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Censorship China The Internet

China Blocks HBO After John Oliver's Last Week Tonight Mockery of Xi Jinping (scmp.com) 163

News agency AFP reports: After mocking censors working overtime to delete comparisons of Chinese President Xi Jinping with the cartoon bear, comedian John Oliver and now the website of TV giant HBO have fallen victim to Beijing's censorship machine. Chinese authorities blocked HBO's site in China, just days after Oliver took Xi to task, anti-censorship and monitoring group GreatFire.org said on Saturday. The website was still not accessible on Monday. HBO joins a long list of Western media outlets that have had their websites blocked in China including The New York Times, Facebook and Twitter.
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China Blocks HBO After John Oliver's Last Week Tonight Mockery of Xi Jinping

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 25, 2018 @04:38PM (#56844290)

    Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood,
    Where Christopher Robin plays.
    You'll find the enchanted neighborhood,
    of Christopher's childhood days.
    A donkey named Eeyore is his friend.
    And Kanga and Little Roo.
    There's Rabbit and Piglet.
    And there's Owl.
    But most of all Winnie the Pooh!

    Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh,
    Chubby, little cubby all stuffed with fluff.
    He's Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh,
    Willy, nilly, silly old bear.

  • by JMJimmy ( 2036122 ) on Monday June 25, 2018 @04:40PM (#56844302)

    ...so we all turn to VPNs & piracy for the simple ability to access content

    • by Anonymous Coward

      John Oliver isn't about to learn French nor wear a toque to comply with your laws, and your money gets stuck in our vending machines, so take off hoser

    • The difference is that I wouldn't worry about mysteriously disappearing in Canada for using a VPN. In China you might find yourself "working" in a North Korea mine. To be fair, I have no evidence that China or North Korea would do this. I just have my suspensions.

      • The difference is that I wouldn't worry about mysteriously disappearing in Canada for using a VPN. In China you might find yourself "working" in a North Korea mine. To be fair, I have no evidence that China or North Korea would do this. I just have my suspensions.

        Yes, and John Oliver can mock Justin Trudeau as much as he wants and it'll be perfectly allowed. Our PM won't even have the audacity to call it fake news. He'd just take it like a Canadian and probably laugh. To be honest, most Canadians will probably laugh as well - we recognize attempts at humor, as long as it is in good taste (i.e., nothing about minorities, race, religion, sexual orientation or the like).

        (Yes, Trump's definition of "fake news" is basically "anything that does not show Donald in a positive light". If you're not ass-kissing, you're fake news. I think it's probably easier to say those outlets that Trump doesn't call Fake News are, and those he calls fake news aren't.)

        Maybe I'm not getting something... We get HBO in Canada... WITH John Oliver's show. http://www.hbocanada.com/last-... [hbocanada.com]

        John Oliver's segments are often reposted officially on YouTube. Sometimes those videos are geolocked to not include Canada. Most of them aren't so you can watch them freely.

        • we recognize attempts at humor, as long as it is in good taste (i.e., nothing about minorities, race, religion, sexual orientation or the like).

          I'm trying to figure out... are you saying that "bad taste" jokes are illegal in Canada, or not likely to be met with laughter?

        • (i.e., nothing about minorities, race, religion, sexual orientation or the like).

          What?!? That's insane because that is normally the best comedy, you know the real life shit.
          I don't want fake made up comedy, I want the real shit. But that's just my opinion I guess.. I can't be alone or I wouldn't be able to find any to watch.
          To each their own, what kind of comedy do you enjoy if you exclude those topics? Seems like you would only like 10% of 90% of comics routines

      • Err no. People don't get disappeared for using a VPN. Pretty much every Chinese resident and every tourist to boot actually use one. Hell I asked in the office one day how to get access to a website to one person and I got a chorus of 5 different VPN services shouted at me in response. Hell when I bought a SIM card while I was there for a few months the person even told me I will need a VPN to access some of the western stuff I'm used to "like Google Maps", and recommended one too.

        In China you get disappear

        • Thanks for the clarification. Now I know how Trump would feel if he had any sense of humility. I apologize for spreading false information.

        • In China you get disappeared for actively attacking political figures, or aligning yourself with the wrong group. But the VPN itself has nothing to do with it

          It's nice to know that they're not a bunch of totalitarian bastards like they're portrayed in the decadent lackey-dog western press.

          You aren't AmiMoJo, are you?

          • You aren't AmiMoJo, are you?

            I have been insulted on Slashdot before, but this one really takes the cake. Excuse me while I go contemplate the rest of my life.

    • by vell0cet ( 1055494 ) on Monday June 25, 2018 @05:36PM (#56844680)
      Maybe I'm not getting something... We get HBO in Canada... WITH John Oliver's show. http://www.hbocanada.com/last-week-tonight-with-john-oliver
    • Sorry, but that's because John Oooooliver on HBoooo sounds silly. Sorry.

    • by Rhipf ( 525263 )

      Not sure what you are talking about. I have no problem seeing John Oliver on HBO each week it is on. Now they may not have it on HBO Canada website but I never go there so don't really care.

      Just checked and looks like you can access past episodes via TMN Go (as long as you subscribe to HBO).

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 25, 2018 @04:43PM (#56844324)

    Thin skinned snowflakes threatened by comedy.

    • by Okian Warrior ( 537106 ) on Monday June 25, 2018 @06:30PM (#56844954) Homepage Journal

      Thin skinned snowflakes threatened by comedy.

      I used to watch John Oliver, back when it was funny.

      Raw, un-insightful insults are not funny, and half the country will turn it off to watch something else.

      For comparison, check out Dave Chapelle's monologue and hosting of SNL right after the 2016 election. His jokes were witty, showing a wry take on the situation, with a sense of humor.

      For a non-contrast, check out any of Bill Maher's monologues - they're invariably pointed, mean, and with no insight or content. He's selling shock and promoting outrage instead of humor(*).

      I thought Oliver's original take - getting the audience involved with his antics - was brilliant, and his research brought real issues into focus ...until he ran a segment about a subject I actually knew something about (vitamin D), which was completely in error, and I suddenly realized that I was taking his results as gospel without skepticism. Fell into the trap and didn't know it.

      Anyway, I don't like contempt dressed up as comedy. Lena Dunham, Cathy Griffin, Bill Maher, Steven Colbert, and all the rest.

      It's not creative, and it's not funny.

      (*) Which is sad, because he's the only liberal celebrity I've seen who can rub two thoughts together to come up with a rational argument. He's very bright, but doesn't use his talent in any effective way.

      • It's not creative, and it's not funny.

        You know who's an expert at knowing what's funny? Comedians.

        • You have apparently never watched a comedian that wasn't famous.

          • How about Comedians in general. Or Comedians as a whole. You get the idea.

            Like "doctors think eating tide pods is a bad idea" still allows for the possibility of a bad one who doesn't.
            • You cant compare doctors and comedians. One is highly invested in their career, the other could go back to flipping burgers any day.

              • So Jerry Seinfeld can go back to flipping burgers? Or a professional with a multi-million dollar HBO contract? I think maybe you need to sit in the corner for a while before posting here.
                • Jesus fuck, do I have to break it down into smaller words for you? I can understand why you enjoy his comedy now...

                  You have apparently never watched a comedian that wasn't famous.

                  As you see I was referring to bad comics... not FAMOUS comics, or did you not realize that there are comics that aren't rich and famous? I also love how you picked a comedian that had his own TV show named after him.

      • I used to watch John Oliver, back when it was funny

        It's uproariously funny now with ratings going vertical, while being highly and accurately critical of Trump and his thugs, and evildoers of all kinds. What's not to like.

        • His show was excellent when it was non-partisan. And even during the election, I liked his criticism of Trump, because it seemed well researched, accurate and on-point. However I hated his thinly veiled support for Hillary. Even his attempt at balancing it out felt weak, because you could still tell he took a side. He pissed on the third party candidates as well, despite them having no chance, in an effort to redirect support towards Hillary. It was then that I decided he can't be trusted anymore.

          • I agree. His investigative pieces that don't rely on politics tend to be excellent. But those must not have gotten the ratings... Now it's political hit-piece after political rant... I even sent that rat faced bastard Pi dollars for his seed campaign. Whatever happened to shit like that? Nah, easier to dump on Trump.

          • It was then that I decided he can't be trusted anymore.

            You need to look in the mirror.

        • by pots ( 5047349 )

          What's not to like.

          Well, obviously, the fact that he's critical of Trump. A large portion of humor is critical of something, whether it's a person or a practice or a shared experience. "What's the deal with airline food?" "Lawyers are all scumbags, amiright?"

          Recognizing those shared experiences and commenting on them can be funny, but only to those people who agree with you. At least agree to some extent - they need to find some grain of truth in what you're saying. For mundane things, this may be possible for almost every

      • Bill Maher's ratings are way up too, like John Oliver's. You seem to forget that the majority of the country enjoys laughing at Trump and his thugs, though obviously they do not enjoy the evil that he does. As the bitter outsider, maybe you should try to understand.

    • Recently John Oliver ran a piece on Venezuelan elections which was quite well debunked [youtube.com] for being the US interest piece it was. Oliver has done comparable pieces serving American interests (some outright, some by silence) including his 2016 election coverage which never closely examined Hillary Clinton's campaign (there's not much there to like from an anti-war perspective when one gets into the details of her record) while dismissing the entirety of Dr. Jill Stein's campaign for one issue he disagreed with.

      • I hereby condone your mention of Herman and Chomsky but what the heck is the Barbra Streisand effect?

        • by Anonymous Coward

          > what the heck is the Barbra Streisand effect?

          It's when people don't do a very easy fast web search to answer a simple question. Wait, that's something else.

      • If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a dictatorship. Chavez holding up a Chomsky book doesn't make it anything else.

        He jailed opposition. He shut down opposition news papers. He got the power to rule by decree (the dictate part of dictstorship).

    • by antdude ( 79039 )

      What about Kim Jong-un? Shouldn't he be there too? :P

  • Smiles (Score:5, Funny)

    by apoc.famine ( 621563 ) <apoc.famine@gmail . c om> on Monday June 25, 2018 @04:44PM (#56844340) Journal

    China just needs to grin and bear it.

    • China just needs to grin and panda it.


      • Not only did you mechanically fail on the quote, you entirely missed the story behind this ban. Now go watch the episode on youtube and get unwhooshed.

        • Velociraptor = Distiraptor / Timeraptor

          Math fail, the raptors cancel out. In fact since you're referring to equations of mechanics, you mechanically failed. *puts on sunglasses*

  • Missed out (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    You too can be a world leader if you stop maturing in grade school....


If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
