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Pelosi Rejects Stock-Trading Ban For Members of Congress ( 177

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Insider: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday rejected the idea of barring members of Congress and their spouses from holding or trading individual stocks while in office. "We are a free-market economy. They should be able to participate in that," Pelosi said when asked by Insider at her weekly press conference. Insider also asked Pelosi about Conflicted Congress, a five-month-long investigation by Insider that found that 49 members of Congress and 182 senior congressional staffers had violated the STOCK Act, a law to prevent Insider trading. The speaker said she hadn't yet seen the project, but added that it's important that members comply with the law. "If people aren't reporting, they should be," she said. Pelosi's position put her at odds with progressives such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, both of whom have called for barring members of Congress from trading stocks while in office. Earlier this year, NPR found that TikTok users have been watching financial disclosures of sitting members of Congress to help them determine which stocks to invest in. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's stock trading disclosures in particular were "a treasure trove," according to some TikTok users.

"Shout out to Nancy Pelosi, the stock market's biggest whale," said user 'ceowatchlist.' Another said, "I've come to the conclusion that Nancy Pelosi is a psychic," while adding that she is the "queen of investing." "She knew," declared Chris Josephs, analyzing a particular trade in Pelosi's financial disclosures. "And you would have known if you had followed her portfolio." The report notes that the trades Josephs noticed were actually made by Pelosi's investor husband.
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Pelosi Rejects Stock-Trading Ban For Members of Congress

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  • by AlanObject ( 3603453 ) on Wednesday December 15, 2021 @07:23PM (#62084645)

    $174K/year is barely enough to get by. What do you expect them to do?

    • Re:Well of course (Score:5, Informative)

      by AleRunner ( 4556245 ) on Wednesday December 15, 2021 @07:27PM (#62084659)

      Set up a Super PAC and use the donations for personal gain []. That's what the fraud experts do.

    • by irving47 ( 73147 )

      Haven't there been cases of reps literally sleeping in their offices because they couldn't afford a DC dwelling? I don't think they get a separate housing allowance in addition to their homes back in their districts. Paying for a DECENT DC apartment and a home back home with a wife and a few kids in college... I could see it being a tight squeeze.

      • by chill ( 34294 )

        No. There have been numerous cases of Reps sleeping in their offices because they want to make ideological points. It was a well-known quirk of Ron Paul when he was in office, and his son, Rand, did the same for some time.

        It became so bad the House considered enacting rules forbidding it, as the offices, while well appointed, are NOT residences and it was getting disgusting. I don't remember if they actually made that rule or not.

    • by saiha ( 665337 )

      If we restrict the ability of people to make a modest living then they are vulnerable to bribes. Conversely unrestricted ability of people in power using information to make money means they are invulnerable to bribes.

    • Not too bad as an FP, but I think a relevant Subject might have helped the sarcasm stay on focus. Perhaps even stimulated some more Funny comments. Low hanging fruit might have been some version of Casablanca shock in the Subject?

      Even though I don't think the topic of legalized corruption is funny. I think that at a minimum every stock trade of the congress critters and their family members should become public information IMMEDIATELY upon execution. With bonus summaries published before EVERY election.


  • Pelosi is a Cunt (Score:4, Informative)

    by theshowmecanuck ( 703852 ) on Wednesday December 15, 2021 @07:40PM (#62084695) Journal

    When I was paying taxes in the USA, I leaned towards the Democrats, but I can say I have believed Pelosi to be a corrupt piece of shit cunt, for decades. There was a great 60 Minutes episode about her when that show used to actually do investigative reporting. They followed her to Italy where she had supposedly gone on a 'fact finding mission'. It turned out all her aids were her immediate and extended family (there were a lot, IIRC at least 15 or more), and their fact finding was to extended relatives in Italy and all the tourist locations, cafes, restaurants (with her family) etc. etc. etc. When the reporter stepped up to call her on it, Pelosi lost her shit and tried to tell the reporter they were out of bounds. Sure, probably spending hundreds of thousands if not millions of taxpayer money on a family holiday. To me, that kind of behaviour is a guaranteed tip of the iceberg kind of incident. She should never be house leader. I always wonder what she has on all the others.

    Of course she doesn't want this law in place. It would be too hard for her to make money off of insider trading with it. America will be much better off when both Pelosi and Mitch McConnell die. The sooner the better.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward
      I really looked for the 60 minute segment, but couldn't find it. Would you be so kind as to post a link?
    • by Petrini ( 49261 )

      It's an open secret that all fact-finding trips are junkets like this. I'm not saying Pelosi's excused because everyone does it. I'm saying being outraged at her specifically ignore all the other people you could (should?) be outraged at. It's unacceptable by any of them. If taxpayers could end it, we should.

      On the other hand, I do want my congress to pass laws grounded in fact and politicians are not ecologists, civil engineers, medical doctors, etc. How should they write laws that affect things they'

  • People must be pretty stupid. Yeah, she's psychic. Only difference between her and Kreskin was that he was never worth $200 million []
  • by awwshit ( 6214476 ) on Wednesday December 15, 2021 @08:01PM (#62084763)

    Can't trade on public markets? Private Equity comes to mind, private shares, venture capital, etc.

  • by Reiyuki ( 5800436 ) on Wednesday December 15, 2021 @08:10PM (#62084803)
    Wouldn't it be a shame if Congresscritters were subject to the same rules as the rest of us?
    • When you get to make up the rules, you get to make sure they hardly ever affect you. Plus, it's not like the voting populace will do anything about it. What percent of her constitutes will even remember this incident or care comes next local election?

      • It's a shame how much of Congress would be in prison if the same laws actually applied to them.
      • When you get to make up the rules, you get to make sure they hardly ever affect you. Plus, it's not like the voting populace will do anything about it. What percent of her constitutes will even remember this incident or care comes next local election?

        They have to vote for her. Or the wrong lizard will win.

    • We can all do insider trading and many do; few get caught.

      Peloci was rich already from her family, she's not likely against it personally. it's way more likely she's avoiding having her party go on record officially and how many will make the party look bad shooting that down. Plus she doesn't like to push things that can't pass which is why she has the #1 record in history for passing stuff.

      Peloci doesn't care what is said about her; she has taken positions FOR COVER of members. She wins loyalty that way a

  • First things first (Score:5, Insightful)

    by a1englishman ( 209505 ) on Wednesday December 15, 2021 @08:24PM (#62084857) Journal

    I get what they're trying to accumplish, but wouldn't it be better to prevent them from being bought by corporations?

    • I get what they're trying to accumplish, but wouldn't it be better to prevent them from being bought by corporations?

      Why is this an either/or?

    • Are you certain they are mutually exclusive? Profiting off a company, puts you in alignment with them at least for some period. Likewise I think majority of these market moves are straight buy/sell orders and part of bull markets. If Pelosi started being a nasty bear and shorting markets, I bet the corporations would lobby the shit out of this to get such a policy changed.

  • how the members of congress, their staffs, federal bureaucrats along with their extended families and friends network get richer. It is good to be elite and run the US.
  • But not for me.

  • Why would a rich, White politician do anything that would limit their ability to amass more wealth?

  • ...even pseudo-government big-wigs (e.g. industry-regulatory bodies) aren't permitted to do any stock trading.

    It's called a "blind-trust".

    Upon getting such a job, said big-wig simply gets to tell their already-very-well-paid-and-successful financial investor about the job and the blind trust.

    From then on, the big-wig's investments get managed by the investor without any specific input from the big-wig.

    The result is that the investor makes the investment decisions (in accordance with the risk/diversity desir

  • Once you get in any seat of advanced knowledge, your non-household finances should be turned over to a blind trust that adheres to rules.

    Just because other people seem to have gotten away with it is no excuse

    Day-trading (of whatever) should be turned over to the robots with absolute timestamps. If an error or bug is found, we run it backwards and correct with all of the side-effects

    Yes, I'm suggesting bad code and software bugs are better than human malfeasance.
  • by pngwen ( 72492 )

    I, for one, enjoy investing along with congress. They have to disclose their holdings, and saying "I'll have what she's having" is a great way to put their corruption to work for you!

    • Unfortunately, it's also a great way to boost the value of their holdings. If everyone did that, it would guarantee almost every asset held by a member of Congress would increase in value. They would practically be printing their own money.

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