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Twitter Adds "Report Dox" Option 101

AmiMoJo writes Twitter announced that its abuse-report system, which was recently refined to simplify and shorten the reporting process, has now expanded to allow users to report content such as self-harm incidents and "the sharing of private and confidential information" (aka doxing). The announcement, posted by Twitter Vice President of User Services Tina Bhatnagar, explained that December's report-process update was met with a "tripling" of the site's abuse support staff, which has led to a quintupling of abuse report processing. Chat logs recently revealed how Twitter is used by small groups to create vast harassment campaigns, thanks to sock puppet account and relative anonymity.
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Twitter Adds "Report Dox" Option

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  • by retech ( 1228598 ) on Saturday February 28, 2015 @12:11AM (#49152239)
    ... would be a nice feature to add as well. And click/bait follows.
    • I hope you mean, malicious bots. Some markov chain generating bots on Twitter are great. So are some other automated processes like the who's editing Wikipedia from congress bot.

  • Soshill Justus (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 28, 2015 @12:38AM (#49152287)

    Chat logs recently revealed how Twitter is used by small groups to create vast harassment campaigns

    Yeah, it's funny how a small group of people can create a vast harassment campaign on an entire customer base and perpetuate it through shitty sites with no integrity.

    • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward


      Even though the movement started on 4chan (I literally watched it unfold there and Twitter), the entire thing ACTUALLY started when Zoe and her little funny friends DDoD'd a charity fundraiser to get more females in to game dev. (and she even posted about it on her twitter before mass-deleting them all)
      Hypocrites, all of them.
      Now any time it becomes not about her, she bitches and moans until it is about her again.
      You can even see in her interviews what a lying prick she is.

      Morally corrupt or not, gamer

      • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

        by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) *

        Go have a read of the chat logs. Anonymous kindly published the entire, uncensored log just in case you think that the quotes are cherry picked.

        It's clear what GamerGate was now. A small group of people on 4chan, and later 8chan, organising a campaign based on hatred of women. They are quite explicit about that when they think no-one else is listening. All the things they accuse their victims of are the things they themselves were doing. False flag operations, doxxing, sock puppet accounts, attempts to mani

        • Video games were the last world that these basement dwellers could rule. Then girls started playing and upsetting their little kingdoms.

        • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

          Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by Anonymous Coward

    I'm not wasting mod points on this shit.

  • What I think would be great to see, is if someone is found guilty of doxxing by Twitter to have the Twitter handle and IP addresses they have posted from put out in public (and the original doxxing removed of course), along with all other twitter handles that have posted from that IP.

    Perhaps two wrongs don't make a right, but at least it makes things even.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • along with all other twitter handles that have posted from that IP

      With all the carrier grade network address translation (CGNAT) going on in mobile networks and in developing countries' wired networks, I imagine that matching people by IPv4 address would need a team of humans to weed out all the false positives.

    • So when you dox people it is totally for a legit and righteous reasons? And IPs are now directly tied to one individual? Can't have multiple people using the same IP- never happens.

      You are truly doing God's work.

  • I mean after the last bit of dirt, bot, scum, and abuse is removed - well heck they might as well remove the brain cripplingly stupid comments too and finish shutting down the whole operation.
  • Or Facebook?

    I will just climb back on my Brontosaurus and go back to my cave now (and not be harassed)

  • First I want to say that Twitter has done a good job improving its reporting system. So thanks for them for that.

    But I'd like to point out that the articles produced by Ars Technica cannot be trusted as a source in this matter. For example this Slashdot news item links to an article full of errors about the reasons Twitter has done this. The "vast harassment campaign" they're talking about is #Gamergate which is a reaction on behalf of gamers (aka. people who play computer and video games regularly) to a co

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Just to give more context on the Wardell controversy, and to help certain people who may have missed the crux of the matter: Kotaku's original article willfully lied about dates, placing the harassment lawsuit before the destruction of property lawsuit. In reality, the inverse is true; the sexual harassment lawsuit followed the destruction of property lawsuit. This shreds the narrative that the property destruction lawsuit was in retaliation for the sexual harassment lawsuit, the narrative pushed by Kotak
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) *

      The problem with your claims are that they are all based on extremely shakey evidence. Blog posts referencing other blog posts referencing twitter. Youtube videos full of memes and ranting.

      Compare that to the IRC logs. Direct evidence from the source. The same logs captured and released by multiple people on both sides of the argument, so their authenticity can't be denied. The content is damming. In fact there is extensive discussion of doing exactly what you have just done. Try to control the narrative. S

      • Your evidence is totally shakey. Check out my irrefutable IRC text logs...

        If you really don't want to take other people's evidence seriously why don't you explain why they shouldn't be taken at face value? (Other than simply claiming it is shakey that is.) Because anybody can just say the same thing to you. Doesn't really get anyone anywhere now does it? It really doesn't matter if you can find some people behaving badly (a totally asinine way to try to discredit somebody). The quality of that evidence is irrelevant. Some of those journalists have been behaving poorly and have be

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) *

          To be absolutely clear, the YouTube videos and blog posts are the very things that the IRC logs refer to . Create a narrative through huge numbers of sock puppet accounts on Twitter, with sock puppet blogs and YouTube videos referencing them. Eventually other people get sucked in and start referencing them too. It looks like there is a real grass roots movement, when in fact it is a small number of people and some idiots who didn't research what they are retweeting.

          It's right out of the leaked GCHQ playbook

          • Except simply saying everyone is a sock-puppet account doesn't make it so.

            I could just as easily say you are a sock-puppet trying to create a grass roots movement to discredit anybody criticizing the involved blogs/websites/publications/whatever. But that would be an asinine statement. You are merely trying to attack the messenger to discredit the message.

  • Psycho-trannie Otherkin Army wins...
  • I welcome these steps because it is shocking how little people realise that they have shared unknowingly. Or worse that others have shared on their behalf.
    How often do you encounter family or friends or colleagues who proudly boast that they don't have a social media account therefore they have nothing to fear. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Not having an account just makes you ignorant to what has been posted about you or your children or other privacy concerns.

    With the advent of smartphones, public cloud storage a

