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'GamerGate' Proponent Kills Ex-Girlfriend, Commits Suicide (wired.com) 308

41-year-old Rudy Ferretti "was known in the male-dominated retro gaming community as a champion gamer — and as a raging misogynist who ferociously harassed women," writes blogger David Futrelle. "He once made a homebrew game in which the goal was to kill women.

"Last week, he allegedly gunned down his former girlfriend Amy Molter before turning his gun on himself."

Wired reports: Longtime members of the retro and arcade gaming scene say they warned community leaders and even police about Ferretti's threatening behavior for years. For close to a decade, they say, Ferretti had harassed, stalked, and threatened gamers, particularly women, pushing some out of the niche gaming scene entirely... Arcade game collector and researcher Catherine DeSpira and video game historian and storage auction buyer Patrick Scott Patterson — two of Ferretti's most public targets — say they collectively contacted police in different states a half-dozen times to report Ferretti's threats against themselves and others. They say those attempts ultimately had no effect.

All the while, clusters of retro gamers across the country egged Ferretti on in private messages and on forums, leveraging his apparent instability and misogynist inclinations against women they didn't want in the scene... "They were emboldening it, pushing him, giving him a support system," says Patterson.... The rise of the GamerGate campaign in 2014 gave Ferretti new fodder to fuel his idea that women — specifically "radical feminists," as he wrote in multiple blog posts and said in YouTube videos — were out to destroy the purity of the arcade gaming scene... Ferretti believed that his gaming acumen justified his stewardship of the community. "I can be an asshole. You know why? Because I'm a world champion. I'm a gamer," he once said in a video. As recently as April 2020, Ferretti described himself in a YouTube video as "the savior of the community..."

[I]t was a network of institutional failures — from forums to expos to law enforcement — that allowed Ferretti to continue his campaigns for over a decade. "I was trying to tell people this guy Rudy was dangerous and capable of doing exactly what he ended up doing," says Patrick Scott Patterson.

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'GamerGate' Proponent Kills Ex-Girlfriend, Commits Suicide

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  • Good grief (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Cryptimus ( 243846 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @09:40AM (#60432023) Homepage

    News flash: Desperate 'male feminist' combines poisoning the well and association fallacy to try and support pseudo-journalists who don't play games.

    • Define: incel (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday August 23, 2020 @10:01AM (#60432099)
      Incel: A male human who thinks he is involuntary celibate due to a world wide conspiracy of human females against him when in reality he is voluntarily celibate do to choosing to be an entitled misogynist asshole no sane human female would want to date except by mistake. When human females make the mistake of dating an incel they sooner or later tend to run for the hills and hide to escape him. Some human females have even been known to buy a gun after dating an incel by mistake. Incels can usually be identified on Internet forums by their frequent tirades against women who don't want to date them because they are creeps, but the bulk of their fury is usually directed at feminists whom an incel can easily rage against in hours long incoherent tirades of fury often, thought not always, seasoned with liberal quantities of profanity.
      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by dunkelfalke ( 91624 )

        legalising prostitution would probably help to stem most of this incel bullshit.

        • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

          by Phact ( 4649149 )
          I thought having the incel convention in Nevada, or Amsterdam would solve these problems too, but apparently part of the incel thing is that paying for it is also beneath them.
          • Re:Define: incel (Score:4, Insightful)

            by Rick Schumann ( 4662797 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @01:01PM (#60432719) Journal
            I think you are correct; paying for sex is admitting that they can't get it on their own 'merits', whereas their overly-inflated egos demand that women should rightly be begging them for it, which of course is ridiculous on several fronts.
          • I thought having the incel convention in Nevada, or Amsterdam would solve these problems too, but apparently part of the incel thing is that paying for it is also beneath them.

            Not only that but it appears that perversely having sex with someone who has had sex before is also beneath them because sex is a non renewable resource or something.

          • Re:Define: incel (Score:5, Insightful)

            by rtb61 ( 674572 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @11:46PM (#60434443) Homepage

            The incel thing is just a bullshit insult (ohh, ahh, you are a loser because you do not engage in non reproductive mutual masturbation with as many people as possible in what ever combination of numbers and genders are possible, response, yeah nahh fuck off). The reality is in the numbers, these are generally accepted statistics. 1% of the population are psychopaths, born that way, 15% of the prison population are psychopaths and 50% of violent crimes are committed by psychopaths.

            So how many gamers are there, millions, how many are psychopaths 1%. So say ten million gamers, 1% are psychopaths, that is 100,000 psychopath gamers, they will all be extremely visible on the net, they will cluster together like minded and egg each other on to be violent, it's their genetic nature.

            So yeah look at all those nasty gamers, yeah 1% of gamers will be nasty as fuck and extremely noticeable especially in PvP gaming where you can pay to win, it's in their nature, cheating is winning. As a gamer why the fuck should I feel guilty about the 1% of gamers that are psychopaths, they are what they are and reflect the population as a whole and have absolutely nothing to do with computer gaming and everything to do with genetics.

        • Incels suffer due to their world-view but wanting to get laid isn't being entitled. It's a natural human desire.

          • Re:Define: incel (Score:4, Insightful)

            by Gavrielkay ( 1819320 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @01:16PM (#60432783)
            Wanting to get laid is natural. Thinking you're owed it by whatever female you develop a fancy for is entitled.
          • Indeed. (Score:5, Insightful)

            by Brain-Fu ( 1274756 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @01:24PM (#60432797) Homepage Journal

            Mating is a natural desire for all animals that reproduce sexually, including humans. It is also very strong, at least during one's reproductive prime, as it has been reinforced through millions upon millions of years of natural selection.

            Fortunately for humans, however, our ability to adapt our behaviours on the fly is also tip-top. The human brain's ability to re-wire itself in order to better cope with unexpected circumstances is outright astounding, and is one of the major survival advantages that we have over other animals. This adaptability includes our means of expression of our sexual drives.

            We are in an environment now where humans have overpopulated the planet. This is 100% the opposite of the situation in which we evolved. Further, the cultural environment makes sexual activity much more risky than it has been in our evolutionary past (much higher risk of exposure to sexually transmitted diseases, lifelong economic devastation from being on the hook to provide for an unwanted child, and potentially life-destroying laws that regulate such things as divorce and domestic abuse punishment that are easily abused, and so on).

            So, I think that such narratives as "one who isn't having sex is automatically sad lonely and depressed" and "one who isn't having sex is flawed in some way that matters and is deserving of mockery" and "sexual desirability is the best measure of one's worth as a person" are firmly rooted in the distant past. They no longer make sense in the modern world, and holding on to them is causing a lot of suffering and "cultural toxicity."

            Given the adaptive power of our brains, it is entirely possible for people to self-actualize in ways that have nothing to do with sexuality. Doing so eliminates tremendous suffering and waste, and allows us to truly meet one another as equals. Also, nothing about being free from the "need" for sex precludes the possibility of breeding anyway if circumstances happen to be favorable.

            So, there is a better way, if one can simply stop obsessing over misfiring instincts, and take a clear-minded approach to one's life.

            • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

              I think a very important data point that nobody wants to talk about is basically what incels talk about. Everybody wants to talk about them from afar but not talk to them and actually study their merits. And there is a good reason why.

              More than 95% of incels are from fatherless homes. If you actually listen to their arguments they are literally what feminists have been talking about for more than a generation now. The whole structure of their arguments - individual rights of reproduction must be equally ens

          • Why can't it be both?

        • Re:Define: incel (Score:5, Interesting)

          by jythie ( 914043 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @12:06PM (#60432507)
          Probably not. People tend to focus on the 'incel and sex' angle because it is high visibility and is a nice neat explanation, but it does not really reflect the community's actual gripes. Incels tend to be bottom of the totem pole people, there is a lot of disability and mental illness among them, and a seeming desire to bring order to a world they don't understand and have no control over. They are not just lacking sex, but connection and support network, which left a gap for this toxic mythology to both provide them with a structure to put their anger into and a community to be part of. Having sex would not actually fix any of the underlying issues they have or address the systemic failures they are caught in, so even if they had free super hot sex workers visit them multiple times per day, I do not think it would make much of a dent.
          • Re:Define: incel (Score:5, Interesting)

            by dunkelfalke ( 91624 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @12:22PM (#60432573)

            I fit the definition of an incel quite well, but I am self aware enough to see that my personality disorder is the cause. Probably because I do live in a country where prostitution is legal and hence more or less affordable. Having sex doesn't fix the underlining issues but it helps gaining a proper perspective and to think about seeing a psycho-the-rapist to fix them, or, if they are unfixable, at least lo learn to function better.

            • Re:Define: incel (Score:5, Insightful)

              by serviscope_minor ( 664417 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @01:06PM (#60432737) Journal

              I fit the definition of an incel quite well, but I am self aware enough to see that...

              Then you pretty much don't fit the current definition of incel. Sure it used to simply mean "involuntarily celibate", which could be for a wide variety of reasons, but the movement got coopted and the people left are ragingly misogynistic and massively entitled. A lack of self awareness is pretty much a prerequisite.

              • I wasn't always self aware, you know. This is why I have written about the much needed perspective. Difficult to get it if the mind is constantly calling you a loser for the inability to get laid.

        • Incels believe they deserve a sex slave that looks like a model. Paying for it isn't going to satisfy them, and model-looking women tend to become models instead of prostitutes.

        • No, it really wouldn't, I think, because while even the lowliest of prostitutes has some limit to how low she'll stoop to make a buck, that bar can be rather low, and catering to the misogynistic tendencies in these types is just rewarding negative behavior; the fact that they'd have to pay through the nose for what they want from a woman wouldn't make any difference, and might even reinforce their overall misanthropy even more.
          Of course on the other hand if prostitution was legalized ala-Firefly, where it
    • Re:Good grief (Score:5, Informative)

      by hey! ( 33014 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @10:02AM (#60432109) Homepage Journal

      Exactly how is this "poisoning the well"?

      Poisoning the well is a fallacy of distraction where you attempt to negate a *specific* claim by asserting negative things about the claimer -- e.g., that women gamer's opinions ruin the purity of retro gaming because they're "radical feminists".

      Claiming that GamerGate is violently misogynist and backing that up with a prominent member of the community murdering his ex may be overreach, but it's not poisoning the well.

  • nuts (Score:5, Insightful)

    by jmccue ( 834797 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @09:51AM (#60432061) Homepage

    Since one can be arrested and jailed for texting someone to commit suicide: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]

    I see no reason why the police could not go after this guy for stalking/harassment since he had a history of that and continued to do it

    • Re: nuts (Score:4, Insightful)

      by BytePusher ( 209961 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @10:15AM (#60432151) Homepage
      Because the police protect their own
    • Re:nuts (Score:5, Insightful)

      by jeff4747 ( 256583 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @11:04AM (#60432305)

      Cops aren't exactly known to be feminists. And the high domestic violence rate among police officers would kinda indicate many would like this guy's point of view.

    • Re:nuts (Score:5, Insightful)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @11:07AM (#60432317) Homepage Journal

      Because it's very hard to get law enforcement to take threats seriously, especially threats over the internet. The bar for prosecution is very high, so called "true threats", i.e. that someone would reasonably believe puts them in imminent danger, and cops aren't interested in mental health problems until a crime happens.

      When this stuff is reported it sounds like just another troll on the internet, they don't see the wider picture of the movement, the pattern of behaviour, the echo chamber that builds the hatred up until it explodes from the barrel of a gun.

      Stuff like stalking is hard to prosecute because it requires demonstrating a pattern of behaviour that cannot be explained away, and particularly when someone has a relationship with the victim it's easy for them to say "I was visiting my girlfriend" or "we always text each other several times an hour."

      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        Well, to be fair, almost all of these nutcases do not end up doing a murder-suicide. If you start locking them all up, you are probably making the situation much, much worse.

      • Re:nuts (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Can'tNot ( 5553824 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @02:07PM (#60432941)
        It doesn't seem that the police were wrong in this case, according to the summary this guy had been full of bluster for years. Any threats he made in those years were evidently not true threats, even if we use a more lax layman definition of the term. The summary seems to be trying to imply that his eventual murder-suicide was predictable from this prior behavior, but it makes no effort to connect the two. Why did he kill his girlfriend and then himself? I glanced at the linked articles, none of them offer any clues on this.

        We're presented with three things here, GamerGate, misogyny, and murder-suicide, and an undefended implication that one follows from the the other. Well, let's call it what it is: an indefensible implication that one follows from the other.
        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          Well that's the other issue, they ignore anything that isn't a true threat until after it becomes a true threat. Mental health care isn't free either.

    • by vlad30 ( 44644 )
      As the perpetrator is now dead himself it would be interesting to see if police go after all those who encouraged his behaviour knowing he was an unbalanced idiot using that precedent. In my opinion these people are just as responsible for the former girlfriends death.
  • He was probably Mal-adjusted. Let me guess -- he had a *big* bushy beard and *thick* black glasses? And of course. the middle-age gut. Am I right?
    • by JustAnotherOldGuy ( 4145623 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @09:58AM (#60432089) Journal

      He was probably Mal-adjusted.

      No shit, Sherlock. What was your first clue?

    • I bet he looked like a guy who threatened and harassed women repeatedly while the police did nothing. Stereotyping people based on how they choose to look really helps. Keep it up. (Also, you're incorrect, he looks like a normal dude.)
    • he had a *big* bushy beard and *thick* black glasses?

      Only half right [duckduckgo.com]. He appears to have gone the white supremacist route with his hairstyle.

      And of course. the middle-age gut.

      Not sure when this picture [duckduckgo.com] was taken, but it does look like he has a paunch. Either that or it's the way he's sitting.

      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        by Anonymous Coward

        At first I expected to see a swastika shaved into his hair, but then I saw who posted this... Short hair is "white supremacist"? You projecting racists somehow see racism in everything.

        Seek help, because you're on the road to turning out like this Ferretti guy.

    • Gamer? No, no - Champion gamer.

  • Who? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by bistromath007 ( 1253428 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @09:52AM (#60432071)

    I was pretty involved back in the day. I feel like I would've heard about somebody this ridiculous at least once.

  • Self-destructive (Score:2, Insightful)

    Fascist ideologies are self destructive.
  • He didn't even qualify for a whole turd.

    At least he now knows what Satan's sperm tastes like!!!

  • by tsqr ( 808554 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @10:07AM (#60432129)

    These types always get things in the wrong order - he should have killed himself first. Then, If he was still in the mood, he could have gone ahead with killing her.

  • Truth. (Score:2, Funny)

    "The only way to stop a bad raging misogynist with a gun is a good raging misogynist with a gun."

  • by aglider ( 2435074 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @10:22AM (#60432175) Homepage

    That's it.

  • Funny. (Score:3, Insightful)

    by LenKagetsu ( 6196102 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @10:24AM (#60432189)

    What does gamergate have to do with this?

  • On Twitter he would have been moderated, but after being banned, he went to unmoderated places and got worse
  • Canâ(TM)t anyone see that the pain he was in is what drove him to this horrible act? Im not saying that he didnâ(TM)t do anything wrong, Iâ(TM)m just saying that had someone noticed his depression and pain, and care about it, the woman would still be alive. People donâ(TM)t murder suicide unless they are incredibly depressed.
  • ... when people define themselves with activities that involve little or no actual human interaction.

  • by twocows ( 1216842 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @11:59AM (#60432477)
    This is unfortunate, as is any death, and it's pretty awful if he was being encouraged to do this. I feel obliged to point out that this sort of thing can and does also happen in almost every other movement or group, though. It's pretty common for people to misunderstand and mistake mental illness for satire or passion or whatever, right up until the mentally ill person does something horrible.

    But since GamerGate was singled out for this particular story rather than any of the thousands of other cases of mentally ill people being egged on until they do something bad, I'll take a moment to talk about why gaming and tech media still can't shut up about a movement even when most of the people who originally comprised it have long since moved on. Maybe I'll have to burn karma for this, but I'd like to hope that you, dear reader, will at least first fully read what I'm saying before smashing that dislike button. And maybe if you disagree, you'll actually reply with a reason why instead so a discussion can take place.

    I still maintain that GamerGate originally had a very strong point before it was co-opted by the alt-right and incels (and alt-right incels). I was there when it started on /v/ (because honestly, for all its problems, /v/ at the time was still the best place to have lengthy and passionate discussions about video games; now the new split boards like /vrpg/ are). People were already massively upset about things like Jeff Gerstmann being fired because he wrote a bad review of Kane and Lynch while the website he was reviewing for was covered in ads for it. And then the story (or rumor, honestly) hit that some indie developer had traded sexual favors for coverage for her game, and I think people were just so fucking sick of it all and it bubbled over.

    So yeah, it started out on /v/ on 4chan. When people (generally, not just on 4chan) are upset about something or someone, they have a tendency to hate on every aspect of that thing, even if it doesn't make logical sense. It's a common human emotional response and curbing it is something that takes maturity and self-awareness, both things obviously severely lacking on 4chan. 4chan actually amplifies the response, both because of the anonymity leading to no accountability and the culture actively encouraging raw emotional response. So people were hating on literally anyone and anything connected to the original problem whether it made sense to or not.

    The core problem with the defining incident wasn't the indie developer, it's really no one's business who she sleeps with or why. The real problem was the five journalists who (allegedly) traded sexual favors for coverage; that's professional misconduct and belies a lack of integrity for your work. However, that's five targets instead of one and its a more nuanced and complex discussion than just saying "slut," so since "slut" is easier, that ended up being the target. That was really where GamerGate lost the plot, but at the time there were still people genuinely discussing the issue in depth rather than just being idiots. It didn't take long, though, for the newly formed alt-right to start edging in on it with people like Milo.

    And to be fair, some of what they said resonated with me: I was sick of lots of game reviews being full of (usually a particular brand of) political shit even if the game wasn't about politics, or the synchronized response about how "gamers are dead," or pushing political agendas in gaming media, or misrepresenting the point that "hamfisted politicial mongering in games lowers quality" as "politics has no place in games." But it took me a while (longer than I'd like to admit) to realize that just because their points about these things were valid didn't mean they weren't pushing an agenda of their own. Letting those people co-opt the movement is when we completely lost the plot, and it's the reason why after about a year or so I just stopped talking about or caring
    • The real problem was the five journalists who (allegedly) traded sexual favors for coverage

      The real problem was the morons on 4chan who acted like this allegation was true because it fit their worldview nicely. The payola and access that is incredibly common in all "review" journalism couldn't possibly be it, it must be the evil females.

      I was sick of lots of game reviews being full of (usually a particular brand of) political shit even if the game wasn't about politics

      Everything is about politics. Why'd Bowser kidnap Peach and not Mario or Toad or someone else? His choice is based on "politics", at least as defined by GamerGate fans.

      Discussing these sorts of themes is part of discussion of any form of art. Reviews talking a

      • Everything is about politics. Why'd Bowser kidnap Peach and not Mario or Toad or someone else? His choice is based on "politics", at least as defined by GamerGate fans.

        I don't think most people, regardless of what they think of GamerGate, would say Mario is about politics.

        Discussing these sorts of themes is part of discussion of any form of art. Reviews talking about these issues is a sign of the industry maturing to the point where it's no longer considered toys for kids. It's real, grown-up media which m

      • by Cederic ( 9623 )

        The real problem was the morons on 4chan who acted like this allegation was true

        Whether the allegation was true or not it didn't cause 'gamergate'. The reaction of the gaming media to the allegations was a vicious attack on their own audience and a refusal to stand up for journalistic integrity.

        That's why it all escalated.

    • by FlutterPheasant ( 7166963 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @02:52PM (#60433083)

      I still think the key to understanding GamerGate is the Wizardchan suicides, though not from the channers side.

      Full disclaimer here, I'd already had a run-in with Zoe Quinn, though I didn't know her real name at the time. A group of Something Awful goons doxxed and outed a gay furry teen I used to know, and after his homophobic family kicked him out they harassed Luke to suicide. On IRC, Eris, ZQ's handle at the time, bragged to me about "purging moral indecency from the internet."

      Of course when we tried to do anything about it we were mocked for 'fursecution' and nobody cared about gay teens or furries back in '08-09 so it all faded quickly. Google can't even find anything about Luke now.

      So, fast forward a few years, Wizardchan, a forum for suicidally depressed weird incels nobody cares about gets twitter-mobbed by the Weird Twitter group ZQ is a big wheel in, a couple of them apparently suicided, and suddenly the gaming press is really obsessed with covering this up. At this point, I didn't know ZQ was the Eris I'd dealt with years ago, but I was a game dev, I knew some of these journalists, and I couldn't understand why this was the hill they had to die on. I mean, incels didn't have the reputation then that they do now but it was only months after after Elliot Rogers, nobody was going to care much if incels were helped to kill themselves. In hindsight, she was following the old pattern of finding a group of nerdy men no one will care about and harassing them for the lolz. Except this time 4chan flipped out about it. This was where /v/ got involved, when a handful of channers found out about the gaming background of ZQ. It still wouldn't have gone beyond another round of SA vs Chans if the game journalists hadn't decided to make it a mass media event.

      My guess, and I have no evidence for this, is that a few of the journalists involved were also old SA goons who were involved in that stuff, and they were horrified at the idea of ZQ publicly exposing the good old days now that they were all about the 'harassment is bad, LGBT is good' social justices. Whether that part is what happened or not, the result was an attempt at mass dehumanization of the gamers. After all, it's not killing people if they're not people, right? Gamers are dead, gamers are everything evil that proper human beings aren't. That fed hard into the SJ movements anti-nerd prejudice, since a group focused on social manipulation does not get along with people who are bad at being social. Meanwhile, as the parent post points out, the gamers were about at breaking point with the bullshit being flung at them.

      This had the side-effect of tying social justice politics to abuse, the movement to push 'politics' out of gaming is really an attempt to push emotional abusers out. The abusers are too adept at crying 'you hate me because of my politics' and the gamers are trying to use a shotgun to kill a fly so the whole thing is just a shitshow now.

      So by the time I learned of the connection between ZQ and Eris, the alt-right were making inroads into GamerGate, and it was obvious that I'd never see any justice for Luke if I talked about it. I'd just be giving the alt-right more ammo to red-pill people to their side. It still hurts to know that I'll never be able to talk about it, that the homophobically murderous SA goons have won, for now.

      What worries me is that this attitude has permeated all of the social justice movement. I'm involved with some SJ initiatives in gaming these days, and sometimes there's a cult-like atmosphere of how Those People, the ones who Aren't Like Us, must be opposed in every way, and never allowed to poison the minds of the Pure with their existence. It's a mirror of my white supremacist cousin, that all the world's ills are the result of Those People and if we can just get rid of them we'll be living in utopia. I wouldn't say this handed Trump the 2016 election, it was too soon, but it's spread through SJ enough that I fear it'll hand him the 2020 election. It works way

  • ...and leave everyone else the h3ll alone. Why can't people like this just off themselves and be done with it, no... they have to take out innocent people around them. I know the reasons (he was full of hate, he wanted to lash out, or non-scientifically he was just a dick...) but it still is just maddeningly horrible.

    I have a friend who in their medical training said they were told to be careful when working with suicidal people, as they are often homicidal too. Someone willing to take themselves our, are w

  • When taken as a whole then the observation must be made that the issue or condition, whatever you want to call it, was self-limiting.

  • Ferretti described himself as "the savior of the community...". Well then their savior is dead, and their "community" is shown to be a pack of howling hyenas that glorify bullying and violence against anybody they might not like that day.

  • by gweihir ( 88907 ) on Sunday August 23, 2020 @01:52PM (#60432881)

    Seriously. You find psychos anywhere, but that does not make the whole world psychos.

    Please stop using the mental illness of a few to characterize whole communities.

  • ..that makes me hope there really is a hell.

      And to think this moron had so many people under his spell and swooning over him.

    But so did Hitler.

How many NASA managers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? "That's a known problem... don't worry about it."
