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Facebook Faces PRISM Data Investigation In Ireland 86

judgecorp writes "Facebook's links to the NSA's PRISM program could be investigated in Ireland, thanks to the persistence of some Austrian law students. The group has challenged Facebook in Europe as it has its regional headquarters there for tax reasons. 'The [Data Protection Commissioner] simply wanted to get this hot potato off his table instead of doing his job. But when it comes to the fundamental rights of millions of users and the biggest surveillance scandal in years, he will have to take responsibility and do something about it,' said the leader of the student group, Max Schrems."
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Facebook Faces PRISM Data Investigation In Ireland

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  • what is dpc

  • by frootcakeuk ( 638517 ) on Friday October 25, 2013 @03:15AM (#45231735)
    I hope someone's balls get cut off! Maybe they can sort this 'beheading vids' bullshit out while they're at it
    • by Seumas ( 6865 )

      Both of those things will be okay -- as long as there's no *gasp* side-boob!

    • Knowing the current proceedings, I wouldn't be so happy about seeing someone's balls being cut off. It's far from impossible that in some twisted way OUR balls will be on the line.

  • Potatoes (Score:5, Funny)

    by wonkey_monkey ( 2592601 ) on Friday October 25, 2013 @03:17AM (#45231747) Homepage

    The DPC simply wanted to get this hot potato off his table

    I thought the Irish liked potatoes.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Just like the Americans like invading other countries and bombing them into oblivion!

    • Someone mistook a steaming turd for a baked spud. Do not offer me your mashed potatoes, thanks.

  • HA-ha! (Score:4, Insightful)

    by SeaFox ( 739806 ) on Friday October 25, 2013 @03:25AM (#45231769)

    See where your tax dodging schemes got you, Facebook?

    • Re:HA-ha! (Score:5, Informative)

      by Sique ( 173459 ) on Friday October 25, 2013 @03:34AM (#45231801) Homepage
      In this case, setting up their EU headquarters in any other EU state wouldn't have made a difference, because Data Protection laws are similar through the whole EU. Setting up country headquarters in each country they are operating in would have made it more easy for Max Schrems to go after them, as he would have filed the complaint in his home country.

      We should rather say: "See, even your tax and judical review dodging schemes didn't help you."

      • Setting up a European headquarters was the mistake, not which country it was set up in. Create an actual legal presence somewhere and you have that many more legal systems to contend with.

        • by Sique ( 173459 )
          It's not easy to do business in the EU without having a headquarter there. And if Facebook wants to offer ad space for EU based companies, it has to have an EU presence.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 25, 2013 @03:29AM (#45231781)

    What we need is a European Email and Social Network company. One that we know won't offer back doors to the US Security Organisations. One that is free from interference

    • by Lennie ( 16154 ) on Friday October 25, 2013 @03:42AM (#45231821)

      Federated or disitributed is the only solution.

      Everything else is useless. As Eben Moglen would say: everything can keep their own logs.

      • Must be a hard problem to solve right as unfortunately no such Federated/distributed system has stepped up to the plate. (Diaspora springs to mind but the average user could hardly install and start using it...).
        • by jalopezp ( 2622345 ) on Friday October 25, 2013 @04:55AM (#45232093)

          Yeah, but it's not up to the average user to get the network going. It is the technically proficient that should install diaspora, if enough of us have a server signing up won't be difficult. And as time passes and the network grows, diaspora will become easier to install. Walk throughs get written, makeuseof and lifehacker write articles, then some of the steps get automated as more people post the subtleties of their particular configuration, and finally you get something that's as easy as installing mint.

          I dislike it when technical people complain about average users finding things difficult that average users shouldn't be doing anyway. It's not their job, dummy, if we want a better network it's up to us to build it. What do we run servers for anyway?

        • by cusco ( 717999 )

          And right here the dogma of "the free market will provide" breaks down.

    • by JaredOfEuropa ( 526365 ) on Friday October 25, 2013 @03:47AM (#45231843) Journal
      How about one without back doors toany security organisations?

      Same problem with that proposed new EU law: if adopted, it will forbid companies to share data to non-EU law enforcement agencies without an EU judge approving the matter. I am much in favour of this idea: if the law does not compel you to share data, you are forbidden to share it; none of this voluntary cooperation crap. But I was disappointed to note that no-one spoke up to make the law universal, i.e. to also forbid voluntary sharing with EU-based agencies.
    • Yeah, that way we'll make sure it will only bend over to any and all EU governments, but it will be fortified against US requests. Well, unless the US wants to get into a data exchange agreement with the EU, that is.

      Frankly, I'd rather use some Chinese or Iranian social service. About your only chance to not have the NSA dig through your privates at leisure.

      • by cusco ( 717999 )

        People forget about the whole reason for Echelon's existence. It was illegal for the US and several other foreign intel agencies to spy on their own people. The way they got around this was to have the US spy on their people, spy on US citizens, and then the two sides would exchange data. Of course that was before the US promoted a former head of the CIA to the White House, so the intel agencies had to at least pretend to follow the laws.

    • by Godwin O'Hitler ( 205945 ) on Friday October 25, 2013 @05:36AM (#45232191) Journal

      I suspect most of the European national security services (well, all except GCHQ) are delighted the NSA has taken the heat off them.
      A few insincere sound bytes from Merkel and Hollande and it's Vive la liberté—when all the time the deceitful bastards know fine well "there but for the grace of Snowden go I."

      My point being that I have totally no reason to prefer snooping from by government over snooping by another.

      • errr ... that was meant to be "snooping by one government over snooping by another"

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) *

        Americans always assume everyone else is at least as bad as they are, usually worse. They are most often wrong.

        • Not sure why you addressed that reply to a Brit (sig gives it away, right?), but kudos all the same for an admirably constructed generalization.

    • You know the EU passed a very widespread requirement for all data to be available to the powers to be not that long ago. And i am sure Angela will be wanting to keep an eye on the greeks to make sure they dont up set the Euro apple cart
  • by Anonymous Coward []

    Lazy submitter, bad editor, silly techweek for omitting it...

  • Activist citizens using Europe's consumer data protection laws attacking the NSA and Facebook in one fell swoop?

    I just feel so giddy.

  • Why is the NSA putting out Katy Perry's new album?

"Tell the truth and run." -- Yugoslav proverb
