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Airbnb Unveils Changes To Address Racial Discrimination ( 314

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NPR: Acknowledging that his company has "been slow on this issue," Airbnb CEO and co-founder Brian Chesky is rolling out changes aimed at addressing discrimination complaints against the home rental service. Among the changes: de-emphasizing the role of user photos in arranging stays. Here are some of the other changes Airbnb announced Thursday: Providing assistance to people who feel they've experienced discrimination; Anti-bias training for all staff; Setting public diversity goals for staff; Partnering with historically black colleges and universities to strengthen their recruitment pipeline. The move comes after longstanding complaints from African-American Airbnb customers who said their booking requests were turned down at a high rate. Black Airbnb users vented their frustration with the phenomenon of being rejected for a booking date -- only to see the same place get listed once again -- spawning the hashtag #AirbnbWhileBlack on Twitter. And those frustrations were borne out in a study that sent 6,400 requests to AirBnb hosts in five large U.S. cities; the requests were identical except for the customer's name. As the Hidden Brain podcast reported, "requests with African-American sounding names were roughly 16 percent less likely to be accepted than their white-sounding counterparts."
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Airbnb Unveils Changes To Address Racial Discrimination

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  • they also found... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by turkeydance ( 1266624 ) on Thursday September 08, 2016 @08:56PM (#52851839)
    ....that black hosts were also less likely to accept requests from guests with African American-sounding names than with white-sounding ones.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 08, 2016 @09:28PM (#52851987)

      Weird. Almost as though it isn't racism causing this behavior, but knowledge and experience with a culture that is a higher risk to invite in your home. ... Nah! Let's just blame a boogeyman and commit corporate suicide as a sacrifice to white guilt.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by quantaman ( 517394 )

      ....that black hosts were also less likely to accept requests from guests with African American-sounding names than with white-sounding ones.

      And black police officers also show bias against black people while policing.

      Being a member of an ethnicity doesn't mean you can't have inaccurate stereotypes about it.

      • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 08, 2016 @09:42PM (#52852045)

        Uhh no. Humans live, learn, grow, and develop based on personal experience. Your incredible arrogance in dismissing the experience of others is disgusting. Black cops do not fear other Blacks more because of inaccurate stereotypes.

        They fear them because of the very real and demonstrably accurate statistical fact of black violence. Blacks kill other Blacks at astronomically high levels. Cops would be suicidal to pretend otherwise.

        • by AthanasiusKircher ( 1333179 ) on Thursday September 08, 2016 @10:59PM (#52852299)

          Black cops do not fear other Blacks more because of inaccurate stereotypes.

          It depends on what you mean by "accurate." Are blacks more likely to be offenders than whites? That's what the stats say. But that doesn't exactly equate to a logical argument for "We should be suspicious of every black person we see."

          They fear them because of the very real and demonstrably accurate statistical fact of black violence. Blacks kill other Blacks at astronomically high levels. Cops would be suicidal to pretend otherwise.

          Hmm... "astronomically high levels"?? Yes, the black-on-black murder rate is much higher than the white-on-white murder rate. But, that doesn't imply that MOST black people are murderers, or even a significant number.

          Roughly speaking, black murderers constitute around 0.03% of the black population. Meanwhile, white murderers constitute around 0.005% of the white population.

          Here's the thing -- for ALL races, >99.9% of people are NOT murderers. Walking around acting like EVERY black person could potentially be a murderer is nonsensical. Making the assumption that every encounter with a black person will likely escalate to violence is unwarranted, based on your "demonstrably accurate statistical facts."

          >95% of priests are NOT child molesters. >99% of Muslims are NOT terrorists. >99.9% of blacks are NOT murderers.

          What you're talking about is irrational fear based on stereotypes. Just because the percentage of X crime is higher among population A than B doesn't mean it's reasonable to walk around assuming all of population A are likely criminals.

          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            It's a classic case of correlation is not causation. Bring black isn't what pushes the percentages up, it's being poor that does. Poverty affects black people disproportionally, thus so does violence.

            • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

              by KiloByte ( 825081 )

              No, being poor is also only a correlation. It's mostly about a specific culture. Compare the behaviour of on-lookers during WTC vs hurricane Catrina: in the former ordinary people (not just firefighters) did a lot to help victims, in the latter you had mass looting often to the point of killing victims.

              An anti-intellectual anti-work culture makes people poor. A culture that glorifies aggressive violence (rather than just violence to defend yourself or your neighbours) will also have a lot of crime. In t

              • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

                The differences in culture are not the cause of poverty, they are the result of it. A lifetime of poverty and discrimination tends not to create much empathy or respect for the rule of law, especially when things get desperate because the government doesn't seem to care and of course they couldn't afford any insurance.

                You are confusing cause and effect. The common factor is poverty, and there are clear historical reasons for it that have nothing to do with culture, like being denied bank loans and good jobs

            • It is a classic case of correlation not being causation. Since poverty and crime are correlated, you're assuming poverty causes crime. In fact it's the other way around, that crime is a cause of poverty.

              You need to solve the black crime problem, and the economic problems will take care of themselves.

          • by Kjella ( 173770 ) on Friday September 09, 2016 @03:26AM (#52853091) Homepage

            They fear them because of the very real and demonstrably accurate statistical fact of black violence. Blacks kill other Blacks at astronomically high levels. Cops would be suicidal to pretend otherwise.

            Roughly speaking, black murderers constitute around 0.03% of the black population. Meanwhile, white murderers constitute around 0.005% of the white population. (...) >99% of Muslims are NOT terrorists.

            So say I'm a cop approaching a suspect's car, is a 0.03%/0.005% = 600% difference in risk of getting shot trivial or not? Or if I'm the security service, the ratio of Muslim to non-Muslim terrorists? Most rentals go well, but one horror story can easily wipe out the profit of a hundred ordinary rentals. It could happen with white people, it could happen with black people, it's unlikely to happen with white people and it's unlikely to happen with black people. But if the unlikely is still a lot more likely to happen with black people rather than white people, is that bigotry or risk management?

            If I've been out partying and is walking home late at night and see a woman walking the same way I bet she's a lot more worried I'll jump her and rape her in the bushes than I am that she'll do the same to me. Because I'm male and she's female and most rapists are male and rape victims female. I'd say it's pretty daft to call that sexist, even though it's entirely based on our sex with no regards to the actual person and wouldn't happen if it were two men or two women. That 99%+ don't drag women into bushes to rape them doesn't mean that fear is false or misguided.

            Of course a selective bias may become a self-fulfilling prophecy, if everyone looks to the more likely suspect they might also be disproportionally often investigated and caught compared to non-likely suspects leading to excessive confirmation of the bias. That is to say if the real numbers are 60/40 and the chance of getting caught is also 60/40 the actual figures will look like 0.6*0.6 = 36% vs 0.4*0.4 = 16% leading to the false conclusion that one group is more than twice as likely to be the perp rather than 50%. But in a world of limited knowledge and resources we tend to apply what we have, even though it's unfair to those who belong to a group but go against the statistics of that group.

        • by dirk ( 87083 )

          So by this theory, white cops should fear whites because whites kill whites at similar "astronomically high levels" as blacks kill blacks. But of course that doesn't happen, because that is not what the fear is based on.

      • by ShanghaiBill ( 739463 ) on Thursday September 08, 2016 @10:34PM (#52852209)

        Being a member of an ethnicity doesn't mean you can't have inaccurate stereotypes about it.

        Nonsense. Discrimination is wrong whether the stereotypes are accurate or not. Blacks are far more likely to be criminals than whites. That is a fact. But it is still wrong to presume that an individual black person is a criminal. Everyone should be treated and respected as an individual.

        • Being a member of an ethnicity doesn't mean you can't have inaccurate stereotypes about it.

          Nonsense. Discrimination is wrong whether the stereotypes are accurate or not. Blacks are far more likely to be criminals than whites. That is a fact. But it is still wrong to presume that an individual black person is a criminal. Everyone should be treated and respected as an individual.

          That is true, but the point I was making is that at least in the specific case of policing, the bias actually exceeds any truth to the stereotype.

          To put it plainly, if the police increased their scrutiny of whites, and decreased their scrutiny of blacks, they'd find more criminals.

      • Being a member of an ethnicity doesn't mean you can't have inaccurate stereotypes about it.

        You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

    • by markdavis ( 642305 ) on Thursday September 08, 2016 @09:50PM (#52852071)

      >"...that black hosts were also less likely to accept requests from guests with African American-sounding names than with white-sounding ones."

      [European-American sounding ones, but yep, probably so.] It is also likely that there is discrimination against Muslim sounding names, and many other types of names, it is certainly not just one category. And if people had access to know what kind of money a prospect has, what type of employment, their credit score, their age, sexual orientation, how they speak, what clothes they typically wear, how fat they are, if they drink, if they smoke, political leanings, legal history, how much schooling was completed, if married, what music they listen to, how many kids, the renters will likely discriminate based on all that, too (and much more).

      Welcome to basic human nature. It might suck, but ALL people judge each other all the time, automatically, and most of the time without even knowing. And the scary part is that companies are constantly collecting, aggregating, selling, and using all that kind of information I listed above (and much, much more).... they think they know you.

      • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

        by Anonymous Coward

        It might suck, but ALL people judge each other all the time, automatically, and most of the time without even knowing.

        Tell me about it. Every morning, I have to look someone who's fat, looks tired all the time and should really go to the gym instead of playing Starcraft II late at night.

        I guess the easiest solution would be to remove all the mirrors in my place, though.

    • by jopsen ( 885607 )

      ....that black hosts were also less likely to accept requests from guests with African American-sounding names than with white-sounding ones.

      My company recently offered debiasing training for hiring... Being an arrogant white male chauvinist pig from a country with little diversity I'll admit I was slightly skeptical. But the training was rather academic and presented some interesting perspectives:
      1) it's not racism, it's largely bias (it's predominately unintentional)
      2) bias is an deviation error in our decision function (we're not making optimal decisions)
      3) bias is a part of our culture (it doesn't matter whether you are part of the minori

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 08, 2016 @08:59PM (#52851853)

    18% of the population commits 40% of the crime. Of course no one wants that in their home and they're not to blame. It's not racism it's fact.

    • ...give them a black sounding name.

      Just don't do it. Give them a chance to at least make it to the interview on their qualifications and merits. At least in person a better first impression can be made beyond "Oh, I see you're extremely black."

      Come back next week for: "How to tell a parent doesn't give a damn." (spoiler- It's the same lesson), and "How to make yourself look un-black if you're black." and "Cars you really should avoid if you don't want to be pulled over (with any color)."

      Sign up for my 5 wee

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Skin colour doesn't correlate with crime, poverty does. If you treat people like second class citizens you help ensure they remain poor by denying then opportunities.

      There is a system in place to handle bad customers and you should have insurance on your place if you are renting it out. That's the deal society offers, if you want to operate commercially then you have to be non discriminatory.

      • by quenda ( 644621 )

        Skin colour doesn't correlate with crime, poverty does.

        That's a bit like "Being female does not correlate with having breasts, hormone-levels does. ".
        Lack of delayed-gratification, low IQ and poor impulse-control lead to both poverty and crime.

        But is this really about fear of crime? If it was, we'd expect to see black women treated similarly to white men.
        Gender is a huge factor in crime statistics. Age too. What does AirBnB say about that?

        Its a shame they have chosen to address this issue by taking hiding information, instead of providing more information.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by lucm ( 889690 )

        Skin colour doesn't correlate with crime, poverty does.

        This is wrong. Skin color does correlate with crime in the USA, a lot more than poverty.

        The correlation with a composite of total violent crime was higher with skin color (r=.55), a more biologically influenced variable than with GDP (r=.17), a more culturally influenced variable. These results corroborate and extend those found at the international level using INTERPOL crime statistics and at the county, provincial, and state levels within countries using local statistics. []

        Of course that was in 2011, I'm sure all those diversity programs in Silicon Valley companies changed everything.

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Friday September 09, 2016 @03:04AM (#52853011) Homepage Journal

          That paper and many others like it have been debunked extensively. Apart from the correlation being weak, they don't account for historical disadvantages like poverty, broken homes and oppression. They also use flawed measurement methods like the IQ test, which favours certain cultures and those with educational resources.

          http://thealternativehypothesi... []

          It's just white supremacy dressed up as science.

          • by lucm ( 889690 ) on Friday September 09, 2016 @04:19AM (#52853251)

            That paper and many others like it have been debunked extensively. Apart from the correlation being weak, they don't account for historical disadvantages like poverty, broken homes and oppression.

            You confuse "correlation" and "cause"; that was obvious in your first reply but even more now that you say that a study does not "take into account" various factors like poverty and oppression when they identify a correlation between skin color and crime. Oppression, really?

            Because you confuse those two things, you let your emotions take over and lose objectivity, and you jump to conclusion. As an example, you say that this study from a Canadian university is racist and has been debunked extensively, which is clearly total bullshit. And the only link you provide to support your self-righteous diatribe is the part 2 of some random blog post series on a broken wordpress site which has nothing to do with nothing except it has the words "debunking" and "race" in the title.

            So please take a deep breath and think about this objectively. If you maintain that the study I linked has been "debunked" or is racist, please post relevant links to support your point because as it stands it just looks like you googled "debunking racist study" or somehing like that and posted one of the results, which has no relation whatsoever with the study.

            • by wired_parrot ( 768394 ) on Friday September 09, 2016 @10:24AM (#52854615)

              Oh for God's sake. You're citing Philippe Rushton, a textbook definition of a racist, past president of the Pioneer Fund and frequent contributor to American Renaissance, both organizations classified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups, and you want us to give equal weight to his arguments that blacks have smaller brains and unrestrained libido? He's been thoroughly debunked by many, but Joseph Grave's debunking [] of Rushton is one of the most thorough.

              It's a sad day for slashdot when works by a noted racist thinker gets modded +5 and conspiracy theories on a presidential candidate's health make the front page.

          • The link does not provide anything that would support your statement.

        • by SuperBanana ( 662181 ) on Friday September 09, 2016 @10:03AM (#52854429)

          Rushton is a racist - this is both well known and extensively documented by comments he's made publicly and white supremacy publications he's contributed to. His science is beyond junk.


          The man has been repeatedly and thoroughly discredited scientifically as ignoring evidence that doesn't fit his prejudices, his testing methods as biased against black people, and using non-equivalent groups.

          He was president of an institute classified as a hate group. He speaks routinely at eugenics conferences and has published articles in white supremacy magazines and online websites.

    • Only 1% of the population commits crimes. In statistics you have to pay special attention to cases where probabilities are close to 0 or 1.

      Here, even though 18% of the population may commit 40% of the crimes, it still only means that one of those people has a 2.2% chance (0.4% divided by 0.18) of being a criminal. If you therefore deny him a service due to fear of him being a criminal, you are still 97.8% likely to have commited an error.
  • Sigh (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Decide you wanna protect your own property and suddenly you're racist

  • Come on (Score:2, Insightful)

    Come on, can't we get some happy, nerdy news on Slashdot anymore? I don't give one single fuck about this article. Or almost any other article on Slashdot today. And yesterday was basically an Apple circle-jerk. Please, for the love of gOD, give me some ultra-nerdy stuff that makes me doubt my ability to do the math. This site can genuinely challenge you but, not when you constantly post bullshit.

    • Hey, it wasn't all Apple, there was also some anti-Samsung articles.
    • Come on, can't we get some happy, nerdy news on Slashdot anymore?

      Immediately under this article is a story about the launch of a spacecraft to intercept NASA. I know people's attention span is getting shorter but seriously man, that's a new low as far as complaints go.

      • Well, I'll admit it: I've been trying to get a +5 Troll post for a long time now. I can feel it coming but, maybe I haven't completely mastered that art yet.

  • by mi ( 197448 ) <> on Thursday September 08, 2016 @09:01PM (#52851865) Homepage Journal

    Whatever policies the company staff are subjected to, unless the renters are somehow compelled to rent to people against their will — however misguided, hateful, or bigoted that will might be — the complaints will not go away.

    The government may compel a business-owner by threatening fines and withdrawal of license. Fortunately, AirBnB does not have the government's power and monopoly. Whatever they do is doomed to failure.

    They know this and are going through the motions only to deflect criticism (and the government's wrath) against themselves.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      They don't have to go that far. They can rank the discriminatory hosts last so that most potential renters won't see them.

      • They can rank the discriminatory hosts last so that most potential renters won't see them.

        That will mean violating the customer's trust — if I am sorting by rankings, the site will be lying to me if they let (alleged) bigotry weight somebody down beyond the low rating the alleging party has left.

        Maybe, they can add a separate criteria for "political correctness" or "adherence to Social Justice principles" — and see, how many will choose their next room based on that...

        Perhaps more importantly, if the discrimination really is as widespread as is being alleged, your method simply will not help...

        • They don't even need to change rankings. Simply sending a polite reminder email to hosts with a discriminatory track record will probably have a significant effect. Most of this type of discrimination is likely implicit.
        • That will mean violating the customer's trust — if I am sorting by rankings, the site will be lying to me if they let (alleged) bigotry weight somebody down beyond the low rating the alleging party has left.

          Uber already does that to a degree. If you ignore three requests in a row for pickups, the driver is kicked offline for 30 minutes (in some areas).

          The same thing could be done with AirBnB. It doesn't matter if the AirBnB owner is racist, or just unavailable. And it's too difficult to tell anyway. It's just that if the owner of an AirBnB is too unresponsive to some of his/her potential customers, AirBnB should just place that specific AirBnB at the back of the queue for a couple of days.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Right, until the people forced to accommodate destructive guests stop using the service, and the people forced to the bottom of the list stop using the service.

        Problem solved!

        I mean the problem of Airbnb having to worry about public perception, because they're out of business. They haven't done shit about racism, and neither will the company who steals their clients.

    • Whatever policies the company staff are subjected to, unless the renters are somehow compelled to rent to people against their will — however misguided, hateful, or bigoted that will might be — the complaints will not go away.

      The government may compel a business-owner by threatening fines and withdrawal of license. Fortunately, AirBnB does not have the government's power and monopoly. Whatever they do is doomed to failure.

      They know this and are going through the motions only to deflect criticism (and the government's wrath) against themselves.

      If companies didn't have the ability to influence the actions of their customers then marketing as a discipline would not exist.

      • by mi ( 197448 )

        If companies didn't have the ability to influence the actions of their customers then marketing as a discipline would not exist.

        The owners of the real estate being rented aren't "customers". In the traditional scheme of things, they are more like "suppliers".

        They aren't as feeble-minded as regular consumers and thus not as easily manipulated by marketing. Not to say, they can not be persuaded at all — indeed, persuasion is the only legitimate way of fighting real racism — but it will not be as

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      They are going to make it so that if they refuse to rent on certain dates they can't then rent them out to someone else later. So racism will cost them days that they could have made profit from.

      I can see it being somewhat effective because profit is a great motivator to overcome bigotry.

      • by mi ( 197448 )

        They are going to make it so that if they refuse to rent on certain dates they can't then rent them out to someone else later

        Is one a racist only on certain dates?!.. I never knew about such a phenomenon — could you elaborate?

        profit is a great motivator to overcome bigotry

        It probably is. But there are two things to note:

        • The alleged racists are already turning down profit by rejecting certain customers — either profit is not such a great motivator after all, or the allegations aren't true.
        • AirBNB
    • by Jeremi ( 14640 )

      Fortunately, AirBnB does not have the government's power and monopoly. Whatever they do is doomed to failure.

      What AirBnB could do (in principle, at least; dunno if this would be practical) is partially anonymize their customers so that it was difficult or impossible to determine an applicant's race from his application. Then property owners would be unable to make decisions based on prejudice, since the data necessary to do so would not be available to them.

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by mi ( 197448 )

        is partially anonymize their customers so that it was difficult or impossible to determine an applicant's race from his application

        Anonymity will not help — there are very few obviously Black names. They need to disable photos — which were denounced as a major instrument of racism [] for almost a century already. But that would mean removal of an important feature of the system by making it impersonal...

        My personal opinion is that while racism is regrettable, its impact is overrated and far less d

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          The main difference between black people and east Asian people in the US is that black people are much more likely to still be suffering from the legacy of historic disadvantage.

          The stereotypes have flipped round in some cases. The Japanese were seen as lazy and stupid around 1900, but are now regarded had hard working to the point of killing themselves with stress.

          With black people it's largely still the same bullshit as 200+ years ago.

    • "Whatever they do is doomed to failure. " I disagree : an example of easiest policy is that after a number of strike of refusing a black sounding name or whatever person to imemdiately relist and offer , then you get delisted and black listed from air bnb. Then implement a certain percentage of probe. Results : racist are not compelled, but if they want to keep being listed they have to or risk being out. Now whether airbnb WANTS to implement such a plicy is different.
  • Risk management (Score:4, Insightful)

    by sinij ( 911942 ) on Thursday September 08, 2016 @09:08PM (#52851901)
    I am willing to bet most won't rent to a group of teenagers, and it isn't because of ageism.

    I don't think they will have any luck with cajoling people into abandoning basic risk management when it comes to renting their property.
  • Wow (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 08, 2016 @09:25PM (#52851977)

    Amazing that a population associated with 2500% more murders per capita has a 16% less acceptance rate.

  • by Snotnose ( 212196 ) on Thursday September 08, 2016 @09:41PM (#52852031)
    First off, I would never rent my house for a week or two. I just don't trust people that much.

    Second, if I was going to rent my house out for a week or two I would look at age first. That 50 year old black couple is going to beat the 20 year old single white dude. Every. Single. Time.
    • by Solandri ( 704621 ) on Friday September 09, 2016 @12:58AM (#52852701)
      The vast majority of Airbnb (and VRBO) listings are not owner-occupied homes. They're second, third, etc. homes owned by someone who rents them out full-time as a business.

      It's kinda like how most eBay listings used to be people getting rid of unused crap in their homes, but now it's mostly people running businesses with eBay as a storefront. Or Uber and Lyft, which started out as "these people want to go to the same place you are, why not give them a ride and make a few bucks?" But now the drivers are all doing it as a full-time business.
    • First off, I would never rent my house for a week or two. I just don't trust people that much.

      Renting your own house is one thing. All your stuff is in there. But if you had a duplex for instance or a second apartment, that might be a different story. In my area, the riskier tenants are the ones that stay for more than 30 days, because then rent control and renters rights go into effect, and it becomes almost impossible to evict them (even if they decide to stop paying rent).

      Second, if I was going to rent my house out for a week or two I would look at age first. That 50-year-old black couple is going to beat the 20-year-old single white dude. Every. Single. Time.

      Does Airbnb give you their age? And what about the parent who gets an Airbnb for his/her 20 years old son? Are you allowed to

  • by trout007 ( 975317 ) on Thursday September 08, 2016 @09:41PM (#52852035)

    Young men are charged more for car insurance because they are a higher risk. When there was a free market in healthcare women were charged more because they use it more. Smokers were charged more as well.

    If they really wanted to show that discrimination was unfounded they would post the data proving that African American Airbnb users are no more likely to commit crime or cause damage than other renters.

  • by GameboyRMH ( 1153867 ) <(gameboyrmh) (at) (> on Thursday September 08, 2016 @09:53PM (#52852083) Journal

    This will spur demand for a racist-friendly rental site, they could call it Aryanbnb. This would also help nonwhite renters avoid discrimination by simply avoiding the site!

    But seriously, this shit's not gonna stop as long as loopholes exist for short-term online rentals that don't for traditional rentals. See also: Illegal interview questions vs. employer facebook stalking.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      It would be like that white only dating site. An opportunity to label yourself as a racist, become a social outcast and lose your job.

      Someone should do it, just to see how many people sign up.

      • It's called having a sexual preference, for fuck's sake! Do I have to date 60 year olds now so I can dodge being accused of being ageist?

        Where the FUCK does political correctness end? What's next, any straight person who doesn't want to engage in homosexual activity is homophobic? Would you force me to fuck a woman? I can tell you that much: Nu-uh, not gonna work!

        And no, I don't want to fuck a black guy. Why? 'cause I am into white guys. Why? For the same damn reason others are into black guys, black women,

  • My first question is whether there's an actual harm being experienced by non-white renters. Are they experiencing an inability to rent on AirBnB? Short term housing in general, such as hotels or resorts?

    How picky are AirBnB renters allowed to be generally? AFAIK where I live if you own a duplex or some other owner-occupied property you're allowed to refuse rental to anyone.

    My sense is that as long as it doesn't meaningfully prevent people from renting in an area, who cares? If someone doesn't like me be

  • by liquid_schwartz ( 530085 ) on Friday September 09, 2016 @12:05AM (#52852533)
    After all, if black people want to only rent to black people that'll be OK as long as we call it a safe space. I suspect that other protected classes could get away with this too. As long as it's not ever a white male because then it would be bad. Logic is definitely a weak point among the PC crowd. It's either wrong to discriminate or it isn't. Anything along the lines of you can do this but he can't are just a new flavor of discrimination.
  • 16%??? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Gussington ( 4512999 ) on Friday September 09, 2016 @01:34AM (#52852799)
    16% are racist is another way of saying 84% aren't. Compare to attitudes 50 years I'd take that as a win.
    To compare, 22% would've still voted for Bush even after starting 2 unwinnable wars that cost over a Trillion dollars and will take decades to resolve, and plunging most of the western world into economic meltdown. If even the most useless leader in history still has 22% support, then 16% is nothing.

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
