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Piracy Technology

Italy's Biggest TV Piracy Network Dismantled (reuters.com) 17

Italy's police said on Friday they had dismantled the country's largest network for online TV piracy, one that accounted for 70% of illegal streaming across the nation. From a report: The network had more than 900,000 users and yielded "millions of euros" in monthly profits, a police statement said. As part of the operation, premises were searched and material seized in more than 20 cities up and down the country, including Rome, Naples and Catania, the statement added. The raids were ordered by prosecutors in Catania, Sicily, who were due to give more details in a press conference later on Friday.
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Italy's Biggest TV Piracy Network Dismantled

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  • No, I RTFAed and there is no mention of YouTube there, so I already know the story is a lie. The residual question is how deep YouTube's involvement was.

    If you do want to find a link to the piracy websites, just go to YouTube and search for any copyrighted material. You will not be disappointed unless you have some sort of moral compass.

    Now it doesn't have to be that way, thinking in my usual sick solution-oriented terms. Those searches could lead only to the legal stuff. So why do you do it the other way,

    • Almost everything passes through youtube at some point, but not everything is there, at least not right now. There's a whole internet out there full of that kind of content, though.

    • by znrt ( 2424692 )

      you're behind the times. yt barely carries any copyrighted content now (did it ever?) except some old glories that normally just a dozen or so weirdos on the whole planet care to watch, so don't be that guy and don't spoil the fun for them for 0.00000000001 pennies of revenue. everything else "copyrighted" you seek will show just scams. just try.

      almost everything, though, is in torrents, god bless them and may they live a long life! it is my sole source of online media. before you panic, this is legal where

      • by shanen ( 462549 )

        So when did you stop using YouTube?

        I checked last week, and the same searches I have been using for the last few years worked just as well for violating copyright as they ever did. I'm not sure if I'm confessing to a crime, but the content I sometimes seek is not available in my geography and I don't like the performance penalty of the VPN approach. (Though, strangely enough, I did have to resort to a VPN last week for the actual content. But the YouTube searches still showed the copyrighted content without

        • by znrt ( 2424692 )

          the same searches I have been using for the last few years worked just as well for violating copyright as they ever did. I'm not sure if I'm confessing to a crime

          searches like what? try to dig up any netflix/disney/warners/etc crap on youtube, you won't find it. the rest, whatever you find, is residual, nobody cares and no company or government office will give a damn. make no mistake, copyright laws were made for those companies who could lobby and can sue for them.

          • by shanen ( 462549 )

            You sound like you want to be adversarial, but you only seem to be proving my point. So Disney has sufficient threat power to cripple the YouTube searches that the piracy depends upon? That only proves that some solution exists. More power to Disney's lawyers and "Fair play, sir." However I still think it's long past time for the copyright on Mickey Mouse to die. (Of course the joke there is that Walt would have been obliterated for "deriving" the mouse from previously copyrighted work if current copyright

            • by znrt ( 2424692 )

              You sound like you want to be adversarial

              no, i just figured your statement needed evidence or clarification. with the information you provide ... i can't find "fantasia" on youtube, just a few clips and one fake claiming to be the whole thing in "latino". i did get several hits on torrent, though.

              so, not wanting to be adversarial, sir, but you are claiming youtube is hosting copyrighted content and that content isn't anywhere to be seen on youtube. care to provide a link?

              • by shanen ( 462549 )

                I'll provide an algorithm, but I'm not sure about where the line is when I might be confessing to a crime, so excuse me for the paucity of certain details. I did confirm that my algorithm still worked... I searched for the content and filtered the results to avoid the kind of secondary pirate websites I mentioned earlier. (And which I believe may include some of the criminals mentioned in this story.) I am certainly not going to use my computer to test if any of those websites actually provide the pirate co

      • you're behind the times. yt barely carries any copyrighted content now (did it ever?)

        Are you for real?

  • If you can find a place to watch Italian TV (without pirating, of course), try to find the Nero Wolf series. As I understand, the eight episodes were originally broadcast in 2012. It really is Nero Wolf - in Italy. It is superb. Some of the best television I've ever seen.

    Here in the US it's available on MHZ Choice along with lots of other shows from Europe & elsewhere. If you don't mind subtitles, anyway.

    Way off-topic but just had to get in a plug for that TV show. It's great.

    • Any introductory link for this, like a trailer? I was about to post a comment about a 24/7 Italian spaghetti western channel, featuring vintage Clint Eastwood and Sergio Leone classics. Which can only mean one thingâ" Italy are you listeningâ"a 24/7 Alain Delon movies only channel

  • ... all those rooftop antennas. Scofflaws literally plucking TV signals out of thin air.

  • This does nothing but waste tax payers money on a problem that is entirely the fault of private companies.
  • I mostly just withdrew from services like Disney.

    I'm rotating through other services like netflix, hulu, and apple TV.

    Plus, there is a ton of youtube content that is entertaining and that takes away.

    Plus all the major entertainment networks started attacking their customers anyway and that put me off their products.

    Lately, we've been enjoying Maverick, Man in a Suitcase, Donna Reed, Anime.

    The major franchises are all dead to me at this point.

The world is not octal despite DEC.
