EFF Honors Chelsea Manning, an IFEX Leader, And TechDirt's Editor (eff.org) 108
An anonymous reader quotes the Electronic Frontier Foundation:
Whistleblower and activist Chelsea Manning, Techdirt editor and open internet advocate Mike Masnick, and IFEX executive director and global freedom of expression defender Annie Game are the distinguished winners of the 2017 Pioneer Awards, which recognize leaders who are extending freedom and innovation on the electronic frontier. This year's honorees -- a whistleblower, an editor, and an international freedom of expression activist -- all have worked tirelessly to protect the public's right to know.
The award ceremony will be held the evening of September 14 at Delancey Street's Town Hall Room in San Francisco. The keynote speaker is Emmy-nominated comedy writer Ashley Nicole Black, a correspondent on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee who uses her unique comedic style to take on government surveillance, encryption, and freedom of information.
The EFF describes Chelsea Manning as "a network security expert, whistleblower, and former U.S. Army intelligence analyst whose disclosure of classified Iraq war documents exposed human rights abuses and corruption the government kept hidden from the public." Their annoncement also notes that Annie Game has led the IFEX network of 115+ journalism and civil liberties groups around the world for over 10 years, and that Mike Masnick coined the term "The Streisand Effect" -- and is currently being sued by that man who claims he invented email.
The award ceremony will be held the evening of September 14 at Delancey Street's Town Hall Room in San Francisco. The keynote speaker is Emmy-nominated comedy writer Ashley Nicole Black, a correspondent on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee who uses her unique comedic style to take on government surveillance, encryption, and freedom of information.
The EFF describes Chelsea Manning as "a network security expert, whistleblower, and former U.S. Army intelligence analyst whose disclosure of classified Iraq war documents exposed human rights abuses and corruption the government kept hidden from the public." Their annoncement also notes that Annie Game has led the IFEX network of 115+ journalism and civil liberties groups around the world for over 10 years, and that Mike Masnick coined the term "The Streisand Effect" -- and is currently being sued by that man who claims he invented email.
Re: Activist? You misspelled traitor (Score:1)
Um, you realize that the Clinton state department forced him to land in Russia, right? It wasn't even a planned stop.
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I thought he was in Hong Kong along the way. You do know you can just walk over into China from Hong Kong right?
Re: Activist? You misspelled traitor (Score:5, Informative)
The Pentagon themselves confirmed nobody was harmed by the release of the Manning leaks.
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Nope. Estrogen increases muscle mass and tone [nih.gov], even without exercise. The effects are enhanced with exercise, and can be quite striking. Also increases lifespan. [ctvnews.ca].
So her lifespan is probably longer than most women (since most aren't on HRT), and definitely longer than if she had stayed a man. Between the two, she's probably gained a decade - and a decade that will be of the same or better quality than a man 20 years younger because of the reduction of risk of stroke, heart attack, hip fractures, better mus
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Come on, at least read the article first. Not even Buzzfeed would maul the scientific contents that hard.
1. The muscle gain is only skeletal muscle.
2. The muscle gain is only compared to very low estrogen levels (and not in relation to testosterone at all) *in post-menopausal women*. We won't be seeing estrogen doping in our OS athletes.
I would say that you're being disingenuous here, but I think you're closer to outright lying. Second, estrogen treatment for post-menopausal women is on the rise due to the
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Perhaps YOU should read the article. Higher doses and more exercise promotes much more muscle gain. That they studied skeletal muscle doesn't mean that it doesn't affect other muscles. And logically, how could it affect one without the other?
Then there's personal experience. I'm 51 and I'm as strong as I was decades ago despite having less testosterone than 3/4 or more of all women. HRT works, and if you go for doses that put your estrogen level to that of a woman in her 20s (much higher than just relief f
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Nope. Estrogen increases muscle mass and tone [nih.gov]
Every bodybuilder wet-dream ! Oh wait, no they're just loading with tes and gh :-/ [including females]
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You missed the point with your analogy. We're talking about a muscle mass and strength increase (with exercise), not just maintenance of existing muscle.
That's why so many transexual are so fucking ugly too. They were a fat ugly weirdo before "taking estrogen" and then they get even more rounded and sloppy looking. Really does it matter if you skin looks younger if you already look like a fat neanderthal
I think you misspelled "fat American".
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Well, since everyone is slagging on Chelsea Manning, why not take look at September's issue of Vogue [vogue.com] and see what she looks like now in a swim suit. You'll be disappointed that she doesn't look like a guy, but one of the effects of estrogen is to redistribute fat in the body, and that includes the face, giving a more rounded, female look..
And your "point" was bogus. Breathing is something that comes naturally to humans. Using exogenous estrogen is not - it's artificial. If you can't tell the difference be
Re:Activist? You misspelled traitor (Score:5, Insightful)
Snowden is a hero that responsibly leaked.
Manning is a traitor that irresponsibly leaked.
There is a right way to do things, sometimes even several right ways. Manning didnt do any of them.
Re:Activist? You misspelled traitor (Score:4, Insightful)
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Interesting reframe. It may be unjust that those implicated in the exposure weren't imprisoned (I make no judgement on that). But that doesn't make Manning going to prison unjust in the least. Different cases, different outcomes. They have nothing to do with each other.
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No. There was a court case and a lot of press about it. Manning's clearance came nowhere near having access to the material that Petraeus leaked to a reporter.
Not if you cannot demonstrate it.
What deaths? Can you name one?
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Which were at a much higher classification level than Manning gave to a reporter.
Same crime but far worse, especially given that the motive was not whistleblowing (as in Manning's case) but impressing the reporter enough that she had sex with him.
Manning did it for the USA - calling it treason suggests a very perverted idea of King before Country.
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Aggreed. Did manning release anything that benefited the public? It seems more like manning released random documents just because he/she had access to them and felt like it
I remember some fun tidbits: It was funny to find that some of Iran's allies were asking us to attack Iran. That was the "cut the head of the snake" thing. But the result was decreased communication between us and other nations because they saw that we didn't keep their conversations secret. That benefits no one. We learned some de
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The Iraq War documents revealed war crimes, re-classifying journalists as "enemy combatants", and the brutality of the new government and security services that were installed. There were details of how over 700 civilians were killed for coming too close to checkpoints, including the mentally ill and pregnant women trying to get to hospital. Much of the Blackwater scandal came from those leaks.
The Guantanamo Bay files revealed that prisoners were held to try to extract intelligence, rather than because they
Activist? You misspelled hero (Score:2)
Stockmann, Snowden, Manning. The world needs more enemies of the people.
I think Chelsea is a great hero for exposing war crimes and other wrongdoings committed by USA, and I am always in favour of exposing such things [slashdot.org].
Any country involved in a war will be responsible for committing terrible things. It is impossible to avoid, the soldiers are just humans and the military is an institution that tend to bring out the worst [wikipedia.org] behaviour [wikipedia.org]. Anyone that tries to deny this is being dishonest.
And the absolute disgr
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A man that never admits mistakes is a dishonest man. How willing are you to deny any wrongdoings on USA's behalf regardless of evidence to the contrary? Do you want to be honest? Or are you willing to look away, ignoring anything that contradicts what you have decided to believe?
War crimes [icrc.org] include
Watch from 9 minutes into the Collateral Murder [youtube.com] video; there is no way the killing of unarmed men picking up a wounded man lying on the street and carrying him into a van to drive him away does not match the ab
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If you believe Snowden has been allowed to live (and not die) in Russia all these years without turning over unredacted copies of all the classified information he stole, you seriously need to start taking your meds. Whether it was his intention or not, he has made his peace with Russia, and they've benefitted from it at leas as much as he has.
Re:Activist? You misspelled traitor (Score:5, Informative)
If you believe Snowden has been allowed to live (and not die) in Russia all these years without turning over unredacted copies of all the classified information he stole...
Mr. Snowden gave Glen Greenwald, an editor for 'The Intercept' the data he had in order to have it parsed to eliminate PII etc and release the data, *before* he left for Shanghai and then was suddenly forced by the US State Dept. to remain stranded in a Russian airport terminal without a passport.
He carried none of the data with him, for obvious reasons.
This has all been public knowledge for a long time, but people still want to attempt to perpetuate this outright lie & fabrication in an attempt to smear Snowden and cover up blatant and ongoing illegal and unconstitutional activities against the citizens of the US with the full knowledge and consent of US leadership.
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Snowden had value to Putin as a embarrassment alone - perhaps you should consider being less naive about world politics before you start accusing others of being insane.
Finally, something that Snowden and Trump have in common. Except that Snowden has done less harm to the country's reputation than the president has. :-)
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If you believe Snowden has been allowed to live in Russia all these years without turning over unredacted copies ...
I am a bit confused about what the reasons are for claiming this, despite it being being public knowledge that Snowden gave away all documents before leaving Hong Kong, not bringing any with him. Is it because you see Showden as an evil person whose reputation must be trashed at any cost, disregarding whether arguments are true or not? Is it because you actually believe this (despite that it would be extremely risky and stupid of him so he obviously did not do that)? Something else?
Could you explain WHY
Authoritarian tautologies (Score:2, Informative)
So, leaking evidence of war crimes to a responsible organization is treason now? The founders were a bunch of elitists pricks, but one thing they did right was to specifically define treason in the Constitution so it couldn't be abused for purely political purposes.
Like what you're doing right now.
Except there isn't. The "proper" channels are based around properly shutting down information g
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If you put King before country - yes. There's been a lot of screams about "treason" on all kinds of things (eg. Hillary using email FFS) by those who stupidly push for a more authoritarian country.
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You fucktards still won't admit that Chelsea Manning was never convicted of treason, or more specifically, not convicted of aiding the enemy.
There definitely is a right way to do things - and the right way includes getting your facts straight.
Re: Activist? You misspelled traitor (Score:2)
Wow, you took the worlds right out of my mouth. This is disgraceful and Manning is a traitor that should rot in prison.
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Traitor (Score:1)
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Sensitive? You misspelled heartless (Score:2)
What a disgrace.
But bringing down the discussion to such a low level is not very constructive. So please don't.
Network Security Expert ? (Score:5, Insightful)
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Knowing what is humanely good and wrong and acting accoding to it in these times is really important.
Like nuking North Korea regime or overthrowing Venezuella's dictator, I guess. See, moral subjectivism at play ;-)
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Her who? We're talking about some guy that released classified info and then had his dick cut off. Still a an XY male no matter what the altered appearance.
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Yep. Liberals are the violent ones.
Just stopped sending money to eff (Score:3, Interesting)
Re: Just stopped sending money to eff (Score:3)
Re: Just stopped sending money to eff (Score:4, Insightful)
Snowden's leaks were necessary, even if they did assist America's enemies. The US has not stopped breaking its own laws, and neither have any of the other FIVEEYS countries involved. The abuses continue, and the only way they will ever stop is if we fix the internet so that they simply can't continue.
To do that we needed to know how they work, what the capabilities were. We are all better off for knowing that.
And in the end, I doubt it provided much assistance to any other nation. I'm sure they had a pretty good idea how it worked, since they were doing it themselves. If anything the relative ease with which Snowden took that material and the frequency with which with NSA/CIA tools leak suggest that other nations probably pwned them long before Snowden did.
Re: Just stopped sending money to eff (Score:2)
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How about Oliver North?
I'm seeing a lot of "one law for my cronies and another for the common man" going on. It should be about crimes against the state and not leaks against co-workers behaving badly.
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Snowden is the PERFECT example, since he did BOTH. He whistle blew when he was reporting about the spying on Americans by NSA employees. These were individuals that were up to no good, and NSA was not doing anything to stop it.
However, he continued and described legal operations the the NSA is SUPPOSED to be doing. That was treason.
Petraus is NOT treason. He
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Helpful non-bullshit translation service (Score:1, Insightful)
Ashley Nicole Black, a correspondent on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee who uses her unique comedic style to take on government surveillance, encryption, and freedom of information.
Translation: a black woman liberal "performance studies" major who never said jackshit about government surveillance when it was Barak Obama doing it, but who is going to be the keynote speaker at this event because she's the right color, gender, and political affiliation to score us our requisite SJW virtue points, even if she knows fuck-all about technology.
Re: Helpful non-bullshit translation service (Score:2)
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Found the idiot.
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Indeed. I'm replying to him, Are you wearing your pussy hat?
Re:Helpful non-bullshit translation service (Score:4, Informative)
An ad-hominem based on the old "diversity hire" trope, pretty much the worst kind.
Also, since she is complaining about stuff that started in the Bush era and came to light in the Obama era, which she was still studying for her PhD by the way, it's a little unfair to criticise her for not being on TV at the time or not talking about it now when she clearly is.
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A wider perspective (Score:2, Informative)
Seems to be a lot of haters in the US on this one. It's probably worth mentioning, for the sake of balance and from a wider view (I'm not a US citizen), that without Manning US human rights violations would not otherwise have been acknowledged, and "A report written by the Department of Defense a year after the breach found that Manning's document leaks had no significant strategic impact on U.S. war efforts.[209, wikipedia]"
For US folks, you should be aware that US claims to moral superiority as a justific
Stopped donating to EFF (Score:2)
Let's get one thing straight here (Score:1)
There's no way Manning could have had any Sexual Reassignment surgery yet - so she's still in possession of her male sexual organs. This is a fact because no SRS surgeon worth a dime will touch a patient until they've completed at least one full year living as a member of the opposite gender, per WPATH.
When Obama pardoned her she was dishonorably discharged thus meaning that she'd not receive a penny for her surgery even IF the Military Machine had decided to go down that path. Right now that's been revoked