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Reuters: 'How Mercenary Hackers Sway Litigation Battles' ( 7

Reuters shares the results of its investigation into what it calls "mercenary hackers": Reuters identified 35 legal cases since 2013 in which Indian hackers attempted to obtain documents from one side or another of a courtroom battle by sending them password-stealing emails. The messages were often camouflaged as innocuous communications from clients, colleagues, friends or family. They were aimed at giving the hackers access to targets' inboxes and, ultimately, private or attorney-client privileged information.

At least 75 U.S. and European companies, three dozen advocacy and media groups and numerous Western business executives were the subjects of these hacking attempts, Reuters found.

The Reuters report is based on interviews with victims, researchers, investigators, former U.S. government officials, lawyers and hackers, plus a review of court records from seven countries. It also draws on a unique database of more than 80,000 emails sent by Indian hackers to 13,000 targets over a seven-year period. The database is effectively the hackers' hit list, and it reveals a down-to-the-second look at who the cyber mercenaries sent phishing emails to between 2013 and 2020.... The targets' lawyers were often hit, too. The Indian hackers tried to break into the inboxes of some 1,000 attorneys at 108 different law firms, Reuters found....

"It is an open secret that there are some private investigators who use Indian hacker groups to target opposition in litigation battles," said Anthony Upward, managing director of Cognition Intelligence, a UK-based countersurveillance firm.

The legal cases identified by Reuters varied in profile and importance. Some involved obscure personal disputes. Others featured multinational companies with fortunes at stake. From London to Lagos, at least 11 separate groups of victims had their emails leaked publicly or suddenly entered into evidence in the middle of their trials. In several cases, stolen documents shaped the verdict, court records show.

Reuters spoke to email experts including Linkedin, Microsoft and Google to help confirm the authenticity of the data they'd received, and reports that one high-profile victim was WeWork co-founder Adam Neumann. (After Reuters told him he'd been targetted starting in 2017, Neumann hired a law firm.) "Reuters reached out to every person in the database — sending requests for comment to each email address — and spoke to more than 250 individuals. Most of the respondents said the attempted hacks revealed in the email database occurred either ahead of anticipated lawsuits or as litigation was under way."

America's FBI has been investigating the breachers since at least early 2018, Reuters reports, adding that pressure is now increasing on private eyes who acted as go-betweens for interested clients.

Meanwhile, Reuters found former employees of the mercenary firms, who told them that the firms employed dozens of workers — though "a month's salary could be as low as 25,000 rupees (then worth about $370), according to two former workers and company salary records...

"Asked about the hacker-for-hire industry, an official with India's Ministry of Justice referred Reuters to a cybercrime hotline, which did not respond to a request for comment."
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Reuters: 'How Mercenary Hackers Sway Litigation Battles'

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