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Denver TSA Screeners Manipulated System In Order To Grope Men's Genitals 294

McGruber writes: The CBS affiliate in Denver reports: "Two Transportation Security Administration screeners at Denver International Airport have been fired after they were discovered manipulating passenger screening systems to allow a male TSA employee to fondle the genital areas of attractive male passengers." According to law enforcement reports obtained during the CBS4 investigation, a male TSA screener told a female colleague in 2014 that he "gropes" male passengers who come through the screening area at DIA. "He related that when a male he finds attractive comes to be screened by the scanning machine he will alert another TSA screener to indicate to the scanning computer that the party being screened is a female. When the screener does this, the scanning machine will indicate an anomaly in the genital area and this allows (the male TSA screener) to conduct a pat-down search of that area." Although the TSA learned of the accusation on Nov. 18, 2014 via an anonymous tip from one of the agency's own employees, reports show that it would be nearly three months before anything was done."
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Denver TSA Screeners Manipulated System In Order To Grope Men's Genitals

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @03:38PM (#49473667)

    Honestly, I wouldn't have any problem with the TSA if I knew for certain that I would have my penis vigorously groped every time I travel...

    It's the uncertainty that kills me.. Will I have to rub one out in the bathroom, or can I get a head start as I pass through security??

    • Well, I know for certain that I can get that service but I have to pay extra. It would be great if I could get it for free.
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by cayenne8 ( 626475 )
        Well, if it was a chick doing this groping to me, fine.

        For the dude doing it...what's the penalty again for punching out a TSA idiot?

        • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @04:50PM (#49474201)

          Well, if it was a chick doing this groping to me, fine.

          For the dude doing it...what's the penalty again for punching out a TSA idiot?


          • Well, if it was a chick doing this groping to me, fine.

            For the dude doing it...what's the penalty again for punching out a TSA idiot?


            For some dude fondling my junk....might be worth it.

            • by dave420 ( 699308 )
              You do realise you're just telling everyone you are massively insecure with your sexuality, right?
              • You do realise you're just telling everyone you are massively insecure with your sexuality, right?

                It has nothing to do with insecurity, I"m quite happy with my heterosexuality. And frankly I don't care what consenting adults do on their own behind closed doors.

                But if a homosexual makes a pass at me or gropes me, I have no problem decking them. Sorry, but that's just the way it is. You can do what you want to do amongst yourselves, but leave me out of it. Period.

        • Re:I'll take it (Score:5, Insightful)

          by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @10:07PM (#49475785)

          >> For the dude doing it...what's the penalty again for punching out a TSA idiot?

          Seriously folks - you may have a lovely country, but this sh!t keeps my tourist dollar in my bank and unspent.

        • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

          by Anonymous Coward

          Well, if it was a chick doing this groping to me, fine.

          For the dude doing it...what's the penalty again for punching out a TSA idiot?

          Just close your eyes and think "My what large hands she has".

        • by dbIII ( 701233 )

          what's the penalty again for punching out a TSA idiot?

          Probably a bullet since it's paranoia central.

    • I would agree, EXCEPT that its the ones I'm least attracted to.. so it feels a little more like rape, than a frisk, which is certainly not fun. Upside, given how much they seem to be interested in my "package", I should just give them a washcloth so I can get some useful benefit out of the deal.

  • GOP Flash Cards (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @03:43PM (#49473709)

    If we spin this as the TSA allowing for homosexual acts (especially on God-fearing straight folk!), could we use this to convince the GOP to support shutting it down? Toss in some terms like "limited government" if necessary.

    • Re:GOP Flash Cards (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Adriax ( 746043 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @04:32PM (#49474063)

      Unfortunately, even if the gropers were french muslim abortion doctors with middle eastern ties and we spin it as a full infiltration, they wouldn't dare shut down their security theater. Just replace the actors from the middle down and parade it as a victory against terrorism.

      • by lgw ( 121541 )

        The conservative base is actually very anti-TSA (or, at least, those active online are). It's such a clear sign of government overreach (literally, in this case), disrespect for the constitution, and so on. Heck, half this crowd thinks the right answer is just to issue all passengers guns. Not that the current GOP gives a shit what the voters want.

        • by Adriax ( 746043 )

          Exactly, the peons on all sides hate the TSA. But like a community theater writer/director/producer/star it is the GOP's vision and any criticism is just ignorance in their eyes.

        • If they're fondling my crotch, wouldn't that be *under*-reach? Ba-dum-tshhh.

        • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

          by Anonymous Coward
          Issue all passengers knives. It just isn't very safe to fire a gun inside an airliner for any reason. Terrorists could just try to provoke a shooting match. But if every passenger had a knife, it would be very hard for a terrorist with a gun to do anything without getting mob stabbed.
        • There's "conservative" and then there are people who call themselves that while having an interest in the vast amount of money that moves about in the name of the TSA. Financial benefit or financial benefit for their donors, or a big welfare program (that pretends to be actual work) for their voters trumps any moral indignation. File it with prison rape to get some insight on how the seemingly intolerable can be ignored instead of some attempt made to deal with the problem.

          What is happening in this incid
          • by lgw ( 121541 )

            Yes, that distinction is everything. I think America would benefit hugely from an actual conservative party - in fact, it may be the only thing that can save us from some serious problems we face. I don't know that I'd necessarily vote for such a party - maybe. But we'd be having the right debates, and issues like this and Net Neutrality might actually get some airtime on the actual issues and content of the law, instead of everything being about earmarks and favors owed.

    • Re:GOP Flash Cards (Score:5, Insightful)

      by mjwx ( 966435 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @07:46PM (#49475223)

      If we spin this as the TSA allowing for homosexual acts (especially on God-fearing straight folk!), could we use this to convince the GOP to support shutting it down? Toss in some terms like "limited government" if necessary.

      Sadly, no.

      Cognitive dissonance is very powerful and this sounds like a textbook case of "no true scotsman".

      He wasn't a TSA agent, the brave defenders of 'Murica because no true TSA agent would do such a thing.

  • Comfort (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anubis IV ( 1279820 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @03:43PM (#49473717)

    I'm not at all comfortable with the current screening procedure madness, but I'm far more comfortable when the TSA agent groping me is just as uncomfortable with the situation as I am. When they're taking pleasure in it, it's a good indication that the system has let us down.

  • 3 months? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by jbmartin6 ( 1232050 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @03:44PM (#49473719)
    That strikes me as pretty fast for an organization that size.
    • by mi ( 197448 )

      pretty fast for an organization that size.

      Yes. And I also find comfort in the fact, that the homosexual employee was neither bullied by nor discriminated against by his (presumably straight) colleagues. Some silver lining, heh?

      A perfect coexistence story, actually, if it weren't for that disgusting anonymous squealer, who reported it. What a hater...

    • Re:3 months? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by ericlondaits ( 32714 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @05:01PM (#49474299) Homepage

      But he was fired, not put in jail... shouldn't he be charged?

      If I grope an unwilling party's genitals I get charged... someone abusing the power given by the government to do it is worse.

      • But he was fired, not put in jail... shouldn't he be charged?

        TFA explains that even the have the passangers on tape, they "couldn't" identify any of them. Apparently without the victims presenting charges there cannot be a trial.

  • by oodaloop ( 1229816 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @03:45PM (#49473723)
    And I've never been groped. Guess I'm not attractive enough. :-(
    • by jason.sweet ( 1272826 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @03:56PM (#49473815)
      Either that. Or the scan never picks up your "anomoly".
      Don't sweat it. Denver can be a cold place.
      • by oodaloop ( 1229816 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @04:11PM (#49473919)
        It was JUNE!
      • So what you're saying is that there was shrinkage []?

  • I wonder if anyone tried designating attractive female passengers as male...

    "I'm sorry, ma'am, but you'll please need to step behind this screen and remove your blouse..."

    • by Jason Levine ( 196982 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @03:51PM (#49473779) Homepage

      Not that, but my wife once had an undergarment trigger the TSA sensors as an "anomaly" and had to be subjected to the full pat down routine. By a female employee who, I hope, wasn't just doing this because she found my wife attractive. This likely wouldn't let a male TSA agent pat down a female in the line as I believe they have rules in place that only the same-sex individual must do the pat down. Then again, this IS the TSA we're talking about, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was abused as well. They have been caught sending attractive females through the "naked scanner" and ogling the resulting images.

      The TSA: Protecting Us Against Imaginary Terrorists*

      * But Not Real Ones**

      ** Also, who protects us against the TSA?

      • I'm not so sure about that... I opted out of the millimeter scan once, only to have the agent performing the pat-down tell me "next time you should ask for a female agent to pat you down"... I replied that I wanted him to be as uncomfortable as I was... reflecting on that moment, I'm no longer sure that was a witty thing to say.

      • by DarkOx ( 621550 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @04:16PM (#49473951) Journal

        You gotta love the cognitive dissonance. We are perfectly 'okay' (societally) with same gender patdowns because you know that can't be 'sexual' or exploitative, yet we no longer consider homosexuality to be deviant behavior to the point we largely support marriage equality.

        My take on its government should not be allowed to have it both ways. You either don't believe in homosexuality as a normal state, or you can't support TSA patdowns. Sexual assault is sexual assault no matter what gender or sex the other persona happens to be unless its invited. And the TSA procedure meets every definition for assault. Do you feel free to turn around and leave if you are selected for an enhanced search? I don't I'd be considerably afraid that if I they suggested they needed to do a patdown and I responded "no thanks I'll just head back to my car" that I would find myself detained shortly their after.

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by sconeu ( 64226 )

        "** Also, who protects us against the TSA?"

        Obviously, we need the TSASA (TSA Security Administration)!!

  • The software doesn't know by itself which gender it is scanning, so someone has to enter either male or female? What if an on-process trans-gender is walking though, what would happen? Doesn't sound like a good system in general...

    “He related that when a male he finds attractive comes to be screened by the scanning machine he will alert another TSA screener to indicate to the scanning computer that the party being screened is a female. When the screener does this, the scanning machine will indicate an anomaly in the genital area and this allows (the male TSA screener) to conduct a pat-down search of that area.”

    • by gtwrek ( 208688 )

      Actually, the system is effectively sexing people. And the system's determination of sex, disagreed with the manual input - hence the flag for screening.

      I've learned something new today. The TSA has machines that are discriminating passengers based on gender :)

    • How would you propose the scanner automatically determine the gender of the person being scanned?

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @03:50PM (#49473771)

    Giving people legal authority to see and touch both men and women's private areas attracts creeps to the job? Never would have guessed.

  • Why no charges? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @03:51PM (#49473777)

    Seems like it is sexual assault.

    If I am hired to set up a security checkpoint in front of a bar, I could do security pat downs without it being sexual. If, on the other hand, I intentionally manipulated the system to pat down attractive bar patrons for my own gratification, I'm pretty sure I would be arrested and end up on some sort of sex offender list.

    Why didn't the TSA refer this to law enforcement?

    • Because government (Score:4, Insightful)

      by sjbe ( 173966 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @04:33PM (#49474079)

      Seems like it is sexual assault.

      It is. Unambiguously.

      Why didn't the TSA refer this to law enforcement?

      Because TSA is law enforcement or at least thinks they are.

    • Why didn't the TSA refer this to law enforcement?

      Nobody wronged the TSA, so the TSA can't call the police. They didn't even witness the crime, they only heard about it afterwards. What needs to happen is for the thousands of men who were sexually assaulted need to bring up criminal charges against the TSA employees and civil charges against the TSA for allowing, enabling and encouraging the sexual assault.

  • by erp_consultant ( 2614861 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @03:57PM (#49473825)

    Nothing about this group of idiots surprises me. Typical federal government cluster-fuck.

    So now that the ball gropers have been let go (3 months later, but probably pretty fast by Fed standards) I would presume that the "gropees" are lining up the lawsuits. This is going to be hilarious. Watch how the surveillance tapes and emails disappear when asked to produce them.

  • by Noishkel ( 3464121 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @03:59PM (#49473835)

    We've seen a number of stories involving TSA agents being arrested for any number of crimes. Everything from assault, to child pornography, to murder. This shouldn't be a surprise at all. Which is not to say that all TSA agents ARE the scum that they tend to be made out to be. But it's a worrying program.

    In terms of this kind of activities detailed in this story... well hell. I know from talking with a former TSA employee that this sort of thing is VERY common. I've even meet a former TSA agent that not only admits doing this at an airport in California. But he did it aallll the time. And he wasn't the only one doing it.

    • by Imagix ( 695350 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @04:12PM (#49473925)
      Well... are the number of murdering TSA agents greater than other professions? However, in this particular case, why aren't the two of them arrested and charged for the sexual assaults? For this, let the courts decide, not the DA. So what if the victim cannot be identified? Convenient that the person who was assaulted wasn't asked for their information. As for "nobody else has complained", the remaining people would have the understanding that this is _supposed_ to be happening. They were theoretically following the lawful commands of the TSA agent. Since it turns out that they were not lawful, then the agent should be arrested for the sexual assault as well as whatever statute covers the agent in exceeding their authority. "Held accountable". Hah. Merely firing them is insufficient.
    • Everything from assault, to child pornography, to murder.

      Hey, you know who else commits those crimes? Human beings!

      In terms of this kind of activities detailed in this story...

      Well, yes, that is obviously reprehensible and my comment above should in no way be taken to be trivialising such a disgusting abuse of power.

      Someone needs to develop the Robogroper(tm).

    • []
      October, 2012

      1. Miami International Airport (29)
      2. JFK International Airport (27)
      3. Los Angeles International Airport (24)
      4. Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (17)
      5. Las Vegas-McCarren International Airport (15)
      6. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport and New York-Laguardia Airport (14 each)
      8. Newark Liberty, Philadelphia International, and Seattle-Tacoma International airports (12 each)
      11. Orlando Internati
  • At least they never bust anybody trying to bring back pot. []

  • This is why we can't ignore male sexual violence, it's a real issue and we need to look at just as hard as female assaults.
  • I wouldn't mind if the agent doing the pat down was Kate Upton.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    This is probably more common than people realize. I was groped by a TSA screener at EWR a few months ago.

    I usually get TSA Pre and don't have to go through the nude-o-scope, but occasionally when TSA Pre does not work - I opt out of the machine and choose the "pat down". Usually it's a fairly benign experience - screeners make a point to say that they will "stop just short of the private areas" and "use the back of their hand", and normally do so. I go through a dozen of these a year and it's normally a non

    • by rastos1 ( 601318 )

      ... and I even considered complaining - but I was running short on time ...

      You are under pressure. Running out of time. In danger of missing your flight and blowing up the subsequent schedule ... in another words: you hold the short end of the stick. It obviously works as designed.

  • ... back sweat. I'm not kidding. I travel frequently out of DIA. I wear a backpack over a light jacket, and the middle of my back (right between my shoulder blades) always gets identified as a pat-down area for investigation. My shirt is inevitably damp in that area. The nice TSA people gently rub my back as I wait for my bag to roll out of the X-ray machine. If it wasn't such a stupid process in its entirety, I might think it was actually kind of nice... like a spa or something, only with blue rubber glove
  • by slashmydots ( 2189826 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @06:23PM (#49474801)
    Sorry, honey, I had to take a later flight because there was an anomaly in my genital area.
  • They still have to manually check the waistband of the Speedo, though.
  • Oblig (Score:5, Funny)

    by PPH ( 736903 ) on Tuesday April 14, 2015 @07:20PM (#49475073)

    xkcd []

  • From the NSA to the TSA, it appears the tin-foil-hat-wearing nutjobs were right all along. What's next? Contrails really do contain mind-controlling chemicals? The moon landing really was...PUNCH TO FACE...nevermind...
  • It seemed like he was enjoying his job a little too much.

  • When people are randomly selected for groping it's ok, but when someone is actually choosing who gets groped it's not ok and that person needs to be fired? What if the groping was equal to standard gropings? Could we use a pseudorandom number generator for extra screening or must it be truly random?

    Someone should teach these guys it's not the selection process that makes it sexual assault.

"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." -- John Wooden
