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Imminent Server Seizure Tests Brazil's New Internet Bill of Rights 52

sunbird (96442) writes "Less than one week after passing the Marco Civil da Internet, Article 3 of which purports to protect free expression and privacy of personal data from government intrusion, a Public Prosecutor in Brazil is seeking to seize a server hosting research groups, social movements, discussion lists and other tools. The server is hosted by the Saravá Group, which has adopted a policy of not storing connection logs to protect the privacy of users. The Public Prosecutor is seeking to identify individuals involved in Rádio Mudo, a project hosted by Saravá, but as Saravá does not store logs, there is no information on the server that is responsive to the investigation. This action comes as Brazil seeks to place itself in the forefront of protecting internet privacy after it hosted the Net Mundial conference. Saravá has called for a protest action today at 1PM local time (9AM PT/12noonET) to protest against the seizure."
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Imminent Server Seizure Tests Brazil's New Internet Bill of Rights

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 28, 2014 @06:05PM (#46863973)

    Muda, not Mudo.

    This misspelling changed the meaning from Change Radio to Mute Radio. WTF submitter and editors, this is not rocket science.

    • Mute radio is pretty funny though.

      All music all the time!

    • by sunbird ( 96442 )
      I blame sleep deprivation and not speaking PT. Sorry!
    • by nitehawk214 ( 222219 ) on Monday April 28, 2014 @09:24PM (#46864981)

      Muda, not Mudo.

      This misspelling changed the meaning from Change Radio to Mute Radio. WTF submitter and editors, this is not rocket science.

      That is just what the government is trying to turn it into.

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      "Rádio Muda" in Portuguese could be translated both as Mute Radio or Change Radio. Portughese adjectives flexes with gender, an since radio is a female noun, the correct form of mute would be "muda", not "mudo". It may be an intended pun.

    • by ruir ( 2709173 )
      Couldnt it be automatic dictionaries at play? I write all the time in Portuguese and English, often in a while in Spanish and very rarely in French. Use to have multilanguage dictionaries correction, however they would go crazy when I mixing languages in the same paragraph, so I disabled the autocorrection of words. It was a major nuisance - often I posted things with wrong words.
  • by sunbird ( 96442 ) <> on Monday April 28, 2014 @06:08PM (#46863993)
    As a result, Saravá's site is down. Here's a mirror [] of the original statement from Saravá. Also, here's an amusing picture [] of the group putting new drives in to try to get the site back up.
  • by bazmail ( 764941 ) on Monday April 28, 2014 @06:09PM (#46864001)
    they are full of shit.

    All the noises they;ve made about protecting rights and speech are just lies. They are desperately trying to look like a "people first" nation in the run up to the FIFA World Cup, to counter and quell the unrest at home relating to the spiralling cost of hosting the tournament.
    • by nurb432 ( 527695 )

      The people are also hypocrites, it works both ways.

    • by Sycraft-fu ( 314770 ) on Monday April 28, 2014 @09:47PM (#46865047)

      So much as just being full of shit. What I mean by that is that people in general, but governments in particular seem to be great at doublethink. They can seem to hold two different contradictory opinions in their head. So governments hate, HATE the idea of other governments spying on them and their citizens. They don't like foreign governments messing with their businesses, either.

      However they see no problem when they do it. They don't even find it hypocritical. It is IMPORTANT and NECESSARY when they do it, you see. Not at all like those assholes in other countries!

      I think that is probably what is going on with Brazil. They see the US's actions as deplorable, their own actions as essential. They really don't see a dichotomy there.

    • Your freedom only lasts as long as you do not cross the path of a "big shot" (rich and powerful). Is the same thing here on Brazil. It is because of situations like that every citizen should have guns.
    • they are full of shit. .

      Correct. As someone who was born and grew up in Latin America, Brazil (and all the governments and politicians south of the border) are full of shit. It is all talk about liberty, freedoms and crap. They are not the enlightened, poor-caring technocrats they like to paint themselves for the ruminant masses.

      People in the US complain about its political classes and the disinterested voting masses. Ha! Latin America is much, much worse than that. I used to dream it would change. It won't. Not in my life time.

  • The law was passed with the "intention" of being the Brazilian "net neutrality" law. However, its chapter 1, article 1, paragraph 8 reads: "VIII - a liberdade dos modelos de negócios promovidos na Internet, desde que não conflitem com os demais princípios estabelecidos nesta Lei."

    Freely translating, that could be read as "the freedom to shape internet businesses, as long as it doesn't conflict with the rest of this Law."

    Chapter 3, article 9, paragraph 1 later states that net traffic may only

  • by perpenso ( 1613749 ) on Monday April 28, 2014 @06:11PM (#46864013)
    Article 3's translation says "protecting personal data, as provided by law". So a prosecutor going to a judge to gain access to a server does not seem to violate the bill of rights. The article's goal seems to be to stop the type of snooping the NSA is accused of, not impede a court of law.
    • So what does this Article 3 give you that the law doesn't already?
      • So what does this Article 3 give you that the law doesn't already?

        It lets a candidate say that they voted for the "internet bill of rights" when the time comes for reelection. I don't know about Brazil but here in the U.S. going on record on the "correct" side of an issue is all that is necessary. Our elected officials are only expect to have good intentions, not to actually produce good and effective legislation.

  • by zedaroca ( 3630525 ) on Monday April 28, 2014 @07:36PM (#46864507)
    There's an agency that regulates communications in Brazil and to have a working radio you need a permit (long history of oligopoly here, they don't give the permit). Radio Muda doesn't have the permit, that's the problem. The seizure is also happening on any other non registered radios in the city.

    Also, the prosecutor is claiming security issues with interference on airplanes. They are a radio inside Brazil's #2 university with top engineers saying there's no way they are causing any safety problems, so that's a blatant lie from the prosecutor.

    Eight other radio stations were seized in February. As much as it's a terrible thing and it just shows how the State is used against the people, this is really not related to Marco Civil or the fact that they are not logging anything.
    • Exact. The only radio stations "authorized" to operate here are those whose owners are right wing politicians and entrepreneurs of the mainstream media who do not want voices disagreeing with what they say is the truth.
      • by Anonymous Coward

        While this is true, "Radio Muda" has been operating without any sort of permit *REQUEST* for 20 years. Not even for experimental operation, with reduced power. And that's in an University that has a body of at least 100 top-quality EEs in the faculty, some of them IEEE fellows, and they produce at least 40 EE undergraduates and a few EE graduates per year, any of which would be quite capable of drafting a FM broadcasting station permit request in about 8 hours of work if they don't know the ANATEL procedu

        • While I understand your point, have you ever tried to get a permit to operate a radio? Maybe the folks at Radio "Muda" simply do not bother to try to get one precisely because they would never receive (remember, permissions are given only to friends of the king), they following all the rules or not.
        • Thanks for the post. I've always assumed there was EE people involved with Radio Muda. I'm not sure there's anything that would help to get the permit though. They might try to get it now that they are being seized constantly, we'll see if the university will be of any help.
  • In Brazil laws come in effect after a period of time after being published (this must be the case with most laws in most countries). Art. 32 of the new law says it will start counting 60 days from being officially published, that will be on June 22th. Here is the link for the law in the government website: L12968 [], just go to the very end, it's the last one.

    Also, art. 15 states that internet applications (websites/services?) providers that are organized as companies, and provide the application in an organi

    • It's actually very bad that they are coming up with this kind of "international news", tying unrelated things to try to make our government look hypocrite when that's not the case (although they are on other issues). I never got involved with them, but from distance they used to look decent before, like a political group that wouldn't lie like this. Gosh, I'm gonna go protest them next time I go there.

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