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Google Privacy Security

Alphabet Launches VirusTotal Enterprise ( 36

Google launched today a new set of services for enterprise customers of VirusTotal, a website that lets users test suspicious files and URLs against an aggregate of multiple antivirus scanning engines at the same time. From a report: This collection of new tools is part of the new VirusTotal Enterprise service, which Google described as "the most significant upgrade in VirusTotal's 14-year history." As the name implies, this new service is specifically aimed at enterprise customers and is an expansion of VirusTotal's current Premium Services. Google says VirusTotal Enterprise consists of existing VirusTotal capabilities, but also new functionality, such as improved threat detection and a faster search system that uses a brand new interface that unifies capabilities in VirusTotal's free and paid sites. "VirusTotal Enterprise allows users to search for malware samples (using VT Intelligence), hunt for future malware samples (using VT Hunt with YARA), analyze malware relationships (using VT Graph), and automate all these tasks with our API," Google said.
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Alphabet Launches VirusTotal Enterprise

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Yeah, no, thanks.

  • Today I learned... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 27, 2018 @06:19PM (#57387528)

    that virustotal is run by Google. Didn't know that.

    • Same here. Came to post the exact same thing. Most disquieting; when did THAT happen?

      • by Anonymous Coward


        • Which generated the following virustotal blog comment that sums up its userbases' reaction to the news:

          Anonymous 9 September 2012 at 04:29

  • by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) on Thursday September 27, 2018 @06:59PM (#57387692)

    Google, a company knows for its unquenchable thirst for your personal data, proposes a virus scanning service that only requires you to let them read the entirety of your files.

    I don't know... If Ricky Martin opened an online shoe business only requiring you to send photos of your feet to determine your shoe size, would you send him?

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      If Ricky Martin opened an online shoe business only requiring you to send photos of your feet to determine your shoe size, would you send him?


    • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

      I mean really, the whole idea of sending you files, all of them to Google to scan, really off putting. Almost as bad as Windows anal probe 10 scanning your hard disk drive and reporting it's contents back to M$ and their being able to delete files whole sale. Which is worse, kind of like, as bad as each other, M$ is now slightly better than Google, only because Google thinks it is a OK to fuck with elections across the planet to favour the candidates that favour it, allow mass privacy invasions et al. M$ is

    • How many counts of copyright violations will Google be a party to while running this service? Seems to me that a nearly 100% violation rate is possible.
    • most normal people only send the hash - others, those who can't read, like you apparently, send the whole file...
    • Why would you send your files to Google? I presume you know your own files are safe. I would only use it to scan a file that I just downloaded.
  • I see Google has also learned from the Nghia Hoang Pho situation what the value of casually running a malware collection service is :p

  • ...the terms of service state that you relinquish any and all exclusive rights on whatever documents you upload, and that Alphabet can use them for any conceivable purpose whatsoever. Am I right? What do I win?
  • Google already is a total virus.

Them as has, gets.
