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FBI Releases Hillary Clinton Email Report (cnn.com) 409

The FBI released 58-pages documents on Friday detailing its investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, and a summary of her interview with agents, providing the most thorough look yet at the probe that has dogged the campaign of the Democratic presidential nominee. CNN reports: Clinton repeatedly told the FBI she lacked recollection of key events. She said she "could not recall any briefing or training by State related to the retention of federal records or handling classified information," according to the FBI's notes of their July 2 interview with Clinton. Fallout from Clinton's use of a private email server continues to dog the Democratic presidential nominee's campaign, as her lead over her Republican counterpart Donald Trump has been cut in half since her post convention bounce last month, according to CNN's Poll of Polls released Thursday. Trump and other Republicans have stepped up their attacks connecting the emails to questions over whether Clinton gave preferential treatment to donors to her family's foundation. The bureau is making the information public in response to numerous Freedom of Information Act requests, including from CNN. "Today the FBI is releasing a summary of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's July 2, 2016 interview with the FBI concerning allegations that classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on a personal e-mail server she used during her tenure," the agency said in a statement. "We also are releasing a factual summary of the FBI's investigation into this matter."
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FBI Releases Hillary Clinton Email Report

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  • "could not recall" (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 02, 2016 @03:03PM (#52816807)

    "could not recall any briefing or training by State related to the retention of federal records or handling classified information"

    Funny, every one of us poor bastards who actually would go to jail over a classified release remembers the briefing distinctly. She, having had the statutory authority to determine what's classified or not with the stroke of a pen (Original Classification Authority) doesn't remember any of the training and couldn't be assed to declassify what she told her subordinates to email her. If she had any integrity, at all, she should shoot herself.

    • by sycodon ( 149926 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @03:11PM (#52816851)

      I recall my training on confidential information when I entered the Defense Industry nearly thirty years ago. Hell, I remember the Food Safety course I took at age 17.

      It's clear Hillary has some kind of Brain Injury issue going on.

      • by kwbauer ( 1677400 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @03:53PM (#52817183)

        Yes. She sustained this injury early in her life. It is called "I am better than you" syndrome AKA "I am not one of the little people" syndrome.

        • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

          by Kierthos ( 225954 )

          I hate to break it to you, but something like 99% of politicians at state level and above have that same problem.

          Honestly, I'm not sure if I even need the qualifier. I've met a couple city councilmen who thought they walked on water and that their feces was not odoriferous.

      • by myid ( 3783581 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @03:57PM (#52817223)

        I recall my training on confidential information when I entered the Defense Industry nearly thirty years ago. Hell, I remember the Food Safety course I took at age 17.

        It's clear Hillary has some kind of Brain Injury issue going on.

        According to this article [washingtontimes.com],

        Mrs. Clinton told the FBI she couldn’t remember if she was ever briefed on preserving records, but said it may have happened in 2012, after she fell and suffered a concussion and had a blood clot.

        “Based on her doctor’s advice, she could only work at State for a few hours a day and could not recall every briefing she received,” the agents wrote in their notes.

        Clinton became Secretary of State in 2009. I doubt she got her briefing on preserving records in 2012.

        Claiming that she can't remember things because of her concussion helps keep her out of legal trouble. However, it doesn't help her claim that her mind is healthy enough to be president. Well, maybe she'll say that her mind was messed up then, but that it's ok now.

        • We're not electing HC or DT, we're electing their staff, their group of advisers, speech writers, and policy makers - neither of them is competent to execute even 1% of the office on their own cognition.

        • According to this article [washingtontimes.com], ...

          Sorry, but Washington Times is known for political bias and spin. My advice is either find and quote the original source of their info, or ignore them. You might as well cite a tabloid (which they arguably are).

          • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

            Half your audience is wondering why you misspelled 'Post.'

            Hence, there really isn't anything unclear or confusing here.

        • by myid ( 3783581 )

          Clinton became Secretary of State in 2009. I doubt she got her briefing on preserving records in 2012.

          Ok, I found it [weeklystandard.com]:

          "I hereby acknowledge that I have received a security indoctrination concerning the nature and protection of classified information, including the procedures to be followed in ascertaining whether other persons to whom I contemplate disclosing this information have been approved for access to it, and that I understand these procedures." -- Signed by H R Clinton 22-01-2009

      • by Curunir_wolf ( 588405 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @04:26PM (#52817463) Homepage Journal

        It's clear Hillary has some kind of Brain Injury issue going on.

        Yes, it was a pretty bad head trauma. The cover story was that she had a flu or something and fell over and banged her head, and that's why she was wearing those glasses. The coverup was necessary because the injury actually happened during a plane crash in Iran when she was headed to secret negotiations, which the State Department lied about, then covered up, then covered up the lie, then restored the video where they admitted the lie. It was lies all the way down.

        There was also a Navy Seal killed during the crash [eutimes.net]. It must have been a fairly open secret among some folks at the State Department. When Hillary returned to work after a month-long recovery from the crash, officials at the Department gave her a crash helmet as a gift.

      • by Rinikusu ( 28164 )

        Oddly enough, I don't and mine was less than 15 years ago.

      • So, nixon, reagan, W, Cheney, Rover, etc.were mentally imbalanced as well? Not a one of them could recall a single thing about all their crimes?
        • by TiggertheMad ( 556308 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @06:06PM (#52818119) Journal
          Honestly, if you cannot read between the lines here, stop voting.

          When a politician (from either party) says 'I cannot recall' while being questioned under oath, it means, 'I will neither conform or deny your question because I am under oath'. Saying nothing of substance give investigators and prosecutors no ammo for perjury charges, which could be filed even if a primary charge gets thrown out of court. Furthermore, Pleading the fifth just makes you look guilty even if you had nothing to do with whatever it is that is being investigated. Saying you cannot recall is a solid legal dodge, and ANY politician with good legal council will use it if you try to push them into a corner.

          If you want to hate on Hillary, go ahead. But try to stick to actual character flaws and not tried and true legal tactics to avoid perjury charges. She remembers every bit of it, but she is playing defense so the Hilary witch hunters cannot nail her on tangential charges.
          • Translation of fancy language: She is avoiding disclosure of the truth.

          • uh, as a guy who has only voted 3x for a GOP or Dem in 12 elections, and has open said that he will not vote for either of the 2 criminals, well, it sounds like you are the one that should stop voting.
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Yup. She's either senile, incompetent or a pathological liar. Just what we need for the next president, yeah?

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by meerling ( 1487879 )
        The way the government does things, I can see someone gaining that kind of lofty position not getting a briefing on it. It's very common for them to assume that their new boss already knows it, despite them not having come up through the ranks and subsequently having had the briefings, training, and general experience that everyone else already had.
        (I've seen a similar thing happen with the officers in the military at every base I was ever at, except there you sometimes had the additional difficulty that th
        • by Tailhook ( 98486 )

          We all know the plausible deniability angle. Yet we've heard definitive statements; "no classified emails." "The server was never hacked." (today we learn about logins from Tor exit nodes.) "No FOIA responsive emails we're deleted." (Thousands were.)

          On one hand we're supposed to accept these unambiguous and informed claims, and on the other we're supposed to believe she — a professional lawyer going back to the Watergate investigation — was oblivious to her legal obligations. The appeal

      • by _Sharp'r_ ( 649297 ) <sharper@booTIGER ... ew.com minus cat> on Friday September 02, 2016 @03:20PM (#52816913) Homepage Journal

        Yup. She's either senile, incompetent or a pathological liar.

        I vote for "all of the above"...

        Doesn't recognize what classified markings look like, doesn't remember any of her briefings on it, losing her blackberry dozens of times...

        Does anyone actually believe all this stuff? She's been conveniently "forgetting" things for 25 years, going back to the Whitewater FBI investigation interviews. It's a bit much to believe she has the worst memory ever, but only when it comes to things which are potentially damaging to her criminally and politically.

        Don't get me started on the fact that the FBI conveniently released all this damaging information as a Friday-Before-Holiday news avoidance dump.

        • Don't get me started on the fact that the FBI conveniently released all this damaging information as a Friday-Before-Holiday news avoidance dump.

          Personally, I look at that as giving the media all the time it needs to go through the information before Tuesday.

          I wonder when the State Department is going to release Hillary's training records to show she took the training.

        • by Marxist Hacker 42 ( 638312 ) * <seebert42@gmail.com> on Friday September 02, 2016 @03:54PM (#52817191) Homepage Journal

          "It's a bit much to believe she has the worst memory ever, but only when it comes to things which are potentially damaging to her criminally and politically."

          Actually, Narcissistic Personality Disorder combined with trauma-induced schizophrenia would produce *exactly* this effect.

          • "It's a bit much to believe she has the worst memory ever, but only when it comes to things which are potentially damaging to her criminally and politically."

            Actually, Narcissistic Personality Disorder combined with trauma-induced schizophrenia would produce *exactly* this effect.

            Sounds about right, but what trauma did Trump experience? :-)

            • Haven't heard Trump actually claim to have *forgotten* anything. His Modus Operandi is usually to claim that he CHOOSES to be an asshole who won't pay anybody what he owes them (due to something about not being satisfied with the work output while sending undocumented workers into homelessness when the subcontractor goes bankrupt).

        • Doesn't recognize what classified markings look like ...

          By some accounts, it's merely a "C." -- two characters. Comey estimated there were 3 such messages found, per question from a Senator (IIRC).

          And it wasn't clear whether the content itself had classified facts, or that the markers by themselves were left in. In other words, presence of markers and presence of classified material in the same given message are not necessarily the same thing.

          3 messages with "C." out of roughly 40,000? Would you catch the

      • In order... Worked for Reagan, GWB and Cheney
    • by kenh ( 9056 )

      It's heart-warming to know that she summoned the strength to attend briefings and meetings when she knew that as soon as she walked out the door she'd have no recollection of what was discussed... Apparently, the smartest, best prepared candidate for President never opted to take notes when she, as secretary of state, attended high-level meetings regarding the handling and disposition of national secrets/secure documents.

      Unless, of course, she simply claims not to remember to help her avoid contradicting or

    • by hsmith ( 818216 )
      So, she is the most qualified human ever to walk the earth, but she is so incompetent that she didn't know she couldn't mishandle classified information? Adds up!
    • She learned quite well from the GOP.
    • Fun fact, by the time you reach 60 years of age, in a high power posting like SecState, you have learned to filter - a lot, otherwise you'd be completely incapable of retaining any of the important stuff. Senility is already setting in, but if you've learned to cope with it, you've got a good repetoire of pat answers for the unimportant stuff. Maybe she remembers the briefing, maybe she was "multitasking" when it was given, in the greater scheme, it was one of a hundred such "important trainings."

      We reall

    • Funny, every one of us poor bastards who actually would go to jail over a classified release remembers the briefing distinctly

      Those who end up in jail over such things either somehow left an evidence trail that definitely indicates "intent", not merely carelessness, OR could not afford good lawyers. The wealthy are going to have better lawyers than us. That's life. (It's lopsided in socialistic and commie nations also, where connections are "cash".)

      That being said, in my opinion it should NOT be the job of

  • by ThatsNotPudding ( 1045640 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @03:08PM (#52816835)
    I will summarily execute any underlings that release awkward / bad news on a Friday. It will also apply to their families if Monday is a holiday.

    I despise Trump nor a big fan of Hil, but Teams Red AND Blue have been guilty of this cowardice for decades now.
  • by damn_registrars ( 1103043 ) <damn.registrars@gmail.com> on Friday September 02, 2016 @03:10PM (#52816849) Homepage Journal
    This report won't mean anything to whatever number of republicans remain in congress after Clinton is sworn in as POTUS on January 20. January 21 will begin with GOP members attempting to initiate impeachment hearings over the email server. It will be the endless series of Benghazi hearings and investigations all over again.

    People who like the government to not get any meaningful work done should be able to rest easy. Those who would like to see something happen will be inevitably disappointed.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Both of the front runners would be 'competent' presidents. But for different reasons. Trump seems like he would get the job done just because it is the right thing to do and he enjoys doing it. Hillary would do it because it brings her power and she has tons of shady connections to get things done.

      The thing is scandal follows the Clintons. It clings to them. Why? Because it seems like *everything* they do is shady. Maybe legal, maybe not. When you have Bill Clinton saying 'house of cards is 99% accu

    • January 21 will begin with GOP members attempting to initiate impeachment hearings ... People who like the government to not get any meaningful work done should be able to rest easy.

      People who like the government to not get any meaningful work done are terrified of a Clinton presidency. The scenario goes like this:

      In addition to increasing the current horde of left-wing judges at lower levels, with Souter dead and Thomas expected to retire after the election she gets to replace two conservative justices w

      • People who like the government to not get any meaningful work done are terrified of a Clinton presidency.

        Why? We didn't see anything useful done under the Obama Administration. If anything, the laws Obama has signed into law make him the most conservative president to date. The law most frequently associated with him was the largest handout to corporate America in the history of government, bar none. We have never had a republican president to date who would not have enthusiastically signed it into law.

        with Souter dead

        I presume you meant Scalia? I'm pretty sure David Souter [wikipedia.org] would be surprised to learn that he's no long

      • by epine ( 68316 )

        Without the courts to call her on it, this could turn the country's infrastructure into a Soviet-style People's Republic.

        APL used to have a system variable called "quad CT" (and apparently still does, for a progressive value of the word "still") which stands for "comparison tolerance" and governs equality tests on floating-point numbers.

        The default in 32-bit implementations of APLX is 1E-13, and in 64-bit implementation is 3E-15. It can be reset by assignment to a value between 0 and just less than 1.

        What i

  • by 31415926535897 ( 702314 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @03:11PM (#52816859) Journal

    See, she's not a malicious lawbreaker, she's a drooling moron. All hail our next Commander-in-Chief!

    Seriously, if she can't recall basic instructions, how can she be trusted to lead the country?

    [No, don't get me started on Trump. Please, everyone, vote 3rd party.]

    • Please, everyone, vote 3rd party.]

      Third party voting is like the prisoner's dilemma in game theory. If everyone does it, it works out. If only some people do, those who don't win.

    • [No, don't get me started on Trump. Please, everyone, vote 3rd party.]

      Sure, great! Which third party do you prefer--the one that just dropped homeopathy from their platform this year and whose nominee flew to the wrong city today, or the one that had the Iron-Cross-tattooed candidate performing a striptease at the podium during their convention?

      (The moral of the story is that third parties are a special, highly-distilled breed of terrible, but we happily give them a pass because we all know they're hopeless yutzes doomed to failure.)

  • Our political leaders accountable when they hide behind the flimsy excuse of "I don't recall" (*cough Reagan cough*). And I'll still take her over Mike Peance. At least she listened to Bernie and moved further left.
    • by mi ( 197448 )

      At least she listened to Bernie and moved further left.

      Towards Venezuela? Oh, wait, no, towards Cuba? No, sorry, towards North Korea?

      What are the Left's success-stories exactly, again?

      • by AaronW ( 33736 )

        Norway and Sweden are quite successful with about the highest standards of living and the least corruption in the world. Denmark is way up there too. In terms of quality of life they beat the US handily in most metrics.

      • What are the Left's success-stories exactly, again?

        Well, obviously places like peaceful, socialist Norway. You know, a place that would NEVER do anything a Trump-like person would like. Except, you know, realize they ALSO need to build a wall to keep illegal immigrants out:

        http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08... [nytimes.com]

  • could not recall any briefing or training by State related to the retention of federal records or handling classified information

    So, either

    • the abuela [hillaryclinton.com]'s memory is fading and she is unfit to be President; or
    • she lied to the FBI (a federal crime) and is unfit to be President.

    What a pickle... An entire jar of pickles!

  • "Cut her lead in half". Give me a break, she is trouncing Trump in the polls. She has a 5 point lead already. No matter how you spin it, she has the largest poll lead of any Presidential candidate at this point of the campaign in history.
    • Trump actually goes and meets with international leaders. Hillary will not even meet with our own press... as someone snarked recently Trump has now had more press conferences with the leader of Mexico than Hillary has had with our own press.

      As for the five point lead (which you may want to re-check) that has been falling and will continue to fall as we get closer to the election.

      The term "October Surprise" did not come about because things in earlier months influenced the elections as much... much more an

  • Disclosure: I am not a US Citizen and have no real interest in US politics...

    I'd like to ask the US readers about the timing of this publication. Specifically, given the proximity to a US Presidential vote in which the subject of the report, Mrs Clinton, is standing as a nominee, it would seem on the face of it that the timing of this release might be politically motivated.

    If that's even a theory it doesn't seem to be getting much airtime. But I'm curious as to what our US readership might think. Is t
    • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @05:32PM (#52817919)

      I'd like to ask the US readers about the timing of this publication.

      The timing is very meaningful.

      Specifically, given the proximity to a US Presidential vote in which the subject of the report, Mrs Clinton, is standing as a nominee, it would seem on the face of it that the timing of this release might be politically motivated.

      It is - it was released the Friday before labor day, the time when all the worst news is released because most reporters have gone on vacation, and most people are not paying attention to news.

      The timing of this being released today, means this is more very terrible new for Clinton and it is being buried as much as is possible so as few people as possible see it.

      Is this a deliberately-timed event by a Republican-leaning FBI,

      The FBI is Democrat leaning, as you can tell by them letting a felony slide for Clinton. The FBI said she committed a felony, but they thought it was too inconvenient to prosecute her.

      Ask anyone who has ever works with classified material. They would be in jail, for a long time, if they had done just once what Clinton did with great regularity.

  • Because of Hillary we are going to have president Trump. Reading through the articles it appears that her defense boils down to her being complete moron. She has hard time recalling anything (really she did not recall training, there must be a paper record if she took it), and she thought the common prefix for classified paragraphs, "(C)", was indicating alphabetized order (seems her version of the English alphabet consists of a single C letter repeated over and over again).
  • by erp_consultant ( 2614861 ) on Friday September 02, 2016 @06:40PM (#52818333)

    Hillary is clearly a lying, deceptive, corrupt, sociopath dirt bag. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican I just don't see how it can be viewed any other way. Trump is just a buffoon. A carnival barker. An embarrassment.

    Neither one of them deserves my vote. So what to do? I suppose I could just stay home and not bother to vote but that seems unpatriotic to me. People fought and died for my right to vote so the least I can do is exercise that right. So I'm voting for Gary Johnson the Libertarian candidate. He hasn't got a snowballs chance in hell of winning but that is not the point. I just can't bring myself to vote for either of those two shit sandwiches so at least I can cast a vote for Johnson with a clear conscience.

"Tell the truth and run." -- Yugoslav proverb
