The White House Now Has Zero Science Advisors (cbsnews.com) 405
DogDude shares an article from CBS News:
The science division of the White House's Office of Science and Technology Policy was unstaffed as of Friday as the three remaining employees departed this week, sources tell CBS News... On Friday afternoon, Eleanor Celeste, the assistant director for biomedical and forensic sciences at the OSTP, tweeted, "Science division out. Mic drop" before leaving the office for the last time...
Under Mr. Obama, the science division was staffed with nine employees who led the charge on policy issues such as STEM education, biotechnology and crisis response. It's possible that the White House will handle these issues through staff in other divisions within the OSTP.
Under Mr. Obama, the science division was staffed with nine employees who led the charge on policy issues such as STEM education, biotechnology and crisis response. It's possible that the White House will handle these issues through staff in other divisions within the OSTP.
The New Formula (Score:5, Insightful)
A government of the idiots, by the idiots and for the idiots.
Re:The New Formula (Score:5, Interesting)
A government of the idiots, by the idiots and for the idiots.
More accurately: a government of the people, by the employees of the super-rich, for the super-rich.
In one word, a plutocracy.
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Again, I have to disagree (though I'm repeating myself). America has become a government of the corporations, by the lawyers, for the richest 0.1%. You're going in the right direction in the last two parts, but I have doubts about the last one. If corporate cancerism finally triumphs, it might be reduced all the way to the richest person.
Re:The New Formula (Score:4, Insightful)
You [Americans]n (assuming you are), are always proud of your system.
Your whole post relies on this incorrect generalization. While it may be true for some, it's not true for the whole. While some Americans shed blood attempting to export our political system, others protested both the shedding of blood and the political system itself.
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Funny thing about it... USA has dropped thrice the amount of ordnance on Vietnam and Laos than what was used in the whole WW2. The Vietnamese were lucky that Americans sucked at targeting (and still do).
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The Vietnamese were lucky that Americans sucked at targeting (and still do).
We salted the earth in Vietnam in the modern fashion: with dioxin and land mines. And defense contractors get paid no matter who we bomb, or how effectively...
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where idiot = someone who doesn't think like me. And once you cast out the first batch as idiots, among those who remain you will pretty soon find those who still don't think like you, so you'll cast out those idiots too, and then you'll repeat, and repeat... until only one remains. It's a lonely, tortured world.
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Hell, that's not new. The only novel thing with this is how obvious they're being about it.
That's not even new, it's just a recent resurgence of willful ignorance.
Re:The New Formula (Score:4, Insightful)
A government of the idiots, by the idiots and for the idiots.
It appears that Trump's mental health may really be in question. Is there no one that can order him to sit a professional exam with a team of non partisan psychiatrists?
I'm not fan of pence either. He might get all kinds of things I hate done, but he does appear to at least be mentally stable and at this point that is looking like an improvement. We can't have all this crap going on in a rather dangerous world and have someone mentally unfit in charge. This time it may be a hell of a lot worse than 9/11.
They attacked Obama for everything they could possibly think to do so, real or imagined, and he didn't once loose his cool or act unpresidential. Hell his biggest mistake might have been the red line with no response. His options sucked then and they still do, but responding was required. Beyond that he didn't make the personal relationships required to get some things done, but then half the congress was perfectly fine with whatever shit was being shoveled, including by the chief birther who strangely enough became our president. Trump is still attacking Obama with made up crap left/right and center and Obama doesn't even respond, which I think is a mistake, but it is a hell of a lot better than Trump's actions.
Trump has gotten around the world something like a 22% approval rating. The only country that likes him is Russia, and that is because Putin is propping up his investment there, most likely in the hope that he can last long enough to do a lot more damage to our country.
The US is supposed to be the leader of the free world, but right now we are anything but... Not leading on the climate. Not leading in equality (muslim ban), Not leading in opportunity (mexicans are rapists and we must build a wall), Not leading on health care (going backward), Not leading on science (the office in the white house now has 0 staff.), Not leading on Innovation (coal appears to get more support than newer techologies), Not leading on the environment ( rolling back regulations left and right, without even any real analysis if it is a good idea), Not leading on transparency (no tax returns, still taking money at trump properties, no real divestment, tax cuts planned will likely directly benefit Trump and his companies, health care bill created in secret, limiting video and time at daily briefs, saying questions will be answered but never actually answering them.)
Hell about the only thing the current admin is leading on is bullshit. In that we have made America #1. It is all rather sad.
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Sorry, but I must beg to disagree. It's government of the corporations, by the lawyers, for the richest 0.1%. At least that's what #PresidentTweety says he remembers hearing Abe Lincoln say on the tape recording. Notwithstanding, he REALLY thinks it's government of the Donald, by the Donald, for the Donald, but I'm betting that Amazon, the google, Apple, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, and all their little friends will eventually put Trump in his place.
The idiots? No one cares about the idiots. Especially not the
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the generous people of the USA
Based on this comment, I assume you've never been to the U.S., as generosity is far from being a common quality here.
Re:The New Formula (Score:4, Insightful)
You don't believe that? do you? wow....
FYI, there's so much "charitable" giving in the US because we don't take care of basic needs...
Re:The New Formula (Score:5, Informative)
What data do you have to the contrary? ...what basic needs do we not take care of?
https://web.stanford.edu/class... [stanford.edu]
Every other advanced industrial nation has virtually universal access to decent medical care, at much lower cost than in the United States.
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We assume that the 45% we pay in taxes, 25% sales tax etc to the welfare state takes care of things.
If it works is another discussion. :)
Re:The New Formula (Score:4, Insightful)
Stop drinking the KoolAid. USA protects oil supplies for themselves only. And before you blabber about "but but but we don't import oil from the Middle East": oil market is a global commodity market and it matters fuck all whence a country imports its oil. If a country in the Middle East stops pumping it out of the ground, your gas prices will soar. And as for fighting wars in the Middle East: most of them are the ones you have started in first place.
Re: The New Formula (Score:2)
I guess I'm demonstrably wrong if that's how you define generosity. I don't, especially when you consider how many billionaires form charities as tax shelters, how many companies use charities as marketing schemes, and how many charities exist as nothing but a business for those who run them.
Is it really generosity if there's no altruism? Selfish generosity is just selfishness.
Re: The New Formula (Score:3)
A democracy with universal healthcare = a generous society.
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A quite sorry, demeaning & undignified depiction of the generous people of the USA.
For this, you should be ashamed of yourself.
I'm not sure if you're talking about the comment of the GP or about the people of the USA themselves who voted for idiots.
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A quite sorry, demeaning & undignified depiction of the generous people of the USA.
For this, you should be ashamed of yourself.
"For the idiots" implies that the current administration is not operating for the benefit of the American people, but a much smaller set of idiots and cronies.
Re: The New Formula (Score:4, Insightful)
The government is there to serve the people. It's progressively become more about leading the people.
There are plenty generous scientists in public and private institutions that can do the proper research, so that the government can be accurately informed.
If DT had science advisors they would simply serve his agenda anyway. The same stuff happens with Democrats.
Let the thinking happen outside of government. Pubic universities are a exception because they have some amount of autonomy from the government political bull shit. Professors don't have to worry about reelection. There are plenty of private institutions that don't have political agendas as well. Keep the government serving the people. Not leading it.
That means limiting the power of the President. Democrats and Republicans in all branches of government don't have to represent anyone when you let loose the reins.
Re: The New Formula (Score:5, Insightful)
There is no clear line between serving and leading. An example is EPA and the Superfund cleanups. If we were to wait until the "people" figured out what to do, we'd still be waiting. You forget private institutions have their own biases. Care to call the tobacco industry fair minded and interested in the public weal?
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Some of us are still waiting, not all Superfund cleanups are funded.
Re: The New Formula (Score:2)
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Re: The New Formula (Score:4, Insightful)
The same stuff happens with Democrats.
Not really, it seems to me Republicans hate Government and want to make it smaller, so that it gets out of the way of the companies making money, so they purposely put people in charge that are bad at the position and want it to fail, sometimes these people are even outspoken about not liking the section of government they manage. There is always and will always be corruption in government because money corrupts. But I do not see both sides the same at all.
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From an outside-the-country perspective, we thought it WAS representative.
Yes, but representative of what?
Re:Kind, compassionate idiots (Score:5, Insightful)
And yet, when it comes to providing healthcare for all US citizens, it's "fuck them, why should I pay for other people's healthcare".
No, you aren't compassionate and generous.
Re:Kind, compassionate idiots (Score:5, Insightful)
You mean the Republicans have the "fuck them" attitude. The Democrats finally bit the bullet and raised taxes to attempt to cover the proles. Now if they hadn't relied on the insurance companies, they'd have done much better.
Re:Kind, compassionate idiots (Score:5, Insightful)
Wasting time introducing internet kooks to facts is an endless wast of time, but just FYI, "Hillary-care" as it was called, was not exactly single payer. That is part of the reason why the Sanders wing of the Democratic party wasn't all that enchanted with her in 2016.
It did have the vast majority of Democrats behind it, and Republicans were absolutely terrified that it would prove to the public that the government can solve problems that private markets can't find profit in solving.
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and we continue to confuse "health care" with insurance against risks to our health, demanding that insurers cover the cost of regular health care, with many people expecting that their health insurance premiums should be lower than the cost of their health care (otherwise they wouldn't be getting anything out of it).
and we confuse the idea of figuring out why health care is expensive with the idea of helping people afford health insurance and health care. As far as I can tell, the number 1 reason why hea
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But we didn't "provide healthcare", we simply required people to buy health insurance at higher premiums and with higher deductibles than before. Thanks for putting the insurance companies in our pockets, guys! And Obamacare is crumbling, most of the "exchanges" will be defunct by next year if it is left just as the Democrats (it was passed by a partisan super-majority) and Obama intended. Except for the bit where they expected a Democrat to be in the White House to declare it defunct so they could replace it with something worse.
My health insurance, with the same provider providing the same level of coverage, cost 1/3 of what it did before the ACA went into effect.
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The Republicans killing the three main elements that would have kept the prices lower, and the ACA working - expanded medicare coverage, individual mandate and initial risk corridor subsidy - is what made the increases higher than they should have been, and is why it's crumbling, especially in red states, that then affect everyone else.
The Republicans haven't killed anything yet. Obamacare is still the law of the land, and I'm forced to pay in thousands to get zero back out.
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So what you're saying is, you're too fucking stupid to understand what "insurance" is. I honestly can't tell if you're just a fucking liar, or actually as completely fucking stupid as your posts make you out to be.
Insurance is for catastrophic unforeseen events. Obamacare is pre-paid health care. You don't use car insurance to fill your gas tank, change the oil, or get a new tire. Why the hell do you need medical insurance for a routine predictable medical event?
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And yet, when it comes to providing healthcare for all US citizens, it's "fuck them, why should I pay for other people's healthcare".
No, you aren't compassionate and generous.
Exploitative is more accurate.
This is why I will add to my US Citizenship naturalized UK and EU citizenship within the year.
I spent 17 years training (in the US) to be a leader in my field, enhancing the economy and general welfare of US citizens, while also teaching them. A major medical injury ended that career trajectory, and the "social safety net" is telling me to go fuck off now. Back when I had just got my BS, I had several job offers on a management track, which I declined, choosing an advanced ed
Re:Kind, compassionate idiots (Score:5, Insightful)
We helped Europe deal with Nazi Germany
I'm not quite sure how fighting the Axis after being attacked by it counts as generous.
But anyway, the US has done many good, generous things, many neutral things and many rather awful, self-interested things.
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"I'm not quite sure how fighting the Axis after being attacked by it counts as generous" - Well, before December 1941 the US with Franklin D. Roosevelt as President was doing quite a bit of prodding the Axis (rightly, in my British view), for example:
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WW2 when the US government was NOT coming to Great Britain's aid until after Perl Harbour happened in December 1941 some 2 years after the start of WW2. Churchill had to pay the US to get the US to send supplies across the Atlantic whilst the German's sunk many of the convoys via their U-boats.
The Battle of Britain in the summer of 1940 was the British Royal Air Force up against the German Air Force. Britain had a small number of air crews from other European and Commonwealth countries such as Poland, Canad
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Re: The New Formula (Score:2, Insightful)
No one said Trump was a Antisemite. His advisories and appointees however, are well known for blatant examples of it. Personally I don't give a fuck about that part of the world. Ditto on "the gays" and commies, etc. What hitler did was bad, sure, it now much of a direct impact on me.
I'm white, and I have a couple extra bucks. But I'm young enough that the damage this grifter is doing is negatively impacting even my future. Hes making the world more dangerous, faster. He is a con man who employs many, thou
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Re: The New Formula (Score:3, Insightful)
On a personal note, I know plenty of Iranian women. Most of them I would argue are "uppity", but they also happily travel back to Iran every year or two on holidays.
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Insightful mod for a "Jew" who can't spell "Israel"?
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Who are the real "low information voters"?
Stupid fucking conspiracy theory twats like you.
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Anyone who voted up your post which is just a bunch of lies and bogus allegations.
Apparently you're not only one of them "low information voters", you're also promoting ignorance.
Time for you to learn.
- Bill Clinton pardoned two terrorists who were responsible (among other things) of killing two cops.
An unusual combination of New York political and law enforcement leaders have condemned former President Bill Clinton's pardon of Susan L. Rosenberg, a one-time member of the Weather Underground terrorist group who was charged in the notorious 1981 Brink's robbery in Rockland County that left a guard and two police officers dead.
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/01... [nytimes.com]
- Bill Clinton also pardoned 16 Puerto Rican terrorists, two of which refused his pardon.
On August 11, 1999, Clinton commuted the sentences of 16 members of FALN, which is a Puerto Rican paramilitary organization that set off 120 bombs in the United States, mostly in New York City and Chicago. There were convictions for conspiracy to commit robbery, bomb-making, and sedition, as well as firearms and explosives violations.[
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]
- The Clintons stole furniture from the White House and returned some of it to avoid further lawsuits.
The Clinton White House furnishings in question, which were donated in 1993, included two sofas, an easy chair and an ottoman, worth $19,900, from Steve Mittman; a kitchen table and four chairs, valued at $3,650, from Lee Ficks; a $2,843 sofa from Brad Noe; $1,170 in lamps from Stuart Schiller; and a $1,000 needlepoint rug from David Martinous, according to the Post.
Mittman, Noe and Joy Ficks, the widow of Lee Ficks, told the Post that their donations were gifts to the White House, not the Clintons. The contributions were intended to complement a 1993 White House redecoration project.
http://www.factcheck.org/2016/.. [factcheck.org]
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Your post contains at least one lie.
[Susan Rosenberg] was accused, but never tried or convicted, of driving the getaway car in the Brinks robbery (1981) in which two police officers and an armored-car guard were killed [wikipedia.org].
I didn't bother checking anything else after that.
Re:The New Formula (Score:5, Insightful)
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A rapid DOG or even YOU would have been much better than #PresidentTweety.
No, I am NOT trying to engage you in dialog. I only have one question for you. Are you sincerely so stupid, just proudly ignorant, or paid to fake it?
Actually, I suppose there's a follow up question if you pick the third option: Who do you think is paying you?
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Yep, that's pretty much the Trump argument: I'm better than she is. That's some political straw man you have there.
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Clinton would have just hired anyone she could buy off to further her own agenda. Personally I'd rather have zero than that.
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Conferring my ass. Those corporate types are sharks to Trump's minnow mentality. They are playing him for the doofus he really is. The only conferring going on is Trump begging for their acceptance because deep down he's a 5-year old needy brat.
Zero is hard to understand (Score:2)
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Thank you for giving the fool's opinion. Even fool's like yourself should be heard, so your foolishness can be seen.
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Oh? Ever watch Jeff Sessions when he was in Congress. 95% of scientists agree on an issue, but he finds someone from the other 5% and gave him equal billing. This administration has no use for science and facts, they collide with their beliefs.
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Sessions may be in the administration, but he's not the one in any of the science related positions - be it EPA, Energy or FCC. Bringing up what he did as a senator is irrelevant.
Point is that the president has been burned badly by Obama holdovers. Leaks that never happened in previous administrations have happened in this one. There is a bureaucracy run amok, and so the president has major trust issues w/ the people he inherited from Obama. As a result, he's decided to expedite something that was go
has zero science advisors (Score:2)
Great! now I know where to go when I need advice on the science of zeros.
9 people did.... what exactly? (Score:2, Interesting)
So, under Obama, they had 9 people working in this office, making $150,000 a year, doing... what exactly?
What were the great visionary policies for science coming out of the Obama White House?
What great technologies did the administration sponsor?
Maybe they advised the President well on internet and cybersecurity issues, to the benefit of the nation's retailers and online account holders?
No, the OSTP focused on education policy, advocated for more women in science, preached climate change, and worked for so
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So under Trump you have 1 man working in office making $400000 a year doing what exactly? Being an embarrassment for all Americans? Surrounding himself with idiots defending undefendable? What great visionary policy came out from the Oval office? Mexican wall? Firing Comey? Travel ban? Offending allies? Banning cam
not all utopian cooperativeness on this planet (Score:4, Insightful)
But in reality...
It's still a race for competitive advantage between countries, and seriously, the Chinese, Indians, Singaporeans, etc.etc are going to start eating our lunch, guys (even more than they are) -- and every move we make gets us forward or back a step in the race against them.
I think a lot of people don't want to admit this winner-takes-all reality... especially if they grow up in a highly liberal California environment where everyone is supposed to be nice to each other...
In our brave new world, (Score:2)
science is just a mater of opinion! Everybody's voice counts!
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science is just a mater of opinion! Everybody's voice counts!
Is that like how we should make policy because 99.7689278174956377596% of scientists agree that man made global warming is an imminent threat to the world population?
Why does it take so many people to prove catastrophic anthropogenic global warming is real? Should it not take just one? I'm pretty sure Albert Einstein said something to that effect concerning disproving his theories.
Who needs science, anyway? (Score:2)
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You want to see what nuclear power does? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org] and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]
That's what "can" happen with nuclear. THEN, on top of that... we have https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/... [csmonitor.com]
AND THEN there's the fact that nuclear power, as a percentage of energy production has been level for some time (in the US), while solar and wind (you know, the ones that don't cause radioactive wastelands, or materials that have to be sequestered for centuri
How many in NASA under Obama? (Score:3, Funny)
For he certainly put them to good use.... What with the "Focus on Muslim Outreach" mandate Obama issued to NASA.
Look, Trump already has a scientist he can refer to if so be. His name is Ben Carson. And he is as good as anyone Obama had working for him.
Re:How many in NASA under Obama? (Score:5, Insightful)
Look, Trump already has a scientist he can refer to if so be. His name is Ben Carson. And he is as good as anyone Obama had working for him.
You mean the genius that claimed that the pyramids were there to store grain? See https://www.theguardian.com/us... [theguardian.com]
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Re:How many in NASA under Obama? (Score:5, Insightful)
And he's still easily as good as or not better than anyone Obama had.
Obama was a crappy president running on feel-good SJW bull. His singular accomplishment was ruining the US healthcare system, something we're still trying to recover from. Ben Carson is easily better than literally anyone Obama had working for him.
This is where any dialog simply breaks down. You either believe this, and you're just bonkers; you're trolling, and I am sorry you don't have anything interesting to do in your life; or you're shilling, and I can only hope you reincarnate as something highly educational.
Re:How many in NASA under Obama? (Score:4, Insightful)
Obama really did screw up healthcare royally by creating a system where insurance will pay for healthcare no matter the cost.
Health care is screwed up because of insurance companies, which manipulate the system and wind up making it more expensive for everyone; and because of politicians' relationship with Big Pharma, which also makes the system more expensive for everyone. Obamacare wrote the insurance companies into the law, but they were already insinuated into the system so he didn't actually put them there. What he did was completely fail to get them out. What we need is a single payer system which doesn't include them at all. It doesn't really matter whether that's Medicare expansion or some other system, but the insurance companies and the deep relationship with big pharma have got to go. Unfortunately, Clinton has lots of big pharma money in her pockets, and she has said that single payer will never happen, so she was not the answer. Sanders supported single payer, but the DNC wouldn't let us vote for him for president, so we got Trump and Trumpcare instead. You can blame the DNC for both of those things, since the polls showed that Sanders could beat Trump, and Clinton couldn't.
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Focus on Muslim Outreach
I just googled those words intrigued as to what I may find. Results:
- One Daily Telegraph.
- One Fox News.
- 4 links to conspiracy theorists nut pages including "truthrevlot" and "barenakedmuslim"
- 2 links to youtube videos by different conspiracy theorist nuts.
and one link to a page at some IP address, not even a domain name.
That results list says a lot.
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If you feel you have to treat them like children to keep them from terrorism you should worry less about making them feel good and more about keeping them far away.
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And the problem with that is? I mean, unless you're a racist turd? Why not have the Muslim street "feel good"? Maybe less jihadis, maybe not, costs nothing.
Who's the racist turd here? I mean that if the Obama thinks that Muslims are so depressed about their past accomplishments that he needs to make it a government policy to "make them feel good" then is that not racism by low expectation? Isn't such a policy treating Muslims like children that need a pat on their head for a "good job" they did crapping in their own pants? I'd think that they should find it insulting.
Also, where in the NASA mandate are they supposed to do any outreach to a given community?
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And the problem with that is? I mean, unless you're a racist turd? Why not have the Muslim street "feel good"? Maybe less jihadis, maybe not, costs nothing.
Who's the racist turd here? I mean that if the Obama thinks that Muslims are so depressed about their past accomplishments that he needs to make it a government policy to "make them feel good" then is that not racism by low expectation? Isn't such a policy treating Muslims like children that need a pat on their head for a "good job" they did crapping in their own pants? I'd think that they should find it insulting.
No, it actually would help. Proof: Uneducated people were not insulted by the biggest elitist on the planet. How? Trump makes uneducated [youtu.be] people feel good about themselves and, as a result, people like him. [psychologytoday.com]
You are bad at googling (Score:2)
https://youtu.be/e857ZcuIfnI?t... [youtu.be]
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Actually I retract that statement, you aren't really bad at googling. You just refused to follow up the information in the Telegraph article, which would have easily led you to the Al Jazeera interview, to find out he was factually correct. Instead you took the relatively few number of times the truth leaked out in the mainstream media as a proxy to disprove it.
The result lists did indeed say a lot.
I know what they're doing (Score:2)
Why do you think I got OUT of public service? (Score:5, Insightful)
For more than a decade, I tried to serve the public good by working in the public sector. I finally got fed up with the shit pay, the shit I got when people found out I worked in the government (called a pig at the trough, incompetent, stupid, lazy, a drone, had my car vandalized multiple times, threaten with death on a weekly basis, and assaulted) and got a job in the private sector that pays one hell of a lot better.
The key here is that there is now a majority of people that think science and engineering are "just someone's opinion." That is true to a limited extent that it is indeed an opinion - but it's an opinion formed from training, intense study, experience, and perseverance. These opinions are not something someone pulls out of their ass.
The current administration was elected by the sorts of people that deny scientific opinion because it conflicts with their world view. The sorts of folks that think welfare is for the lazy the drug addicted, and cheats. Of course the white house science department has no employees. The people that elected this administration do not value science, compassion, empathy, or Christian Values, despite many of them calling themselves Christians. They are not Christians. At best they mistake their fear and anger for piety, their selfishness, lack of compassion and imagination as "being strong". These attitudes serve no one but the top 1%. The key here is that if you read this, you will never be one of the top 1%.
"The world isn't fair" is an excuse I hear a lot, which is true, life frequently isn't fair. Evil prospers when good men do nothing. There's nothing like doing nothing to ensure that life will remain unfair, and uncaring.
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You mean scientists at NASA, NOAA, EPA, DOE, etc. that the administration and their fellow travelers in Congress are ignoring? Them scientists?
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To eliminate the deficit, every taxpayer will have to pay an additional $15,000 per year. Ready to do that? Or we could have Government scale back its spending... If you look at Hauser's Law [wikipedia.org], you'll see that for all the massive swings in the marginal tax rates over the last 70 years, the actual tax receipts are amazingly stable.
The reality is, if the Federal Government simply pegged the annual increases in its budget to no more than inflation plus population growth, in about 50 years our debt would be re
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And this is SO good.
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Pohl's law: Nothing is so good that somebody, somewhere, will not hate it.
Show me a man who hates a good bowel movement and I'll show you a liar.
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Or a reminder of how powerless the President is, at least compared to how much power people tend to think the position holds.
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Since they won't take advice anyway.
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All of the work that we have been doing is still being done," a White House official familiar with the matter told CBS News, adding that 35 staffers currently work across the OSTP
The summary/headline is #FakeNews. There are still 35 employees in the Office of Science and Technology POLICY who can focus on political machinations regarding science and tech. They will keep churning out political position papers related to tech, and sponsoring initiatives that cost lots of money - and do nothing to fund or advance basic science research. But hey, we can have more LGBTQWTFBBQ humans hired in "STEM" roles based upon their non-academic/professional successes but solely on those thin
Re:Is science listed in the constitution? (Score:4, Insightful)
OR, are you saying, you don't even know what's in the Constitution, but you just have to bring it up to try to use it's authority to make your ignorance seem useful?