and has probably created a lot of atheists.

        And so much fun to find out the parts that modern christians don't want to talk about. Like is it okay to get drunk and bang your daughters - maybe a three-way, that part wasn't quite clear. Or invade the village next over, kill everyone except the virgin girls that you keep for yourself. Or pimp your daughters out to strangers.

        Then finish it up with why modern christians think its fine to ignore the direct words of Jesus in the beatitudes, [] or have a certain man autograph their bibles as if he was the person that wrote them.

    • They just created a reading list for me.

      There is Case history here - Index Librorum Prohibitorum or the Present day Index of Prohibited Books []

      And yup, people used it as a quick and dirty guide to finding out what juicy stuff to pick up.

  • Bible (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    If they don't ban the bible, they are hypocrites.
    I mean, they're republicans, they are hypocrites, that's just a fact, but you know...

  • by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Monday August 14, 2023 @09:23PM (#63767870)

    What about the Bible and its 29 pornographic verses some of which you should (rightfully) be arrested if you expose a minor to it.

    • by Entrope ( 68843 )

      Not clear -- you can pick one of their schools [] and search. One elementary school shows 0 of 1 copies of "The Holy Bible" available. The high school shows 1 of 1 copies of "The Holy Bible", as well as a copy of "The new international version of the Bible" ... and 70 copies available out of 78 total of "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker, which is on the list of supposedly banned books.

  • by peterww ( 6558522 ) on Monday August 14, 2023 @09:23PM (#63767872)

    It's 2023. The internet exists. Whatever books you ban, every single kid in your state now will find a list of them and read them on their iPhone.

    You cannot hide information anymore. You can try to put a giant flag in the political consciousness to scream your opinions, but nobody's going to be changed by them. You're just a loud asshole with power.

    • by dskoll ( 99328 ) on Monday August 14, 2023 @09:30PM (#63767886) Homepage

      Unfortunately, this does affect the quality of education that kids receive. I read a lot of books that I never would otherwise have read because they were assigned reading at school.

      I am in Canada and book-banning luckily wasn't much of a thing when I was in school (and isn't much of a thing today.)

    • by Darinbob ( 1142669 ) on Monday August 14, 2023 @10:17PM (#63767974)

      Yes, but people who want to ban stuff don't hold with information, they prefer their own imaginary facts instead. Everyone knows, and it's common sense, that kids know about sex and yet they still try to ban sex ed in school at the high school level. They've tried the abstinence only sex ed classes, which fare about as badly as intelligent design science classes.

      There's a lot of Puritan stuff going on here, despite it being a really minor part of the early American colonies. And that part of Puritanism is the desire to rigidly control the lives of citizens. Remember, despite the propaganda taught in grammar schools, the Puritans did not come to America for religious freedom, they came for the freedom to create an authoritarian society

      These were the opposite of free thinkers, and information is is the tool of free thinkers.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Tuesday August 15, 2023 @05:27AM (#63768470) Homepage Journal

        There is strong evidence that de-mystifying sex through education actually leads to minors having a lot less of it, and when they do have it they are more likely to use protection.

    • They should probably ban or censor the Internet too - run it through a church sanctioned filter. It could set every instance of PI to 3 as it passes through. It's a win for everybody when thinking becomes so easy within the state. Now tell me how Iowa is gonna cock us.

    • There are lots of things which could be banned.
      • Jane Eyre - depiction of insanity
      • Tale of two cities - state-sanctioned violence
      • Crime and Punishment - violence
      • Macbeth - (un)sex and violence
      • etc

      That would get them read like never before!

    • Are you suggesting that means such material should be kept in school libraries, keeping in mind that schools have content filters on their networks, because students could still access it? Then why bother doing anything to protect children? Why not just drop the age restrictions on tobacco and alcohol - kids can find a way to get a hold of them anyway, right?

      Not that it's incredibly likely that kids will go through the trouble to read these books just because they aren't in the library.

  • by Slashythenkilly ( 7027842 ) on Monday August 14, 2023 @09:25PM (#63767874)
    I agree there are subjects that should be approached with care but outright banning is Orwellian, shortsighted, and stupid. Great way to teach kids not to think for themselves.
    • by DamnOregonian ( 963763 ) on Monday August 14, 2023 @09:32PM (#63767888)

      Great way to teach kids not to think for themselves.

      They're not exactly hiding that goal.

    • I agree there are subjects that should be approached with care but outright banning is Orwellian, shortsighted, and stupid. Great way to teach kids not to think for themselves.

      ...and ineffective; just like every other form of Prohibition (or, in this case, Pro-inhibition*).

      *With apologies to The Firesign Theatre.

    • by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Tuesday August 15, 2023 @03:10AM (#63768356)

      I agree there are subjects that should be approached with care but outright banning is Orwellian, shortsighted, and stupid. Great way to teach kids not to think for themselves.

      Pretty soon an education from certain states, like Iowa and Florida, will be disqualifying for getting into university or getting a job because those students will be too uneducated and/or too differently educated from everyone else -- unless all states dumb down their curricula to match. While I get how an uneducated and/or uninformed electorate is in the best interest of some, an "Idiocracy" isn't actually for anyone in the long term. Perhaps the people pushing this kind of stuff don't care.

    • If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"
      If a book is banned...
    • Then isn't it a good thing that they aren't actually banning anything, just saying certain material should not be in schools.

      Besides, why should books about sex be provided to elementary school kids? Someone with a political agenda put them there, recently and without checking with parents, in order to further that agenda. Now that they have been caught and told to cut that shit out, they are lying about what is happening and what they have done. This is not a ban, this is the removal of material that

  • by way2trivial ( 601132 ) on Monday August 14, 2023 @09:29PM (#63767884) Homepage Journal

    Zardoz, Colussus (Forbin Project), 2001 Space Odyssey, Westworld?

    • Omg, I'm not the only person on the planet who knows what Zardoz is!

    • Zardoz, Colussus (Forbin Project), 2001 Space Odyssey, Westworld?

      Wait What?

      What could possibly be objectionable in 2001: A Space Odyssey, FFS!?!

  • So all they need do to get all the math textbooks and god awful english lit set books banned from the school is to draw a few things in the margins
  • This is the old "Wizard of Oz" system of censorship and it ain't going to fly. Yes, Frank Baum is rated G for all ages, but the fact is real grown ups don't believe in magic. Grown ups are responsible for their actions, who in turn, will face the consequences for those actions. The problem with politicians is their shallow commitment to accomplishing anything that gets them elected. The expediency of lies is always followed with scapegoating anything else. This is especially the case with politicians wh
  • Seriously, extremists on both sides just LOVE to ban books and media that they hate.
    Be it about gays, race, etc or claimed to push prejudice against gays, race, etc , they all LOVE to ban these things.
    Dr Suess, Disney, history of slavery, etc have had NUMEROUS bans and re-writes from the left; And then anything dealing with sex, gay sex, transexual, history of slavery, etc have been banned from the right.

    America is losing it.
    • The reason America is losing it is that when presented with a legitimate story about something bad, your immediate reaction is to point the finger at other people and start yelling.

      Not bear in mind anything like a detailed comparison in terms of scope, scale, impact etc, nope just pointing and yelling.

      Best case is you have the "both sides are equally bad" juvenile mantra which is almost always not true, worst case is you're engaging consciously in whataboutery.

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  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Go look at the bans. I should think 25% of them are books which were serious attempts at writing literature that would stand with the serious novels of the 20C. Margaret Atwood or Toni Morrison for instance. Or Alice Walker. Adult themes, yes. But why you would ban them?

    Then they are banning Dreiser. Generally agreed to be a significant American writer, but really utterly tedious and reads as if it were by someone barely literate writing a novel in a second language without even understanding what nov

  • Being selective in books for school libraries is not a "ban". It could more sensibly (and with less drama queening) be called "curating".

    Yes, for some reason, there are people who really do like to provide porny books to children. I hesitate to speculate as to their motives, but they do.

    We battled it out with our own public high school, in what is considered not a particularly insane (in either political direction) suburb. Though we could certainly have objected to many other selections, one particular bo

  • > "age appropriate and without "descriptions or visual depictions of a sex act,"

    This is going to suck for biology or natural history students. Guess future Iowans will grow up believing the stork brings the little ones ?

  • by Miles_O'Toole ( 5152533 ) on Tuesday August 15, 2023 @08:37AM (#63768884)

    Having managed to normalize censorship in school libraries, does any sane person believe the Christian Taliban will fail to target public libraries with funding cuts, costly obscenity lawsuits, "No Minors Allowed" campaigns, targeted serial book withdrawals and other forms of harassment at public libraries?

  • by Chelloveck ( 14643 ) on Tuesday August 15, 2023 @10:35AM (#63769302)

    Who wants to bet that this "AI" is a list of keywords and `grep`?

    "We must protect our children from being perverted by the telephone directory for Scunthorpe!"

  • by Cley Faye ( 1123605 ) on Tuesday August 15, 2023 @11:43AM (#63769548) Homepage

    banned ideas

    Great. They're banning ideas too. Stop banning books and ideas, goddamit. Talk to and care for your kids so that they can grow up fine and optionally be better than you.

    I know it's useless to point how stupid this whole thing is, sadly logic and accountability will never reach the people in charge of these decisions.

And on the seventh day, He exited from append mode.
