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'Red Alert' Protest For Net Neutrality Starts May 9 ( 60

Net neutrality activists and websites like Etsy, Tumblr, Postmates, Foursquare and Twilio will post "red alerts" starting May 9 to protest the FCC's effort to roll back Obama-era net neutrality protections. From a report: This latest protest, announced Monday, is set to coincide with the next step in an ongoing process in the Senate to use the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to halt the Federal Communications Commission's repeal of the 2015 net neutrality rules. On May 9, senators will present a petition to force a vote on a resolution to undo the FCC's net neutrality rollback. The CRA gives Congress 60 legislative days in which to roll back the FCC's decision. The countdown for the rollback effort began in February when the FCC published its order in the Federal Register to repeal the rules. Further reading: 100 US Mayors Sign Pledge To Defend Net Neutrality Against Crooked ISPs.
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'Red Alert' Protest For Net Neutrality Starts May 9

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  • Wake me when there's an actual problem, instead of people postering because they fear their own shadows.

    • by bondsbw ( 888959 ) on Monday April 30, 2018 @01:38PM (#56531453)

      Sure, let's make it easier for ISPs to claim that it's too ingrained in their systems and business model to change.

      You might not worry about the train coming towards us, but don't force me to stand on the tracks with you.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Must you Trump idiots infest literally EVERY forum on the Internet???

    • by Anonymous Coward

      There is an actual problem. Comcast is slowing down connections. We have about forty employees with home connections that we pay for, and run monitoring when they connect to our VPN. Latency has almost tripled and packetloss increased by near tenfold in the past month.

      • Reddit has a subreddit for this: []

      • There is an actual problem. Comcast is slowing down connections. We have about forty employees with home connections that we pay for, and run monitoring when they connect to our VPN. Latency has almost tripled and packetloss increased by near tenfold in the past month.

        Are there any published stories about this? I am pretty dubious because I ALSO work at home, mostly on a VPN, and use Comcast. I have not noticed any of what you are claiming here.

        As others have said it's way more likely to be Comcast infrast

      • for our remote work. They include terms of service that guarantee rates. Look into paying for it while you're complaining about your connectivity problems.

    • A big noisy protest is needed, otherwise people might not notice anything has changed with the Internet.

    • Much sound and fury, signifying nothing.

      I guess if you're a politician who doesn't have any real solutions to any real problems, your best bet is to make up fake problems and then create a big PR campaign to let everyone know how you're fighting for them by talking a lot about the fake problem you made up. It does help if you have willing accomplices in the media and large website companies.

    • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
      Protesting for federal rules to protect their paper insulated wireline monopoly.
      How about putting that effort into community broadband and not protected federal monopoly telcos?
  • by Faw ( 33935 ) on Monday April 30, 2018 @01:41PM (#56531475)

    ... I got excited for a moment because a new Command and Conquer was coming out.

  • Given that the House, Senate and White House are held by the GOP, this is an exercise in futility.
    The right is obsessed with "anything that Obama/Clinton touched must be evil and forever killed/dismantled" that it's not possible in the current administration. Plus given the hundreds of millions of lobbyist dollars dolled out in behalf of the communications cabal, there's no chance.
    Put effort into things that actually can make changes.. campaign finance reform.
    • by sconeu ( 64226 )

      I was about to say something like this.

      Don't people know that the CRA is only for stuff passed under Obama?

  • Wow, Etsy and Foursquare? What a throwback to the early 2010s. I didn't know those sites were still around. Hopefully AOL and Yahoo will join the fight!
  • Back after the SOPA protests there was a discussion of an internet defence league []. This sounds like a time such as signal would be activated, so where is it?
  • Whether you're for or against how the Net Neutrality rules by the FCC were implemented, what is the point of backing this "role back". Let's be practical, it isn't going to pass. The only moment of victory might be passing the senate. It will never pass the house, and will get a veto from the president.

    Is this just being hurt cause one administration passed some rules and now the next one is clearing them out? Are these rules just being cleared out to spite the last administration.

    Yes, there is big mone

  • by fedos ( 150319 )
    Why are so many of the comments here opposed to Net Neutrality?

You can write a small letter to Grandma in the filename. -- Forbes Burkowski, CS, University of Washington
