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Electronic Frontier Foundation Programming The Courts

Computer Scientists Ask Supreme Court To Rule APIs Can't Be Copyrighted 260

An anonymous reader writes: The EFF, representing a coalition of computer scientists, filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court yesterday hoping for a ruling that APIs can't be copyrighted. The names backing the brief include Bjarne Stroustrup, Ken Thompson, Guido van Rossum, and many other luminaries. "The brief explains that the freedom to re-implement and extend existing APIs has been the key to competition and progress in both hardware and software development. It made possible the emergence and success of many robust industries we now take for granted—for example, mainframes, PCs, and workstations/servers—by ensuring that competitors could challenge established players and advance the state of the art. The litigation began several years ago when Oracle sued Google over its use of Java APIs in the Android OS. Google wrote its own implementation of the Java APIs, but, in order to allow developers to write their own programs for Android, Google's implementation used the same names, organization, and functionality as the Java APIs."
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Computer Scientists Ask Supreme Court To Rule APIs Can't Be Copyrighted

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  • by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Saturday November 08, 2014 @05:37PM (#48342113) Homepage Journal

    "in no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work." -- 17 U.S. Code 102 [cornell.edu]

    Baker v. Selden was one of the big rulings on this clause. But it was not consistently applied to newer technology like APIs.

    It helps when a judge knows what an API is, the purpose of an API is clear to engineers. To provide an interface for operation of software components. But the courts haven't fulled grasped if that is a method of operation, as above, or is an API a "structure, sequence and organization" which would fall under copyright?

    As a software engineer, I've always considered APIs to be a system to allow interoperability of software components. Given the same requirements and same software language and industry practice it's not hard to end up with very similar APIs between independent software teams. It's not an invention, even though there is work involved in designing and writing and testing it. And in cases where software compatibility is the requirement, there is no choice but to use the same interface (computer science might generically call it a contract). If a procedure requires three integers and a returns a float, that's not an invention that's an agreement between software components to permit inter operation.

    • by anegg ( 1390659 )

      It seems that if APIs can be placed under copyright, then all interfaces can be placed under copyright.

      AT&T could have copyrighted the telephone interface and prevented people from buying non-AT&T phones to connect to the AT&T network. Laser printer manufacturers could stop coming up with DMCA-based attempts to wipe out toner cloners - just copyright the interface. Automobile manufacturers could wipe out the whole aftermarket parts market - just copyright the interface.

      • by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Saturday November 08, 2014 @06:54PM (#48342381) Homepage Journal

        You're confusing interfaces of physical devices that isn't copied by copyright (but perhaps patents) with an expressible form of information that is copyright protected. (like a written work, computer software, song, and others)

        If any API can be placed under copyright, it's not because it's an interface, it's because it's software. You can already copyright software, not a big deal there.

        That said, I am strongly opposed to expanding the scope of copyright on computer software because I believe protecting APIs would be harmful to the industry that I work in. Potentially costing silicon valley billions in litigation, lost revenue and possibly having a chilling effect on software start-ups in the US. Effectively hobbling American technology industry to the point that innovation must occur outside of the US and be imported. An trade imbalance of innovations and IP could be very harmful to the long term growth of the US, not unlike the current imbalance in manufacturing.

        • by jrumney ( 197329 )

          You're confusing interfaces of physical devices that isn't copied by copyright (but perhaps patents) with an expressible form of information that is copyright protected. (like a written work, computer software, song, and others)

          I don't see the distinction. The physical interface is defined by a drawing, and drawings are as much subject to copyright as the file of structured text that defines an API.

        • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

          If any API can be placed under copyright, it's not because it's an interface, it's because it's software. You can already copyright software, not a big deal there.

          That said, I am strongly opposed to expanding the scope of copyright on computer software because I believe protecting APIs would be harmful to the industry that I work in. Potentially costing silicon valley billions in litigation, lost revenue and possibly having a chilling effect on software start-ups in the US. Effectively hobbling American tec

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by dosius ( 230542 )

        Prior to 1984, they DID prevent people from connecting non-AT&T phones to their network. That's why stuff like acoustic couplers existed.

        • by anegg ( 1390659 ) on Saturday November 08, 2014 @11:45PM (#48343457)
          True. But they didn't prevent it by copyright. It was prevented because AT&T claimed that the connections might "damage" the network. In one case (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hush-A-Phone_v._United_States [wikipedia.org]) AT&T was able to get the FCC to side with them against a company manufacturing a small cup that went over the mouthpiece of the receiver (Hush-A-Phone) on the basis that this device could result in a general deterioration of the quality of telephone service. A court overturned the FCC's finding. One can imagine that even acoustic couplers wouldn't have been possible (except when sold by the phone company) if Hush-A-Phone hadn't won.
    • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

      Of course though, according to the Supreme Court of the United States, they who pay the most get the super twisty ruling they want, where the English language is redefined to suit the greed of those interpreting it. Make no mistake, that has become glaringly obvious to most of the just and democratic world which treat the law and justice with far greater respect and do not put a 'PUBLIC' price on the blatant redefining of the language used in the writing of it. Basically those who can afford to push it up

    • by Kjella ( 173770 )

      If a procedure requires three integers and a returns a float, that's not an invention that's an agreement between software components to permit inter operation.

      But it only has to exist in order to follow that API. If I create a "Point" class I can have the function "int getX()" or "int getHorizontalPosition()", I can choose many different ways to set parameters and defaults through constructors and member functions and overloads and if you look at the API as a whole the division into classes and the means by which they interact is clearly designed. If you isolated two teams and asked them to design any non-trivial API it is extremely unlikely it'd be exactly the s

  • It's like Ford trying to make it illegal to build a trailer that can fit Ford trucks' trailer hitches or a transmission that can inter-operate with Ford cars. It's scummy and it damn well should be illegal.
    • Until sued by the federal government under antitrust laws, AT&T and IBM made it difficult for third-party vendors to connect to their systems. The API issue is the software version.
  • The public interfaces for the API should be in the public domain. The private interfaces and the actual code should be subject to copyright. If someone wants to reverse engineer, say, the BIOS of a PC, by writing new code for the public interfaces, let them.
    • So if a company spends years doing research to work out the API and implementing a new library it's okay for a competitor to quickly release another version using that same API as long they have written the code themselves? What if it's not an API but a web service? Say some company let you see the information from your Nest if you hacked your thermostat to point to their servers which implemented the services that the Nest servers do. Should that be allowed?
      • You create what amounts to a function, accessed either by including a library/header/whatever, or perhaps by passing a bunch of particular GET/POST/PUT arguments to a particular URL structure on a webserver. You know if you ask item foo to process bar you will get back fee in some agreed on form. You then make this public knowledge, or at least known to your customers and whoever reads your publicly available documentation. This shouldn't be protected. Anyone should be able to make an item called foo th

        • The issue is more complicated than Google just copying the method names and parameters. They also guaranteed the functionality of the methods so that their method foo would behave the same as Oracle's method foo.
    • public static void main(String[] args) {...} Copyright (c) Orale Corporation. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.
      • by readin ( 838620 )

        public static void main(String[] args) {...} Copyright (c) Orale Corporation. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

        Wouldn't C represent prior art?

        • Prior art is relevant to patents, but not copyrights. You can take anything in the public domain, add the smallest amount of authorship, and have a copyright. (You'd have difficulty showing that to be valuable, though...)
    • by readin ( 838620 )
      Regardless of what current law is (or how the Court should rule based on current law), I think Congress needs to step in and make some good policies. Software does involve a lot of work and inventiveness, but given how fast the industry moves it doesn't make sense to hold everyone back for 20 years waiting for a patent to expire. For software, somewhere between 2 and 5 years makes a lot more sense.

      As for APIs, I think the law should allow API re-use when there is no workaround, but not when their isn't
  • by Paul Fernhout ( 109597 ) on Saturday November 08, 2014 @06:29PM (#48342287) Homepage

    A lot of work goes into creating a good API. Copyright should be greatly reduced or eliminated if we care about human progress, but bad law passed by Congress is still law. The Supreme Court will probably rule against these computer scientists, and that may make things worse than ambiguity. "For a limited time" has already been deemed by the Supreme Court to be effectively equal to infinity minus one in the "Eldred v. Ashcroft" decision instead of the Supreme Court ruling copyright longer than a few years was now defeating "the Progress of Science and useful Arts" which IMHO would have been a better ruling. Given that, what should happen is that either Congress should change the copyright laws or we should change the Constitution and withdraw from various copyright treaties. But that would interfere with the Constitutional right for existing big businesses and long dead authors to make a profit.... Of course, it's also been shown that profit is no motivation for creativity, but that is conveniently ignored in a capitalist society:
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v... [youtube.com]

    See also:
    http://www.neurope.eu/article/... [neurope.eu]
    "Ignoring these exclusive rights - the copyright monopoly - allowed Eastern Europe to leapfrog 20 years of development. This is a consistent pattern through economic history: it is only the countries that are geopolitically dominant at a particular time that seek to impose their exclusive rights upon others, as a means of kicking away the ladder to the top. When the United States was in its infancy, those who illegally copied science, production plans, and useful arts from Great Britain were proclaimed national heroes. It was only recently - the 1980s - that the United States began aggressively pushing its exclusive rights regime as part of being a superpower, and as an integral means of maintaining that superpower."

    http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/... [p2pfoundation.net]
    ""There is an overall culture of sharing knowledge here, even if this isn't called 'Creative Commons'. We had the launch of CCIndia in early 2007, but there seems to be little activity there... I think CC is a bit too conservative and too respectful of copyright issues. Copyright has not worked for us (in the developing world) for generations. Generally speaking, copyright in any form, including CC, doesn't fit in too well with Asian ideas of knowledge, since it enables those controlling knowledge and information over the rest, and we find it impossible to emerge winners in this game. It is a colonial law, not meant to serve the interest of the people of those parts of the globe that are not ahead in the information race! Why should we be as respectful to it, as, say, Lawrence Lessig is?" "

    • by MikeKD ( 549924 )

      A lot of work goes into creating a good API.

      The amount of work put it doesn't matter a single bit as "sweat of the brow [wikipedia.org]" is not sufficient to grant copy right in the US since 1991 (since Feist_v._Rural [wikipedia.org]). The rest of your opinion, quite frankly, is tainted by that opening statement and it's implied relevance to the discussion.

  • Isn't it like what Compaq did with IBM's BIOS?

    • You mean Phoenix technology, and IBM's BIOS--

      And NO.

      The IBM BIOS contained actual program instructions. This would be akin to saying "The high level mapping of what the interrupts in the vector table do cant be copyrighted."

      EG, "INT13 handles disk IO"

      What Phoenix Tech did was look at what INT13 actually *DID*, then make their own implementation that works basically the same way, so that software that hooks INT13 from the vector table does not know the difference.

      This allowed clone manufacturers to build ful

    • Or AMD/Cyrus/etc did wtih the x86 instruction set. Or what Intel did with teh amd64 instruction set?

  • I hope they fix this one. Otherwise its pretty damn broken.

  • Is an API copyrightable? Of course it is. It's a work of authorship like any other written work.

    What escapes most people is that a copyright is not an absolute, exclusive right to keep others from copying the work. Function calls using an API would be a "fair use" of the work, and would be excepted under existing U.S. copyright law. (I'll leave it to you to google the term yourselves.) Copying the code behind the functioning of the library of the API would not be a fair use. Does one have to include the nam

    • by orlanz ( 882574 )

      Assume the API is a separate file like headers in C. I think the question here is can I use your header file for my program but have the interface point toward the code I created? That is a bit tougher. In itself, it has no value, but it is a piece of work... but technically w/o an implementation, it might as well be a random string of characters.

      Personally, I follow your logic, the API is equivalent to a table of contents and using it alone should fall under fair use. Even if it by itself (meaning no b

      • Assume the API is a separate file like headers in C. I think the question here is can I use your header file for my program but have the interface point toward the code I created? That is a bit tougher.

        Not really. In that case all you've done is copied the names of the objects from the header file (created by Oracle here) and written your own functional code that meets the specification of the API. I think that's the key here: Oracle intended that the API set a standard in the industry. How can Oracle argue that it is not a fair use to copy bits of it that were intended to be used by the public? How can Oracle argue that it didn't grant an implied license that makes the copying of the API a fair use?

        The i

  • The names backing the brief include Bjarne Stroustrup, Ken Thompson, Guido van Rossum, and many other luminaries.

    It's like reading Cary Grant, Clark Gable, Honey Boo Boo, and many other luminaries

  • GNU GPL (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Meneth ( 872868 )

    Most of Java is free software, under the terms of the GNU GPL, and Android Java is also open-source, so how can Google infringe any copyright?

    Well, Android Java is not released under the GPL, but rather the incompatible Apache 2.0 license.

    • Most of Java is free software, under the terms of the GNU GPL, and Android Java is also open-source, so how can Google infringe any copyright?

      This question shows a lot of understandable confusion, because Java is multiple things, some of which cannot be copyrighted and some of which can, and in the latter case multiple implementations exist with different owners and different copyright licensing situations.

      Java is programming language. The Java programming language is a pure idea, which can't be copyrighted. The programming language includes the syntax and semantics of the language. Documentation describing the language can be and is copyrighte

      • by jrumney ( 197329 )

        It could also be completely closed source and proprietary. Because it's all Google's own code they can license it however they like (actually, I don't know if Google owns all the copyrights; I'm not sure how they handle contributions),

        I thought the class libraries that are taken from standard Java are actually Apache Harmony. There may be modifications by Google, and there are plenty more libraries that are unique to Android, but they have not written everything from scratch.

  • by StripedCow ( 776465 ) on Saturday November 08, 2014 @08:52PM (#48342853)

    This would be good news for the WINE project!

    Now I'm wondering when we'll see the first compatibility layer allowing OS/X programs to be run on linux.

    • Now I'm wondering when we'll see the first compatibility layer allowing OS/X programs to be run on linux.

      We have that; it's called GNUStep and it's actually existed longer than OS X has.

      What, you think Apple invented everything?

      • We have that; it's called GNUStep and it's actually existed longer than OS X has.

        Last time I checked, GNUstep was only source compatible with Cocoa, not binary compatible. This means end users have to somehow convince a proprietary application's publisher to stop drinking Apple's proverbial flavored water exclusively. Good luck with that.

        What, you think Apple invented everything?

        Not everything, mind you, but a company since bought by Apple did create the NeXTstep API on which Cocoa and GNUstep are based.

        • by msobkow ( 48369 )

          And your point would be?

          We're talking about APIs here -- the interfaces. The source code compatability layer.

          GNUstep is therefore compatible within the context of the discussion, regardless of Apple's implementation of those APIs.

  • by WinstonWolfIT ( 1550079 ) on Saturday November 08, 2014 @09:19PM (#48342969)

    An API is a point of fact, as is a recipe, neither of which is copyrightable. Copyrighting an API is like creating an interface IFoo and then telling the world that they can't implement it.

  • If I were to write a book and then someone else comes along and writes another book with the same (or very similar) story and characters I can claim that they infringed my copyright even if the other book has a different name.

    Now in this case Google came along and created a new library with the same functionality and interface as what Oracle provides. The whole point was to provide something identical so that programmers wouldn't notice the difference.

    Going back to the book analogy, it isn't the case
    • by Xtifr ( 1323 )

      Except that only the names have been copied. Google provided their own story. (Which is proven by the fact that Oracle didn't allege copyright infringement on any of the actual code except one trivial function, which was dismissed as de-minimus, especially since it had already been replaced.)

      The thing you seem to be overlooking is that functionality is something that is specifically excluded from copyright protection. (Which is why trying to make book analogies for software is usually a complete waste of ti

  • ... but when Microsoft did the same thing, *that* was evil.

    (If Google wins, does that mean Microsoft can put Java back into Windows again?)

    • Microsoft took Sun's JVM and extended it, without complying with Sun's license.

      Google used *none* of Sun/Oracle code, but Oracle is still trying to claim some kind of copyright over the code that Google wrote. This contradicts statements that Sun itself made before it died and was sold to Oracle.

If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
