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White House Science Office Says Trump Ended COVID-19 Pandemic as US Hits Record Cases ( 445

The White House science office listed "ending the COVID-19 pandemic" as the top accomplishment of President Trump's first term, even as the U.S. has set records for new daily infections and numerous hospitals across the country are stretched to their breaking points. From a report: According to a press release intended to highlight the administration's science accomplishments, the Trump administration said it "has taken decisive actions to engage scientists and health professionals in academia, industry, and government to understand, treat, and defeat the disease." The rosy outlook flies in the face of reality and underscores Trump's efforts to continuously downplay the severity of the pandemic that continues to rage nearly uncontrolled across the country. As of Tuesday, more than 226,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. The seven-day average of new cases is nearly 70,000, a record number that is only expected to get worse. Hospitalizations and deaths are also climbing steadily upward. According to the COVID Tracking Project, there are more than 42,000 people hospitalized with COVID-19, up from about 30,000 just a month ago.
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White House Science Office Says Trump Ended COVID-19 Pandemic as US Hits Record Cases

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  • Hoping that everybody stop going on about Donald Trump once the election is finished next week.

    • by Syberz ( 1170343 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @11:43AM (#60658340)

      > ...once the election is finished next week.

      Oh honey... it'll be weeks until this is over. It'll take at least a week to get election results because many areas aren't allowed to count early ballots until the day of the elections and then whoever loses will challenge the results so there will be weeks of court battles.

      • by denzacar ( 181829 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @12:10PM (#60658576) Journal


        He's a radioactive boulder thumbing down a mountain. What makes you think he will stop once elections end?
        And even when he's out and the White House is swept for bugs (electronic and otherwise) and fumigated - the issues he created will continue to linger for GENERATIONS to come.
        Expect several more Timmy McVeighs and stay away from federal buildings in years to come.

        Also, expect more rights given to corporations a la Citizens United, with more rights to be taken away from minorities.
        Maybe incorporate yourself and your family? Add that Inc. to your name. To even the odds.

        • Don't assume Biden is going to Win. There is still a path for Trump to win, and the polling direction is showing that he entering that path. Also polling has been wrong before, every election we say we are going to have more Younger Adults than before who are going push off the polling, but they don't show up. As much I loath the idea of having Trump foul the White House for 4 more years, expect it a possibility. As it is the White Old People with Cars, free time who will go out and vote.

      • Re:Roll On Next Week (Score:5, Interesting)

        by apoc.famine ( 621563 ) <apoc.famine@gmail . c om> on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @12:19PM (#60658636) Journal

        Oh honey... it'll be weeks until this is over.

        I wouldn't be so sure of that. Polling for Trump is looking abysmal in a lot of battleground states. It's even looking bad in safe states.

        This isn't "Hillary ahead but within the margin of error" bad, it's "Potentially losing Iowa and Texas" bad.

        It turns out that people are fine with you denying reality until it hurts them personally. Then that illusion falls on its face. This article is a good example of that.

        Everyone who still has a functional brain can see that the reality is that Trump made COVID-19 worse by ignoring it, downplaying it, and undermining everyone trying to address it. And most everyone is still hurting in some way because it's still running rampant. The stock market is still doing fine, so how bad this is isn't really that evident to anyone who makes their money that way.

        Trump doing a rally in Wisconsin and downplaying it doesn't sit well with people who understand that hospitals in the state are nearing capacity. That's why his poll numbers in the state are shockingly low. In the midwest the cases are so high and the deaths are so many that it's no longer possible for most people to pretend it's nothing. When rural pastors and school principals and town officials start dying off, people notice. When people are unemployed for 6 months, they notice.

        I've said it before here, Trump was handed his reelection ticket with COVID. If he had just been minimally competent at handling it, he'd have been reelected in a landslide. It's now looking like he might be on the downhill side of that landslide.

        • by pz ( 113803 )

          The stock market is still doing fine, so how bad this is isn't really that evident to anyone who makes their money that way.

          I agree with the rest of your post, but this part isn't true. The stock market (read: the Dow Jones Industrial Average) tanked early this year. As in really, really tanked, losing nearly 40% of its value (slightly north of 29,000 to about 18,500). Fortunately for everyone, and I do mean everyone, it has largely recovered, otherwise we'd be in for another Great Depression. We still might be, except that all indications are that COVID will pass, what with the huge world-wide effort to develop effective tr

    • by Comboman ( 895500 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @11:43AM (#60658344)

      Hoping that everybody stop going on about Donald Trump once the election is finished next week.

      Win or lose, he's still president for two more months until inauguration day. And if you think he did some batshit crazy stuff when he was still trying to get re-elected, just imagine what he can do when he has nothing to lose.

      • True enough, but if the Dems flip the Senate, those last few weeks could be pretty unpleasant for him.

        • "if the Dems flip the Senate, those last few weeks could be pretty unpleasant for him."

          i had thought that the new Senate wasn't seated until Inaugeration Day, but, yeah, you're right, they'll start the 117th Congress on January 3. So if the Dems get the Senate, they've got 17 days while Trump is still President.

    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      It is my hope as well. My fear is that he told the Proud Boys to stand down and stand by. What that means if he loses is what scares many.
    • by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @04:03PM (#60659770)

      If you test positive and have ZERO symptoms, or the sniffles, that's a case. It's not an infection.

      Just like Trump supporters have stopped blaming everything on Obama since Trump became president or have stopped talking about Hillary who never was president?

      My friend, Trump has managed to do some 30 years of damage in the USA in his short single term, and his legacy will leave a lasting stench around legal and regulatory bodies for years to come.

      No ignoring it, or just talking about something is precisely NOT what we should do. Pretending a problem doesn't exist or that we haven't suffered is never the path to correcting it. You'll hear Trumps name forever. He has put himself in the history books for eternity and for all the wrong reasons.

  • by v1 ( 525388 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @11:36AM (#60658290) Homepage Journal

    Would this be considered "doublespeak"?

    • Only double? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Comboman ( 895500 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @11:54AM (#60658430)

      Would this be considered "doublespeak"?

      Doublespeak is so 20th century. Modern fascists have moved triple and quadruplespeak:

      "Covid doesn't exist, it's a media hoax."

      "It's weaker than the flu."

      "It's a Chinese plot."

      "It disappears in the warm weather."

      "We've defeated it!"

    • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

      No. The Orwellian leaders knew they were full of shit. This is a case of Grand Delusion, part of it caused by surrounding yourself with yes-men and yes-women.

      • Re:orwellian? (Score:5, Interesting)

        by nagora ( 177841 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @12:23PM (#60658662)

        No. The Orwellian leaders knew they were full of shit. This is a case of Grand Delusion, part of it caused by surrounding yourself with yes-men and yes-women.

        Man, we're so close to getting rid of this dickhead and people still don't get his one trick?

        Trump lies about everything but he does it from a philosophical point of view which he has expressed from time to time in his books. Trump believes that telling the truth is a weakness because it reveals to your opponents something about what you actually think. The strong negotiator doesn't just keep their thoughts to himself, he actively puts out a smokescreen of confusing and baffling lies to distract the other parties.

        He's not deluded about this; he's lying on purpose.

        Which is not to say that he's not a half-wit who's deluded about quite a lot of things but his tactic has got him to the White House and, to be brutally honest, there is something to it in a sort of game-theory way. Any structure based on trust and the assumption of innocence can be gamed by one bold asshole. Once everyone does it, of course, the returns fade away as society and institutions collapse. But for that one fucker who doesn't care about that, then at the start it's a winning strategy.

        • Re:orwellian? (Score:5, Informative)

          by harperska ( 1376103 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @01:05PM (#60658910)

          Art of the Deal was ghostwritten and largely paraphrased because he didn't have the attention span to sit down for a proper interview. Trump's books are not a direct line to the contents of Trump's head.

        • by sjames ( 1099 )

          The problem is that the President is supposed to be working For the people and sometimes negotiating on their behalf, not negotiating *AGAINST* them.

          Hint to all Americans, the guy employing negotiation tactics against you is NOT your representative.

  • by kansas_plainsman ( 4837391 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @11:38AM (#60658298)
    Whatever happened to "flattening the curve" so healthcare system has time to absorb the load? At that time the consensus was that everyone would be getting it - that we just wanted to spread it out.
    • by 1s44c ( 552956 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @11:55AM (#60658432)

      As a generalization rich Americans don't really care if poor Americans die. There are now effective treatments available for rich Americans so pandemic over, get back to work.

    • by dunkelfalke ( 91624 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @11:58AM (#60658468)

      Nope, that was just the short term goal to help avoiding as many deaths as possible.

    • by hey! ( 33014 )

      Haven't you heard? People are *tired* of COVID.

      A leader doesn't ask people to deal with things they're tired of; he makes those things disappear. Any day now. Under a true leader problems are *always* just about to miraculously disappear; there's a perfect and painless solution perpetually just around the corner.

      What does freedom mean, if it's not the freedom to choose what consequences your action will have? The American people have spoken: they're tired of dealing with this, they won't deal with this,

    • by Xylantiel ( 177496 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @02:27PM (#60659274)
      "Flatten the curve" was only ever step 1 to get testing capacity up. Once testing is available we can do much better. It's not 1918. The process was basically a 3 step plan: 1. flatten the curve, 2. spin up testing, 3. test&trace to eliminate it or keep it low until a vaccine. Sad thing is that apparently 3 steps are too many for current US politicians or their supporters to comprehend. Really only the first one requires a lot of sacrifice. Once you can test and notify, anything other than large gatherings should be able to managed with masks, testing and quarantine of exposed people. What health professionals didn't anticipate is that the federal government and many states would not only simply refuse to do basic epidemic management, but would actually actively work against it and rally their supporters to work against the interest of the public at large.
  • Say What? (Score:5, Funny)

    by GlennC ( 96879 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @11:38AM (#60658304)

    Is there a new definition of "ending" that I'm not aware of?

    • Well, we have several idiots right here on slashdot who have proclaimed the end of the epidemic in august and september, blabbering about the surge in new cases being all false positives because the deaths haven't followed immediately.

    • It's the George W Bush definition of "winning", which seems to have less to do with actual success, and more to do with how a sitting President with a hot potato in his lap insists that it is in fact an ice cube.

  • by Ambassador Kosh ( 18352 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @11:42AM (#60658336)

    Saying that corona virus is over is just a lie. I can't even say it is wrong because they clearly know what is going on. Bush tried the same thing with a photo op on an aircraft carrier and this reminds me of that.

    I wish we would have real leadership to deal with this problem. Hopefully we get that after the election because we certainly don't have it now.

  • Here is a copy []

    Highlights include

    "Ending the Covid Pandemic"

  • Ended as to make it preexisting condition / after the ruling any thing coved by the old rules will not even count as on going.

  • by AlanObject ( 3603453 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @11:48AM (#60658380)

    Trump did this because it will play well with his voting base. That is all that matters. Facts don't matter. Policy doesn't matter.

    COVID-19 to the Trump cult is pretty much like Kool-aid to the Jim Jones cult. It is the solidifying substance of loyalty to the cult. They all believe that if they don't survive it is simply God's will showing them they were insufficiently loyal.

  • by alleycat0 ( 232486 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @11:57AM (#60658462) Homepage
    ..."Mission Accomplished"
  • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @12:11PM (#60658582) Journal

    You know, it takes a certain kind of person to declare victory in a race when you're dead last and two wheels have just fallen off the car and your pit crew has gotten shitface drunk. I mean, it’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for him.

    You know what they say, "Fortuna audaces iuvat."

    I wish I had that kind of confidence. I would have totally screwed that hooker with uncertain gender and prison tattoos I met 3:30am on September 23, 1992 in front of O'Banions. I might have taken a very different path in life.

  • Bush stood on a big military ship and proclaimed we won the war on terror, vanquished the 911 terrorists, even though it was the Obama administration that took out Osama Bin Laden.
    • The only part of your post that is true is that he stood on a big military ship.

      The USS Abraham Lincoln (an aircraft carrier) asked for a big banner because their aircrews had completed their mission - a 10 month deployment. Bush didn't have enough media savvy to see what was coming, so he didn't ask them to find a different place for him to give his speech from.

      His speech [] wasn't about how they had won, but about how much more work there was left to do. Over the last 17.5 years, approximately no one heard

  • by smooth wombat ( 796938 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @12:58PM (#60658882) Journal
    According the con artist's failure of a son-in-law, the con artist took back the country from the doctors [].

    Further, the failure-in-law said:

    "The most dangerous people around the President are over-confident idiots" and that Trump had replaced them with "more thoughtful people who kind of know their place."

    In other words, not only did the con artist eschew any medical advice from people who know what they're doing, he then put in place an entire cabal of Yes Men to repeat his lies ad infinitum.

    If more reported daily cases than ever before and a climbing death toll are their definition of taking back the country, it's a searing indictment of how much a failure both are. Then again, considering neither of them have any businesses which are profitable, and the con artist has bankrupted 16 businesses, this should not be surprising in the least.

  • by greylion3 ( 555507 ) on Wednesday October 28, 2020 @02:29PM (#60659280)

    This seems to be heading into Iraqi information minister territory.

    Loved that guy, btw.

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
