Trump Renominates Ajit Pai For Five More Years at the FCC ( 57
According to Axios, Bloomberg, and several other publications, President Trump has nominated FCC chairman Ajit Pai for a second five-year term at the commission. "Pai's current term ended last June, though he's been able to stick around through the end of the year even without reconfirmation," reports The Verge. From the report: The nomination comes just days after Pai sat down with the president for a meeting, during which they're said to have "reconnected" but without actually discussing anything the commission is actively considering. Pai will need confirmation from the Senate for the nomination to be approved. He was first nominated in 2012 to fill the slot of a commissioner. With approval, he'll be able to stick around through at least the entirety of Trump's current term. The question now is when Trump will nominate people to fill the two slots still vacant at the commission. The FCC remains short staffed, with only three out of five seated leaders, which somewhat limits how quickly Pai is able to get through his agenda.
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Didn't you know? Oppressing communists is an American tradition.
Good luck with that.
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Not anymore it isn't. Didn't you know? We're basically like bro's now with Russia!
If 1950's Republicans saw what was happening now in their party they'd have another heart attack.
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Bad joke is bad.
If 1950's Republicans saw what was happening now in their party they'd have another heart attack.
You're right in that that applies to any party from the 50's compared to the modern party. Not sure the point of that statement when it applies to everyone.
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You'd actually have a more accurate picture if you said "If 1950's democrats saw what was being done in their party, the republicans, today".
Considering that after the civil rights act was passed all the dixiecrats joined the republican party, the Southern Blue states all went redder than Lord Dampnut's spraytan and all the liberal republicans joined the democrats (contrary to a popular myth though - this did not include MLK - who never supported or joined EITHER party).
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The 80's called. They want their anti-Soviet meme back!
Translation: Soviet != Russian
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You do realize that the USSR has been dead and buried for over 25 years,
For years US Conservatives were saying that they had no issue with the Russian people - they had a problem with a philosophy that negated individual rights and promoted group values instead.
1950s Republicans (and Democrats) would be appalled at the contempt that the progressive left has for individual liberty.
Russia is just another country acting in what they think i
Re: We need communism now! (Score:1)
Re:Ajit Pai? (Score:4, Insightful)
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Re:Ajit Pai? (Score:5, Insightful)
I don't think the argument is that Trump is himself a racist, it's that he is an amoral narcissistic demagogue who caters to and encourages the worst in his constituency, including racists, sexists, chauvinists, xenophobes, and anti-intellectuals.
Besides, racists tolerate 'lesser races' so long as they occupy lower rungs on the social ladder. Only when racists have to compete with or serve their 'racial inferiors' does the bile start to flow.
Re:Ajit Pai? (Score:4, Insightful)
>Obama isn't president anymore, but Trump is still fighting him and still can't understand why he's losing.
The answer, of course, is because he is basically shadowboxing the specter of Obama and not smart enough to know that the only thing you may achieve if you do punch your shadow is a broken fist.
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And yet most of the organized, conscious violence (if you don't count the deranged shooter who killed the Garmin engineer) has come from people who oppose Trump.
Re:Ajit Pai? (Score:4, Interesting)
Nice little qualifier there 'organised' so you can include violence during organised protests - but exclude the THOUSANDS of hate crimes that happened since November 8 (and you only name the on Garmin engineer case as if that's a rare exception - it was merely the deadliest in a pattern that's been playing out across America daily).
Not to mention you seemingly ignoring that in Berkeley it turns out the people who did the violence were not even part of the protests. They were outsiders who came in, as a group, specifically to cause harm - and probably Trump supporters or anarchists, they had nothing to do with the organised protest. In fact, the people arrested for violence at Berkeley - do you know know what they all have in common ? Not ONE Of them was a student there.
Remember when Trump claimed (falsely) that Hillary was sending people to his rallies to pick fights ? There is actually EVIDENCE that people were sent to liberal protests to pick fights and get the protestors blamed for it. I'm not saying Trump or even a Trump supporter sent them... but somebody did and I rather doubt it was a liberal - we don't make a habit out of deliberately shooting ourselves in the foot.
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As far as I know most (if not all?) of those hate crimes turned out to be hoaxes -- Trump supporters attacking girl on the subway who made it up, black church vandalized or burned by a liberal member and so on. As for fights at Trump rallies, I guess you haven't seen the video recordings of Dems discussing and approving them?
As for Berkeley I agree, when I saw those masked people moving I could tell they were not students -- it was clear they've done it before. But if they are not genuine Trump haters and/o
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>As far as I know most (if not all?) of those hate crimes turned out to be hoaxes
> I guess you haven't seen the video recordings of Dems discussing and approving them?
So wait... you think there were thousands of hoax hate crimes in the USA... but you think that video is real ?
>I think George Soros would be a far closer bet
Right... conspiracy nut. You get all your news from infowars and breitbart do you ? There's no point debating. You can't have a rational discussion with irrational people. If
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This is like... the instant-karma-from-liberals copy-pasta and the funniest thing is they don't even see it.
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And there is absolutely no doubt that his daddy was one. Hell Fred Trump once got arrested for public violence at a KKK riot !
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Also it's a straw man argument to say he wants to deport all immigrants. The right wing is largely okay with approved immigration. If you paid your fees, filled out your paperwork, waited in line, and won the lottery, they won't try to kick you out. If not, their just world fallacy makes them believe you're evil and should be jailed. You're too poor t
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Ajit Pai is his token immigrant from a country with a large Muslim population.
Just like Carson is his token black guy.
You using Pai as evidence of Trump not holding the views he keeps telling us he holds - does NOT prove us wrong, it just proves that you know tokenism is bullshit and you think we are all idiotic enough to NOT know that.
He's in the pocket of industry (Score:1)
... so, of course, Trump wants him to stay. He's *destroying* net neutrality.
Re:He's in the pocket of industry (Score:5, Informative)
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But at least he asked manufacturers to include FM radio support in phones.
He even said pretty please! []
That's how you know he's really a big supporter of consumer rights!
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Let no one say Obama played unfair. Especially not when it was really really stupid to play fair.
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yet, the guy was already there.. so .. was Obama doing the same?
He was just a commissioner at the FCC before Trump. Now Trump made him head of the FCC, so he gets to set policy directions (e.g., "kill net neutrality").
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You're still whining about Clinton?
Please, find something more relevant to complain about, trumpbots.
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If you feel like continuing a circle jerk, sure.
Two unfilled posts? (Score:2)
Under this administration I'm totally the perfect candidate!
[1] I have no idea what the job is
[2] I will likely be incompetent.
[3] I own a sledgehammer.
See, complete and total qualifications!
Re:Two unfilled posts? (Score:4, Funny)
That's a good start Mister Psycho - but a job in our administration does require a few other qualifications. Let me just verify these:
Do you have a record of saying flagrantly racist or white-supremacist things in public ? Any kind of formal proof ? An endorsement from a neo-nazi leader or a letter of condemnation from a civil rights leader maybe ?
Are you opposed to the taste of an old man's rectum ? Would you be unwilling to participate in the daily one-hour ass-kissing ceremony with the president ?
How are you at telling bald-faced lies to people who can literally SEE the proof of your lie as you tell it ?
When it's your turn to blow Putin - spit or swallow ? Please note there is only one right answer.
Any history of involvement with notoriously corrupt multi-nationals ? We're especially keen on Goldman-Sachs graduates.
How are you at wildly inflammatory and dangerous rhetoric ?
Any past history of actively trying to undermine or destroy the very office you are now seeking to represent ?
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I knew I overlooked something.
I guess the post will have to go to Ethanol Fueled.
I was so hoping for a cushy job with great healthcare.
And I so wanted to use my brand new sledgehammer.
Guess I'll have to wait....
Gotta (Score:2, Interesting)
fuck over them godless liberal elitists with their internets and their immoral netflix and chill. Do you really think the typical rustbelt, bible-thumper who voted for Trump cares if the internet gets destroyed ?
Trump could tell them that destroying the internet would make it harder for companies to open factories in other countries and they'll come running into your local starbux tomorrow with a pair of wire-cutters trying to sabotage the wifi.