Russian Cyberattackers Stole Iranian Tools, Then Attacked 35 Countries (stripes.com) 20
An anonymous reader quotes Bloomberg News:
A Russia-linked group is believed to have utilized Iranian tools to conduct cyber attacks against dozens of countries, in an apparent effort to mask their identities, according to joint advisories by the U.S. and the U.K.
The group, known as Turla, used tools from suspected Iran-based hacking groups and deployed them against old and new targets. In order to acquire the tools, Turla "comprised the suspected Iran-based hacking groups themselves," according to the U.S. National Security Agency and the U.K.'s National Cyber Security Centre, which released the advisories on Monday. The original owners of the tools "were almost certainly not aware of, or complicit with, Turla's use of their implants," the agencies said. The attacks, against more than 35 countries, would appear to the victims as coming from Iran.
The group, known as Turla, used tools from suspected Iran-based hacking groups and deployed them against old and new targets. In order to acquire the tools, Turla "comprised the suspected Iran-based hacking groups themselves," according to the U.S. National Security Agency and the U.K.'s National Cyber Security Centre, which released the advisories on Monday. The original owners of the tools "were almost certainly not aware of, or complicit with, Turla's use of their implants," the agencies said. The attacks, against more than 35 countries, would appear to the victims as coming from Iran.
Woops (Score:2)
So uh, does this mean we should un-drone-strike their shit now?
Re: Not to mention how Russia cheated in the Olymp (Score:1, Troll)
you didn't read the Mueller report (Score:1)
or are just a regular liar.
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"Everyone read it." that's doubtful.
So now you're saying no one charged Trump with it. Well, that's not over buddy. But regardless... you SAID it came up "empty", when in fact we found out that Trump was indeed lying about his deals and contact with the Russians. Is that illegal? Is fraud illegal... depends. But the report is not empty, it's full of evidence about conflict of interest and obstruction of justice, which was performed to hide other crimes that continue to be revealed in other investigatio
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Yes, I've read the constitution, too, despite going to public school. You make claims but don't back them up.
You read the constitution but want me to back up that it's illegal to pay yourself money from the federal government or accept payments of any kind from foreign governments? These are called the "emoluments" clauses.
We can sit here forever with you saying the Mueller report says stuff but the fact is Trump hasn't been charged with anything from it and the faux impeachment isn't based on it.
With me saying it... no, the report says it. Trump was working on a Trump Tower Deal, and had been doing so for quite a while when he said on stage "Russia, if you're listening...
We had the Mueller report months ago and silence followed. By saying "o hey buddy it's cominnngggg!!!" you don't sound any different than the Mueller report troll.
I could not give less of a shit how you think it sounds when you say I said something I didn't say. What do you th
Re: you didn't read the Mueller report (Score:1)
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Pelosi and her party have done good things since getting back into power in 2018? Such as?
What? No, that party, in history. Since 2018 they've just passed over 100 laws that McConnel refused to debate at all in the Senate.
Wow.... they've done pretty much nothing but try to fuck over Trump.
wow you came up with a good thing yourself! nice!
These are the same people who used to call Reagan a war monger for standing up to the Soviets who now call the same ex-Soviets evil enemies.
actually this is mostly a new bunch since then.
Now we just call it "the Republicans are evil".
Not evil, just criminal traitors that like concentration camps is all. Evil's not a real thing.
*boggle*. Btw, have you ever voted for anyone without a D next to their name?
Whaaat? Which Democrat did you vote for then? Hypocrite much? But yeah I have. And though I didn't get to vote for them (not my state) I've supported Republicans.
If you didn't mean that somehow some day we will see some impeachment charges that come directly from the empty Mueller report
oh is still "empty
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This is exactly why we need backdoors (Score:3)
So everyone else can steal the keys and ransom the entire US economy into the ground.
Remember kids! Make sure to support your Freedom Port!
Any detectable content? (Score:5, Insightful)
Has anyone been able to detect any meaninfgul content in TFA? As far as I can make out, it is published by Bloomberg (strike #1), based solely on anonymous statements by US and UK "intelligence" agencies (strike #2), and alleges nothing except that some "Russian" group used "Iranian" "tools" to do some vague harm to something or other in over 35 unnamed countries.
The article reads as if it had been composed against a very short time limit (a minute or less) by someone poorly educated from Russia, Iran or some other country where English is not widely spoken. (Admittedly, that leaves open the option of the USA).
"Turla, which is also known as Waterbug or Venomous Bear, collects information by targeting government, military, technology, energy and commercial operations for the purposes of intelligence collection, the agencies said.".
What viciously sophisticated hacking technique! These foul evildoers go so far as to "collect information by targeting... operations for the purposes of intelligence collection". If it were not so serious a matter, I would be tempted to laugh uproariously for the purposes of laughing uproariously.
Or maybe the article was one of those written by a leading-edge AI?
To put the cherry on top, the nameless experts who gave Bloomberg this priceless exclusive believe that a sufficient defence is to "update vulnerable systems" - apparently an exceptional emergency measure that no one would ever undertake in normal circumstances. I do hope they remember to reboot afterwards.
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Well I'd like to know why the NSA decided to leak this information to the press and how they can be sure that this time they have the correct source. Maybe it is someone else posing as a Russian hacker group posing as an Iranian hacking group. Are they assuming only 1 layer of indirection? If we don't know how they know we cannot know how credible the information is.
GitHub (Score:2)
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What will be interesting is when the various intelligence agencies start targeting the others sides tax cheats et al or even their side and strive to empty those off shore tax haven accounts by hacking the computers of the tax cheats et all, first time they connect, well, it will be the last time, as that account will then be emptied and closed. You can image the spy vs spy professionally paranoid types, doing this stuff after hours as well as during work hours.
So are the proceeds of crime in off shore tax
Hey, a new headline meme (Score:2)
Instead of "Them evil Russkis" and Them evil Towelheads" it's now "them evil Russkies stealing tools from them evil Towelheads".
Or, in other words, we ran out of excuses to bomb something, so let's make up an even more convoluted mess to confuse everyone enough that we can bomb whatever.
How about, for a change, trying to aid our companies to get their shit in order and make their stuff secure instead of demanding backdoors that make it less secure?