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Nancy Pelosi Mandates Masks On House Floor ( 247

Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she will require all House members and aids to wear masks on the floor, after Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert who has at times flouted the health recommendation tested positive for COVID-19 earlier in the day. The Hill reports: "Members and staff will be required to wear masks at all times in the hall of the House except that members may remove their masks temporarily when recognized," Pelosi said from the House floor. Pelosi warned that lawmakers and staff without masks will not be permitted to enter the House chamber and risk removal by the Sergeant at Arms if they don't comply. Pelosi said that the mask requirement is "a sign of respect for the health, safety and well-being of others present in the chamber and surrounding areas." Public health experts, backed by multiple studies, say that masks are an effective way to prevent spread of viral droplets.
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Nancy Pelosi Mandates Masks On House Floor

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  • Good (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Xenographic ( 557057 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2020 @09:31PM (#60345753) Journal

    Good idea. There are still too many people going around without masks.

  • by bobstreo ( 1320787 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2020 @09:34PM (#60345757)

    quite a few Congresscritters who didn't want to wear masks are enjoying a nice Covid vacation already.

    • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2020 @11:55PM (#60346039)
      but he's been in ICU for a month now. If he survives he'll be in rough shape, and will likely die from the long term complications of the disease.

      If you don't know him, he's a big Trump supporter and an anti-masker who went to Trump's 1st rally after the virus hit (before Trump cancelled them due to low turnout).
      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        by fermion ( 181285 )
        I don't feel for Cain. He voluntarily elected to get COVID in service to dear leader. Who I feel sorry for are the others who have been infected who cannot get a hospital bed, or has been turned away because of those who chose to get infected and then deserved full treatment.

        We have over 80 infected at one summer camp in Georgia, then another over 80 infected at another summer camp in missouri. We have 40 infected at a church in Alabama. An each one of these evangelical germ crusaders go out and infec

      • by cmdr_klarg ( 629569 ) on Thursday July 30, 2020 @10:49AM (#60347301)

        Herman Cain has passed away.

  • nice (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    But why is this crap on Slashdot?

    I come to read tech stories. 3 more months of this shit?

    • Re:nice (Score:4, Insightful)

      by JoshuaZ ( 1134087 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2020 @09:48PM (#60345791) Homepage
      The old Slashdot motto was "News for nerds, stuff that matters." While this isn't in the first category, it certainly is in the second. While the majority of Americans favor mask wearing, there's a substantial fraction of Republican leadership that does not. Just last week, Republican rank-and-file support went to 58% [], while Democratic support remains around 90%. What is going on here is in part a serious aspect of getting people to wear masks playing out. If we can move that 58% to a larger number, say around 70% or 80%, the current situation may end up looking very different. So yes, what is happening on the House floor, and how masks play out in Congress may have a direct impact on how many Americans live or die in the next few weeks as well as what the state of the US economy is. This is stuff that matters.
      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by iggymanz ( 596061 )

        the majority of people favoring anything doesn't make jack shit about effectiveness. the majority can be wrong.

        You make assertion without a shred of proof that random cloth mask wearing will help anything. The very "studies" trying to prove a mask makes a difference talk about transmission rates varying in the "noise" level. And others uses droplet controlled experiments have been done.

        I'll agree distancing works, but a mask is a like trying to catch gnats with a fish net.

        • I gave up fighting it and bought a red bandanna. It's fun going into stores wearing a red bandanna. I can pretend I'm going to do a stickup. I don't feel meek at all, which I did with a little cloth patch held on with ear loops.

          • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

            by iggymanz ( 596061 )

            eh, I wear a mask around others, it's the law.

            But just "any ol' mask will do", I'm not buying that. I happen to own some great respirators for various work, if they were saying everyone had to wear N95 or N100 or equivalent I wouldn't be calling B.S.

            • Effectiveness (Score:5, Informative)

              by aberglas ( 991072 ) on Thursday July 30, 2020 @02:13AM (#60346281)

              Look at the figures for New York after they instigated masks. Came crashing down.

              If a simple mask is only 50% effective that still makes a huge difference.

              I wonder if Covid-19 will have a long term political impact in the USA by killing off mainly republicans. A million Americans are likely to die as a result of this, and votes are often closer than that.

              • Wrong. NY Mandate was April 15 and yet centered April 26 there was another high spike. Masks aren't 50% effective, no one is claiming that, the oft touted study is claiming a fraction of a percent to 1.4 percent reduction....noise level!

                But thanks for showing that people manufacture a narrative between their ears to justify what sheep herders tell them.

        • You make assertion without a shred of proof that random cloth mask wearing will help anything.

          He doesn't need to give proof, that has already been provided by the references from the WHO who commissioned the study on effectiveness of non-medical facemasks after initially being unable to make any recommendations for them, and then proceeded based on the outcome of the study to recommend the wearing of non-medical masks and medical masks.


          There's been a publication about this on the above link at least once a week for the past 4 months. Educate yourself. Being anti-intellectual does

        • How this was modded to +5 I'll never know. The masks stop particulates from leaving your mouth or nose. Not virus itself. Are you that dim? []

        • by fenrif ( 991024 )

          Even more apt:

          The mask is like taking your belt off at the airport and thinking it stops terrorists. The majority of people agree it makes them feel safer though. So it MUST work. Right?

      • The old Slashdot motto was "News for nerds, stuff that matters." While this isn't in the first category, it certainly is in the second/

        Well... politics and public heath crisis situations affects nerds too.

      • The problem isn't the mask. The problem is in all of the mandates this one should have been first except it was last and no matter how smart it could be to wear one it was the straw that broke the camels back. You have governors who suspended rights guaranteed by the U.S constitution but they did it out of the desire to protect the citizens. The US government also stopped evictions, which is a good thing but those landlords have bills to pay and they are deprived of their property and that's a violation t

        • The right way to fight evictions is a 3 month rent holiday. But when the president's wealth is in real estate, the right way isn't part of reality.

    • But why is this crap on Slashdot?

      I come to read tech stories. 3 more months of this shit?

      Way more than 3 months, sorry to say.

    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      Because people comment on it. Which is evidence to advertisers of "highly engaged eyeballs" or some such shit.

    • Then why are you in the YRO section instead of the Technology section of Slashdot? There are categories for a reason.
    • tech stories

      Then go to a tech site, not a nerd site. Nerds come in all flavours including political nerds, and medical nerds.

  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2020 @09:41PM (#60345773)
    the next stimulus bill won't pass without the $600/wk unemployment benefit. The astute out there will realize that's about $17.50/hr (adding in the state benefits you're likely to get).

    I wasn't expecting her to stand up to McConnell on that, but I'm glad to see she did. I'm employed, but that $600/wk is about half a trillion dollars in spending and if that went *poof* overnight I fully expected my company to lay me (and pretty much everybody) off.

    Seriously, it's not just about the 30 million who are going to be homeless and starving it's about the knock on effects of that spending going bye-bye. It'd make the Great Depression look like the .com boom.
    • by SirAstral ( 1349985 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2020 @09:50PM (#60345799)

      my problem is that all off this spending is going to enrich the wealthy more than it does for the citizens.

      I did not like the first bailout for this reason and I was proven right, yet again... that the bill would only enrich the rich more than the poor. This one will do the same thing as well.

      We are selling our children's future and everyone that got their stimulus checks and cheered about it are cheaply bought.

      • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

        by phantomfive ( 622387 )
        I'm ok with it, I've bought inflation hedged assets.

        It will be annoying that my salary is worth less, but every silver lining has a cloud.
        • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2020 @10:52PM (#60345919)
          Inflation is only a problem when you put more money into the economy than you have capacity to absorb it. Right now we're nothing but capacity. Our manufacturing and food production hasn't been effected in the slightest by the pandemic. There's been a hit to shipping but that just means you wait longer to get stuff. The stuff is still available. Meanwhile the people out of work are cooks, waiters, movie theater attendants & the guy who sings show tunes on cruise ships.

          Putting money in peoples hands to buy food and pay rent isn't going to cause runaway inflation because we've got plenty of food and shelter.
          • I'm happy to give money to people to pay rent, or even to have fun with.

            We can argue about how much capacity the economy has, and I don't know. I do know capacity has a limit, and if you pass that, then it turns into inflation. And right now we have a group of politicians who are determined to find out what that limit is by experiment. There is no one trying to hold back spending. The government is going to spend until it hurts, and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

            So I'm preparing.
            • by q_e_t ( 5104099 )
              Demand is very low. Without putting liquidity in then people and business will be unable to pay debts or bills and deflation would be a significant risk and that would be much worse than a bit of inflation. There is a danger of overshoot, but if you ended up with higher inflation than typical (3-5%) it wouldn't be the end of the world although definitely ideal. But deflation can become self-reinforcing so slight overshoot is probably an acceptable risk. Very high inflation (10+%) is definitely not desirable
          • by Solandri ( 704621 ) on Thursday July 30, 2020 @05:50AM (#60346549)

            Inflation is only a problem when you put more money into the economy than you have capacity to absorb it.

            No, inflation is the result when you put more money into the economy than the economic activity the economy is producing. Imagine if we doubled everyone's income and bank accounts tomorrow. What would happen? Prices would immediately double, because production hasn't changed. So all doubling the amount of money does is re-index the dollar at 1/2 its original value. i.e. You experience an instantaneous spike of 100% inflation.

            You can't get something for nothing. Productivity is conserved - everything that's consumed must first be produced. If you try to give away money without increasing economic activity (production) by the same amount, the money in the economy exceeds the amount of goods and services available to consume (i.e. people could buy everything that was produced, and there would still be money left over to spend). The economy compensates for this by adjusting the value of your currency (prices go up, aka inflation) to make those two equal again.

            That's the entire reason countries switched to fiat currencies. When they were on the gold standard, there was no guarantee that the amount of gold mined each year would match up with the amount of economic expansion that same year. Sometimes more gold was mined, resulting in inflation. Sometimes less gold was mined, resulting in deflation. Deflation is particularly bad because it makes it better for people to stuff their money under a mattress, rather than spend it (generating more economic activity), causing further decrease in economic activity, causing more deflation, etc. leading to recession. So countries dropped the gold standard and switched to fiat currencies, so they could inject roughly the same amount of money into the economy as the economy grew each year. Erring slightly on the inflation side to avoid dangerous deflation (thus eliminating deflation-induced recessions).

            Right now, we're pumping a ton of new money into the economy, while production has actually decreased. The net result of all this is going to be a lot of inflation in the near future.

        • by cusco ( 717999 )

          You aren't the only person on the planet. Does empathy have any place in your world-view? How about the reality that you live in a society, and if other members of that society are doing well your life will be more pleasant being around them. You should hope for their success even if only out of your own self-interest.

      • I will point out that giving everyone $1200 (or unemployed people $600) is the opposite of only enriching the wealthy. Don't be mad about that part. Be mad about the other parts of the bailout.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      that $600/wk is about half a trillion dollars in spending and if that went *poof* overnight I fully expected my company to lay me (and pretty much everybody) off.

      I am confused, why would that impact whether or not your company fires you?

    • that was not the first thing she came out against. the first thing she complained about and the first thing she said had to have was to make sure lawyers would get a cut of all of this by making they can sue people who followed federal and state recommendations but people still got infected in thier businesses.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • > the next stimulus bill won't pass without the $600/wk unemployment benefit. The astute out there will realize that's about $17.50/hr (adding in the state benefits you're likely to get). I wasn't expecting her to stand up to McConnell on that

      I wasn't expecting her to stand up to McDonald's on that.

    • Seriously, it's not just about the 30 million who are going to be homeless and starving it's about the knock on effects of that spending going bye-bye.

      Oh please, half a trillion goes poof in the USA constantly without mass unemployment. Complaining about it now is asinine, especially considering that number isn't final. When you spend on stimulus you don't set money on fire, you stimulate. That money is keeping people in housing, keeping people able to make purchases, thus having a knock on effect on business that may not lay *someone else* off, all the while contributing to maintaining GDP.

      Economics isn't the study of adding up the money governments spen

  • by t0qer ( 230538 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2020 @10:18PM (#60345847) Homepage Journal

    IIRC Her district is San Francisco. I live close by, but the entire area is a shithole. Last time I saw anything this bad was about 33 years ago when I went to Ensenada Mexico at 14 (and drank myself silly) Trash is EVERYWHERE now along the freeways. People dumping crap on the sidewalks, homeless everywhere. I used to only see these folk that looked like this at Grateful Dead shows, but that was all pretend and fake stench from petrooli oil (I don't know how to spell it, sorry)

    I think the house needs to temporarily do what the rest of the country is doing. Telework. Also, Pelosi needs to fix issues in her backyard. Between her and her nephew Gavin Newsome, California is in a dire state. I understand economically the rest of the country is hurting too, but we have a fairly transient population with the booms and busts. Right now is a bust, people are moving out, tax revenues are dropping. Time to fix things before there's nothing left to fix them with.

    • I live close by, but the entire area is a shithole.

      Yep. I was just there staying at a hotel next to AT&T Park. Looking down from my window all I saw was cardboard and trash on the sidewalks. My wife and daughter couldn't even make it from the parking garage next door without being accosted by a homeless man. California is being run by soft-heads who can't say 'no' to all these homeless people ruining every town they infest.

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • And homeless are all over, every state

          Kinda. Many red states just put them on a bus to California then act smug about how California has a homeless problem.

      • by swillden ( 191260 ) <> on Thursday July 30, 2020 @09:25AM (#60346933) Journal

        California is being run by soft-heads who can't say 'no' to all these homeless people ruining every town they infest.

        They should be softer and follow hard-headed, thoroughly-Republican Utah's lead. Though it's not perfect (nothing is), Utah has found that for a few tens of millions of dollars per year, less than the cost of the crime and damage homeless populations can do, they can build apartment complexes for homeless people, with on-site support staff to give them counseling and mental health treatment. Only long-term homeless (3+ years on the street) can use the services, and it's not rent-free, but rent is capped at 30% of the resident's income. Of course, 30% of zero is zero, and that's fine, but the vast majority of residents get back on their feet, start earning an income and move to a regular apartment within 18 months. About 10% have serious mental illnesses that make it effectively impossible for them ever to be self-sufficient, and become permanent residents, so the state has to continue expanding the support. But it's still cheaper than the alternative, and it means the cities are clean and relatively free of panhandlers.

    • Federal government representatives have little to do with local land use ordinances or policing of vagrancy laws or litter pickup.

  • by kenh ( 9056 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2020 @10:44PM (#60345901) Homepage Journal

    After attacking Trump for months for not acting quicker, Nancy Pelosi is finally requiring masks in public settings (the house floor).

    I can't wait for her to mandate testing -the only reason Rep. Gohmert knw he had Covid-19 was because he got tested before boarding Air Force 1. He had no symptoms.

    How many other Congress critters are running around with the virus? When will Nancy mandate testing?

  • by magzteel ( 5013587 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2020 @10:58PM (#60345933)
    A mask isn't enough. I'd like to them all wearing paper bags with eye hole cutouts.
  • I'll see your studies and raise you basic epidemiology (or information transmission in a network), which says nothing short of a vaccine changes the total numbers. Masks, social distancing, stay at home orders ... all these things do is slow the spread down some. Most people aren't even wearing masks properly, and there are even people still trying to wear gloves. The vast majority of people will hardly notice an infection, and even older people are generally safe. Except for some outliers, which is exi
  • I know just the kind of mask that most of Congress and the POTUS should wear: a brown paper bag with eye-holes.

  • I'm not from the U.S. so I wonder. I thought conservatives generally love to control everyone's lives, why not this time?

    • Most issues are bipartisan. The rich and powerful have set up the system they want. They want to preserve it.

      In order to do this, they find a bunch of issues the rich and powerful don't care about (like guns and abortion), then they divvy up the issues among their supporters, then they pretend those issues divide the parties.

      The result is they can present an image of a two-party system, when in fact it's largely a single-party system. There are a few outliers and extremists, but the vast meaty body of Ameri

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
