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Internet Activists Urge Congress to Fire Trump's FCC Chief Ajit Pai ( 104

Open internet advocates and Democratic lawmakers are mounting a last-ditch effort to remove Federal Communications Commission chief Ajit Pai over his anti-net neutrality stance, just days before Pai is set to be approved by the Senate for a new term. From a report: Since being elevated by President Trump to lead the FCC in January, Pai has become the bete noire of open internet advocates for a variety of anti-consumer actions, but none more so than his crusade to kill federal rules protecting net neutrality, the principle that all internet content should be equally accessible to consumers. [...] During a blistering floor speech on Thursday, Sen. Ron Wyden, the Oregon Democrat, portrayed Pai, a Republican former Verizon lawyer, as an industry stooge who has worked relentlessly to deliver gift after gift to the nation's largest broadband companies. "Mr. Pai has a long track record of putting big cable before consumers, big corporations above small businesses, and pay-to-play over the free and open internet," Wyden wrote in a blog post accompanying his speech. Free Press, a DC-based public interest group, has also launched a campaign to pressure the Senate to "fire Pai," citing his proposal to kill the FCC's net neutrality policy and other anti-consumer actions. But if reconfirmed, Pai is expected to try to ram through his plan to torpedo the FCC's net neutrality rules before the end of the year. "Rehiring Pai to head the agency that oversees US communications policies would be a boon for the phone and cable companies he eagerly serves," Tim Karr, Free Press Senior Director of Strategy, wrote in a blog post.
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Internet Activists Urge Congress to Fire Trump's FCC Chief Ajit Pai

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  • My vote (Score:1, Funny)

    by DarkRookie ( 5030953 )
    Is for the drawing and quartering.
  • I see a lot of people whining about the FCC's stance turning around and gloating about corporate freedom everytime Apple/Google/Twitter/Facebook/Cloudflare takes down or censors another White nationalist app or alt-right website.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      They're not even remotely the same thing. What is it with the Right and their utter inability to form a coherent analogy????

    • by SirSlud ( 67381 )

      Net neutrality and terms of service don't have anything to do with each other. Thank you for playing, "Who is a stupid head?" You win.

      • What good is a neutral isp if you are immediately censored to oblivion downstream?
        • by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 29, 2017 @03:25PM (#55279667)

          What good is a neutral isp if you are immediately censored to oblivion downstream?


          Without net neutrality, everyone can be censored. With it, each INDIVIDUAL site has to do the censoring. AT&T can do much more censoring than can facebook.

          facebook censors some Nazis, whatever. They move on.

          AT&T does it, well, that's a different story.

          So in other words, with net neutrality, nothing will be "censored to oblivion". All those alt-right folks are still up an running - just not on some websites

          Lastly, corporations do not deserve freedom. They are an abstract legal construct. Unfortunately, in our twisted society where profits count more than people, corporations have been given supper-person status: all the rights of a person but without the responsibilities.

          • by Jarwulf ( 530523 )
            Go out and see how easy it is to have an internet voice let alone an ebusiness that reaches a significant number of people without relying on anything from Google/Microsoft/Apple/Facebook/Twitter/Amazon and all the other companies in the Silicon Valley mafia.
        • You aren't throttled visiting Icelandic sites.
        • You've never played Whack-a-Mole?

    • Fuck you racist. Those are their platforms that they make available for people to buy stuff. ISPs are getting paid for me to access stuff on the internet. I am not their commodity for them to extract value from people looking to send their content to me.
      • by Jarwulf ( 530523 )
        So wanting to make sure people can't be silenced online simply for having unpopular beliefs makes me a racist? Okay them I'm a proud racist.
        • You having a problem with private companies kicking racists off their platforms makes you one of the "many fine people" then.
  • by JohnFen ( 1641097 ) on Friday September 29, 2017 @02:39PM (#55279361)

    Ajit Pai is Trump's sort of guy -- advancing the desires of big business over what's good for the average joe.

    • by pots ( 5047349 )
      That may be, but Trump looks out for number one and he seems to be extremely concerned with his public image. If this got enough traction (it won't) then Trump would fire Pai in second, regardless of whether or not he agreed with him.
    • by antdude ( 79039 )

      Impeach DJT too. :P

    • Ajit Pai is Trump's sort of guy -- advancing the desires of big business over what's good for the average joe.

      So were most of these people. []

      Particularly The Mooch. []

  • by H3lldr0p ( 40304 ) on Friday September 29, 2017 @02:45PM (#55279405) Homepage

    but I doubt it's going to happen for two reasons. First is that the FCC isn't one of those headlining institutions that the GOP cares about. In fact, they'd rather it all just go away right now because they can't be bothered to govern let alone care about governing. So as long as Pai isn't causing it to rain on their parade, they couldn't care less. And second, I'm pretty certain if it came down to a close vote there would be more than enough lobbying action on his behalf to see him through. There's a lot of moneyed interests that want to keep him that post.

    Not to mention that if does deliver on this agenda there's probably a pretty cushy job waiting for him with whichever telecom or cable operator he chooses when it's all over.

    • Rallying to get people fired without a coherent replacement plan is a waste of effort. Maybe you'll succeed, but then what? Someone else will take his spot, and nothing will have changed.

      The real core of the problem is lack of choice in internet providers. Instead, we should look at places where internet choice has won (places like like Utah or Vermont), figure out what they did right, and do that at a national level.

      IF you focus on getting a plan across, sometimes the person you wanted to fire will be
  • All these rich fuks are on the SAME TEAM. They just ACT like they aren't... Its called political theater. And its DESIGNED to keep us bickering. Rather than rising up and ousting the traitors and thieves that line our politics on BOTH sides of the so-called "Fence" Hillary = Bad, Trump = Bad, Ajit Pai = Bad, Government in the modern age = BAD! Its time to Re-establish the Constitution, and remove hundreds of thousands of bad/useless/unconstitutional laws from our books, and burn the Federal Reserve to the
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      And yet one party seems to continually come up with legislation to help the average person, while the other party does the exact opposite every single time.

      • by Straif ( 172656 )

        And based on your political leanings the two parties referenced in your statement are completely interchangeable.

        • by hondo77 ( 324058 ) on Friday September 29, 2017 @03:46PM (#55279819) Homepage

          And based on your political leanings the two parties referenced in your statement are completely interchangeable.

          Are you seriously suggesting that Wheeler and Pai are interchangeable as chairmen of the FCC?

          See, I don't want to assume you're nuts. I want to make sure.

          • If you think the rich CARE about YOU... It is YOU who are "Nuts" LoL
            • by Rakarra ( 112805 )

              If you think the rich CARE about YOU... It is YOU who are "Nuts" LoL

              Yeah, because all rich people are the same. Just like all poor people are the same, all brown people are the same.
              Are you a member of the Green Party, by chance?

      • I love how you people always say this BS. Obamacare, caused my employer to STOP carrying company insurance day 1. Have NOT been able to afford health insurance as a single male since... Going on 10 years. So, yeah, yer full of it too...
        • by hondo77 ( 324058 )
          Given that Obamacare was created less than eight years ago, it couldn't have caused your employer to stop carrying company insurance 9+ years ago.
  • Senator Coons (D-DE): Call (202) 224-5042
    Senator Donnelly (D-IN): Call (202) 224-4814
    Senator Tester (D-MT): Call (202) 224-2644
    Senator Manchin (D-WV): Call (202) 224-3954
    Senator McCaskill (D-MO): Call 202-224-6154
    These are key swing votes that need to hear from you today!
  • Unlike football players [] or other private employees, government employees can not be fired for their political convictions. Because 1st Amendment...

    The self-appointed "Internet Activists" can suck my tail...

    • You can always get fired for not doing your job or overstepping your boundaries. Both is the case with Pai.
      • by mi ( 197448 )

        You can always get fired for not doing your job or overstepping your boundaries.

        Sure, sure. But that's not what the write-up says, emphasis mine:

        Open internet advocates and Democratic lawmakers are mounting a last-ditch effort to remove Federal Communications Commission chief Ajit Pai over his anti-net neutrality stance.

        Both is the case with Pai.

        Is it? We all know and understand perfectly well, that it is exactly his opinion on net-neutrality, that's causing all this inordinate amount of hate against him. If establishing the "net neutrality" in 2014 was within FCC's boundaries, abolishing it in 2017 is too.


  • Can we start a new political party, the WTF Party? We just want shit to work. Our Symbol can be the poo emoji.
  • This is what democrat politicians are especially bad at - foresight.

    They want all of these regulatory bureaucracies but never think about when the pendulum swings and the other party is in charge.

    Obama and his pen are another great example. How is that legacy working out for him?

  • Are you happy now? And did your PA coal mine reopen that was closed during Reagonomics time? Redeem yourself and put the "genie" back into the bottle...and then hurl it as far away as you can.

People who go to conferences are the ones who shouldn't.
