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Interviews: Ask Florian Mueller About Software Patents and Copyrights 187

Florian Mueller is a blogger, software developer and former consultant who writes about software patents and copyright issues on his FOSSPatents blog. In 2004 he founded the NoSoftwarePatents campaign, and has written about Microsoft's multi-billion-dollar Android patent licensing business and Google's appeal of Oracle's Android-Java copyright case to the Supreme Court. Florian has agreed to give us some of his time in order to answer your questions. As usual, ask as many as you'd like, but please, one per post.
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Interviews: Ask Florian Mueller About Software Patents and Copyrights

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  • I'll pass... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Frosty Piss ( 770223 ) * on Monday October 13, 2014 @12:43PM (#48132411)

    I really can't think of anything I would want to ask Florian Muller. Except maybe how much Microsoft and Oracle pay him to shill?

    • Re:I'll pass... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by HornWumpus ( 783565 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @01:12PM (#48132805)
      Bennet and Florian can blow each other.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      Microsoft must be shelling out a bunch of dough to Dice for all these Microsoft ads.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Frosty Piss ( 770223 ) *

        Microsoft must be shelling out a bunch of dough to Dice for all these Microsoft ads.

        Which makes me wonder if a lot of these comments will be modded down into oblivian by Timothy, like what happend in the Slash Beta Wars a few months back...

    • by Bruce Perens ( 3872 ) <> on Monday October 13, 2014 @03:55PM (#48134411) Homepage Journal
      Yes, this is definitely a "WTF?" moment in the history of Slashdot. I suggest that you all just move on to the next story and refuse to feed the troll by asking him questions.
      • by baegucb ( 18706 )

        Pathetic actually. There are three or four nicks hated at slashdot.

    • by sconeu ( 64226 )

      Exactly. Florian is a troll or a shill. See the archives of Groklaw.

      • Ask Florian if he is a bigger dick-sucker than Daniel Domscheit-Berg, another famous disinformation agent of recent times.

        Let's leave out the question of Lennart Poettering. The question of dick-suckage would disappear into its own event-horizon.

    • Lots of people keep accusing Florian of being a shill. I don't think it passes Ockham's razor. He was consistently saying obviously wrong things long before he had enough public prominence for it to be worth anyone to pay him. It's far more likely that he's just a complete idiot. And, honestly, I don't think Microsoft or Oracle would need to pay him to change his opinions - just giving more free publicity to a drooling moron who claims to represent the people opposed to them is enough...
    • by e70838 ( 976799 )
      My son is not named Florian because of him: I did not want my son to have the same name as this disgusting guy. All the media were repeating his stupid "analysis" on oracle vs google case. In the end, he was completely wrong on every points. I do not understand how people can give him any credibility. Is it possible on slashdot to blacklist any article that contain his name ?
  • You were a valuable unbiased source of information on software patents and patent litigation. Particularly the German court's struggle with them. However it came to light -- in a rather surprising way -- that you were paid or possibly employed by Microsoft and Oracle []. I have heard much about this and it often casts a negative light on your blogging but I would like to hear your side of these relationships. I can conceivably understand how you could accept money that furthers your ideals but it is difficult to comprehend how I can be assured this does not influence your writing, position, selected details and bias. Are you able to lay my concerns to rest?
    • by slashdice ( 3722985 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @12:52PM (#48132541)
      Oracle paid him (disclosed by Oracle under court order) while he was blogging in support of them. He admits to having been paid by Microsoft in the past.
      • Oracle paid him (disclosed by Oracle under court order) while he was blogging in support of them. He admits to having been paid by Microsoft in the past.

        He has probably since set up a series of "shells" to provide him with "plausible deniability" on this issue.

      • This is my first reply here because I can easily clarify the question of why, when and how disclosures were made and address some misconceptions.

        The "court order" mentioned above came down in August 2012, see e.g. [], approximately four months after a voluntary, proactive disclosure I had made in April 2012, see []. Oracle attached that previous disclosure to its response to the court order []:

        Oracle has retained Florian Mueller, author of the blog FOSS Patents,, as a consultant on competition-related matters, especially relating to standards-essential patents. Oracle notes that Mr. Mueller fully disclosed his relationship with Oracle in a blog posting dated April 18, 2012; that Oracle retained him after he had begun writing about this case; and that he was not retained to write about the case. Mr. Mueller is a frequent critic of Oracle and was a leading advocate against Oracle's acquisition of Sun Microsystems, Inc., which led to Oracle's ownership of Sun's Java IP portfolio. A copy of Mr. Mueller's disclosure is attached as Exhibit A at 5.

        I disclosed consulting work for Microsoft in October 2011, see []. At that point, no judge had asked for a disclosure, nor has this happened to date. I did it because it was the right thing to do.

        At the end of last month I shut down my consulting firm in order to focus on my (Android and iOS) app development project. I'm still blogging, but less than before.

        My consulting business had served numerous clients, not just Microsoft and Oracle. There were dozens of investment banks and funds who paid me to answer questions or participate in conference calls. I also did research for a couple of law firms and a German car manufacturer (that company allows me to refer to them like this but not to disclose the name, just industry and country).

        I wish all others commenting on these types of issues were equally transparent.

        • Doesn't change the fact that you for years let people believe you were a patent lawyer when you were never a lawyer, and even encouraged such misperceptions.

          Doesn't change the fact that you shilled for years, pushing all sorts of bogus "patent claims by microsoft that threaten linux" when they never existed.

          Doesn't change the fact that you simply are not perceived as being even half-way honest by those who have been around the block a few times - with reason.

          We've had this discussion before. You were caught misrepresenting yourself and your history too many times. And now you must be getting desperate, delusional, or both, because for some reason you believe that doing a Q and A on slashdot won't once more expose your BS to the light. Wow. You're google-bombing yourself. Again. Payback is a b*tch.

        • My consulting business had served numerous clients, not just Microsoft and Oracle. There were dozens of investment banks and funds who paid me to answer questions or participate in conference calls.

          Which only damns you more.

    • by radarskiy ( 2874255 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @01:43PM (#48133161)

      He was never a valuable source for anything, which is why it was shocking to find out he became a paid shill. Who would pay for that crap writing?

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      You were a valuable unbiased source of information on software patents and patent litigation.

      In a parallel universe, perhaps.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Dantoo ( 176555 )

      "You were a valuable unbiased source of information on software patent"

      No he wasn't. Not then and not now. He has always been a paid shill representing himself as an expert, independent and reliable. He has never been any of those. He is the Internet meme for dishonest paid shills.

      To Florian: How does scum like yourself look in the mirror and not vomit?

  • How can I... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by RingDev ( 879105 )

    As an independent software developer, how can I avoid getting dragged into a patent lawsuit? How can I leverage my rights to ensure others aren't exploiting my patents?

    As a middle management cog in a large organization, how can I impress the importance of patents on the executive leadership? How can I work with our console on ensuring that our creations are correctly patented? And what steps should I be taking to minimize our risk of being sued?


    • by Ungrounded Lightning ( 62228 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @04:05PM (#48134509) Journal

      As an independent software developer, how can I avoid getting dragged into a patent lawsuit? How can I leverage my rights to ensure others aren't exploiting my patents?

      You can't.

      A patent is just a license to sue.

      It licenses others to sue you if they think you might be infringing their stuff (or they can get you to pay them to go away even if you aren't). It licenses you to sue others who are infringing your patents. That's all it is.

      If you want protection for your creations, you have to be ready to put on the armor and walk into the arena to defend them.

  • by slashdice ( 3722985 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @12:49PM (#48132509)
    You write about companies. Some of them have paid you (directly or perhaps indirectly through their advertising agencies, etc). What's the intersection of that set?
  • OK... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by msauve ( 701917 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @01:00PM (#48132643)
    Who's idea was it to do this Q&A - Slashdot or you?
    • by FlorianMueller ( 801981 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @04:29PM (#48134761) Homepage
      Slashdot invited me and I was happy to accept. I know there are some misconceptions out there, but that doesn't have to prevent me from sharing opinions and information on more important issues.
      • It kind of does. Well, at least it will go a long way toward having your opinions fall on deaf and unwelcoming ears - here, anyway.

        I don't know you, Florian, and I don't have anything against you personally. You might be a great guy that I'd enjoy hanging out with for all I know. However, I'm sure this isn't the first time you've heard that large chunks of the F/OSS community don't particularly trust you. I can't comment on your disclosure timeline that you described in another post, but I know that I was d

  • New low (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Filter ( 6719 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @01:01PM (#48132655)

    Holy crap, I can hardly believe this topic. Who in their right mind would want FM opinion on anything? This is really puzzling to me.

    • Holy crap, I can hardly believe this topic. Who in their right mind would want FM opinion on anything? This is really puzzling to me.

      There's a saying that applies: Know your enemy.

      I doubt anyone will be fooled into thinking his arguments are unbiased, or correct, and adopt the mindset he's pushing. (If nothing else, there will be PLENTY of warnings from posters in the discussions. B-) ) So this is a chance to do a little research: Find out what arguments are being brought into court and congressional c

      • This is the same guy who supported Oracle in the whole Oracle vs Google "Android infringes Oracle's Java Patents" BS. And now he wants to develop an Android app? Oh, the irony. Oh, the hilarity. Oh, how we have been waiting for this :-)
  • by golodh ( 893453 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @01:02PM (#48132671)
    There are a number of relevant things to know about Florian Mueller before you start asking him questions.

    Things that people with short memories will have forgotten by now since they happened all of three years ago. Detailed summaries of his doing can still be found on Groklaw though.

    You see, mr. Mueller is not just *any* publicist. He's a publicist who is, basically, for hire by large companies to provide a congenial account of their doings and their position. In short: he is a lobbyist. His (former) clients seem to include SCO (the company who tried to claim crippling copyrights on Linux and engaged in an intense campaign of legal blackmail aimed at companies using Linux) and one of his current clients seems to be Oracle (the company that reied to shut down Android by claiming copyright on Java library API's).

    As summarised by the following posts: [] [] []

    My only question to him would be: who is on your current client list?

  • Did you read and what do you think about it, e.g. do you admit that it's predictions were mostly more accurate than yours and did you look at the cases where your opinion was painted as clearly wrong there?
    • by FlorianMueller ( 801981 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @04:40PM (#48134879) Homepage

      You may or may not be surprised, but despite various disagreements over the years I'd have liked Groklaw to continue or, after its 2013 shutdown, to have come back. For example, I think Groklaw could have made some useful contributions to the public debate over this year's Apple v. Samsung trial in the Northern District of California. Also, I do regret some of my derogatory comments about PJ, including that I wondered at some point whether there was more than one person behind the PJ name. Earlier this year I met a highly trustworthy source (a corporate executive) who confirmed PJ's participation in a certain (patent-related) meeting years ago.

      The part I don't understand is how Groklaws "predictions were mostly more accurate than [mine]" or "[my] opinion was painted as clearly wrong there." With respect to approximately 98% of the IP lawsuits I covered, Groklaw never made any prediction whatsoever (for example, you won't find any Groklaw prediction concerning German smartphone patent disputes, and very few relating to U.S. smartphone patent cases). The overlap essentially came down to API copyright matters: the use of Linux kernel headers in Android and the API copyright part of Oracle v. Google. While Groklaw's position on API copyright was shared by one district judge in California, my opinion was unanimously validated by three circuit (i.e., higher-level) judges in Washington DC this year []. Now Google is trying to take that case to the Supreme Court. Any conspiracy theory concerning the opinions I had expressed about API copyrightability in general and the API copyright part of Oracle v. Google in particular makes no sense unless someone is crazy enough to believe that those Federal Circuit judges are part of the conspiracy.

      • by tepples ( 727027 )
        How does API copyrightability "promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts"? Or, how does it help to deter interoperability?
      • by Filter ( 6719 )

        Earlier this year I met a highly trustworthy source (a corporate executive) who confirmed PJ's participation in a certain (patent-related) meeting years ago.

        And just the other day a friend who I made up (a very trustworthy fellow), happened to metion that you sleep with silver slippers on your feet.

  • by mooingyak ( 720677 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @01:17PM (#48132867)

    Is there anyone out there who you think would be even less well received by the slashdot audience than you? If so, who?

  • by DickBreath ( 207180 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @01:23PM (#48132957) Homepage
    Who (or how many parties) paid you to do a Q&A on Slashdot?

  • The only question I have isn't for Florian, it's who on earth thought it would be a good idea to throw him into the lions den because he's not welcomed here.

    The only reason I can think of doing an Ask is so that shills can ask questions to legitimise him in an otherwise very vocal and Florian-hostile community:

    "Florian, why is it you spend so much time helping the Open Source world and spreading the Lord's work to the unwashed masses?" +5 Insightful

    "I've been a heathen all my life until I read your
  • I've got one (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 13, 2014 @01:25PM (#48132991)

    Being a complete shill for positions and companies that hurt the software world, how do you live with yourself? And why haven't you just jumped off a bridge yet?

    And Slashdot, WTF are you doing giving the time of day to this tool?

    Whoops, I guess that's three questions.

  • by fxbar ( 2627205 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @01:27PM (#48133013)
    When it was clear that Judge Alsup in Oracle vs Google can program Java, how the *#*# could you still think Oracle would get its huge victory? Do you understand that you look like a shill for such things?

    Any commenter that knows about programming said in this very moment that this will become a monumental defeat for Oracle, only you still believed in Oracle (you were very wrong as we know).

    It was so funny when the Judge explained that any teenager could program a range check [bool check(val, min, max) {return val >= min && val <= max;}] and the Oracle lawyer looked like a complete idiot.
  • Question (Score:4, Interesting)

    by binarylarry ( 1338699 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @01:29PM (#48133037)

    What's it like being a giant douche bag who will do anything for money?

  • by Tasha26 ( 1613349 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @01:32PM (#48133071) Homepage
    Why spend 3 to 4 years studying computer science just to realise at the end, that everything patentable in software has been patented (from the truly stupid, trivial to non-trivial ideas) and big firms holding the patents have been and are doing so for decades and decades!! For innovation's sake and to tell university student that they have a future in this sector, isn't it time to shorten the life of software patents or ban them all together?
    • Yes, it is time to end software patents altogether! "Slide to Unlock" being worthy of a patent is all the argument needed!!
  • Corrections (Score:4, Interesting)

    by eibhear ( 307877 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @01:44PM (#48133169) Homepage

    How many times have you contacted news and commentary organisations to correct their description of you as a patent lawyer? How often have they made the correction?

    • By now, everyone with a clue knows he was never a patent lawyer, just a blogger who tried to intermediate himself into paid gigs (which he succeeded in doing with Oracle and Microsoft) by promoting the impression that he had expertise that he clearly lacked.

      It's funny, I leave for a few years, and when I come back EVERYTHING is still the same. Florian Mueller is still whoring himself out as some sort of "expert", Canonical is still coming up with "this product will be the one!!!" every so often, my perso

  • by Anonymous Coward


    I once believed in you as an independent idealist, and contributed to the FFII cause you spearheaded - probably in the $50-100 range in total, plus some proselytising on your behalf. I since discover that you were a paid shill. I consider that I have been conned because you misrepresented your position while acting as a figurehead for that organisation.

    So, with that in mind, would you be prepared to make, say, a $75 donation to the FSF (or to another charity, if any consensus forms in response to th

    • by Halo1 ( 136547 )

      Florian Müller and the FFII always have been different entities. No money donated to the FFII ever went to Florian Müller (even if we had wanted to, there was no way we could ever afford his salary). The FFII did cooperate with him while he was being funded by MySQL and later Red Hat, but even at those times the cooperation was everything but easy.

  • Why do you wear eye shadow and mascara? Is that normal for men where you're from?

  • by linuxguy ( 98493 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @02:02PM (#48133359) Homepage

    Is this April 1st already? No? Then why is this cruel joke being played on the Slashdot community?

    Most of us remember who and what Florian Mueller is. And there is nothing we can learn about him or from him, in an interview, that we don't already know.

    • I'd still love to see the answers. It's a bit like watching a Colombo movie. You know that the murderer did it and you know how he did it, but you still watch to see how he's going to dig his own grave.

    • Is this April 1st already?

      That was my question. I've even been trying to think of some sort of joke question (that sounds somewhat believable, enough to be answered). I can't think of anything.

      • Time for a poll!

        [_] Thanksgiving is coming and we're gonna roast this turkey!
        [_] We just discovered they mayan calendar was only off by a few years ...
        [_] Birth control pills in the water supply. []
        [_] Hallowe'en is coming ... get out your shills for patent trolls
        [_] He wants to replace The MoGTroll [].
        [_] Slashdot wants to give their new profanity filter a real workout.
        [_] He applied for a job with Dice, and slashdot's editors suggested that he do a Q and A "to help break the ice." (cue evil laught

  • How much money? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by celtic_hackr ( 579828 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @02:20PM (#48133517) Journal
    How much money was /. paid, and by whom, to sponsor a Q&A with Florian Mueller?
  • by Anonymous Coward

    How much do we have to pay, that you shut up?

  • instead of API copyright? It seemed it would have been a better case since there is precedence?

    • Because very little of the Android documentation ever mentions Java. What mention there is, mostly as a file name suffix or package name, is likely covered under the nominative use exception []. A trademark cannot be used as an ersatz copyright according to Sega v. Accolade and Dastar v. Fox.
  • *holds up mirror for Florian to gaze into*
  • In simplest form. If company A patented 5+5=10. Then company B patented 20/2=10. Then company C patented Sqrt(100)=10. Would companies B and C be infringing company A's patent because it produces the same output. Even though the inputs and functions used are different. Based on what I read these days, that is what it sound like. If you produce the same output, even when the code is completely different, or even a different coding language, you are likely infringing the patent. Is this how bad softwa
  • and for the rest of you flamers and trolls, this is a Q&A thread not a thread to personally attack another person. Take the insults elsewhere.
    • You want a civil question? Okay... here goes... and it's an honest question:

      Hi Florian! How about an ancient history lesson? Would you care to tell us the real reason why your tenure at MySQL AB was so (mercifully) short-lived?

      I've always been really interested in how your answer might stack up against what I saw and heard at the time. Thanks!

      See? Keepin' it polite and everything.

    • It doesn't really matter what the thread was supposed to be for; there's no useful information on software IP that can possibly be received from this paid shill, as you have no idea if he's presenting the viewpoint he's simply paid to espouse.

      You'd be just as likely to get useful answers in a Q&A on family law from Hans Reiser.

    • by gmhowell ( 26755 )

      and for the rest of you flamers and trolls, this is a Q&A thread not a thread to personally attack another person. Take the insults elsewhere.

      Looks like Chris Crocker has someone new to white knight for.

    • and for the rest of you flamers and trolls, this is a Q&A thread not a thread to personally attack another person. Take the insults elsewhere.

      Since this is a Q and A thread, it IS about what WE decide it's about. He has done more than his share of harm, and some of us won't oblige by ignoring it.

      We have questions - serious questions - for a known paid shill. It's entirely appropriate, on a tech news site, to ask a shill why he shilled for companies with an antagonistic view towards open software development.

  • by DickBreath ( 207180 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @03:22PM (#48134085) Homepage
    Hi Florian,

    Thanks for being interviewed on Slashdot.

    Could you please give us an estimate, if you have one, of how much innovation has been destroyed by patent trolls? Also, if you happen to know, how many startups?

  • by arth1 ( 260657 ) on Monday October 13, 2014 @03:37PM (#48134201) Homepage Journal

    Dear Florian,

    What can we do to make you go away?

    • Dear Florian,

      What can we do to make you go away?

      Stop feeding him, same as any other troll.

      Or better yet, get him to say something bad about APK's HOSTS file and pop some popcorn.

  • Slashdot, obviously, has to innovate in order to stay current. Thus, they are now taking the next step after "Anonymous Cowards". The new "Identified Troll" feature will include interviews of people who have prostituted their personal credibility to some company's calculated disinformation campaign.
  • Why should anyone care what you have to say, since you're almost always in your own little Bizarro universe that is devoid of anything resembling the reality in which the rest of us live?

  • Oracle "retained" Florian Müller as a consultant ref []. Groklaw answering Florian Mueller FUD ref []ref. []
  • Time and time again your forecasts about legal disputes have been falsified in court. How can you still offer your allegedly unbiased opinion as an expert on patent law and still keep a straight face? Aren't you perhaps confusing what you (or your sponsors) wish the body of the law is with what it actually is?
    • He was never an expert. He claimed to be one, and stupid people took him at his word. Some of them then began referring to him as a patent lawyer, assuming he must be one, and he never even tried to set the record straight at the height of the whole mess. He was a paid shill, and when I went checking his background, I found his official resume was seriously padded. Like in Celine Dion to Dolly Parton padded.

      It must be ironic that he can't find any more gigs, and has to try to develop an Android "project

  • I’m a graduate student who wants to take my thesis research* with machine learning technology for engine combustion control and develop it into a startup company. Being a student, I must publish all of my work (there is no room for trade secrets). There are also many incumbent players in the field of engine combustion control that could easily squash my startup with better brand recognition. How else, besides software patent protection, can I protect my startup company? I honestly don’t see
    • The first symptom of a new but incomplete understanding of patents is gold fever. That is when you have an idea that what you are holding is extremely valuable and that you must protect it from others at all costs. People tend to get irrational about it.

      So here is some reality: The fact that you have even published your video (which is "use in commerce" under patent law) invalidates future patents that you might file on that same art. Then there is the prior art (including art you are not aware of), and the

  • As someone who read groklaw and loved it, I have only one question: aside from the sensationalist point of view, why would anyone ask anything from this guy? And /. above all, giving him even more traffic...
  • Really.
    How did you get setup with such a sweet job? Do you have to use your blood to sign the contract?

  • When naming your blog, why did you choose an oxymoron of such contradictory terms? Sort of like Microsoft Morals. Or Apple Humility.


God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
