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Crime Security United States

CiCi's Pizza May Have Been Hacked (krebsonsecurity.com) 34

An anonymous reader writes:Security expert Brian Krebs says more than half a dozen financial institutions contacted him, "all asking if I had any information about a possible credit card breach. Every one of these banking industry sources said the same thing: They'd detected a pattern of fraud on cards that all had one thing in common: They'd all been used in the last few months at various CiCi's Pizza locations... The data available so far suggests that hackers obtained access to card data at affected restaurants by posing as technical support specialists for the company's point-of-sale provider, and that multiple other retailers have been targeted by this same cybercrime gang."

The pizza chain referred Krebs to an outside firm managing their restaurants, who referred him to an outside PR firm, so he eventually just contacted the chain's point-of-sale provider, Datapoint. They confirmed that the Secret Service was investigating several different point-of-sale vendors in "one particular franchise... All of these attacks have been traced to social engineering/Team Viewer breaches because stores from several POS vendors let supposed techs in to conduct 'support'."

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CiCi's Pizza May Have Been Hacked

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 04, 2016 @03:36PM (#52249603)

    CiCi's lost CCs.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Not surprising. Not good pizza either.
    • Shudder...

      Worst. Pizza. Ever.

      Even my boys hate the place, with a hot, burning passion. Cardboard, topped with a few teaspoons of bland sauce, barely covered with cheese, next to such lovely items as stale breadsticks and mac and cheese... did I say cheese? More like cloudy water.

      The only place I've eaten that was worse would be a couple of short lived places on Yonge Street in Toronto in the 90s (UFO Pizza and some non-descript chinese buffet)

      • Shudder...Worst. Pizza. Ever.

        CiCi's is rivaled only by Chuck E. Cheese in terms of "non-edible items masquerading as pizza".

        • I'm probably the only person on Slashdot that remembers Bullwinkle's in Santa Clara, CA (they closed in 1996). They would remove the plastic wrapper off their frozen pizza right before your eyes and stick it in the oven to be heated. A thin piece of cardboard, thin veneer of ketchup, a few sprinkles of chalky mozarella and a couple slices of the thinnest pepperoni on Earth. The animatronic show preceded by a dancing water fountain was worth it though.

  • I've heard of CiCi (Score:5, Insightful)

    by OzPeter ( 195038 ) on Saturday June 04, 2016 @03:45PM (#52249653)

    But I hand't heard they made pizza. I just though there were a cardboard tile store.

  • I didn't say anything when various stores, banks and social media sites were getting hacked because I knew that networked computers came a price. But now YOU DO THIS TO PIZZA?! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!

  • about something that "might happen" or "might have happened" lately. Isn't there enough news about stuff that definitely did happen?

    • by DamonHD ( 794830 )

      You're old enough to understand by now that /. is not the place to be if you want complete certainty. Maybe go browse the NTSB 'completely unambiguously solved cases' PDF stack if you want that. Oh, wait...



  • I ate there once just to try it. Yech. If I had to choose between identity theft and eating there again, it would be a tough choice. Exactly how much would I have to eat?

  • by jsh1972 ( 1095519 ) on Sunday June 05, 2016 @03:38PM (#52255267)
    The hack was detected because the hackers altered the recipes stored on the computer. Customers and employees were shocked when actual pizzas started coming out of the oven, that's when management determined someone had hacked the system.

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
