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Snowden Gives Alternative Christmas Message On Channel 4 224

codeusirae wrote in with news that Edward Snowden gave an alternative to the UK's yearly Christmas message, speaking about his objections to mass indiscriminate surveillance by governments. The message aired on channel four at 16:15. Slashgear posted a transcript. Quoting: "Think about what this means for the privacy of the average person. A child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all. They'll never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves — an unrecorded, unanalyzed thought. And that's a problem, because privacy matters. Privacy is what allows us to determine who we are and who we want to be."
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Snowden Gives Alternative Christmas Message On Channel 4

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  • but snooping on phone calls and facebook is a tad far off from mind reading

  • by bogaboga ( 793279 ) on Wednesday December 25, 2013 @01:58PM (#45782881)

    Just think about it for a sec...

    If an Iranian or Russian version of Snowden had defected to the [mighty] USA, we would be trumpeting our "superior" system and way-of-life as compared to "those other nations."

    We would be saying we're glad to be living here where ther's the "rule of law" yada yada yada...

    But because he was one of us, our government is instead labeling him as a traitor. Sadly, a good number of Americans don't see the hipocrisy!!

    • by Trepidity ( 597 )

      That's because they're bad, so defecting from them is good, whereas we're good, so defecting from us is bad. :)

      • by Dunbal ( 464142 ) *
        And of course you're "good" because that's where you happened to be born and raised, whereas someone not born and raised there knows that actually, you are "bad". Everything is subjective. I do know, however, that what I do in my own time, where I go, the things I buy, and the semi-private conversations and opinions I share with people on and off the internet ARE NO ONE ELSE'S FUCKING BUSINESS. Snooping on people is not only illegal in most parts of the world, it's also rude and highly unethical. But it loo
      • Wreck-it Ralph, is that you?
    • It's all about intent. And, like everything else, you can't legislate for intent.

      • Yes you can.

        Intent is the difference between murder in the first degree and manslaughter.

        I think what Snowden did was extremely illegal for a goddamned reason. However, these are not normal circumstances so I think he should be pardoned after being charged.

        Although that being said I wish House GOP leaders would horsewhip Rep. Darrel Issa over being less responsible with leaks than Snowden, Wikileaks, Glenn Greenwald or even a hole on the side of a boat.

    • Both Fox News [] and The Washington Post [] are reporting favorably on Snowden. Congress and the courts are acting on his revelations. He's changed the world a little, probably for the better.

    • The USA isn't cracking down on dissidents like Russia or Iran are.

      The fact that Ted Cruz, one of the few men who can be isolated as a reason for the 2013 shutdown, is still walking about...

      I think things are more complex and nuanced than just saying that Snowden is a traitor or a hero or that America is complicit in the same kinds of surveillance as way more oppressive regimes are.

      2013 has really brought down my tolerance for horse shit and hyperbole.

    • Good to see the straw man is alive and well on slashdot through the end of 2014.

  • Children have millions of these before they ever use an electronic gewgaw.
    • by vux984 ( 928602 ) on Wednesday December 25, 2013 @03:07PM (#45783269)

      Some children have baby monitors in their room from birth, gps trackers by the time they are toddlers if not before. They graduate to playing with an tablet that starts collecting information on them by 4 or 5, and a few more years after that and they've got a cell phone tracking nearly every move and social interaction.

      Maybe not you or your children. But its absolutely true that full surveillance from birth is a thing now.

      As parents its an interesting conundrum choosing between the security of a toddler gps and the knowledge that doing so actively prevents your child from ever being properly alone or even possibly lost. And as parents, I feel that as terrifying as that is for both child and parent, the possibility of being lost is a NECESSARY part of growing up and being an independent responsible person. They need that sense of being able to get lost; even if they don't actually get lost.

      We elected not to track the kids, and to give them more space than many of their peers have.

      But I know of many families where the kids have no real privacy at all, ever. If they write in their diary, their parents will have read it. If they have a box they keep special things in their parents will have have rooted through it.

        I wouldn't be above searching their room and belongings if I had a concern, but I'd have to have a genuine concern to do that invasion of privacy. I think all kids need *some* privacy, and increasingly more as they get older, and many do not get it.

      But whenever they've gone outside to play and they've wandered off with friends or whatever and aren't where they are supposed to be and forgot to check in with us... well... I completely get the fear that rises up and leads some parents to go what i think is completely overboard.

  • ... with this country, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mi
  • "...because privacy matters. Privacy is what allows us to determine who we are and who we want to be."

    Y'know, when I read that, for some reason the first thing I thought of was James Brown, the singer/composer/dancer. I watched a documentary about him once, and remember that as a child, he would go off by himself and be in his own head. I think that's where a lot of his creativity came from. Maybe I just identified with that and maybe a lot of people don't care. But yes, I think privacy matters.

    Looked a

  • "...They'll never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves â" an unrecorded, unanalyzed thought..."

    Bullshit. This is just drama-queen nonsense right here.

    No, their complaints aren't private...because they post them immediately to Facebook, snapchat them to someone else, or can't help but tweet their latest crisis to their 465 followers. Surprise, announcing your private thoughts and feelings to hundreds if not thousands makes it unlikely your thought is "private".

    Today, any person ca

    • No, their complaints aren't private...because they post them immediately to Facebook, snapchat them to someone else, or can't help but tweet their latest crisis to their 465 followers. Surprise, announcing your private thoughts and feelings to hundreds if not thousands makes it unlikely your thought is "private".

      You do realize this is about surveillance, right? Even if you have nothing to do with Facebook, your communications are still being monitored.

      They can have "private thoughts".

      Oh, that's nice.

      There are even lots of opportunities for actual privacy

      And thanks to modern technology and governments that are willing to use said technology to infringe upon people's rights, the number of such opportunities is decreasing.

      (unless you choose to avail yourself of modern communications).

      Well, that's kind of the problem, isn't it? This is the information age, and I don't exactly expect people to abandon modern communications just so they can ensure that their corrupt go

  • Jesus Christ (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Shemmie ( 909181 ) on Wednesday December 25, 2013 @07:00PM (#45784459)

    The majority of posts, on /. of all places, slamming Snowden for "blah blah blah, PR, narcissist, looking to make money off this."

    This guy has effectively destroyed his own life, and the lives of those around him, to tell us, the plebs of the world, the truth that our Governments have been hiding from us.

    And you're tearing a strip off him?

    • I can't imagine what it would have taken to leave a girlfriend like his. Geeks just don't get girls like that... EVER!
      At first I was unconvinced of the effectiveness of what he did because he didn't really tell us anything we didn't already strongly suspect (or know) but the dialogue created has successfully provoked public awareness far beyond my expectations. It's reasonably clear that Snowden *could* gain a lot from this - but he definitely hasn't even tried. Anyway, as far as I am concerned he deserve
    • Re:Jesus Christ (Score:5, Informative)

      by AHuxley ( 892839 ) on Wednesday December 25, 2013 @08:28PM (#45784929) Journal
      Most of the trolls and sock puppets seem to be reading from [] []
      As more Snowden docs where released their usual straw man, topic changing, the crypto is still good, 'other countries', its all legal, "its only metadata" sock puppet talking points became more and more of a joke over the weeks.
      The world now knows of the junk internet encryption, the useless telco encryption, the tame US firms, the tame US staff, the tame US legal teams, the tame staff in other countries ensuring all data flows back the UK/US and many other 'friends', the lack of any real political oversight, the lack of basic crypto skill around top political leaders.
      Better software, hardware, air gaps and law reform will slowly correct many of the issues :)
      The reality of [] is now for good lawyers to understand and consider.
    • I *agree* with what he did.

      I doubt I'd have had the courage, honestly, to go as far.

      Nevertheless, the idea that future generations "will never know a private thought" is complete histrionic bullshit. In my experience, the people complaining about a lack of privacy today are people that snapchat, twitter, and facebook regularly.

      To rephrase then: "Socially-addicted attention whores have no privacy"...
      Is that a surprise?

      It's not either/or. He can be admirable for what he did AND be a drama queen in his comme

      • the people complaining about a lack of privacy today are people that snapchat, twitter, and facebook regularly.

        How is your hypothetical about people complaining all being on FaceBook (I'm not) any different about people complaining about Snowden's revelations based on hypothetical ways he COULD HAVE (but not really) made his revelations on US soil? In addition; these are chosen public displays -- not stolen information. It's the difference between dressing up and being silly at a party, and someone taking

    • The shortcomings of Snowden not making his revelations within range of a sniper rifle remind me that I don't follow The Jesus because he didn't jog on the water. I mean, he just walked. What kind of example about physical fitness is that?

  • Sorry but the NSA and the Presidents who authorized this shit have lost their way completely. IF and when the NSa is busted interfering in American or European economic or political life in the name of "national security" which they may have already done because clearly this is a group of technocrats, reputation hounds, careerists and yes men in whom any notion of what constitutes a civil society is entirely absent. They don't *get* that as soon as they're caught tipping outcomes, ruining lives, thwartin

    • They are stockpiling information on you to use when they do become interested in you. That could mean that they are investigating a terror plot that you are a part of, but that is not the only way to become interesting to the well-funded shadowy government organization.

      For instance, suppose you decided that you don't want to just stay in your place and instead pursue social activism or politics? Suppose further that you are not the kind of person that is easily controlled. Perhaps they have some conversa

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
