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Trump Tests Positive For COVID-19 ( 838

President Trump said on Twitter that he and First Lady Melania tested positive for COVID-19. Slashdot reader halbot42 shares a report from The New York Times, adding: "President Trump? Karma calling on line 1." President Trump said early Friday morning that he and the first lady have tested positive for the coronavirus, throwing the nation's leadership into uncertainty and escalating the crisis posed by a pandemic that has already killed more than 207,000 Americans and devastated the economy. "Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19," Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter shortly before 1 a.m. "We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!"

The president's physician said Mr. Trump was "well" without saying whether he was experiencing symptoms and added that the president would stay isolated in the White House for now. "The president and first lady are both well at this time, and they plan to remain at home within the White House during their convalescence," the physician, Sean P. Conley, said in a statement without saying how long that would be. "Rest assured I expect the president to continue carrying out his duties without disruption while recovering, and I will keep you updated on any future developments."
Earlier in the day, one of his closest advisers, Hope Hicks, became infected.
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Trump Tests Positive For COVID-19

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  • Buckle up (Score:5, Funny)

    by grasshoppa ( 657393 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:03AM (#60563362) Homepage

    Well, the comment section ought to be full of reasoned and rational responses, interspersed with well wishing to the POTUS from critics and allies alike.

    • Re: Buckle up (Score:5, Insightful)

      by bondsbw ( 888959 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:08AM (#60563370)

      I wish him well and I hope he fully recovers, well before the election.

      But I really wish he had taken the virus seriously a long time ago.

      • Re: Buckle up (Score:5, Interesting)

        by sethmeisterg ( 603174 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:11AM (#60563378)
        Hear, Hear. I'm a democrat and intensely dislike him and his policies, but I do hope he recovers and uses the experience to turn his covid response around.
        • Re: Buckle up (Score:5, Insightful)

          by future assassin ( 639396 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:21AM (#60563404)

          He ain't gonna do shit but boast that its nothing to worry about if he recovers. Probably a right wing state to miss the debates.

          • They can still hold the debates. It's highly likely they will maintain the debates as scheduled. The next POTUS debate is two weeks out and that is likely enough time for Trump to recover. To lower the risk of (re-)infection the debates can be held remotely, Trump and Biden can go to separate television studios or something and have a debate like many other televised debates we've seen among people in distant locations. The inherent delay in long distance communications can make things a bit more awkward but that might be beneficial to limit the back and forth bickering we saw in the last debate.

            Here's an option that I believe will be considered, change the next POTUS debate to a VPOTUS debate. Instead of Biden v. Trump put Harris v. Pence. This might be of interest to the public given the heightened probability that either one might have to step up to replace an ill or dead POTUS. This means that instead of 1 VPOTUS debate and 3 POTUS debates we get 2 of each.

        • Re: Buckle up (Score:5, Insightful)

          by ShanghaiBill ( 739463 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:24AM (#60563414)

          Even from a partisan perspective, it is better that he lives.

          Many conservatives detest Trump but would be happy to vote for Pence.

          • Re: Buckle up (Score:5, Insightful)

            by Joce640k ( 829181 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:30AM (#60563442) Homepage

            Even from a partisan perspective, it is better that he lives.

            No argument there, but let him suffer a bit. He needs it.

            • Re: Buckle up (Score:5, Insightful)

              by Joce640k ( 829181 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @12:08PM (#60565168) Homepage

              Why "troll"?

              I genuinely want him to have a moment where he believes it could kill him. Call me a horrible person if you want, but I'm not trolling when I say that.

              Imagine if he just has a small sniffle for half a day then gets better; he'll be even more dismissive of COVID than before. All the people that died of it will suddenly be "losers", just like those people who got captured in wars, etc.

              • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @01:17PM (#60565468)
                but with the level of healthcare he has he will almost certainly be fine. All of human civilization will be bent to treat and cure this one man.

                Meanwhile that same man is actively working to deny others access to healthcare by overturning the Affordable Care Act.

                COVID-19 is the ultimate pre-existing condition. It effects every part of your body. If you get it in a post-ACA world then every single insurance claim you make for the rest of your life will be scrutinized.
          • Re: Buckle up (Score:5, Insightful)

            by infolation ( 840436 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @03:35AM (#60563602)
            The more severe his response to the virus, the more likely it is that his hardcore base might finally start taking this virus seriously.

            If even a few of his supporters take protective measures as a result of this, lives could be saved.

            It's unfortunate. But minimizing the significance of the virus started as the administration's choice, not their supporters.
            • by Chas ( 5144 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @04:21AM (#60563728) Homepage Journal

              The thing is, simple exposure and infection by COVID doesn't mean you get a full-blown, life threatening medical threat.

              Trump's in very GOOD health for a man his age.
              He has the best health care the government can provide.
              He also doesn't really have any medical conditions that could be exacerbated by a full blown COVID infection.

              So the chances of him having severe medical repercussions is vanishingly small.

              • by Admiral Krunch ( 6177530 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @04:40AM (#60563778)

                The thing is, simple exposure and infection by COVID doesn't mean you get a full-blown, life threatening medical threat.

                Trump's in very GOOD health for a man his age.

                According to Trump...

                He has the best health care the government can provide.

                He also had access to the best medical advice and the people around him the most stringent testing. Yet here we are.

                He also doesn't really have any medical conditions that could be exacerbated by a full blown COVID infection.

                Except for his age and weight...

                So the chances of him having severe medical repercussions is vanishingly small.

                Well it is a hoax after all.

              • Re: Buckle up (Score:5, Insightful)

                by jabuzz ( 182671 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @05:09AM (#60563828) Homepage

                You might have said the same about Boris Johnston (UK prime minister), who is nearly 20 years his junior.

                A couple of weeks later he was in intensive care clinging on for his life. If there is justice in the world that is the outcome that is awaiting Trump.

                Had he taken the virus more seriously nine months ago many many lives could have been saved. His gross incompetence has killed tens of thousands with many more to come making him the greatest mass murderer in US history.

              • Re: Buckle up (Score:5, Insightful)

                by shilly ( 142940 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @06:51AM (#60564060)

                He is 74. He is male. He is obese. Those are inarguable truths and all elevate the risk. On top of that, he is suspected to have had multiple TIAs, he drinks a ton of Coke so may well have pre-T2 diabetes, is widely thought to mis-use certain drugs, and is suspected to have some heart disease too. All of that is definitely not proven, but each element that happens to be true also elevates the risk.

                Incidentally, this statement: "simple exposure and infection by COVID doesn't mean you get a full-blown, life threatening medical threat" makes no sense. I presume what you mean is "risk of serious illness as a result of a covid infection is modified by a patient's specific risk factors". That's true, but you've downplayed the risk factors as I mentioned previously, and there's always a meaningful underlying risk as well (at least for adults). Plenty of people in their 20s and 30s who are undeniably much healthier than Trump, eg professional sports people, have been infected and died.

                • Re: Buckle up (Score:5, Informative)

                  by Azaril ( 1046456 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @11:38AM (#60565014) Homepage

                  Plenty of people in their 20s and 30s who are undeniably much healthier than Trump, eg professional sports people, have been infected and died.

                  Name one. 1875 people between 15 and 34 have died with Covid present to date in the US. That's out of 88,668,574. Of those, at least 1/5 were morbidly obese, 1/5 had major preexisting kidney problems and 1/5 had preexisting heart conditions. 1/2 had other serious preexisting conditions. These can overlap, but very clearly the overwhelming majority were extremely unwell

                  This is a list of the professional sportspeople have died. [] What do you notice? They are all significantly past their 30s. There is one death there from someone in their 20s and 30s. He had leukemia.

                  Covid is deadly for some groups. Trump may be in some or all of these groups. But don't spread FUD about it killing healthy young adults. It does not.

              • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @07:48AM (#60564218) Homepage Journal

                Obviously his mistake was getting tested. If he hadn't got tested he wouldn't have coronavirus.

            • Re: Buckle up (Score:4, Insightful)

              by stealth_finger ( 1809752 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @06:42AM (#60564046)

              The more severe his response to the virus, the more likely it is that his hardcore base might finally start taking this virus seriously.

              No they won't. They'll come up with some theory that he was secretly assassinated by the sinister gay cabal and has been replaced by a clone or robot or something if he even starts showing a little bit of sense.

          • by infolation ( 840436 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @04:53AM (#60563806)
            He did mention there would be an October surprise.
        • by rastos1 ( 601318 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:32AM (#60563452)
          I do not wish bad to anyone. But do you really think he "uses the experience to turn his (...) response around."? Did he ever do that? Nope. He doubles down. And then again. I wonder what that means in this case. Getting ebola?
        • Re: Buckle up (Score:5, Insightful)

          by Nugoo ( 1794744 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @08:54AM (#60564382)
          The Woodward tapes show that Trump already believed the virus was a real threat back in February. I don't know why catching it would make a difference now.
      • Re: Buckle up (Score:5, Insightful)

        by U0K ( 6195040 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @03:06AM (#60563564)
        The question I immediately have to ask myself is: Is that even true?

        I think this isn't something above him to lie about. He could easily pretend to be infected, then present himself to his constituents as a survivor. That would allow him to claim that his various medicines helped him or that the infection really isn't that bad as experts make it out.

        That being said, if he's actually infected, I still wish him well.
      • by VaccinesCauseAdults ( 7114361 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @03:40AM (#60563626)
        We would like to send him our thoughts and prayers at this time. British Athiest Society
    • by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:31AM (#60563448) Journal
      Hopefully there are plenty of jokes. I came for the jokes.
  • How do you (Score:4, Insightful)

    by future assassin ( 639396 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:09AM (#60563372)

    contract and test positive for a deep state hoax?

  • Trump's Tombstone (Score:4, Insightful)

    by JoeyRox ( 2711699 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:16AM (#60563386)
    "Here lies a man who died from a hoax."
  • by spiritplumber ( 1944222 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:20AM (#60563398) Homepage
    We should show as much care and support for Trump getting COVID as he has for those who got it before him. He deserves nothing less.
    • by uvajed_ekil ( 914487 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:42AM (#60563504)

      We should show as much care and support for Trump getting COVID as he has for those who got it before him. He deserves nothing less.

      I'm mainly just interested in one question we'll never get an answer to: how many people did this clown transmit the virus *to* by not wearing a mask?

  • by mykepredko ( 40154 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:22AM (#60563408) Homepage

    So what's going to happen when President Trump can't campaign (and debate) for the next two weeks? What happens if he gets seriously ill?

    Man, this has been a strange year.

    Regardless, I sincerely wish President and Mrs. Trump well.

  • Stock market futures (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Splyncryth ( 6601188 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:29AM (#60563438)
    Is already down 400 points. Hope you have money to burn because soon there will be some good stocks sold for cheap.
  • by AuMatar ( 183847 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:29AM (#60563440)

    Following his previous suggestions, his doctors should put him in a tanning bed with a nice big bottle of Chlorox and a few capsules of hydroxycholronique. He'll be good by tomorrow.

  • He'll be fine... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Miles_O'Toole ( 5152533 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:31AM (#60563450)

    No doubt Trump's recovery will come just in time to prove what a superman he is, yet still allow him to skip the next two debates after his disastrous performance in the last one.

    • Re:He'll be fine... (Score:4, Informative)

      by Can'tNot ( 5553824 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @05:52AM (#60563922)
      Not as much of a disaster as you might think. Polls did shift [] towards Biden, but only slightly. I think the telling statistic there is the fact that there are so few people who are undecided.

      It's not a surprise, but it's disappointing all the same.
  • by jarle.aase ( 1440081 ) <> on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:36AM (#60563474)
    If Donald and Mike both gets this month, then Nancy will be acting president during the election.

    If that happens, we know that God has a sense of humor.

  • Science (Score:5, Insightful)

    by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:39AM (#60563486)

    Rush Limbaugh: "Smoking is as healthy as eating carrots". .. subsequently catches lung cancer.
    Trump: "The virus a hoax, there is no need to wear masks or social distance" .. subsequently catches the Covid-19 virus.

    "Science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it or not." -Neil deGrasse Tyson

  • by Eichmil ( 4748381 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:47AM (#60563522)
    ... which end do they go through?
  • by Rumagent ( 86695 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @02:55AM (#60563542)

    Finally some positive news from the WH! Mr Trump passes a test without cheating.

  • vote (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymouse Cowtard ( 6211666 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @03:01AM (#60563554) Homepage
    Just get out and vote. I don't care who for, just vote. The people of Hong Kong are dying to vote, but you cunts turn out at 60%. Get on the roll. Make sure they have your correct address and fucking well vote.
    • Re:vote (Score:5, Interesting)

      by thadtheman ( 4911885 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @05:09AM (#60563830)

      The basis of democracy is that the people who vote are informed and vote responsibly.

      People now have so much access to information, that even paying casual attention to the election they know more about the candidates then most 1800's voters.

      If you can't be bothered to watch a two hour debate or walk to the polling station, then I don't want you to vote.

      When you push people to vote who should not, you get what you get now. I won't talk about the stupid things that politicians do, but to point out that the most successful person in politics never served a day in his life 4 years ago. That just shows how pathetic the rest of them are.

  • Karma's a bitch (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Damouze ( 766305 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @03:55AM (#60563668)

    That's what happens when you tout all advice on how to prevent the pandemic from spreading.

  • by Dasher42 ( 514179 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @05:54AM (#60563932)

    Chris Wallance: (08:06) "Are you not worried about the disease issues, sir?"

    Trump: (08:08) "Well, so far we have had no problem whatsoever. It’s outside. That’s a big difference according to the experts. We do them outside, we have tremendous crowds, as you see, and literally on 24 hours notice. And Joe does the circles and has three people someplace."

    Trump was jeering at Biden's caution with masks and abstaining from rallies.

    He was already infected.

  • by dskoll ( 99328 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @09:14AM (#60564442) Homepage

    Seen on another site: "But how could we even tell if Trump has lost his sense of taste?"

  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @09:23AM (#60564474)
    Trump has the best medical care in the world and gets tested daily so that the virus was caught very early.

    Pity we can't say the same about the 30 million Americans who will lose access to healthcare when his new Supreme Court Justice over turns the ACA...
  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Friday October 02, 2020 @09:35AM (#60564504)
    long lasting effects on the brain. Even for people who fully recover or have very minor symptoms.

    I'm sure this is fine though. Trump has brain to spare and that even temperament we all saw on display at the debates Tuesday night. The well documented potential neurological effects of COVID-19 are nothing to worry about.

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