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Net Neutrality Comment Fraud Will Be Investigated By Government ( 79

Last month, a number of US Representatives sent a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) asking it to investigate fraudulent comments submitted to the FCC's proposal to repeal net neutrality. Multiple groups found evidence that millions of the comments submitted during the FCC's public comment period were linked to fake email addresses, were fraudulently posted under others' names and addresses and were even attributed to people known to be dead. ArsTechnica reported on Wednesday that the GAO has agreed to investigate the issue. From the report: The GAO will do just that, having told Democrats in a letter that it will "review the extent and pervasiveness of fraud and the misuse of American identities during federal rulemaking processes." The investigation was requested by nine Democrats led by Reps. Gregory Meeks (D-NY), Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), and Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ). GAO investigations do not happen quickly. "At the current time we anticipate that staff with the required skills will be available to initiate an engagement in about five months," the office said.
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Net Neutrality Comment Fraud Will Be Investigated By Government

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  • >> linked to fake...addresses, were...under others' names and addresses and were even attributed to people known to be dead

    Wow, sounds horrible - almost as bad as typical vote fraud!
  • by sinij ( 911942 ) on Wednesday January 24, 2018 @02:38PM (#55994807)
    I never knew my grandpa was against net neutrality, I will now stop visiting his grave.
  • by GregMmm ( 5115215 ) on Wednesday January 24, 2018 @02:39PM (#55994815)
    Wow talk about calling the kettle black. The US government wants to look at the FCC for fraudulent claims. Doesn't matter which side of the fence you stand on, you have to admit it's funny.
  • The FCC commissioners actually reviewed these comments... Or what's the issue? It's not like they counted "yes" and 'no" votes from the comments.

    I can tell you that the FCC commissioners are not prone to paying any attention to public comments. They MAY use them to justify their perspective, in the case they actually do, but no commissioner will care if they don't. Nobody is out counting comments to determine what way to vote. They have pollsters and their political appointers to determine how they vote

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Close, but you still fell for the lie.

      The FCC commissioner is required to respond to each unique issue raised in the comments. However many fake comments is absolutely irrelevant, because they are identical and therefore only get one response.

      My bet is this is a false flag operation by some snarky slashtard, ignorantly designed with the intent of trying to break the process, and failing catastrophically.

      • Yea, I response of "We got your comment, thanks for your input. " from an automated bot...

        Comments don't need to be addressed. The issues raised MIGHT be addressed, but this too is not required.

        I seem to recall when BPL was being discussed, you know, where they where talking about letting broad spectrum RF be carried over power lines to get internet to remote places, the Ham radio community had all sorts of "issues" with this and posted all sorts of unique comments about the question for the FCC to revie

    • The problem is they're supposed to review the comments AFTER they're submitted, not before.
  • by Zorro ( 15797 ) on Wednesday January 24, 2018 @02:52PM (#55994935)

    Being dead is no barrier to voting!

  • as the saying goes "Who watches the watchers" while nonpartisan the GSO only makes a report - and I think we all know what is going on here and it is exactly what congress (or their benefactors) want. I am doubtful anything will come of this - still a shame that the process can be hijacked and then dismissed so easily.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 24, 2018 @02:59PM (#55994989)

    "The problem with comments on the Internet is that it is hard to verify their authenticity. Also, I am against Net Neutrality."
    ~ Abraham Lincoln

    • "The problem with comments on the Internet is that it is hard to verify their authenticity. Also, I am against Net Neutrality." ~ Abraham Lincoln

      Well Mr. Lincoln, I didn't know they had internet at the cemetery in Springfield Il, or that you were provide an internet enabled device before you where encased in concrete, but We will look into this some time soon....

      Soon means maybe 5 moths from now, give or take a couple of days for a government shutdown or two..

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Do you really think that all the data will still be there when they come to audit it ? They'll be sure to have an upgrade and lost their backups before then.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    I'm sure this will all be put to rest post-haste.

Harrison's Postulate: For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.
