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Florida Lawmakers Approve Year-Round Daylight Saving Time ( 393

JustAnotherOldGuy writes: It seems like we're seeing a sudden outbreak of common sense from one of the most unlikely places. Florida might become the third state -- after Hawaii and Arizona -- to be done with the hassle of changing their clocks twice a year. Yesterday, the Senate overwhelmingly passed the Sunshine Protection Act in under one minute, with only two dissenters. The House had already passed it 103-11 last month. Now it has to be signed by Gov. Rick Scott. If Scott passes it, however, it still has to go through Congress before Florida has Daylight Savings Time all year long.
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Florida Lawmakers Approve Year-Round Daylight Saving Time

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  • by Chuq ( 8564 ) on Thursday March 08, 2018 @09:58PM (#56231249) Journal

    Don't they mean "Atlantic Standard Time" ?

  • PLEASE (Score:5, Insightful)

    by markdavis ( 642305 ) on Thursday March 08, 2018 @10:06PM (#56231281)

    PLEASE bring this to my State (and all States). I am so over changing time twice a year for absolutely no real reason my whole life. And picking to stay on Daylight Saving Time year-round ("permanent daylight saving time" is the best possible choice. I am very jealous. And yet, this could be the start of something great...

    -Changing time-
    Saves energy: FALSE
    Helps farmers: FALSE
    Gives extra sleep: FALSE
    Reduces accidents: FALSE
    Causes lots of lost productivity: TRUE
    Causes a nightmare for people with sleep disorders: TRUE
    Causes minor health problems even for normal people: TRUE
    Generates a lot of hassle and confusion: TRUE
    Hurts the economy: TRUE

    • Re:PLEASE (Score:4, Insightful)

      by sgage ( 109086 ) on Thursday March 08, 2018 @10:14PM (#56231321)

      I'm for staying with Standard Time year round. The sun should be at its highest at noon, not 1:00. 12:00 noon should be sun on the meridian, more or less - it depends on how far east or west you are from the center of your timezone.

      • Re:PLEASE (Score:4, Insightful)

        by markdavis ( 642305 ) on Friday March 09, 2018 @12:04AM (#56231703)

        >"I'm for staying with Standard Time year round. The sun should be at its highest at noon, not 1:00. 12:00 noon should be sun on the meridian, more or less - it depends on how far east or west you are from the center of your timezone."

        Like you said, if you are on the edge of a timezone, it wouldn't be noon at high sun, anyway. We already engage in DST for most of the year anyway, and nothing falls apart that noon isn't at the highest point in the sky for the sun. I would go for anything that doesn't change time, ever. But I still would prefer "summer time" year-round.

      • Re:PLEASE (Score:4, Funny)

        by null etc. ( 524767 ) on Friday March 09, 2018 @12:36AM (#56231861)

        The sun should be at its highest at noon, not 1:00.

        I wholeheartedly agree. The sun needs to be directly above me as I eat my lunch, otherwise the strong gravitational forces from the sun will suck my sandwich back up my throat and make me vomit all over my keyboard.

        Someone once suggested that I eat lunch at 1pm instead of noon, but the asymmetrical offset would interfere with my polyphasic sleep schedule.

      • I'm for staying with Standard Time year round. The sun should be at its highest at noon, not 1:00. 12:00 noon should be sun on the meridian, more or less - it depends on how far east or west you are from the center of your timezone.

        So, better to have it astronomically correct than to be more convenient for most people? That's dumb. Especially since as you move across the time zone, noon isn't going to be when the sun is directly overhead anyway. (Half an hour either side of center in theory. Not exactly in practice.)

        Spring ahead, then stay there permanently.

      • Sticking to one time all year is great, but is this noon = peak sun comment a joke? You do realize this view is at least a century out of date. This is not how time zones work, this is how the (antiquated, broken) system we had before time zones worked.

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      • Re:PLEASE (Score:4, Insightful)

        by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Friday March 09, 2018 @04:42AM (#56232315)

        The sun should be at its highest at noon

        Why? Time is nothing more than a system used to synchronise activities between groups of people. There's no reason why noon needs to be set to the highest point of the sun.

      • by jdavidb ( 449077 )

        Me, too. It is absolutely ridiculous that solar noon in my area is after 1:30 P.M.

        That said, staying on Daylight time would still be an improvement over what we have today.

    • Re: (Score:2, Offtopic)

      by zieroh ( 307208 )

      Gives whiny people something more to whine about: TRUE

      Honestly, I find the whining about Daylight Savings Time much worse than Daylight Savings Time itself.

    • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

      Here you go []. Just keep in mind other people are not as selfish as you and families spending more daylight hours together is a good thing and if you want more []. By your logic, I want the entire worlds clock adjust to when it is noon over my house, screw everyone else. As you go from west to east, so noon differs by the metre.

    • If there is one U.S. State in the "Contiguous 48" which really does not need Summer/Winter time changes it is Florida, at that distance from the Equator there is not a lot of fluctuation anyway.
      Have a look at Spain though, Franco was an admirer of Hitler and "moved" Spain to the same timezone as the Nazi Reich - it has remained there ever since. In winter they are one hour away from where they should be, in summer it is two hours. Spaniards have compensated by doing everything an hour or so later than any

  • not DST? If you're not setting your clocks back/forward it's not really DST is it?
  • Did they just pass a law saying agreeing to send the entire state of Florida into the future by one hour? I don't think the technology exists to do that. Just kidding. But seriously, how about make the time be what time it actually is?
    • >"Did they just pass a law saying agreeing to send the entire state of Florida into the future by one hour? But seriously, how about make the time be what time it actually is?"

      And what exactly would that be? MOST of the year, we are in DST, and that *is* the time, if everyone agrees it is. So just do DST the rest of the year too and be done with it!

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 08, 2018 @10:26PM (#56231377)

    Florida will probably get shot down.

    Too soon?

    • Nah. A Scwewwy Wabbit will just take a hand saw and cut the state loose from the rest of the continent. :D

    • by schwit1 ( 797399 )

      What if all the FLA residents and FLA governments(state and local) agreed to use DST or AST year round. Seems like a 1st amendment issue.

      • Time zones also effect interstate commerce, which is then the jurisdiction of the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. From what I distantly recollect from history classes, many Supreme Court cases revolved around it. I don't imagine the courts would give much credence to the idea that time zones are a 1st amendment issue.
  • by sandbagger ( 654585 ) on Thursday March 08, 2018 @10:39PM (#56231445)

    The less your opinion about Daylight Savings matters.

    • by clovis ( 4684 ) on Friday March 09, 2018 @12:08AM (#56231719)

      The less your opinion about Daylight Savings matters.

      That's true, and also the closer you are to the "land of the midnight sun" the less you care about DST.

      Furthermore, people on the eastern side of a time zone have a different feeling about DST than those on the western side, because on the western side the sun rises and sets an hour later than for those on the eastern side so they have a built-in DST advantage, or punishment, depending on how long before sunrise you have to get up to get the kids to school.

    • The closer you are to the equator

      The less your opinion about Daylight Savings matters.

      Your opinion matters less if you are closer to equator? Now that's just mean to the equators. I demand equal opportunity for equators!


    • I'm almost exactly at 45N. It matters quite a bit to me. Switch to DST in the Spring and stay there.
  • Hopefully the Domino Theory will come into effect and neighboring states will follow suit and force congress to allow states to choose to stay on DST forever. It probably would have been easier to just stay on Standard Time... maybe that was their plan. Make it look like they're changing things while doing it the hard way so that it just stays the same. Not that I'm jaded or anything.

  • Shouldn't Florida consider staying on standard time year round? (Panhandle excepted) With year round DST in Jacksonville (most populous) and Miami (highest GDP for metro), the sun won't come up until 8:15, or 8:25 in the early days of January. This seems like a major drawback to the morning commute. Florida is naturally blessed with longer days than most states due to its southern geography. It probably can "afford" to not have to start its days in darkness (like the northern states do). Further, if Florida
  • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Friday March 09, 2018 @12:22AM (#56231803) Journal

    They should just do away with time zones and make everyplace the same time. I don't like the fact that where I live Monday Night Football comes on at 5pm and Saturday Night Live starts at like 8:30. When I go online a 10pm to fuck around with my friends back in the Midwest or East Coast, they're all like, "Oh, we're sleeping because it's one in the morning." Fuck that.

    Starting Sunday at 2am, the entire world has to go on Pacific Standard Time. No, make that, Pacific Daylight Time.

    And put Saturday morning cartoons back on the networks. I mean, what the fuck is wrong with whoever decided to take cartoons off Saturday morning? Motherfucker, do I come over there and mess with your life?

    Now excuse me, I gotta go get a refill and go pee. Save my spot.

  • They had to cacel the DST, but not make it permanent. Now it will be total confusion. Some countries cancel it, some make it permanent.
  • If people would just switch to UNIX time we wouldn't have this problem.
    • by djinn6 ( 1868030 )
      UNIX time still has leap seconds. I think we should all switch to TAI and fully detach our clocks from the planet's orbit and rotation.
  • I live in FL and normally love DST. I've been told I'm an OG programmer, and I'm up late and sleep in. I don't care about the morning, and like it when it stays light later.

    However, I don't see how FL being on AST all year will work? TV networks aren't going to devote a satellite/fiber feed just for Florida, and although it seems like stations *should* be able to timeshift easily, there's not often a process for this ("we now join our regularly scheduled programming, already in progress").

    So, primetime

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  • Another reason never to go to Florida now. Living on the east coast and heading south, we shouldn't have to change our timezone half of the year. I'm all for states rights in many cases, but this isn't one of them. Do it as a nation, or don't do it, but don't do it piecemeal, state by state.

If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
