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How US Billionaires Can Avoid Paying Income Taxes ( 229

On April 15th Americans filed their taxes with the Internal Revenue Service (or IRS). But on the same day ProPublica was reporting a difference between "the rich and the rest of us" — that their wealth just isn't easily defined: For one, wages make up only a small part of their earnings. And they have broad latitude in how they account for their businesses and investments. Their incomes aren't defined by a tax form. Instead, they represent the triumph of careful planning by skilled professionals who strive to deliver the most-advantageous-yet-still-plausible answers to their clients. For them, a tax return is an opening bid to the IRS. It's a kind of theory....

We counted at least 16 other billionaires (along with hundreds of other ultrawealthy people, including hedge fund managers and former CEOs) among the stimulus check recipients. This is just how our system works. It's why, in 2011, Jeff Bezos, then worth $18 billion, qualified for $4,000 in refundable child tax credits. (Bezos didn't respond to our questions.) A recent study by the Brookings Institution set out with a simple aim: to compare what owners of privately held businesses say they earn with the income that appears on the owners' tax returns. The findings were stark: "More than half of economic income generated by closely held businesses does not appear on tax returns and that ratio has declined significantly over the past 25 years."

That doesn't mean business owners are illegally hiding income from the IRS, though it's certainly a possible contributor. There are plenty of ways to make income vanish legally. Tax perks like depreciation allow owners to create tax losses even as they expand their businesses... "Losses" from one business can also be used to wipe out income from another. Sometimes spilling red ink can be lots of fun: For billionaires, owning sports teams and thoroughbred racehorses are exciting loss-makers. Congress larded the tax code with these sorts of provisions on the logic that what's good for businesses is good for the economy. Often, the evidence for this broader effect is thin or nonexistent, but you can be sure all this is great for business owners. The Brookings study found that households worth $10 million or more benefited the most from being able to make income disappear....

In the tax system we have, billionaires who'd really rather not pay income taxes can usually find a way not to. They can bank their accumulating gains tax-free and deploy tax losses to wipe out whatever taxable income they might have. They can even look forward to a few thousand dollars here and there from the government to help them raise their kids or get through a national emergency.

This system also means it's much harder to catch underreported income on the tax returns of the wealthy, the article points out. And with so many legal deductions, it's also hard to prove the low incomes really exceed what the law allows. Even then, the wealthy can still hire an army of the best tax lawyers to make their case in court.

And now thousands of auditors have left the agency — and have not been replaced. The end result? "Audits of the wealthy have plummeted.

"Business owners have still more reason to be bold...."
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How US Billionaires Can Avoid Paying Income Taxes

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  • by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Saturday April 23, 2022 @06:56PM (#62472594)

    For billionaires, owning sports teams and thoroughbred racehorses are exciting loss-makers. Congress larded the tax code with these sorts of provisions on the logic that what's good for businesses is good for the economy.

    You mean rich people, businesses and lobbyists did and Congress went along with it -- many (most?) of them benefit from those provisions too ...

    • by jonsmirl ( 114798 ) on Saturday April 23, 2022 @07:10PM (#62472636) Homepage

      Why is depreciation a "tax perk"? You buy a truck to deliver things. The truck has a five-year life. You deduct one-fifth of the cost each year. When you sell it at the end, if it sells it for more than the end depreciated value, the sale is taxable income.

      Of course, it is possible to use depreciation to wipe out current income. You just have to magically create a business that is growing 200% a year. Buy one truck this year, ten next year, a hundred the year after, then 1000. It is expected that depreciation associated with rapid growth can wipe out current taxes. But no one can keep growing at this rate forever. And then when the high growth stops the taxes hit. High growth companies are a good thing, we want as many as possible.

      And what are the alternatives? You could allow fully expensing the truck in the year that it is purchased. That is even more favorable to business. Or you could disallow the expense of trucks. But then no one would buy them.

      • Or you could disallow the expense of trucks. But then no one would buy them.

        Oh? There's no use for a truck other than disallowing the expense?

        • by jonsmirl ( 114798 ) on Saturday April 23, 2022 @07:56PM (#62472736) Homepage

          Sure we can tax delivery companies on 100% of revenue and not let them deduct the cost of doing business -- things like salaries, trucks, and gas. Of course it is likely impossible to build an ongoing business under those rules, so no one will buy trucks.

          • I should qualify that, no one will buy trucks for use in business because you won't be able to make any money off from them. Go ahead and buy them for personal and non-profit use.

            Instead, consider a steel mill. Who would build a steel mill if the cost of the mill could not be deducted from revenues?

        • Re: (Score:2, Offtopic)

          America has a trade deficit of $859B.

          That is the gap between what we consumed and what we produced.

          Disallowing depreciation of legitimate business investments will suppress production even more and mean even more jobs move overseas.

          That is an insane policy. If the government needs more revenue, we should tax consumption, not investment and production.

      • by dryeo ( 100693 ) on Saturday April 23, 2022 @08:03PM (#62472762)

        Depreciating the cost of a truck that has a business case such as doing deliveries is one thing. Depreciating the $600 million yacht which has the business case of entertaining clients or the Rolls Royce the CEO uses to drive to the golf course, for business reasons, is another thing.
        One thing a business owner can do is not own anything, but have the company own it and have a very nice lifestyle with an income of a dollar a year.

        • by jonsmirl ( 114798 ) on Saturday April 23, 2022 @10:43PM (#62473036) Homepage

          That is not allowed by the tax code. If you tried to write off a $600M yacht you would immediately be audited. You better be running a charter boat service and be charting that yacht out 365 days a year. Driving the Rolls to the golf course is only deductiblr if customers are in the car with you and at a standard rate of about $1/mi. And you get the same rate for a Toyota.

          • by dryeo ( 100693 )

            Yea, I'm not a tax expert nor American but generally the IRS needs the resources to audit, which is a lot of resources for a billionaire and then it can go to court and until a Judge rules that it was not allowed, which can take a while if you have an army of lawyers, it is a grey zone.

      • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 ) on Saturday April 23, 2022 @08:37PM (#62472856)

        Tax arguments like this one are typically people who have no idea what they're talking about yelling at other people who have no idea what they're talking about. The summary is a great example. Once sentence it's talking about Bezos, the next it's talking about closely held companies. The only closely held companies Bezos has are enormous money sinks.

        Unfortunately all the rhetoric just obscures the actual problems. Tax systems need to be simple, and the simpler the better. The US has a comically enormous tax code because legalized bribery allows rich people and corporations to buy obfuscation in which they can hide loopholes. Those loopholes aren't sensible things like depreciation.

        Probably something also needs to be done about banks making big loans using unrealized gains as collateral. There are precious few actual billionaires, but there are a lot of people who have assets that are theoretically worth billions of dollars. Those people legitimately have extremely little income and enormous debt because they borrow to buy everything. That *does* seem unfair, but could be fixed pretty easily by just requiring that personal loans be secured only by assets that have taxes paid up to assessed value.

        • I'll say this much on taxing people on loans against unrealized gains: investment interest is deductible, so anything you try to do will ultimately lead to a simple shift in the mechanics of the loan.

          Personally, I bought a house using a line of credit against my stock portfolio I have been saving and investing in for 20+ years since I didn't qualify for a mortgage. If I had to sell the stocks all at once to make the purchase, my tax liability would have made it impossible. Likewise, if I had to use margin

        • The US has a comically enormous tax code because legalized bribery allows rich people and corporations to buy obfuscation in which they can hide loopholes.

          Very well stated, only it should chap more asses when you use accurate terms like "legalized bribery". Always interesting when "legalized [obvious bad crime]" is simply ignored due to even more palms being greased. I don't think Americans truly understand just how many jobs are created with nothing but loopholes, which is yet another Catch-22 Greed has gotten us into. Now, we must sustain corruption not merely for funding, but jobs. Think of the Children? Pfft. Think of the Parents hits a lot harder.

          There are precious few actual billionaires, but there are a lot of people who have assets that are theoretically worth billions of dollars. Those people legitimately have extremely little income and enormous debt because they borrow to buy everything.


        • The US has a comically enormous tax code because legalized bribery allows rich people and corporations to buy obfuscation in which they can hide loopholes.

          No, if it were just that, then fixing it would be a simple morality play.

          The system also involves lawmakers buying voters, of whom non-rich ones vastly outnumber the rich ones.

          So we have exemptions and tax credits that make sure poor even to middle class people pay no income taxes at all.

          We have deductions of state and local taxes, because big local governments matter (BLgM?)!

          We have mortgage interest deductions, favoring high housing cost areas (your mortgage has to be pretty big to make taking this de

      • Why is depreciation a "tax perk"? You buy a truck to deliver things. The truck has a five-year life. You deduct one-fifth of the cost each year. When you sell it at the end, if it sells it for more than the end depreciated value, the sale is taxable income.

        I don't know about trucks, but with rental properties: the depreciation counts as an offset against regular income, but if and when you sell the property, the amount you make over and above the depreciated value is taxed as a capital gain. Capital gains a

    • by Arethan ( 223197 )

      You mean rich people, businesses and lobbyists did and Congress went along with it

      Businesses and lobbyists don't pass laws. They can draft the bills they'd like to see and hand a copy of it directly to their congress-critter, complete with a check toward a committee donation, but it still takes congress-critters to pass legislation. Businesses and lobbyists aren't free from blame, but they're hardly the most culpable.

      • You mean rich people, businesses and lobbyists did and Congress went along with it

        Businesses and lobbyists don't pass laws. They can draft the bills they'd like to see and hand a copy of it directly to their congress-critter, complete with a check toward a committee donation, but it still takes congress-critters to pass legislation. Businesses and lobbyists aren't free from blame, but they're hardly the most culpable.

        Ya, I know. That's kinda what I said in a TL;DR sort of way ... :-) Congress likes to blame big business for things, but the truth is while many of the laws favorable to businesses, etc ... were bills initially drafted by lobbyists and business interests, Congress ultimately passed them into law.

      • Businesses and lobbyists don't pass laws.

        They don't pass laws, but they do control the policies in those laws: []

  • It's not an ACCIDENT (Score:5, Informative)

    by clambake ( 37702 ) on Saturday April 23, 2022 @06:59PM (#62472604) Homepage

    ... that tax law is written in EXACTLY the perfect way so as to make it easy for wealthy to not pay taxes. "Income" isn't the only thing that can be taxed, that's a choice being made by the lawmakers. If they chose, they could simply change what gets taxed to ensure the rich pay most of it. But then who would fun their campaigns?

    • It's also not an accident that the US Internal Revenue Service [] is intentionally being gutted.
      • More and more, I'm seeing and reading the obvious dismantling going on in the Government, as a not-so-hidden agenda by the incompetent ones in charge who know they don't stand a chance in hell in getting re-elected. Leaving behind an absolute clusterfuck is an easy way to practically write the scripts for the MSM when Republicans take control, streaming shit-slinging being the obvious collusion-for-profit. Wonder if that shit will still work? CNN just pissed $100 million away trying to re-create the Trum

    • "Income" isn't the only thing that can be taxed, that's a choice being made by the lawmakers.

      The problem is also that the general public is pretty gullible when it comes to understanding the difference between progressive and regressive taxes. I frequently see people advocating for carbon taxes, completely oblivious to the fact that it would impact low income earners the most, and the wealthy won't even feel it.

      If you want rich people to be taxed more or stop being so wasteful, identifying who is rich has to be step #1. Right now, we do that by examining income.

      • by dryeo ( 100693 )

        Most carbon tax systems include refunds for the poor. At that, the Canadian Federal carbon tax returns most of the money and my Provincial one is similar in giving rebates to the poorer people. As well when introduced as the first carbon tax in N. America, it was revenue neutral, income taxes were cut by the amount the carbon tax brought in. Eventually a left wing government was voted in and the revenue neutral part was chucked.
        What is weird is how carbon taxes were at first a right wing thing and now all t

    • tax law is written in EXACTLY the perfect way so as to make it easy for wealthy to not pay taxes.

      You know why, right?

      When you get that rich, do you honestly think making campaign contributions and giving to political fundraisers are done out of generosity? The rich are buying these laws via their donations. It's called a return on one's investment. Besides, those campaigns don't pay for themselves! []

    • ...If they chose, they could simply change what gets taxed to ensure the rich pay most of it. But then who would fun their campaigns?

      Sad these arguments are usually nothing more than a legalized shakedown with a "It would be a shame if something happened to your funding" threat behind it that is not so veiled.

      I'll say this for a more simple argument; taxing mega-religion should not be a "sin". Watching what happens when you do not tax religion, certainly is.

      Not saying we shouldn't go after billionaires, but when the "local" place of worship is a multi-million dollar mega-corp, perhaps it's time we stop allowing waivers for incessant Gre

    • that tax law is written in EXACTLY the perfect way so as to make it easy for wealthy to not pay taxes.

      Depending on your definition, upper classes pay way more than lower classes, simply because mostly they do pay something.

      A very large swath of Americans pay no income tax at all, or even receive more back than they paid in in withholding, due to large standard exemptions and tax credits.

  • by rbrander ( 73222 ) on Saturday April 23, 2022 @07:06PM (#62472626) Homepage

    The allegedly hyperintelligent Masters of the Universe follow wealth-seeking strategies with all the foresight and wisdom of bacteria eating sugar, mindless exponential increase, until it goes off the cliff. The latest was the 2008 financial crisis, what a cliff that was.

    I hope we can avoid the tumbrels, this time.

    • The allegedly hyperintelligent Masters of the Universe follow wealth-seeking strategies with all the foresight and wisdom of bacteria eating sugar, mindless exponential increase, until it goes off the cliff. The latest was the 2008 financial crisis, what a cliff that was.

      That "cliff" made a lot of ordinary people lose their homes, while many wealthy people were able to buy investment properties at reduced prices. One might almost think that the crisis was driven by those wealthy people.

  • by gurps_npc ( 621217 ) on Saturday April 23, 2022 @07:41PM (#62472694) Homepage

    Here is how you can do it.
    1) Put 1/2 your money into a trust. Say $100 million.
    2) Also make a series of say 10 long shot investments, $10 million each (another $100 million total). Think very risky tech companies. Expect most of them to become worthless, but a couple to become profitable, hopefully recovering your full $100 million, maybe making a profit.
    3) Take loans out on the trust, with the trust as collateral. Say 1 million a year. Given you are a billionaire with significant collateral, you can get very low interest rates. 1%-5% is a good range. Lets say $50 grand a year.
    4) Assume you make $6 million a year. Taxes could easily cost you $2 million a year, far more than than the $50 grand a year you pay in interest. But the interest builds each year.
    5) Each year you take out $1 million to live on, pay your $50 grand of interest. After ten years, you are paying $500 grand a year, still less than $2 million each you would be paying. Your debt to the bank has grown to $10 million.
    6) Remember those long shot investments? Sell two of the losers for practically nothing, say $2 million, for a lose of $18 million. Maybe also take another $8 million of gains from other investments. Net zero capital gains. But your $2 million from losses and your $8 million of capital gains (plus the original investment, whatever it was) pays off your Debt to the bank of $ 10 million.
    7) Repeat the process.

    The main things you need to do this is enough money so that paying $30 grand for lawyers to set up a trust and the loan initiation fees seems like chump change.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Here is how you can do it. 1) Put 1/2 your money into a trust. Say $100 million. 2) Also make a series of say 10 long shot investments, $10 million each (another $100 million total). Think very risky tech companies. Expect most of them to become worthless, but a couple to become profitable, hopefully recovering your full $100 million, maybe making a profit. 3) Take loans out on the trust, with the trust as collateral. Say 1 million a year. Given you are a billionaire with significant collateral, you can get very low interest rates. 1%-5% is a good range. Lets say $50 grand a year. 4) Assume you make $6 million a year. Taxes could easily cost you $2 million a year, far more than than the $50 grand a year you pay in interest. But the interest builds each year. 5) Each year you take out $1 million to live on, pay your $50 grand of interest. After ten years, you are paying $500 grand a year, still less than $2 million each you would be paying. Your debt to the bank has grown to $10 million. 6) Remember those long shot investments? Sell two of the losers for practically nothing, say $2 million, for a lose of $18 million. Maybe also take another $8 million of gains from other investments. Net zero capital gains. But your $2 million from losses and your $8 million of capital gains (plus the original investment, whatever it was) pays off your Debt to the bank of $ 10 million. 7) Repeat the process.

      The main things you need to do this is enough money so that paying $30 grand for lawyers to set up a trust and the loan initiation fees seems like chump change.

      You missed a step between 6 and 7:

      6.5) Pay yourself the $8 million, incur income taxes of $3.9 million and only then will you have $4.1 million to pay off your personal debt.

      Taking on debt is a good tool because it allows you to retain your current investments rather than liquidating them, however, it cannot be used to avoid taxes - you can only pay off your personal debt with after-tax income.

      You also have to take into account the interest expense of that debt vs the potential of your investment

  • The simple reason that the financial/tax laws are how they are nowadays, is that everyone in the Senate is a millionaire, or if they aren't, they will be soon.

    There are so many ways to make money once you get elected, that it's 100% in their interest to pass laws that will protect their money.

  • The author seems extremely naive. Perhaps they are unaware of the hundreds of taxes, fees, and costly regulatory burdens the average business pays that are not income tax? Perhaps they are unaware that, for most business owners, income taxes are the least of their worries?
    • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

      by markdavis ( 642305 )

      >The author seems extremely naive. Perhaps they are unaware of the hundreds of taxes, fees, and costly regulatory burdens the average business pays that are not income tax?"


      They have a narrative and that is all that matters.

      What you won't find in their analysis of income tax is that the wealthy (top 1%) pay 40% of all the income tax in the country while using almost no services. Adjusted for services used, half of Americans pay no net taxes at all. But I know these facts won't be popular on Slashdot.

    • Forgive me if I'm wrong, but what do businesses have to do with it? Businesses are owned by rich and poor alike, it's wealth, not job title, that distinguishes them. At least, in most countries. If yours differs, feel free to say.

  • by FeelGood314 ( 2516288 ) on Saturday April 23, 2022 @08:00PM (#62472754)
    It is counterproductive to tax wealth and a distraction to actual tax reform. We want to tax income. Eventually the capital gains in properties and businesses must be realized and at that point they can be taxed. Countries exist for a long time, they can wait till someone dies to collect the capital gains on an estate. Also most of the western world does not tax inheritance or gifts. We tax capital gains only when they are realized. Imagine if the tax man collected gains at the end of the year and then one year the stock market crashes, would the government then owe people who had lost the capital that they had been previously taxed on?

    There is one wealth we do tax, property taxes. How well does that work? Well since property taxes are used for local schools and local government spending it seems to actually perpetuate more inequality.
    • by getuid() ( 1305889 ) on Sunday April 24, 2022 @07:44AM (#62473596)

      It is counterproductive to tax wealth

      I know this is essentially the mantra, but... why, actually?

      And I don't mean wealth of 1 or 2 houses and 5 cars, in the vicinity of 1..10 million. I mean excessively .ore than anyone would ever need in his life. Say, 100 mio and above. Why is it "counterproductive" to tax that? What's the justification to allo people to have and keep that much wealth? Because clearly "they earned it" doesn't pass the laugh test.

    • by Tom ( 822 ) on Sunday April 24, 2022 @09:05AM (#62473698) Homepage Journal

      We want to tax income.

      We're doing that and it's not working.

      Eventually the capital gains in properties and businesses must be realized and at that point they can be taxed.

      Wrong. When you have billions in the bank, you can get a lot of stuff without actually buying it. You can buy entire companies with stock deals. You can get eternal credits that you pay back at your convenience (i.e. in a bad year when you have losses and can realize profits as income with tax breaks) and you have an army of lawyers finding loopholes for you to avoid that pesky "income" gate.

  • by stikves ( 127823 ) on Saturday April 23, 2022 @08:18PM (#62472802) Homepage

    There are "good" and "bad" methods for tax deferral.

    (Taxes cannot be completely avoided*, but can be deferred for a very long time).

    The first one is investing 100% of your income. This is how you get very large and very successful companies. This is a good thing, because it is literally how the capitalism is supposed to thrive. You have lots of employees, build lots of products, and eventually pay lots of taxes and stock dividends. Every body is happy (eventually).

    The second one is playing accounting games, shifting profits to offshore subsidiaries, "Hollywood accounting", where best selling movie of the day (Lord of the Rings) makes zero profit (and Tolkien estate very unhappy).

    However we seem to have mixed these two categories. Take Elon Musk, like the guy, or not. However he is paying the highest ever tax bill by a single person this year. He also famously paid zero taxes in the past. Long term = it pays out really well. Short term = yes, sounds not so good. Also take IKEA, which is largest non-profit research organization for interior design. They also happen to license the IKEA logo from an another entity (pure coincidence they are managed by the same group). And they avoid paying billions in taxes. This is the bad one.

    • (Taxes cannot be completely avoided*, but can be deferred for a very long time).

      Actually, the tax on capital gains can be completely avoided. Simply never sell those assets and, when you die, your estate does not have to pay capital gains taxes on the increase in value.

    • It doesn't matter if person X pays the highest tax bill, it's not about your ranking, it's about how much you're investing in the country.

      Of course, that would require the governments to do likewise.

      It is not a complete shock that people pick governments that don't invest sensibly when they aspire to be rich and not invest sensibly.

  • 2022's taxe due date was delayed by a couple days. ;)

  • Years ago I lived in a share house owned by an "unemployed" guy. He had a 2 hole practice golf course, swimming pool, sauna... it was a big party house. He played golf or went gambling on Keno. He was a mathematician and accountant, he had devised a scheme which always won, either a bit or a lot, but never lost. He didn't pay tax and had a low income health card. A really nice, down to earth guy.

  • Why is it.... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by erp_consultant ( 2614861 ) on Saturday April 23, 2022 @08:47PM (#62472872)

    that articles like this always focus on how much money the government takes in rather than how much they spend? Yes, billionaires are convenient targets and envy is an easily triggered emotion. But the fact of the matter is that people like Bezos and Musk's companies put more money into the federal pig trough than any of us will in an entire lifetime. How? These articles conveniently ignore things like payroll tax where they have to match the contribution of each employee. Real estate taxes on buildings their companies own. Sales taxes on equipment their companies buy. The list goes on.

    Not to mention the value they return to shareholders of their respective companies. My 401K has grown enormously over the years due to the likes of Apple, Microsoft and Tesla. I am thankful that they are successful because I, in turn, became successful on the coattails of their company stock.

    Why is it that we keep hearing about government revenue shortfalls? Why are we not talking about government spending? Our government has a spending problem not a revenue problem. Here is a list of federal government agencies: []

    Keep in mind this is only the federal government - it does not include state and local governments.

    • Re:Why is it.... (Score:5, Informative)

      by t.reagan ( 7420066 ) on Saturday April 23, 2022 @10:57PM (#62473052)

      that articles like this always focus on how much money the government takes in rather than how much they spend? Yes, billionaires are convenient targets and envy is an easily triggered emotion.

      It isn't emotion, it is pure math. The rich existed in 1950-1980 but the gap wasn't so preposterous. The system wasn't as rigged. There will always be inequality, that isn't the issue. The system isn't fair and isn't generating the the best results. Today's rich aren't working that much harder, they haven't "earned" that much more, the system is just rigged that much more heavily in their favor. []

      • what to do about it?

        If the answer is confiscation through taxes we know how that is going to work out. The rich will figure out a way to get around it because the lobbyists they pay big money to have the politicians in their back pockets. The laws will be crafted in such a way that loopholes will exist that the rich can exploit but John and Jane Citizen can't. The middle class will take it in the shorts once again because the rich will wiggle out of it and the poor can't afford to pay.

        The only way I

    • Ranking doesn't matter.

      It's about who invests what in their country.

      If nobody paid taxes, but a rich guy threw a quarter in once in a while, they'd rank top tax payer but they've still got a crap investment strategy.

  • A flat income tax rate for all, with no more deductions/credits, ever.

    That way, we're all in the same boat and we'll act like it instead of all the class fighting, scamming and back-room deals. Bonus: A reduction in wasted resources and a child could understand and calculate it.
    • Even if it isn't a flat tax, we could do away with a lot of deductions. No more loss carry-forward would be a huge step in the right direction.

    • Let's think about this: a billionaire has to pay, let's say, a $10k flat tax. No big deal to him; he burns through that in a day for gas for his yacht.

      Now let's tax the minimum wage folks $10k. Considering that even if they found a 40 hr / wk job at $8 / hr, they make $16k per year. They're expected to live on $6k for the entire year? Flat taxes are regressive for people who aren't wealthy.
    • Flat taxes don't benefit anyone and are the worst possible strategy.

  • If you can afford to buy estates of more than one acre, most states have provisions for creating private wildlife sanctuaries, etc that often drop property taxes to 0. Trump uses provisions like this for parts of his golf courses he can't develop for one reason or another. The more land you can buy, the less likely you are to have to pay taxes on the part that is not sitting under improvements. Even farmers under production-based property taxation pay more in property tax than many wealthy people do on t
  • by aaarrrgggh ( 9205 ) on Saturday April 23, 2022 @10:56PM (#62473050)

    Sorry, but the summary is really stupid. The tax "loopholes" are not really that... for a business, what is income-- gross income or net income? If you try to equate a business' income tax to an individual's tax, the individual has about ~30% of their income that is considered expenses rather than real income. For a business, they outline all actual expenses against their revenue (kind of like profit margin) to establish their tax base. It isn't a perfect system, but it isn't corrupt in and of itself. Also, things like depreciation actually increase taxes-- an expense is only deducted over its life rather than when incurred.

    Now, wealthy people often have complicated ways of cheating the system like expense accounts that can cover their living expenses (which for a normal person would not be deductible), but that is a different issue.

    For me, I've just broken down and not tried to be creative on my taxes anymore. My income tax was stupidly high this year because I sold stocks to pay down my mortgage. I could have planned better to avoid it, but the goal was to reduce risk which is a taxable event.

  • You know, Emancipation Day.
  • Gee, I wonder how that could be?

    I'd be happy to replace this system with a postcard and a single rate with no deductions. Who's with me? (crickets, crickets)

Hackers of the world, unite!
