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Malware Bank Attacks May Be Linked To Sony Pictures Hack ( 38

itwbennett writes: Researchers at BAE Systems have found a long chain of coding coincidences linking attempted fraud over the SWIFT network to the 2014 Sony Pictures hack. "The overlaps between these samples provide strong links for the same coder being behind the recent bank heist cases and a wider known campaign stretching back almost a decade," the researchers concluded. But it's still anybody's guess who's behind all these attacks: in Bangladesh, government officials are pointing the finger at SWIFT technicians who worked on the central bank's network last year, while the FBI says that attack was an inside job -- but blames the North Koreans for the Sony hack.
Sunday a bank in Vietnam revealed that it had also identified and blocked a $1.13 million fraud attempt, saying that a third-party service it used to connect to SWIFT's global money transfers system may have been attacked by hackers.
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Malware Bank Attacks May Be Linked To Sony Pictures Hack

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  • Sony was attacked a number of times these past years, and some of these attacks targeted easy flaws, like SQL injection for instance. Are these bank attacks as dumb as Sony ones?
  • The FBI blaming the North Korean's always looked like at best a political motivated finger pointing of "we can't find who really did it but North Korea are currently pissing us off so lets blame them."
    • I disagree. Sony's not been able to turn a profit for a while,
      they're probably running very lean on the in-house technology
      infrastructure side of the business. Probably too busy trying
      to come up with, patent, and profit off some revolutionary new
      piece of hardware.

      I could totally buy North Korea getting into Sony. They could
      easily hire Russian, Chinese, or some other hackers to do it.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      From what I could gather in industry conferences from people closer to the case... yeah, it was really NK.

  • Who's behind the malware that prevents peoples brains saying Microsoft Windows in relation to malware fraud.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    The Sony hack was an inside job done from an internal machine.

    How fucking hard it is to track that down if marginally competent people are investigating?

    This latest bank "attack" was also a (completely unrelated) inside job.

    • Sony pays good money to the government to place the blame on North Korea.

  • In other words, nobody knows who did it but everyone has a favorite scapegoat that should be responsible, not because it's likely but because they'd like it.

  • The overlaps between these samples provide strong links for the same coder being behind the recent bank heist cases and a wider known campaign stretching back almost a decade

    Maybe the coder is selling his code. Doesn't mean he is behind these campaigns...

  • I can't imagine North Korea had an undersea fiber cable laid, nor is borrowing a cup of bandwith from their southern cousins.

    That leaves one country fulfilling the role of NKs ISP. Funny how they continue to get a free pass. It's almost like both governments are of like mind and cooperate on this sort of theft and destruction.
  • When I first read the headline, I thought it was describing a malicious bank that was attacking somebody or something.

    I guess I need to read more content before I jump to conclusions. Or maybe the editors/authors should learn to create better headlines.

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