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Theresa May Becomes UK's 'Spy Queen' and New Prime Minister ( 238

An anonymous reader writes from a report via Ars Technica: Theresa May has become the new British Prime Minister. As she sat down with the Queen on Wednesday, a controversial surveillance draft legislation that looks to significantly increase surveillance of Brits' online activity will be debated during its second committee stage day in the House of Lords. Ars Technica reports: "The Investigatory Powers Act could be in place within months of May arriving at Number 10 -- if peers and legal spats fail to scupper its passage through parliament -- after MPs recently waved it through having secured only minor amendments to the bill. As home secretary, May fought for six years to get her so-called Snoopers' Charter onto the statute books." According to Ars Technica, Theresa May's key political moments on the Investigatory Powers Bill start in 1997 when she became the Member of Parliament for Maidenhead. During her opposition years, her home affairs record shows that she generally votes against the Labour government's more draconian measures on topics such as anti-terrorism and ID cards. Mid-2009: May votes against requiring ISPs to retain certain categories of communications data, which they generate or process, for a minimum period of 12 months. 2010: She was appointed home secretary in coalition government between the Conservatives and junior partner the Liberal Democrats. 2011: The previous government's shelved Interception Modernization Program is rebranded as the Communications Capabilities Development Program (CCDP) by home office under May. Mid-2012: The CCDP morphs into Communications Data Bill, which is brought before parliament. Late-2012: May's Snoopers' Charter bid fails as deputy PM Nick Clegg orders the home office to go back to the drawing board. Mid-2014: May rushes what she characterizes as an "emergency" Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Bill through parliament, after the European Court of Justice invalidates the Data Retention Directive for failing to have adequate privacy safeguards in place. Late-2015: British security services have intercepted bulk communications data of UK citizens for years, May reveals to MPs for the first time as she brings her revamped Snoopers' Charter bid -- this time dubbed the Investigatory Powers Bill (IPB) -- before parliament. Mid-2016: MPs support thrust of IPB as it passes through the House of Commons. July 13, 2016: Theresa May becomes the UK's new prime minister as peers in the House of Lords undertake a second day of committee stage scrutiny of the Investigatory Powers Bill. UPDATE 7/13/16: Boris Johnson, the former London mayor who led the Brexit campaign, has been made foreign secretary by the new Prime Minister Theresa May.
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Theresa May Becomes UK's 'Spy Queen' and New Prime Minister

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  • by jfdavis668 ( 1414919 ) on Wednesday July 13, 2016 @08:37PM (#52507601)
    I keep reading these headlines that Theresa "may" become prime minister. I wish they would make up their minds.
    • Things are really going her way - you could say that this is the month of May.

    • I know, it's like lolcats are writing for the news.

      Theresa may has become PM?

  • We can hope it works...
  • In her previous incarnation she was champion of the "Snoopers Charter": []

    "The Draft Communications Data Bill (nicknamed the Snoopers' Charter or Snooper's Charter) is draft legislation proposed by Home Secretary Theresa May in the United Kingdom which would require Internet service providers and mobile phone companies to maintain records of each user's internet browsing activity (including social media), email correspondence, voice calls, internet gaming, and mobile phone me

  • Wall of text (Score:5, Informative)

    by somenickname ( 1270442 ) on Wednesday July 13, 2016 @10:28PM (#52507981)

    Dear editors,

    I'm genuinely interested in understanding this summary but, it's effectively a gigantic wall of text that's almost impossible to understand or follow. Could you please, I dunno, edit...

  • by Sesostris III ( 730910 ) on Thursday July 14, 2016 @12:45AM (#52508287)
    Boris Johnson as Foreign Secretary isn't the only Cabinet Minister she's appointed which will have international implications, she has also created two new cabinet posts;

    Secretary of State for Exiting the EU - David Davis
    Secretary of State for International Trade - Liam Fox

    The first is getting us out of the EU, the second is for getting new trade agreements for when we are out of the EU.

    All these three are Brexiters, and will be responsible for the aftermath. Very clever - as May was a Remainer, she has effectively delegated responsibility for the success or failure of exiting the EU on to those who campaigned to get us into this situation in the first place!
    • maybe she gave the job to boris to keep him out of the country for as long as possible. i wouldn't have liam fox anywhere near a government post as he's already proved he has no clue by taking his "boyfriend" to security meetings
      • maybe she gave the job to boris to keep him out of the country for as long as possible.

        She should have made him ambassador to Mars. Send him over on the Embassy One.

    • Boris Johnson as Foreign Secretary isn't the only Cabinet Minister she's appointed which will have international implications, she has also created two new cabinet posts;

      Secretary of State for Exiting the EU - David Davis
      Secretary of State for International Trade - Liam Fox

      The first is getting us out of the EU, the second is for getting new trade agreements for when we are out of the EU.

      All these three are Brexiters, and will be responsible for the aftermath. Very clever - as May was a Remainer, she has effectively delegated responsibility for the success or failure of exiting the EU on to those who campaigned to get us into this situation in the first place!

      I find it interesting to note that you only talked about what the first and second persons on your list are responsible for when in actual fact there are three people on your list. So, actually, the first one (Johnson) now seems to have been placed in charge of pissing off every every foreign dignitary he meets seeing as how he has been stripped of responsibility for negotiating trade deals and Brexit. These are two tasks that would very much be the job of the foreign minister in most other countries. I'm t

    • Yes, the Boris appointment was very interesting.

      Personally, I find it all a little too convenient. It may very well have just been chance, but I wonder if Boris and Gove set up their 'stabbing in the back' thing as a way for Boris to exit from a situation he could not win from. Before his good friend Gove did this, Boris was basically trapped and would have had to follow through with brexit and all the ridiculous promises he made. He would basically have had to upset both the brexiters (by not being able to

    • by halivar ( 535827 )

      It's also a signal that she'll not obstruct Brexit, despite her own personal feelings on the issue. I wish us Americans had politicians half as honorable (honourable?).

  • We've got our flag to wave and we've "taken back control"...

    Which - unfortunately - is how a large number of people actually think.

  • by niks42 ( 768188 ) on Thursday July 14, 2016 @07:49AM (#52509257)
    We are seriously going to run out of simile soon. This is quite the most bizarre and unlikely position to be in, truth being stranger than fiction and all that.

    She's put Bam-bam in as foreign secretary, and she's left a homeopathy supporter in charge of the NHS. However she HAS had the good sense to get rid of Michael Gove (snake in the grass has been returned to the green pastures of the Back Benches).

    Where is Spitting Image when you need it?
  • by muffen ( 321442 )
    She will begin as prime minister of UK, and end as the prime minister of United England and Wales, once Scotland and Northern Ireland leaves.

Them as has, gets.
